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Stories Of Life
Stories Of Life
Stories Of Life
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Stories Of Life

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★★★Worldwide bestseller★★★

♥♥♥I the author thank you the reader in advance for taking the time to explore my creation♥♥♥

This literary work is compromised of stories mimicking society in a fictional format, such as crimes of rejection. This book gives readers a front-row seat to some of the horror stories of crimes committed by one party against the other when told of not wanting the relationship anymore.

★Readers will also find a variety of poems that are compact with;

◆motivational thoughts and speeches



◆Infamous brutality

◆Exploration sexual nature

I have also went ahead to even dig deep within the world of music, so I can put an advance increase to my songwriting ability, not only to provide the reader with wonderful songs but also to give them a musical gift from the mind, for those who are interested in music.

★★★This book is not only of Informational status but also to give you a peace of mind from a point of which the reader showed try to either grow from or avoid.★★★

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Stories Of Life

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    Book preview

    Stories Of Life - James J.J Thomas

    About the book

    This literary work is comprised of stories mimicking society in a fictional format, such as crimes of rejection. This book gives readers a front-row seat to some of the horror stories of crimes committed by one party against the other when told of not wanting the relationship anymore.

    Readers will also find a variety of poems, from motivational, regret, hope, brutality, and of sexual nature. I have explored my songwriting ability with some wonderful songs for those who are interested in music.

    James J.J. Thomas


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher/author.

    Copyright © James J.J. Thomas


    Published by: James J.J. Thomas


    Tel: 876-484-8646

    Table of Contents

    Crime of Rejection

    Troubling Issues

    Variety of Poems

    Erotica (Sexual Contents)








    Original Quotes by the Author

    Crimes of Rejection

    A Dream Gone Sour

    Laura's dream of becoming a medical doctor was well cemented in her mind from when she was in primary school. She never lost focus, keeping her mind on a prize she was determined to win. Laura's transition to high school was smooth, with her eyes set on university. She got a half scholarship to fund her university education, not knowing where the rest was coming from.

    Days before the start of her course of education, she met a man who convinced her to do a course in business management, promising her that at the end of the course she would manage his large business entities, consisting of hotels, real estates, construction, transportation, such as car rental and the selling of high-end new cars.

    This sounded exciting and clamorous to Laura. The man told her she will be the president of the company.

    Laura went home and told her family about changing her mind about becoming a doctor and what she would be doing after university and the millions of dollars she would be making; her family was not happy.

    The man cut Laura a check for her to start her university education, enrolling in business administration.

    Laura has her eyes set on traveling the world, a dream she is looking forward to with sheer delight. This man in question, Paul, not really a nice-looking man, and has never been with such an attractive girl before. He has his mind set on marrying Laura before she graduates from university.

    All signs are showing that there will be trouble ahead. During the holiday (break) Paul would assign Laura to one of his business outlets for her to get firsthand experience of the business world.

    Laura is now out of university and enjoying her new role as a power broker in the fast-moving business environment. She is being pressured by Paul to marry him; he is afraid of losing her.

    With Laura not responding to Paul's marriage proposal he asked Laura to take a break from work and stay home until further notice. Paul would come home in the evening and be physically and verbally abusive. And he has taken her cell phone away, cutting her off from all communication from the outside world. Her life has taken on a dramatic twist. She is locked away in the basement of the house; if there is a fire, there will be no way out.

    Paul comes in the evenings and would beat her, throw her down on the floor to have sex in the most degrading way while swearing.

    Laura only way out is to tell Paul yes, let's get married, which she did. He immediately freed her from lock down. Paul was all smiles, knowing fully well he would be having a beauty for his wife.

    With all his money he never attracted beautiful women. He is not one with refine looks; rougher cut, and not really a handsome guy.

    Laura sat down with Paul to plan the wedding date. Paul wanted a lavish one, also Laura. Date set, three months' time.

    Laura is now planning her way out of the claws and jaws of a dangerous Paul.

    While he is shopping overseas for the wedding.

    Paul started to make plans for his big day and relate the news to his money friends, and they are happy for him. But many of his friends know that he has an anger problem and abusive to women.

    He thought about buying a very expensive ring for Laura, but she talked him out of it.

    Meanwhile, planning for the wedding is in high gear, while Laura is very close to making a run for her life.

    Laura got the chance she was waiting for when Paul went overseas to shop for the wedding. He spent over $40,000.00US buying name brand items.

    Laura is gone, she left the house and left a note on Paul's bed to let him know that she is not going through with the marriage, she has changed her mind and moving on with her life. In all of this Paul was trying to text her, email, telephone her to no avail, and thinking something must have gone wrong with her. He immediately got on the next available flight home, wondering what the problem was. Reaching home, he hurriedly went inside the house, only to see what he was not expecting, the woman he went shopping for, left a telling and chilling note that she is gone, leaving him heartbroken and sad.

    Every effort by him in trying to find her went up in smoke. He contacted the local police and was told that she had contacted them to let them know that she is OK.

    Paul has put a group of known underground thugs together to rape her repeatedly for one week straight. The instruction was clear, do not kill her. He wants her to feel the pain of gang rape. Paul said, What she did to me is worse than gang rape, it touches the nerves ending of my heart. Some days I cannot find the energy to get out of bed. My heart is shattered; I don't think I can ever love again.

    Meanwhile the gang is on the hunt for Laura. They are searching places where she always hangs out. The leader of the gang got a call that she was seen leaving a restaurant heavily disguised.

    Laura is staying with a friend at a highly secured mansion, and is planning to leave the country.

    One day Laura borrowed her friend's car to go the nearby pharmacy, on coming out of a side road she hit a car that was heavily tinted, just like the one she was driving.

    She got out of her car to see the impact of the accident. Bingo for the gangsters when they saw her, she had no clue that they are looking for her. They calmly told her to park her car and come with them to get help. Laura started to tremble when the gangsters driving without any intention of looking about the accident.

    Laura started to cry. Was blind folded and taken to a house at a lonely spot, a place where the gangsters hang out. There were four more hardcore gangsters waiting.

    She was given some rice and chicken and some milk. She was stripped and repeatedly raped daily for eight days and sodomized in the most inhumane way.

    Laura ended up becoming a frequent patient in a mental institution; a mere shadow of her former self.

    When Paul got the news of her plight, he merely said, That is my revenge.

    A Homosexual Revenge

    David grew up in a very controlled environment. He was not into games boys his age would play. He would stand on his lawn at times to watch his peers riding their bikes.

    His father is a fire-brand preacher with a huge following across the globe, raking over one billion dollars annually in donations. David's father Edward carefully crafted how he wanted his only child to grow because his hope is that he will come to take over his ministry.

    David did not show any interest in girls while growing, not even when he was in college, which did not draw attention from his parents. They thought it was best for him to put the hard work in getting his college life out of the way. His father is very proud of his son, but there is a secret life he is living that he cannot reveal to him, he is a homosexual, a life he has managed very well.

    When he asked him what he is going to do with his life after college, he was shocked when told of a desire to be a Priest. He offered him the opportunity to take over his ministry, which was refused. He wanted to work with the poor, and for him it's a way of giving back.

    He is in a loving relationship with Ray, they both loved each other and has his eyes set on marrying him. There is nothing in the world I would not do for him, said David. But the relationship started to get rocky after he was posted in Brazil in a very poor and crime ridden city. He is a worried man because Ray is not returning messages and is deeply concerned. He has made him a promise to take him over to Brazil, though he is in the company of some handsome young men, and having tremendous influence over them. David is very charismatic with a commanding and over-powering presence, which gives him a sharp edge to attract people from the disadvantage sector of society.

    After one year into his new posting, David has immersed himself well and is a hit with the community, especially with the young and elderly. He has started quite a few well needed outreach program mes for the poor and vulnerable, such as soup kitchens, and night shelters, and a place for recovering drug addicts. The president of Brazil has called to commend him on

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