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Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya
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Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya

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The young lady was distracted from her thoughts by the voice of Maia:
“Lycoris, let's go to that store over there! I forgot to buy some spices at the market, and here they are a huge selection!”
Ms. Teiwaz pointed to a building located along the road along which the girls returned to the mansion. ‘Spice Shop’, read a bright sign on the store, decorated with images of exotic plants.
“Go there? Have you been there before?” Farrell was momentarily taken aback.
For some reason, at the sight of the shop, the girl was overcome by bad forebodings. An inner voice stubbornly told her: “Don’t go there!”
But Maia smiled happily and answered:
“Of course, I have been there many times before! They have great prices! And the owner of the shop is a real handsome man!”
“Oh, I see,” Lycoris said skeptically, thinking to herself that the maid went to the Spice Shop in the first place for that very reason.
And her guess turned out to be correct. However, Maia did not want to admit it openly.
The girls entered the store. They were met by the melodic sound of a bell hanging over the door.
Inside the room there were rows with various dried spices in bright boxes, dried fruits and dried herbs. The aroma of spices hung in the air, mingled with the smell of some oil.
“Welcome Ms. Maia and her friend!” a young man of pleasant appearance immediately greeted the visitors. “We just got new spices delivered!”
“Good afternoon, Mr. Swartz!” Maia replied with a smile.
She introduced Lycoris, and after exchanging a number of formal courtesies, the girl began to choose spices.
Meanwhile, Lycoris felt dizzy. “Probably because of the strong smell of various spices, I'm not used to them,” she decided.
Farrell wanted to warn Maia that she would go outside for some fresh air and wait for her outside. Suddenly she heard the voice of her friend:
“Oh my head...” said Ms. Teiwaz, clutching at the wooden wall.
And suddenly, unconscious, she fell to the floor.
Lycoris wanted to bring Maia back to her senses, but realized that her consciousness was also slipping away. Literally in a moment, she was completely swallowed up by darkness, and the girl, like her companion, lost consciousness and fell to the floor.
Mr. Swartz chuckled contentedly.
“Serna, help me!” he called his subordinate. “We need to get them out of here quickly before anyone sees!”
From the door at the back of the room appeared a young boy of about seventeen or eighteen years old, with fox ears. He was a beast-human from the fox tribe of the Kai Empire, and once Swartz bought him as a slave. Since in Ferrum, unlike Kai, slavery was prohibited, Serna was formally a servant of Swartz.
Without further ado, the boy carried Lycoris deep into the shop while his master carried Maia.
When they finally finished, the shop owner said to his slave-servant:
“And blow out the incense with sleeping mixture, then ventilate the room. Although we have adapted to this smell, it is better not to inhale it too much. And other visitors should not suspect anything. I never expected that today would be such a good day! Two girls came here at once, in the service of Lady Landriano!”
Serna obediently blew out the incense burner hidden in the corner, which he imperceptibly lit when Maia and Lycoris appeared on the threshold, and opened the windows. Then he timidly asked:
“Sir, I know that you need to bring the girls to the Forbidden City to be sacrificed to the goddess Greya. But these two are maids of Countess Landriano. Wouldn't that arouse unnecessary suspicion? Maybe it's better to let them go and find someone else?”
Serna did not like doing what he had to do at all. And he really liked Maia — the girl was always kind to him, while most people treated the beast-humans negatively...

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya - Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus.

    The Oath of Two Worlds.

    Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya

    Written By Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2020 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover - Image by Javier Rodriguez from Pixabay

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds

    Chapter 3. The Kingdom of Ferrum, the Capital of Aurum, the Moon Fortress of the Claiomh Family

    Chapter 4. The Confederation of Ceres. Story of the Tuatha’s Kingdom of Lokrin

    Chapter 5. The Kingdom of Ferrum, the Capital of Aurum. The Forbidden City

    Book 2. Followers of the Dark Goddess Greya

    This story is fiction and fantasy. And any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    This story is completely fiction.

    Chapter 3. The Kingdom of Ferrum, the Capital of Aurum, the Moon Fortress of the Claiomh Family

    Kingdom of Ferrum, year 5518 from the Great Displacement

    The day after the visit of Legate Benicio, Lycoris woke up in her room. Grandfather clock, as always, at exactly six in the morning, began to play a pleasant melody.

    Nasty mechanism, the sleepy girl muttered as she turned off the meticulous device.

    Although she had been working in Countess Landriano's mansion for a month, she could not get used to such a daily routine.

    Dissatisfied, Lycoris got up from the bed and began to clean herself up. She had a busy day ahead of her: cleaning the ground floor with Maia, helping out in the garden, going shopping in the city.

    The maids went to the market in pairs, taking turns. Farrell went shopping with Ms. Teiwaz.

    "If I continue to work in Lady Rosalinda's mansion, then I will definitely never return home," the girl mused gloomily. But where should I go? And how can I find a way to return to my world? If I understand correctly, it all happened because of my medallion. More precisely, because of the bead in it: after all, it did not glow before. Mom said it was my real mother's medallion, I think. And my father, I remember, mentioned that I was not an ordinary human. If the medallion transported me here, something must have activated it. Maybe strong emotions? After all, the day I was transported here, I was very upset because Paulo left me. And then I found out that my mother was not my own. Here the bead reacted to my emotional background. But how do I run it again to get back home? What should I experience? Or do I need to find my real mother? She may know about it. But I have no idea where to start looking. From what I've learned in the month I've been here, Rhiannon is a very common name in Ferrum. This is not only the name of the Queen. For example, two neighbors' maids have the same name.

    At this point, Lycoris' thoughts usually came to a dead end. Besides, Decima didn't say that Rhiannon was from Ferrum! Maybe she's from the neighboring Kingdom of Lignum? And then there are countries like Ignis and Erin.

    In any case, there were many kingdoms with vast lands, and finding one single woman among the great multitude of people seemed unrealistic. So despite her desire to learn more about and get to know her biological mother, Farrell decided it would be easier to understand how her medallion worked.

    "I can study my medallion while continuing to work as a maid for Lady Rosalinda. I have nowhere to go anyway," Farrell thought to herself.

    …Soon, Lycoris, as always, went downstairs, where, along with the rest of the servants, she received orders from Mrs. Miltiya. Then she began to clean up on the first floor with Maia.

    After finishing cleaning the mansion, the girls helped in the garden, and then, after taking a shopping list from the cook, they went shopping.


    While life in the house of Countess Landriano went on as usual, her son, Ayrell, also did not sit idle.

    The young man was in the service of the financial department. His duties included not only maintaining various documentation of the appropriate nature. But also periodically go to check the tax affairs of various aristocrats or institutions.

    The other day, Ayrell received an assignment from his crowned father: to check on the affairs of the Moon Fortress, owned by the influential Claiomh family of swordswomen and swordsmen. They were called the Iron Swords, because for generations they served the Arden family, from which the current Queen of Ferrum was descended.

    His Majesty liked to regularly check the financial affairs of representatives of the nobility. In addition, the followers of the dark goddess Greya, who practice human sacrifice, have recently gained strength. There were already several precedents when they turned out to be nobles. It is clear that the cult of the dark goddess required considerable investment. Therefore, financial audits were also a security issue.

    Not only the Claiomhs did not escape the checks, but also the Ardens. However, both of them, with financial affairs, everything was in order, because their incomes have been multiplying legally for a long time. For some aristocrats, things did not always go smoothly. Sometimes they had to be interrogated, and even pay heavy fines.

    At the same time, such harsh measures paid off: the representatives of the nobility of Ferrum had no obvious illegal sources of income. However, some found workarounds for their dark deeds.

    ...Waking up early in the morning in his mansion in the capital of Aurum, which was located relatively close to the house of his mother, Lady Rosalinda, Ayrell began to clean himself up.

    Having had breakfast in the spacious but cozy dining room on the ground floor, Lord Landriano (he bore not only his mother's surname, but also the title of Count), began to get ready for the journey. He got into a carriage of strict forms, harnessed by black horses. The coachman pulled on the reins. And

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