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Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny
Ebook64 pages57 minutes

Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny

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From reflections the Queen was distracted by the voice of Liliana:
“Mother, I hope you meet your real daughter soon.”
Saying this with a slight smile, the girl disappeared. And Rhiannon woke up from her sleep.
The woman did not know whether to believe her dream or not, but decided to pray in the Temple of the Maiden of Dawn for the repose of the soul of little Liliana, as well as for the well-being of Lycoris, Decima and Enio.
Her Majesty did not know that Lycoris was now, indeed, in Ferrum, in Aqualake. And her father and cousin Ciel unsuccessfully search for her.
...Soon, the Queen's carriage arrived at the Main Temple of the Maiden of Dawn. Rhiannon, along with her court ladies, left the carriage, and, accompanied by the guards, went inside the building.
Entering the spacious hall with columns, Her Majesty saw her eldest daughter, Princess Angelina. Being the Priestess of the Maiden of Dawn, she had just finished offering prayers for the good of the country, and when she saw her mother, she was very happy.
“Mother, how glad I am to see you!” the Princess rushed towards her, as far as her leg allowed.
“Oh, Angelina, I'm glad to see you too!” the Queen hugged her daughter. Her court ladies and guards tactfully stepped aside. “You haven’t been to the palace for a long time. Your dragon Hino misses you so much! Lately, his eyes have been very sad. Is everything all right in the Temple?”
“Yeah, it's fine, it's just that I've been very busy lately,” Angelina nodded. “I want to pay a visit to the palace, but alas, I cannot seize a free minute. After a month, the festival of the Maiden of Dawn, and we are busy with preparations!”
The festival of the Maiden of Dawn was a grand festival celebrated on the tenth day of the tenth month. It was believed that on this day the Maiden of Dawn blessed people with magic for the first time.
“I completely forgot about such an important event,” Rhiannon sighed.
Suddenly, Her Majesty noticed the concern in the Princess' eyes. Angelina, anticipating further questions from her mother, answered:
“Mother, do you know that a month before the festival of the Maiden of Dawn, fortunetelling is traditionally carried out using ancient Tarot cards?”
“Yes of course. Was the fortunetelling result bad this time?” Rhiannon was worried.
“I cannot say that the result is bad. Rather very contradictory. I and all the senior priestesses of the Temple tried to interpret the result of fortunetelling, but could not accurately understand it. Its meaning can be conveyed something like this: “That which was united will be divided into two, it will go in different ways. What has to happen will happen. The circle will be closed, history in antiquity will begin. A welcome meeting will bring both joy and sadness. But the paths of fate are inevitable.”
The young lady bowed her head. But then she tried to cheer up:
“However, this does not mean that everything will be bad. Sometimes, the result of fortune-telling can be understood only when it has come true.”
“Indeed,” smiled the Queen.
They exchanged a number of courtesies, in particular, Angelina asked her mother how her father and brother were doing.
“His Majesty and Florian seem to me to be concerned today,” Rhiannon replied. “I'm worried that something might happen. Although, maybe they are also worried about the festival of the Maiden of Dawn?”
“Perhaps,” the Princess nodded.
Being a smart girl, she was well aware that her mother did not believe in her own assumption at all. And afraid to imagine the true cause of the King's unrest.

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny - Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus.

    The Oath of Two Worlds.

    Book 3. Ways of Destiny

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds. Book 3. Ways of Destiny

    Written by Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2020 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover — Image by Thomas Wolter from Pixabay

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Tale of Greya Virus. The Oath of Two Worlds

    Chapter 6. The Kingdom of Ferrum, Aqualake. The Forbidden City

    Chapter 7. The Kingdom of Ferrum, Aqualake, Nogardia

    Chapter 8. The Inevitability of Fate


    Book 3. Ways of Destiny

    This story is fiction and fantasy. And any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    This story is completely fiction.

    Part 3. Ways of Destiny

    Chapter 6. The Kingdom of Ferrum, Aqualake. The Forbidden City

    A week has passed since Countess Rosalinda Landriano arrived at her residence in the city of Aqualake.

    Ayrell, transferred to the service by His Majesty himself, was housed in his mother's mansion.

    Until recently, the King's favorite visited Aqualake infrequently, although she loved the local views. Therefore, only a few maids and an elderly butler looked after her mansion.

    Without the supervision of their Lady, the servants relaxed and did not maintain perfect order in the house. But despite this, the house was in a residential condition: more thorough cleaning and preparation of the Lady's chambers was simply required.

    Rosalinda took with her to the northern city of Ferrum only a few servants from the capital. Among them, as is known, were those who participated in the incident with the followers of Greya, Lycoris and Maia. Serna, previously entrusted to the vigilant supervision of the Countess by the King himself, also went with them: Lady Rosalinda hired him as a servant.

    Before leaving, the King ‘strongly recommended’ his favorite to take new ‘guards’ with her. Of course, they were all trusted guards from the King's personal guard.

    …As for Aqualake, it was quite a remarkable sight. The city was located in the north-west of Ferrum, had access to the sea, not far from it was the border with Regnum. Therefore, Bastets and merchants from other countries who arrived by sea often met in the city.

    In the center of Aqualake was the city hall, where the governor appointed from Aurum performed his duties. Next to the town hall was the Main Square, and nearby a huge market with an abundance of goods from different countries.

    Along the central streets stretched the mansions of the local aristocracy, the homes of many representatives of the nobility from Aurum, wealthy merchants and townspeople. Then, there were quarters with houses of ordinary residents.

    The royal residence of Aqualake was very modest, for the King did not stay in the city very often. It is located in the center, among the mansions of other aristocrats. And only the banners fluttering above its with the signs of Ferrum, an eagle striking a snake, spoke about its status.

    A mighty wall surrounded the city, ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack.

    Relatively close to Aqualake was the local Forbidden City and several residences of the rulers of the era of the Forgotten Times. It was on the model of the park of one of them that the garden around the royal palace in Aurum was once planned.

    Like the people of Aurum, the locals feared the Forbidden City and ancient residences, also believing in ghosts. In which Lycoris would certainly recognize simple holograms depicting people and life of bygone days...

    Now Lycoris, along with other maids, was in trouble: they put in order their Lady's mansion and helped her unpack her numerous luggage.

    The girl was occupied with gloomy thoughts: I just can’t deal with my medallion, or rather with the bead in it, which brought me here. What should I do? My parents know about this place, but they must be very worried. I miss them and even Amy. How I want to see them! How I want to go home!

    Alas, she could not share her feelings with anyone. As for the timid hopes of finding her biological mother, this venture seemed more and more impossible to her. After all, I don't know anything but her name, Lycoris thought sadly.

    From such thoughts, she was distracted by the voice of Maia who approached:

    Lycoris! The local butler, Mr. Armson, asks someone to go to the market and buy food for dinner! I said you and I are going shopping! This is a great opportunity to see Aqualake!

    Okay, but we won't be going to the spice shops anymore, Farrell smiled slyly.

    The red-haired girl pouted in annoyance. However, not for long: soon she was already talking animatedly about how much more remains to be done!

    The girls

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