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Love, Laughter, and Luminarias
Love, Laughter, and Luminarias
Love, Laughter, and Luminarias
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Love, Laughter, and Luminarias

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About this ebook

He has his books. She has her fandoms. They've always had their friendship. Could Christmas projects, snowball fights, and local traditions spark feelings neither knew were there?


Surprisingly successful action-suspense author Garrett Wilson is struggling to write a summer novel in December. That is, until he witnesses his best friend, Nina, chase down a shoplifter and realizes that maybe his tough, attractive heroine might not be based solely in fiction.


Geeky-chic Nina Trujillo finds herself contemplating a God she's never believed in after her brush with danger taking down a thief. That one decision could change the whole course of her life, and quite possibly, her feelings for the one guy she's never considered more than a friend.


When Nina dives head-first into a series of Christmas projects and ideas for new traditions, she drags Garrett along for the ride. Will her newfound courage and all the extra time together bring their feelings out into the open, or will Nina escape back into the comfort of her fandoms and lose him forever?

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Love, Laughter, and Luminarias

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    Love, Laughter, and Luminarias - Jaycee Weaver


    Maybe if I could just—get—my—fingers—ugh! I hate being average!

    Nina grunted each word while hopping on her toes in an attempt to reach the box of receipt tape rolls with no luck. Sure, it would make sense to give up and grab the folding step stool three feet away, but she’d almost had it!


    Ha! She shouted in victory when her finger hooked in a loose corner of the box and managed to pull it forward two inches. One more careful tug and—

    Hey, Nina! A customer’s asking for you!

    Ethan’s sudden shout caused her to jerk, sending the heavy box soaring right over her head and to the floor in an explosion of rolls that scattered in every direction like roaches with the flick of a light switch.

    Someone must have neglected to warn Ethan what happens when you surprise a Latina like that. Forget fight-or-flight. It’s all fight and Nina was already annoyed that the little idiota couldn’t be bothered to actually look for the receipt tape, which of course was why she was back here risking her life in the first place.

    Nina blew out a hard breath that shifted her bangs all crazy. Gritting her teeth to keep from letting him have it, she shoved through the doors past Ethan and pasted on a happy looking expression to welcome her customer. She made a beeline for a familiar lanky guy in a Green Arrow style hoodie.

    Wyatt! Hi! How are you today?

    I’m great. Just here for my latest issues.

    Wyatt usually avoided eye contact, but today he actually met her gaze and smiled. It was a nice smile, even if only for its rarity. The young college kid, just a few years younger than herself, was an avid collector of comic books.

    I was wondering if you were okay when I didn’t see you yesterday.

    Yeah, I had a job interview and then my sister had car trouble and I got to play hero. I hope you saved me a copy of the X-Men Second Genesis.

    First one out of the box, like always. Even though we did sell out, I saved it for you with the rest of your stack. You’re lucky I like you.

    Wyatt’s face went red and he retreated right back into his usual shell. That thought nearly made her giggle, what with his mannerism and the hoodie both giving off a sort of turtle impression. He paid for his comics and hightailed it out of there with a barely audible, Thanks.

    Whoops. She should have known being her usual gregarious self would set him off. Oh well. On her way back to the storeroom, their door chime announced another newcomer.

    Ethan was nowhere in sight, which after his sneak attack earlier, might be a wise move on his part. She’d love nothing more than to go all Natasha Romanoff on his sorry behind.

    Nina forced another smile that left her face as quickly as she’d put it there when she glimpsed her customer. The guy before her felt wrong.

    Physically, he looked like any other patron from the area. He was the very epitome of nondescript, and yet, he carried himself with an undercurrent of excited energy like a rubber band wound too tight and ready to spring. And his smile. What was it about his smile that creeped her out so much?

    Okay, God, I know we’re not really tight or anything, but if you could just keep this guy from doing something dangerous, I’d appreciate it.

    Mr. Creepy casually perused the store, his gaze wandering high to the upper display shelves that lined the walls and were filled with huge vintage playsets from popular movies of the 1970s and ‘80s. His examination continued over to the wall of fandom tees along the back and then the milk crate covered tables filled with older issues of various comic books.

    As the dude unhurriedly made his way around the center display cases, her eyes never strayed. Something wasn’t right with this guy. Warning bells clanged in her belly as loud as the call to midday mass from the church down the road. And of course, inept Ethan had completely disappeared.

    Can I help you find anything?

    Nah, just looking. Actually, I was wondering if you buy stuff like this. He pointed to an original model Millennium Falcon suspended from the ceiling by a wire.

    We do, but our owner handles all purchases himself. Care to make an appointment?

    Nina hoped her cheerful tone didn’t sound half as false as it felt.

    The guy didn’t reply, just shook his head nonchalantly, hands lightly touching everything like a typical looky-loo. And still, Nina couldn’t ignore the nagging tension that had her stomach clenched and muscles on alert.  He asked a few more innocuous questions and left.

    Nina was just pondering what that had been all about when Ethan finally decided to show his face. A face now hidden beneath a cheap Santa hat and fake white beard.

    Look what I found in the stock room!

    "Oh, so you do know where that is," she grumbled under her breath.


    Nothing. Nice hat.

    "I thought it would be funny to hang this on one of the cardboard figures. Maybe on Captain America or—DUUUUUDE!—Darth Vader! That would be so funny!"

    Go wild, buddy.

    The rest of the store had some tinsel and other scattered decorations, but she wasn’t feeling very Christmassy yet. Kind of hard to feel like celebrating when you’re probably going to be all alone for the fifth year in a row. Untethered, with no family, like a snowflake on the breeze.

    The peals of the TARDIS landing erupted from her back pocket. Of all the shows and movies she loved, Doctor Who was her favorite. Ooh! That was a great idea for their cosplay next month! She could go as—

    There went the TARDIS again. Garrett.

    Early start 2day. 4got bfast. Lunch?

    Nina grinned genuinely for the first time all day. The man was a writer and yet never sent a text without abbreviating everything he possibly could. She felt a tiny bubble of glee every time she typed back an outrageously long, grammatically correct text just to mess with

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