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Owned: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #3
Owned: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #3
Owned: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #3
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Owned: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #3

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When a routine mission goes wrong, a broken human and a conflicted alien have to fight an evil enemy and their hearts to be free.

Blaze Floridian knows one thing for certain: Eden Franco is trouble. Hot, tempting trouble. She makes him want something he never thought possible. Soul-consuming love. But there are two things standing in his way of bliss: Eden's resistance, and his obligation to his family.

If he pursues Eden, he'll destroy his family's trust and break a promise he always intended to keep. But after Eden fire-balled into his life, everything changed.

Never trust a nice guy. Eden learned that the hard, brutal way after her heart got crushed by 'Mr. Nice Guy.' Her partner on the Apocalypse, Blaze, is so charming he can't be for real. Sure, he's gorgeous, loyal, and protective of her, but it's an act. Once he gets her in bed, he'll walk away just like they always do. If only she could stop thinking about him, life would be sweet.

During a trip to Tiavac to deliver endangered animals to their new sanctuary, they're ambushed by the Pecket. Barely escaping, they think they're safe on the sanctuary planet. The Pecket have other ideas. Eden is captured, Blaze is injured, and the animals are in danger.

Can anything protect Blaze and Eden's hearts when they realize how much they'll lose if the enemy wins?




Owned is book three in the Apexian Warrior sci-fi alien romance series. Expect smoldering kisses, action, adventure, and cute alien creatures.

Release dateJul 26, 2020
Owned: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #3

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    Owned - Arcadia Shield


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    Chapter 1

    I have sand in my butt crack. Eden Franco swiped a hand across the back of her sweaty neck.

    She glanced at her partner, Blaze Floridian, as he chuckled. You think that’s funny? As usual, he looked calm and composed. He wasn’t even sweating, and it felt like a hundred degrees in the shade.

    I’ll hose you down when we get back to the ship, he said.

    That’s a promise a girl can’t turn down.

    He slid a glance her way, his purple eyes narrowing a fraction. But you will.

    Eden returned her attention to the scanner she used to survey the blisteringly hot sand planet, Hellixion. She’d done this dance with Blaze so many times it was second nature to her. He’d show his interest, then she’d tease him but back off when he got that sultry look in his eyes that sent a shudder down her spine.

    She wasn’t going there. Not with him. Not with anyone who made out he was such a decent guy. Well, a huge, muscled, gorgeous alien, but it was the same thing. Never trust the nice ones. They were the worst. And if he really was as charming as he made out, then there’d be no way she was good enough for him.

    Any sign of our two-headed target? Blaze said.

    Not yet. But the bones we found of its kill suggests it can’t be far away. A bubble of anticipation rose in Eden’s chest. This would be the success of the year if she could find a two-headed rainbow snake. There had only been six recorded sightings in the last decade, and most people thought the snake was extinct. But Eden knew this hard as nails, smart critter. Nothing would wipe it out.

    You couldn’t have picked a nicer creature to study? Blaze said. You know, some kind of cute bear or a friendly mammal that liked to snuggle? Not something that can squeeze the life out of you.

    Where’s the fun in that? And you like scales as much as I do. Eden had never been a naturally brilliant student. She’d worked hard, crammed for every exam, and was proud of every pass she’d achieved. And when the time came to choose a specialty, she picked creatures most shied away from. It amused her how people freaked out around snakes and reptiles. She’d always found them fascinating.

    It’ll be more fun for me when I don’t have sand where it’s not supposed to be, Blaze said.

    You’ve got sand chafing your butt, too?

    He snorted a laugh. Everywhere. I have sand everywhere. It’s not supposed to get under my uniform. His attention shifted to the screen he held. He scowled and swiped his finger across it.

    What’s bothering you? Eden said. You’ve been getting messages every half an hour.

    He looked away, his shoulders hunching. It’s nothing.

    It is. That scowl has been getting deeper every time you get a message. Is it some girl chasing after you? She can’t take no for an answer? No, wait. You slept with her and ditched her? She flashed him a grin.

    They’d been working together for almost two years, and she’d barely seen Blaze date. He went out for a few drinks now and again but never got tight with anyone. Not that he was lacking for attention, with his rock hard physique, sharply sexy features, and manners that would charm the coldest heart. But when the female crew members of the Apocalypse flirted, he politely brushed it away. Blaze Floridian wasn’t in the market for a relationship.

    It’s family stuff, he finally said.

    Eden pressed her lips together. Blaze rarely spoke about his family members. She’d asked him about them a few times, but he either changed the subject or wouldn’t comment.

    But they had time to kill now, and it was fun to ruffle Blaze’s composed exterior. He always held himself like some superstar king, parading around for his subjects. Is everything good with your parents?

    He huffed out a breath. Probably not.

    Are they hassling you?

    They always do. What’s going on with the scanner?

    The same as two minutes ago. This snake doesn’t get the reputation for being elusive for no reason.

    It has a good reason to be elusive. It’ll be hunted to extinction within the next year if we don’t start the breeding program.

    To get him to breed, first we have to catch him and then get him to the sanctuary. We can’t do that while he’s playing shy guy on us.

    Blaze’s screen bleeped again, signaling an incoming message.

    You can reply to that if you like, Eden said. There’s nothing going on here.

    No, we’re working.

    It’s distracting you.

    It isn’t. But you’re distracted. Check your screen.

    Eden’s breath caught as a tiny red dot showed on the screen. She raised her binoculars and peered through them.

    The snake stayed below ground unless it needed to feed, mate, or get warm. She’d only ever seen pictures of them. They were beautiful, with shimmering rainbow scales. They could grow to thirty feet long and had fangs that would pierce through a human torso.

    This snake was stunning but deadly, and highly prized. Its venom was believed to increase male potency, and its blood was supposed to bring immortality to those who drank it. It was bullshit, but many people believed the claims. That meant this snake had been hunted almost to oblivion.

    And she was here to make sure that didn’t happen.

    What do you reckon? Blaze peered over her shoulder. He was so close the warmth from his body touched her.

    For a second, she wanted to lean against him. Blaze was always there. She could rely on him. That was until she couldn’t. She knew the score, and wasn’t falling for that trick again.

    This snake is the only creature on the planet who’ll find the pheromone enhanced bait appealing. And he’s heading right toward our trap, Eden said.

    I’ll bring up the trap camera. We can see when he appears and goes inside.

    Eden sucked in a breath and tightened her grip on the scanner. They were so close to a successful capture. She’d finally get to see the snake for real.

    Blaze flashed her a grin that made her heart stumble with pleasure. He was hotter than this damn sand planet.

    The camera’s live. Let’s do this, he said.

    They grabbed their equipment and packed up.

    Eden picked up Blaze’s screen. A message flashed up. URGENT! Incoming comm from Viscount Lothar. She tilted her head. That had to be a nickname.

    I’ll take that. Blaze took the screen from her then lifted the bag full of equipment and hoisted it onto one shoulder. Let’s move. We have a snake to catch.

    His hand brushed down her back. It was a soft touch that sent a flutter of delight cascading through her.

    He was always doing that, giving her those gentle touches. She didn’t know if Blaze did it because he thought it reassured her or because he liked to cop a feel, but it always left her skin thrumming.

    There was no point denying it. Blaze was a delicious package of alien yumminess. He might be physically perfect, but she knew his charming, reserved act was a front. No one could be that good. It wasn’t possible. Not in this screwed up, twisted world.

    Eden made a point of stepping to one side to increase the distance between them. Blaze was her work partner, nothing more. She knew the kind of guy she liked in her life. Hard, fast, dangerous, and with zero plans to commit. That was how to keep things on the level.

    Is everything good? His brows lowered a fraction as his gaze ran over her.

    It’s all good. Let’s go catch ourselves a badass snake.


    Blaze tilted his head from side to side, cracking out the tension in his neck. Once again, Eden had made it clear there was nothing between them but work.

    Sure, she continued to flirt with him when she was in the right mood, but that’s all it ever was. That was how Eden rolled. She joked, flirted, and teased everyone. Nothing was ever taken seriously.

    He ground his teeth together and grimaced at the feel of sand in his mouth. The damn stuff got everywhere. It would take days to shower it out of every crack and crevice.

    A vivid image of a naked Eden showering blazed into his mind.

    He was obsessed with her. He tried not to be. He kept focusing on her faults. She could be stubborn, she had a smart mouth, and she partied too hard. But he only had to take one look at those curves and that luscious mouth and he didn’t care.

    She had exploded into his life, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever break free of the hold she had on him. But he had to.

    The sand underfoot made the going slow, especially since they were walking uphill, and several times, Eden slipped.

    Blaze reached out for her, but she pushed away his hand. That was another thing. She was too damn independent. Although that wasn’t a terrible quality. He’d take independent over clingy anytime.

    Eden stood up for herself and other people. If you got in a fight, you always wanted her on your side. She never backed down. She was relentless and seemed to lack fear.

    Hold still a moment. Blaze crouched and pressed his hand into the warm sand. The faintest of vibrations reached him. I feel him. He’s close to the trap.

    Eden checked the scanner. You’re right. He’s only twenty feet away. She crouched next to Blaze and shielded her eyes as she peered ahead. Show your face. It’ll be the best gift if I can just get a look at you.

    You’ll be able to look at him all you like once he’s inside the cage and safely back on the ship. Blaze kept his voice low. With his enhanced vision, he could see a slight shift in the sand where the snake moved beneath it, leaving a zigzag pattern in its wake. This creature looked enormous, possibly a full-grown, adult male.

    His hand went to his gun. He was here for Eden’s protection. That was the deal when he’d taken a job on the Apocalypse. Each Apexian was assigned a Human biologist to protect and work alongside.

    The day he’d been introduced to Eden, his world had tipped off its axis. He’d been content with his work, serving as a protector in the Apexian elite force, but he’d been restless and looking for a fresh challenge. His friend, Dallin, had suggested an opening as a bodyguard on the Apocalypse. He hadn’t been sure at first, but Dallin was enthused about the work, and he didn’t get enthused about much unless it was in a test tube, so he took the opportunity seriously.

    Now Blaze felt like he had an actual purpose. To protect the woman who set him alight, even though he couldn’t have her.

    He’s almost in, she whispered. Any second now.

    Blaze focused on the trap. There was a clunking noise, and then an angry, rage filled hiss drifted through the air.

    Got him! Eden was on her feet and fighting through the sand to get to the cage.

    Blaze was right alongside her. He grabbed Eden’s arm before she got too close. Wait! The door’s still partially open. His tail is blocking it from shutting.

    Because he’s enormous. Look at him. And he’s stunning. Let’s get over there and shut it. Eden tried to tug her arm out of his grip, but he held on tight.

    If that thing spots the gap, it’ll work its head under there and get out. We don’t want to be standing in its path when it does.

    So let’s move. Shut the door before it has a chance to... Oh, bugger. The snake thrashed around inside the trap, repeatedly head-butting the door. One of its snouts slid into the gap, and the door sprang open.

    The enormous, multi-colored snake raced out, rearing up, its long tongue poking out as it tasted the air. Its two heads jerked in their direction. Then it charged.

    Blaze drew his gun and aimed at the snake.

    Don’t you dare kill him, Eden said. I haven’t been camping out in this sandy hellhole for three days just to have our prize get its head blown off. We still have a chance to capture him. She yanked a handful of the pheromone laced bait out of her bag and tossed it in front of her. This will stop him in his tracks.

    We can’t take that risk. Blaze focused on one of the snake’s heads. It would take more than a single shot to bring this beast down.

    Blaze! I’ll never forgive you if you do this. This is our one chance. We’re all about capture, retrieve, and preserve, not hunt, catch, and destroy. If you kill him, it makes you no better than the asshole hunters who’ve screwed with this snake.

    Blaze winced. The prospect of Eden being hurt by his actions clenched his heart like a vice. She’d never speak to him if he messed this up for her. This was something she’d worked so hard for. It was her dream.

    He couldn’t stand in her way of getting it. If that thing makes one wrong move toward you, I’m taking him out.

    Wait and see what he does before you go all shoot first and ask questions later alpha Apexian on me.

    They stood side-by-side as the snake raced toward them. His two tongues flickered, but he slowed as he encountered the first piece of pheromone laced food. His heads dropped, and he tasted the bait.

    You see. We just need to get him calm. Get the tranq darts ready, Eden whispered.

    I’m already on it. Blazed eased the tranq gun off his shoulder and checked the darts were loaded. He leveled the weapon at the creature.

    That’s it. Nice and slow. We’re not the enemy. Eden spoke softly, as if her words would calm the snake.

    The snake continued to investigate the bait. He reached a small piece, gave it a cursory taste, and then lunged at Eden, his huge fangs exposed.

    Blaze fired a tranq dart, but it missed by half an inch.

    Eden ducked, avoiding the fangs. She rolled across the sand and onto her feet.

    Blaze lifted both guns.

    Don’t kill him, Blaze, Eden yelled as she backed away.

    The snake swung in her direction, attracted by the noise, and flew at her.

    Blaze fired his gun. It ripped through the end of the snake’s tail, splattering blood everywhere.

    Eden shrieked as the snake’s fangs plunged into her forearm and his thick, muscled coils wrapped around her body. The second head remained vigilant, its focus on Blaze.

    Blaze roared out his anger and raced toward Eden. He couldn’t fire at the snake again for fear of the bullet going into her.

    Tranq the damn thing, she wheezed out, blood dripping down her arm as the fangs sank deeper.

    Blaze pressed the tranq gun against the snake and fired.

    It had no effect, other than to enrage the beast. Its bloodied, damaged tail whipped out, and the end wrapped around Blaze’s throat. He was rocketed toward Eden, and her forehead slammed into his nose.

    He cursed as stars exploded in his vision, and he tasted his own blood.

    Tranq it again! Eden said.

    Blaze hit the snake with another dart, trying to avoid the gaping mouth and fangs aiming at his face.

    The snake flipped its tail, slamming Blaze into Eden again, using him like a battering ram.

    When they made contact, he wrapped his arms around her and held on tight. He pried his fingers under the snake’s body but couldn’t get any purchase on the smooth scales as it choked the life out of Eden.

    Her fury-filled gaze met his. There’s no way I’m going out like this. I do not want squeezed to death by a fucking snake on my tombstone.

    Blaze gritted his teeth as he shot the final dart into the snake.

    The coiled, muscular scales that dripped blood loosened a fraction around his throat. He wriggled out from the snake’s grip and staggered away, gasping in a breath. Then he ran back to Eden and dragged the heavy coils from around her throat.

    Eden heaved in a raspy breath as she eased the fangs out of her arm. Holy stars. That was close. I thought I was snake chow.

    Damn, look at your arm. Blaze pressed his hands against the leaking fang holes on her forearm.

    I’m too pumped to notice. She swiped blood off her face and grinned. Blaze! We did it. We only caught ourselves the star damned snake.

    Chapter 2

    I don’t need an energy transfer. Angel will treat me when we get back on the Apocalypse. Dizziness hit Eden so hard she’d have fallen to her knees if Blaze hadn’t been holding her.

    I’ll give you a tiny amount, he said. You’re bleeding out. And the ship is still fifteen minutes from docking.

    I’ll live that long. She hissed out a breath as her arm throbbed. The snake’s fangs had pierced all the way through, and her body felt like a giant bruise from where she’d been squeezed by its powerful coils.

    Take a small amount of my energy. That will keep you from passing out. I don’t know why you always resist when I offer.

    An energy transfer from Blaze would help her feel less nasty, but Eden hated them. Every time she got an injection of Apexian energy from him, something inside her shifted. She felt closer to him. She wanted to be with him. And the urge to rip off his clothes and jump his bones was unbearable. But the thought of letting him in and seeing her messed up reality made her feel sick.

    Eden, I’m trying to help you. His hand brushed across her cheek. You’re gray and sweating.

    It’s my new look. It’s hot, huh?

    Don’t joke. You can’t even stand. No arguments. You’re getting this. He smeared blood off his face with his finger and held it out.

    Eden grimaced and shook her head. Eww. I’m not having that touch me.

    It’s my blood from where you smashed my nose. It’ll work just fine.

    Yeah, but it’s mixed with gross snake blood.

    A flicker of a smile appeared on his face. I thought you loved snakes.

    Not so much when they’re trying to kill me. And I’ve never been a fan of drinking their blood.

    You can be such a princess. Blaze pulled a small knife from the weapons belt around his hips. He cut through the ruined sleeve of her all-terrain uniform, sliced a fresh cut on his hand, and pressed it onto Eden’s injured arm.

    Her response was instant. She’d exchanged energy with Blaze three times. Apexian power was something else, like a triple espresso shot washed down with a shot of whiskey.

    His power fizzled through her like tiny fireworks, sparking along her veins. The agony in her arm faded, and blood stopped leaking from her wounds. Even the bruises faded to an acceptable level of pain.

    Are you feeling better? Blaze caught hold of her face and stroked his thumb across her cheek, his gaze lingering on her mouth for a second too long.

    She jerked her head away.

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