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What's a lion shifter doing in Alaska? That's the question Yaeger Delacroix asks himself every morning when he gets up. Sure, the pay is good, but his lion hates the cold. When he crosses paths with Frankie Briggs, everything changes. But she wants nothing to do with him. Can he use his charms to change her mind, or will she leave him out in the cold?

When she disappears, will he find her in time or will she be lost to him forever?


Thorne Bay. Frankie Riggs never thought she'd return to her hometown, but when her marriage went down in flames, the lynx shifter swore off men and came back to lick her wounds. Enter Yaeger-cocky, stubborn, and sexy as hell. And did she mention he's her mate? Can he melt the ice around her heart or will she forever keep him at arm's length?

When she goes missing will he find her in time or will her stalker's face be the last thing she sees?

PublisherAngel Nyx
Release dateJun 5, 2024

Angel Nyx

Angel Nyx is an author of paranormal, contemporary, and historical romances. Her passion for literature was instilled in her at a young age when her mother read her fairy tale stories at bedtime. Her vivid imagination helps her get in tune with her characters to bring them to life for her readers. She is also a mom, a reader, an avid gamer chick, and a non-medical in-home caregiver.  She was once told that her 'OCD is queen' because it allows her to find errors in written word others miss. As a result, she has recently branched out to offer her proofreading services to other Indie authors.  When she's not working, writing, reading, or gaming, she is usually relaxing to music, spending time with family, or finding new authors to fall in love with.  She has a long time love affair with the city of New Orleans, which is why so much of her work is set there, and plans to visit the city as often as possible in the coming years. You can contact Angel via email at and follow her at any of the following links: Facebook Author Fan Page:   GoodReads:   Instagram:  AllAuthor:  BookBub: Website:

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    Yaeger - Angel Nyx




    12 years ago

    Well, if it isn't Yaeger. Always got your nose in a book, Mama's Boy.

    Fuck! Couldn't he go one day without being harassed by Toby and his friends? Was that too much to ask for? Apparently so. Leave me the fuck alone, Toby.

    Ohhh, Mama's Boy thinks he's tough. Toby knocked the book he held out of his hand. Show me what you've got, Mama's Boy.

    After years of being bullied and harassed, he'd had enough. I challenge you. A challenge was an official fight in the Pride between lions overseen by the Alpha.

    Are you sure you want to do that, Mama's Boy?

    Positive, he growled.

    They made their way to the Alpha's home and Yaeger knocked on the door.

    Yaeger, Toby. What brings you two by?

    Challenge has been made, Yaeger told him.

    Then challenge we shall have. Prepare yourselves, the Alpha told them and the boys began to strip, before they shifted and two lions stood where only moments before they were boys.

    Yaeger roared at Toby before he attacked, swiping at him with his claws. Blood flew and something in him snapped. All the years of pent-up rage came flowing to the surface, and he attacked with a vengeance. He got Toby pinned and before the Alpha could shift and intervene, Yaeger went in for the kill, ripping Toby's throat out.

    By then there was a crowd and shocked gasps echoed around the clearing in front of the Alpha's house. It was against their laws to kill a fellow pride member.

    Yaeger shifted back to human form as the horror of what he'd done sank in. I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just so angry, he started.

    Your remorse makes no difference. One of our sacred laws has been broken. You killed a Pride member. This brings me no joy. Yaeger Delacroix, you are hereby banished from the Bayou Royale Pride. You have until sunrise to gather your things and be gone. If you are found in Pride territory after sunrise, you will be put to death.

    Yaeger hung his head. He was eighteen, and now he was going to be alone in the world. He made his way home to pack what he could. This was going to break his mother's heart.

    Mama, I have to leave the Pride, he told her when he entered the house, and then he told her what happened. Her wails shattered him, and he held her as she cried.

    When her tears subsided, she pulled from his arms. You're strong. You can make it on your own. Just don't let your anger control you ever again. Promise me.

    I promise, Mama. With that, he went and packed.

    The sun was beginning to lighten the sky as he headed to his car. Take this, his mother said, handing him a thick envelope. It's all the cash I have on me. His mother always had wads of cash because she preferred that over cards.

    Mama, I can't take your money.

    Don't argue with me, Son. You need it more than I do. The Pride will provide for my needs until I can replace it. Take care of yourself out there and remember your promise.

    I will, Mama. I love you, he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

    I love you too, son, she said, wiping her own tears.

    With that, he climbed into his car and left New Orleans and Louisiana behind, destination unknown.

    Chapter One



    12 years later

    Thorne Bay, Alaska. Virgin forests just waiting to be deflowered, vast expanse of blue water great for fishing, beautiful scenery, fresh air, and cold as fuck in the middle of winter. What was a lion shifter doing in such a climate? Working, of course. And freezing his ass off.

    Fucking hell, it's cold. Yaeger had thought it got cold in Washington, where he worked before, but that was nothing compared to Alaska. He blew on his fingers to warm them. Logging might seem like an odd job decision for a lion, but he liked the manual labor. And the truck. He really liked the truck he got to drive every day to haul the logs back to base once the trees were felled and ready for transport.

    It's winter in Alaska. What do you expect? was the response he got. What brings you to Thorne Bay? the older woman who ran the Pacific Rose B & B he was currently staying at, asked.

    Took a job on a local logging crew, the Thorne Bay Beasts.

    So you'll be here a while. Here's your key. There's a tavern up the street, the Tasty Skull. They serve food as well as booze.

    He chuckled. Mighty obliged, ma'am, I could use a drink. He might have left the South twelve years ago, at eighteen, but he still had his manners.

    He stalked into the tavern with one thought on his mind—get food in his belly—but that all went to shit the moment he stepped in the door. The scent of honeysuckle and vanilla hit him, had his cock hardening in his pants, and his lion taking notice. It came from the stunning brunette behind the bar. Mate his lion roared in his head. Fuck. That was the last thing he needed.

    He sauntered over and slid onto a barstool. Hello, beautiful. He watched her nostrils flair and her body stiffen. At least he wasn't the only one affected. The polite thing to do is say hello back.

    Who says I'm polite? she countered.

    Ooo, she has bite.

    And I have claws to go with it. What can I get you?


    Don't mind Frankie, she's a bitch to everyone who hits on her, one of the servers told him in passing. Which happens to be every man who comes in here.

    That's okay, I like a challenge, he countered. He took his drink and moved to a booth where he could watch her from a distance. He waved down a server and ordered a burger and fries and got a second drink to go with the food. He might not need a mate, but it didn't look like the fates were giving him a choice.

    Every time a guy got too close to her, he couldn't stop the growl that trickled from his lips.

    So, Frankie, when are you going to let me take you on a date? some asshole asked, and Yaeger leaned forward to catch her reply.

    How about never? she replied.

    Come on baby, don't be like that, the guy said and grabbed her wrist.

    Yaeger was there in an instant. He grabbed the guy and growled. Get your fucking hand off her before I break it, he said as he squeezed.

    The guy let go and backed off. I didn't mean nothing by it, he said.

    You don't put your hands on a lady, Yaeger countered. Now get the fuck out of here, he added, and let go of him. He watched as the guy left. You okay, darlin'?

    I could have handled that myself. I didn't need you coming to my rescue.

    I'm sure you could, but my mama raised me better than that. I wasn't going to sit by while he manhandled you.

    Thank you, she said begrudgingly.

    You're welcome, he told her and returned to his food.


    Great. Just fucking great. Just what she needed, some lion coming in and getting all up in her business. She could feel his eyes on her while she worked. After the incident with the asshole who'd grabbed her, he seemed even more intent on watching her. What really pissed her off was how much his presence affected her. Her lynx wanted to roll in his scent. She wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what her visceral reaction to him meant, and she wanted no part of it.

    Someone's got a secret admirer, one of the waitresses said.

    Huh? Frankie replied.

    These just got delivered for you.

    White lilies. She'd gotten a bouquet every day for the last week. This time, there was a card.

    'No one puts their hands on you. He will be dealt with.'

    That was ominous. She wasn't sure what it meant. She took the flowers and did what she did with all the others—threw them away. No way was she keeping them. Then she went back to work.

    At the end of the night, the lion was still in the bar. Time for you to go, lover boy, it's closing time, she told him. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here, she added.

    Can I walk you out? he asked her.

    I won't be done for another half an hour.

    I can wait.

    Look, I don't need some hero. I'm not a wallflower in need of rescue.

    No, you definitely are not. Doesn't change the fact I want to walk you out, darlin'.

    You're a stubborn one, aren't you?

    What gave it away? he countered.

    Fine, you can walk me out. She didn't miss the grin he gave her. Damn if that smile didn't go right to her core. Nope. Not happening.

    Half an hour later, the bar was cleaned up, and she was ready to go. All right, lover boy, I'm ready to go. When he offered his arm to her, she arched a brow.

    What? I can be a gentleman.

    She placed her hand in the crook of his arm and a zing went through her. When a growl trickled from between his lips, she knew he felt it too. What the fuck was that?

    You know what it was, mate, he growled.

    Don't. Don't even go there. I neither want nor need a mate.

    Doesn't change what we are, darlin', he said as he escorted her outside.

    Once they reached her car, he didn't let her go. No, instead he pressed her against the side of it and she could feel his erection.

    Feel that, darlin'? That's all you. Your scent has had me hard all night. Just one taste. That's all I want. Tell me no and I'll stop.

    His hand slid into her hair, gripping lightly, her lips parted, but no sound came out. That seemed to be all the invitation the lion needed to take what he wanted. His lips descended on hers and she was lost in sensation.

    When the kiss ended, they were both breathless. Drive safe, darlin', he said against her lips and stepped back. Then he was gone.

    She climbed into her car and drove home with the memory of his lips on hers playing on repeat in her mind.

    Chapter Two


    How dare he put his hands on such a precious gem as his Frankie? He needed to be taught a lesson. Yes, a lesson had to be learned.

    When the man left the Tasty Skull, he stalked out behind him on silent feet. He reached him before he got into his car. You put your filthy hands on my precious gem. For that, you must pay, he hissed in his ear. There was a prick and then darkness.

    When the man awoke, he was at the head of the hiking trail outside of town. What? Where? How did I get here? he asked, voice groggy from the drug still in his system.

    I brought you here to be punished, a voice said from the darkness.

    "Punished? What

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