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Stories Beyond Imagination
Stories Beyond Imagination
Stories Beyond Imagination
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Stories Beyond Imagination

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"Stories Beyond Imagination" is a captivating anthology that transports readers to worlds where reality and fantasy intertwine. Each story within the collection offers a unique and immersive experience, challenging conventional notions of what is possible.

•  The tales feature diverse characters who navigate extraordinary challenges, uncover hidden truths, and confront ancient forces.

•  In one story, a man wakes up to find that everyone has forgotten him, prompting him to unravel the mystery of his identity and past.

These narratives blend elements of fantasy, mystery, and adventure, captivating readers with their enigmatic and surreal settings. Throughout the anthology, themes of self-discovery, courage, and the power of imagination resonate deeply.

•  Each story invites readers to question the limits of their imaginations and reconsider the nature of reality itself.

•  With its richly imaginative storytelling and thought-provoking themes, "Stories Beyond Imagination" is sure to captivate readers of all ages.

Release dateJun 7, 2024
Stories Beyond Imagination

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    Book preview

    Stories Beyond Imagination - MD Shar

    1. The Cry for Help

    In a small town in India, life moved at a leisurely pace. The streets were narrow, lined with old buildings that bore witness to countless stories. Monsoon clouds loomed overhead, drenching the town in intermittent rains that brought with them the fresh smell of earth. This town, though quaint and picturesque, held a chilling secret that revolved around a young girl named Ananya.

    Ananya is a 19-year-old college student with a vibrant personality. She had expressive brown eyes, long black hair that she often tied in a loose braid, and a smile that could light up any room. Ananya was known for her kindness and willingness to help others.

    Her father, Rajesh, was a school teacher with a stern yet loving demeanor, always dressed in simple kurtas. Her mother, Priya, a housewife, was gentle and nurturing, often seen in colorful sarees, busy with household chores and caring for her family.

    Ananya’s best friend since childhood, Rohan was tall with a lanky frame, messy hair, and an infectious laugh. He was studying engineering and had a knack for fixing things.

    Inspector Sharma is a seasoned police officer with a sharp mind and a compassionate heart. He had graying hair, a thick mustache, and a no-nonsense attitude. He was known for his dedication to his duty.

    The story begins on a humid monsoon evening. The sky was overcast, and the scent of wet soil filled the air. Ananya was returning home from college, her umbrella barely holding up against the heavy rain. She was looking forward to a quiet evening at home, listening to her favorite music, and catching up on her studies.

    As Ananya walked through the town’s bustling market, her mobile phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, expecting a message from Rohan, but what she heard sent a chill down her spine.

    Save me.

    The voice was faint, almost a whisper, but it was unmistakable. Ananya looked around, expecting to see someone playing a prank, but the street was filled with familiar faces, all going about their business. She shook her head, convinced that she was imagining things, and hurried home.

    That night, as Ananya lay in bed, the voice returned. Save me. This time, it was louder, more urgent. Ananya's heart raced as she stared at her phone, now lying ominously on her bedside table. She picked it up, scrolling through her messages and call logs, but found nothing unusual.

    Over the next few days, the voice became a constant presence, each plea for help more desperate than the last. Ananya confided in Rohan, hoping he could offer a rational explanation.

    It’s probably just a glitch, Ananya, Rohan said, trying to sound reassuring. Phones can be weird sometimes. Maybe it’s a corrupted app or something.

    But Ananya wasn’t convinced. The voice felt too real, too urgent. It wasn’t just a random noise; it was a cry for help that seemed to be directed at her.

    The monsoon rains continued to lash the town, creating an eerie atmosphere. Thunderstorms rumbled through the night, and lightning lit up the sky with blinding flashes. The townspeople whispered about Ananya’s strange experiences, their superstitions and fears taking hold.

    Ananya became increasingly anxious. She would often sit by the window, staring out into the rain, clutching her phone tightly. Her parents noticed the change in her behavior but attributed it to the pressures of college life.

    One evening, as the rain pelted down harder than ever, the voice changed. Save me... before it’s too late.

    Ananya’s nerves were frayed, and she could barely focus on her studies. She decided to visit the local temple, hoping to find some solace. The temple, nestled on a hill, offered a serene escape from the chaos. The sound of the bells and the smell of incense provided a reprieve from her growing fear.

    A few days later, Ananya was sitting in her room, the rain hammering against the windows. Her phone, lying on the table, suddenly buzzed with an incoming message. She picked it up, her hands trembling. Before she could read the message, the voice spoke again, louder than ever.

    Save me... now!

    Suddenly, the phone heated up in her hand. Panicked, Ananya tried to put it down, but it was too late. The phone exploded with a deafening blast, sending shards of glass and metal flying. Ananya’s scream was lost in the explosion, and the room was engulfed in flames.

    The news of Ananya’s tragic death spread like wildfire through the town. Inspector Sharma was called to the scene. As he examined the charred remains of Ananya’s room, he couldn’t shake off a sense of unease. He had seen many things in his career, but this was different.

    Rohan was inconsolable. He couldn’t understand how a simple glitch could lead to such a devastating outcome. He remembered Ananya’s increasing anxiety and the voice that had haunted her.

    Inspector Sharma, driven by a need to uncover the truth, began his investigation. He interviewed Ananya’s parents, friends, and teachers, piecing together the events leading up to her death.

    As Inspector Sharma delved deeper, he discovered a series of strange occurrences. He found out that a few weeks before Ananya started hearing the voice, she had visited an old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town with some friends. They had heard rumors that the house was haunted and had gone there on a dare.

    It was there that Ananya had found an old, dusty mirror. She had taken a selfie with it, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Little did she know that the mirror held a dark secret.

    Years ago, a young girl named Meera had lived in that house. She had been kidnapped and held captive by a notorious criminal. Despite her desperate attempts to escape and her cries for help, no one had come to her rescue. Meera had died in that house, her soul trapped in the mirror, waiting for someone to hear her plea.

    When Ananya took the selfie, she unknowingly unleashed Meera’s spirit, who began to reach out to her through the phone, using the only means she had to communicate.

    The town mourned the loss of Ananya, a bright and kind soul taken too soon. Inspector Sharma, determined to bring some closure, had the old house exorcised, hoping to release Meera’s spirit and prevent any future tragedies.

    Rohan, though devastated, took solace in the fact that Ananya’s death had not been in vain. She had inadvertently brought attention to a forgotten tragedy, allowing Meera’s story to be told and her spirit to find peace.

    The monsoon rains eventually ceased, and the town slowly returned to its routine. But the memory of Ananya and the mysterious voice that had haunted her would forever remain etched in the hearts of those who knew her.

    In the end, the story of Ananya served as a chilling reminder of the unseen forces that sometimes intersect with our lives, leaving behind questions that may never be fully answered.

    2. The Prophetic Bird

    In the bustling city of Mumbai, a group of researchers at the National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS) were preparing for an extraordinary expedition. Their mission is to explore the depths of the Amazon jungle and document strange and unknown creatures. The team, led by Dr. Arjun Mehta, was excited yet apprehensive about the journey ahead.

    Dr. Arjun Mehta is a seasoned biologist in his early 40s, with graying hair and a calm demeanor. He had a passion for wildlife and an insatiable curiosity for the unknown. Arjun was a meticulous planner, always ensuring every detail was covered.

    Dr. Priya Rao A brilliant young zoologist with a keen eye for detail. She was in her early 30s, with expressive brown eyes, short black hair, and a confident smile. Priya had a fearless spirit and was always ready for adventure.

    Ravi Sharma A tech-savvy field assistant in his late 20s, Ravi had a lean build and infectious enthusiasm. He was responsible for setting up and maintaining the team's equipment, from cameras to GPS devices.

    Sanjay Patel The team's logistician, Sanjay was in his mid-30s, with a sturdy build and a practical mindset. He was in charge of ensuring the team had everything they needed, from food supplies to medical kits.

    The journey began on a humid monsoon morning. The team gathered at Mumbai International Airport, their gear packed and spirits high. The sky was overcast, with the promise of rain lingering in the air. After a long flight, they arrived in Manaus, a gateway to the Amazon rainforest. From there, they traveled by boat deep into the heart of the jungle.

    The Amazon was a world unto itself. Towering trees with thick canopies blocked out much of the sunlight, creating a shadowy, mysterious atmosphere. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of the jungle – the calls of birds, the rustle of leaves, and the distant roar of a jaguar – filled their senses.

    After days of trekking through the dense forest, documenting various species, and marveling at the rich biodiversity, the team stumbled upon something extraordinary. Perched on a high branch, partially hidden by the leaves, was a two-headed bird. Its plumage was a dazzling array of colors – vibrant reds, blues, and greens that shimmered in the dappled sunlight. Both heads moved independently, and their eyes gleamed with an unsettling intelligence.

    Look at that! Priya whispered, her voice tinged with awe. It’s incredible!

    Arjun nodded, equally fascinated. We need to document this. Ravi, get the cameras.

    As Ravi set up the equipment, the bird began to speak. Its voices were harmonious yet eerie, as if two beings were speaking in perfect unison.

    Welcome, travelers, the bird said. I am the Oracle of the Amazon. Whatever I speak shall come to pass.

    The team was stunned into silence. A talking bird was one thing, but a prophetic one? It was beyond their wildest dreams.

    The team decided to bring the bird back to Mumbai for further study. They built a secure cage, ensuring the bird was comfortable, and began the journey home. The return trip was uneventful, but the weight of their discovery hung heavily on their minds.

    Back in Mumbai, the bird was placed in a specially designed aviary at NIBS. The news of the team's discovery spread quickly, attracting attention from scientists, journalists, and the public. Everyone was curious about the strange creature and its alleged prophetic abilities.

    For weeks, the bird remained mostly silent, only speaking occasionally in cryptic phrases. The team monitored it closely, documenting every word. Then, one day, the bird made a chilling prophecy.

    On the seventh day of the seventh month, chaos will descend upon the city.

    The words sent a shiver down everyone’s spine. What did the bird mean by chaos? Was it a natural disaster? An attack? The city was on edge, and the media frenzy only added to the tension.

    As the fateful day approached, Mumbai braced itself. The government issued warnings, and people stocked up on essentials, preparing for the worst. The streets were unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the city’s usual hustle and bustle.

    On the seventh day of the seventh month, just as the bird had foretold, chaos indeed descended upon Mumbai. But it was not a natural disaster or an attack. Instead, a massive power outage plunged the entire city into darkness. Traffic signals stopped working, causing accidents and gridlock. Communication networks went down, leading to widespread confusion and panic.

    Hospitals struggled to operate without power, and businesses came to a standstill. The city, usually resilient and unyielding, was brought to its knees by the sudden blackout.

    As the chaos unfolded, Dr. Arjun Mehta realized the gravity of their actions. The bird’s prophecies were not mere coincidences; they had real consequences. He called an emergency meeting with his team.

    We made a mistake, Arjun said, his voice heavy with regret. We should never have brought the bird here. Its presence is causing more harm than good.

    Priya nodded in agreement. We need to return it to the Amazon. That’s where it belongs.

    The team unanimously decided to release the bird back into its natural habitat. They made arrangements for the journey, ensuring they had the necessary permissions and

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