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The Bible and the Addiction Experience
The Bible and the Addiction Experience
The Bible and the Addiction Experience
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The Bible and the Addiction Experience

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Addicts are often referred to as fiends, and although we use the word fiend ever so casually, the average person is clueless as to what the word actually means.

The dictionary defines the word fiend as a devil, a demon or evil spirit, which raises the question as to how exactly are devils, demons and evil spirits synonymous with the addict. Believe it or not these definitions arose from the idea that the addict is actually an incarnate demon, helplessly possessed by his own evil spirit called the fiend, who tempts him from within to postpone his resolve for recovery, and proceed to feed his insatiable appetite for drugs against his better judgment.

Hence, the reason why the relapse rate for addiction is so high, is because as demonically possessed souls, addicts are in need of an exorcism, rather than the ineffective methods of conventional treatment that fails to address the real issue.

In a serendipitous turn of events, the addict can now reference The Addiction Experience, where he is instructed by the master exorcist, from whom he receives the authority to cast out his inner demon, and get clean once and for all.

Release dateJun 4, 2024
The Bible and the Addiction Experience

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    The Bible and the Addiction Experience - Christopher Gaskin


    The Bible and the Addiction Experience

    Christopher Gaskin

    Copyright © 2023 Christopher Gaskin

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 978-1-68139-576-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-68139-577-7 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    This book is dedicated to Regina Ummi Fitzgerald


    Addiction and Demon Possession

    Self-Deceptive Reasoning

    The Macrocosmic Fiend

    The Exorcism

    Parasite and Host

    Symbolic Crucifixion

    The Primordial Mind of God

    Drug Counselors and Cult Leaders

    The Fire of Passion

    The Chosen Generation According to Divine Revelation

    The Addictive Personality

    Tongues and TC Terminology

    Boredom, Recess, the Idle Mind, and the Need for Necessity

    The Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel

    The Enslavement of Abrams Seed

    The Prophecy of the Latino Majority

    Survival Instinct and the Kundalini

    Lucifer and the Mystery of the Great Dragon

    A Short American History of Alcohol

    A Short American History of Cocaine

    A Short American History of Opium

    A Short American History of Marijuana

    About the Author

    This book is dedicated to Regina Ummi Fitzgerald


    The Bible is actually made up of two essentially incompatible literary genres, one being history and the other being fable, which are nevertheless sewn together to create the biblical narrative. As a history book, the Bible is a record of the historical events that ultimately led to the demise of the ancient Hebrew Israelites, in which they were predestined as the people known today as African Americans, to undergo four hundred years of slavery and other atrocities here in America, leveled against them by Yahweh for their prior disobedience to his laws, statutes, and commandments.

    However, as a book of fables, the Bible camouflages a carefully hidden record of the personal memoirs of the life and times of the prototypical addict, who is condemned to subjective slavery at the hands of his own inner demon called the fiend, who is the dictator that forces him to support the habit of his addiction at the expense of his own prosperity.

    The prototypical addict is the common denominator that ties the two otherwise incompatible literary genres of the Bible together (history and fable) because aside from being the prototypical addict, he is also an African American, who as a modern day Hebrew Israelite still suffering from the residual injustices of slavery himself, is chosen by the higher power of the addict as a modern day Moses to set his people free, who are therefore both the sick and suffering addicts of the world, as well as the African American descendants of slaves, who are still suffering from the residual curses of slavery visited upon them for the prior disobedience of their forefathers against Yahweh.

    A fable is defined in the dictionary as a narrative intended to enforce a moral lesson, especially one in which animals speak and act like human beings.

    Hence, with its walking and talking humanlike serpent, the garden of Eden is a fable that focuses on the moral lessons to be learned for having indulged the forbidden fruit, which is actually not a fruit at all but rather a metaphor for the proverbial fruit of labor.

    The proverbial fruits of labor are simply the commodities, whether big or small, that we pursue in our daily efforts to accommodate ourselves in order to make our lives more comfortable.

    However, the fruits of labor that pertain to the infamous tree of the knowledge of good and evil were qualified in the book of Genesis, as forbidden fruits of labor, by street savvy serpents otherwise known as addicts, because as a particular type of commodity commonly known today as recreational drugs, they are notoriously known for making life unmanageable.

    In the clever and metaphoric manner in which you just read above:

    The Bible and the addiction experience continues to cut and paste excerpts hidden in the biblical narrative that secretly involve addiction while ingeniously incorporating the two essentially incompatible genres of history and fable therein, to form a single comprehensive reading that explains the Bible fully and convincingly.

    Thus, in the pursuit of his recovery, the Bible and the addiction experience give the addict an acquaintance with the Bible as it relates to his addiction that he never had before, thereby furthering his understanding of his addiction and the role that he plays as a recovering addict in the most anticipated event in human history which is the return of Christ, who to the outrage of the masses is soon to be revealed on the world stage as a recovering addict himself.

    With that being said, this book is the narrator and guide for both the addict and the nonaddict alike, as the Bible is read again for the first time, under the narrative of this new and unique interpretation featuring addiction.

    Hope you enjoy the reading.

    Addiction and Demon Possession

    As a naturally self analyzing individual, my first take of myself early on, was that I was no ordinary man, nor did I care to be then, anymore than I do now.

    As I continue to develop under the fosterage of my tutorial spirit, my objective opinion of myself falls nothing short of extraordinary, not out of arrogance, but rather from an honest observation, while owing it all to my tutorial spirit, without whom I would be nothing.

    I share these observations about myself with the reader, as a means of preparing you for the striking audacity that my tutorial spirit has developed in me, that I might become the prodigy that I am required to be, as the chosen accomplice to the higher power's master plan.

    As the higher powers accomplice, I've been endowed with a particular regiment of supernatural abilities, under which I am designated a necromancer, a soothsayer, and an exorcist just to name a few.

    In an attempt to introduce myself to the reader as such, I leave an inevitable trail of extraordinary claims and prophecies about myself, as well as other people, places and things throughout this book, that will surely come across as everything from extreme arrogance, to sheer blasphemy.

    However, while I do beg your pardon ahead of time, I firmly stand by each claim and each prophecy, not while standing on my own two feet, but rather while reclining in the bosoms of my tutorial spirit, by whom I am sure to be vindicated not too long from now.

    With that being said, I hope that I haven't left a bad taste in the reader's mouth, by projecting an arrogance that I assure you is not really there, but to the contrary true humility as a recovering addict.

    As such, it has taken all the courage that I have and then some to write this book, because the concepts projected herein concerning God and addiction, will surely designate me insane to some, and an object of ridicule to others, who lack understanding when it comes to the sheer awe of the addiction experience, as it has been divinely shown to me.

    However, like all men of God who were ridiculed and labeled insane for their testimony to the divine, I continue to share this vision exactly how it was shown to me, as one of two faithful witness, the other being my tutorial spirit, who is the Majestic narrator that has guided my pen as the author of this book, wherein lies the incredible truth that you are about to witness concerning addiction whether you receive it or not.

    As an active addict prior to October 31, 2009, I officially became the student of a certain tutorial spirit that is also my sponsor, who by way of divine intervention on the fall equinox of 2009, intimated to me that Halloween of 2009 was the divinely chosen day for me to get clean, and to put my addiction behind me once and for all. In retrospect, this tutorial spirit has been with me my entire life but officially made itself known to me on the fall equinox of 2009. Had it not been communicated to me through the divine majesty of the spirit itself, I like others would never have suspected an otherwise irrelevant pandemic such as addiction to be such an essential part of the blueprints to God's universal plan.

    Hence, as a pupil of the divine teachings of this majestic spirit, I've come to understand that it is impossible to exaggerate the role that addiction plays not only in the scheme of life but also in the role that it plays in bringing about those noble ends, by which it is fully justified as life's hardest learned lesson for having inspired us to become recovering addicts, who are the world's recipients of the priceless but forbidden knowledge of good and evil.

    Furthermore, I submit to you that as the hidden catalyst of spiritual growth, the addiction experience is cleverly riddled in the Bible, where it is ingeniously designed to dissolve in biblical interpretation, in the event that the false prophets of the world should ever endeavor to uncover it as the Bibles best kept secret, to which I alone was exclusively made privy to from on high as the only true prophet of the common era.

    In other words, the Bible is secretly incorporated with wiles and riddles based on the addiction experience, that actually form the thematic foundation of the biblical enigma that has perplexed the minds of scholars throughout history.

    In the dictionary, the etymological definition of the word riddle is defined as the act of interpreting.

    Hence, an elaborate riddle is not only what the Bible is but speaking in riddles is actually what the Bible does, and as the one true prophet of the common era, I have been equipped from on high with the secret interpretation featuring addiction that lay the wiles and the riddles of the Bible wide open as I reveal them to God's chosen people, who are the sick and suffering addicts of the world.

    The world is a hostile place for the active addict, and no matter how hard he endeavors to change the world to his liking while still in his addiction, he is bound to fail until he finally resolves to use the transformation of rehabilitation to first change himself.

    Although the addict doesn't realize it, when he transforms himself through rehabilitation, his world miraculously transforms with him and becomes a much more hospitable place, which is actually the elusive Kingdom of God that cometh not with observation, spoken of in Luke 17:20 - 21, in which he then becomes a citizen of by way of proximity.

    Hence after having undergone the transformation of rehabilitation twelve years ago on October 31, 2009 as a recovering addict myself, my world was thus transformed into the kingdom of god, and by way of proximity, I immediately became a citizen of God's kingdom, which officially supplanted the kingdoms of Earth exactly one week ago today on June 20, 2021.

    Hence, although the kingdom has finally come, the rehabilitated addicts of the world are its only eligible citizens.

    Because one subject has seemingly nothing to do with the other, most people would probably never make the connection between God, his kingdom, and addiction.

    However, a true relationship with God actually starts with addiction, and a healthy relationship with God is actually maintained through recovery.

    Thus, not only does the addict share an intimacy with God like no other people on earth but we are also the sole candidates for his promise of eternal life as potential immortals with imperishable human bodies, becoming the first inhabitants of his holy kingdom, just in time for its recent eclipse of the earth, as the supplantation of the current world kingdoms.

    Becoming immortal with imperishable human bodies is, without doubt, a stretch of the imagination, but when examining the self-sufficiency of the human body, it becomes a stretch of the imagination to believe anything otherwise.

    For example, the human body is designed in such a way that it is incapable of craving or demanding anything outside of what it needs to survive, which is food and sex.

    The body obviously needs food to maintain self-preservation, and it needs sex for the continuance of its genes, while the combination of the two secures the survival and the perpetuation of all life on earth.

    Hence, outside of these two things (food and sex), the body has no craves, and if the body does not crave it, it is because the body does not need it, period.

    This is a very interesting fact, especially when taking into consideration that the body does not crave medicine.

    The body does not crave medicine simply because it was not designed to need it which means that our bodies were intended by God to not only have a natural immunity against mortality but also against the illnesses that precede it.

    Now that the kingdom has come, we can secure God's promise of eternal life and immortality in a world where sickness, death, and the need for medicine does not exist to God's chosen ones, who are, otherwise, the sick and suffering addicts of the world.

    It is common knowledge that addicts are also referred to as fiends, and although we use the word fiend ever so casually, it seems that the average person hasn't the slightest idea as to what the word actually means.

    If you were to look in the dictionary under the word fiend, you would find definitions such as the devil, demon, evil spirit, wicked person, and so on which raises the question as to how exactly are devils, demons, and wicked individuals synonymous with the addict.

    Believe it or not, these definitions arose from the idea that the addict is actually an incarnate demon who is helplessly possessed by his own evil spirit called the fiend who cons and tempts him from within (self-persuasion) to postpone his resolve for recovery and proceed to feed his insatiable appetite for his drug of choice against his better judgment, time and time again.

    All people are possessed by their own spirits, but what makes a

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