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Refusing the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #12
Refusing the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #12
Refusing the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #12
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Refusing the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #12

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About this ebook

As the division between us grows,


I wonder if we'll ever be the same again.


But I don't have to wonder for long.


Because I have to go.






Before my past takes everything away.


I can't let that happen.

PublisherJessa York
Release dateJun 20, 2024
Refusing the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #12

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    Refusing the King - Jessa York



    W hat did you just say to my fiancée? Carlo strode up to my father.

    What? my father asked as he backed up. I was just introducing myself. That’s all, man. I swear. He held his hands up and his face turned stark white.

    Carlo’s eyes shot directly to mine. He was asking me—without actually asking me—if what my father was saying was true or not.

    I took a few seconds to think and realized there was only one way out of this.

    If I outed myself and told Carlo this was my father standing in front of me—


    That wouldn’t work out.

    Then Carlo would easily find out who I really was. And then people would get hurt.

    People I loved.

    All because of me.

    I’d have to think of another way to get rid of my father.

    He’s telling the truth. I took a deep breath in. He just frightened me. I didn’t see him here in the stables.

    Carlo looked me up and down and then settled on my eyes. You look frightened out of your mind. Did he touch you? His voice was low and menacing, and it made me shiver.

    No, I shook my head, he was just introducing himself like he said. I didn’t see him, and I overreacted.

    Carlo set his hands on his hips and turned to my father. I think you owe my fiancée an apology. Don’t you?

    My father’s shoulders slumped, and he nodded. I’m truly sorry, Ms.— he hesitated and looked at Carlo, Sovrano.

    Carlo lifted his chin and didn’t correct him.

    And I sure as heck wasn’t going to. Carlo was ready to fight—and I knew it. The best thing to do was move on and get Carlo out of here.

    It’s fine, I said and crouched down to pick up the horse’s brush. Carlo, we should get going before it gets too late.

    His eyes scanned over me one more time before he retreated behind my father out of the stall. I watched as Carlo walked with him outside. Then I peeked out one of the side windows and hoped my father wouldn’t spill the beans on me.

    My heart pounded in my chest, and I made sure to stay hidden. Carlo loomed over my father—and my father looked like he was ready to crap his pants. I might have giggled a little.

    Even without so much as lifting a hand, Carlo Sovrano was a force to be reckoned with. I had no doubt that my lumberjack could pound my father into the ground with one hard swoop of his fist.

    Part of me wished he would do that.

    And the other part hoped my father would get scared off and just leave. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with him.

    There were only three reasons why my father would have bothered searching me out.

    Number one—he wanted money.

    Number two—he was being threatened.

    Or number three—both.

    And I had a feeling it was the last one.

    Which didn’t bode well for me at all.

    Not one bit.

    My father held his hands up again and took a few steps back. Carlo wasn't about to give him any space, though. He moved forward, closer to my father.

    I could tell that he was chewing my father out. And that made my heart out and out explode with love for my fiancé.

    My fake fiancé.

    But still, my fiancé.

    Carlo had no idea who he was speaking to. Of that, I was sure.

    And he certainly didn't know my history with my father. Like how he’d treated me while I was growing up. Or how he’d stolen from me.

    Or how he’d—sold me.

    No, if Carlo Sovrano knew what my father had done to me, my father would be writhing in pain on the ground right now.

    But if Carlo knew the truth—it could get him killed.

    And even though I was leaving as soon as we got back to Chicago—I loved my lumberjack. And I always would. I didn’t wish him any harm. Quite the opposite. I wanted Carlo to have a happy, wonderful life. He deserved it.

    And letting him in on my family secrets—well, that wouldn’t ensure Carlo lived. Let alone lived a long, happy life.

    Carlo leaned into my father one more time without touching him. And I could tell from the look on my father's face that Carlo must have said something horribly threatening.

    My father nodded and his hands shook out in front of him.


    He was scared.

    But I knew from past experience that words wouldn’t be enough to stop my father.

    A sledgehammer wouldn't be enough to stop my father.

    Finally, Carlo turned around and started back to the stables. I quickly spun on my heel and ran toward Carmen’s stall.

    When Carlo walked back in, he stopped at the gate and looked at me. Do you want help? he asked, his voice still holding a load of tension in it.

    I smiled over at him. No, honey. I’m good, thanks. You get Capo ready, and I’ll meet you out front.

    He jerked his chin and started to leave, but I called out to him, Carlo.

    His head swung back as I said, I love you.

    I saw some of the tension leave his face as he nodded and left me.

    I grinned and kept on with getting Carmen ready to ride. This was my happy place. Here. With the horses.

    Listening to their noises and watching their bodies move even just in the stalls.

    Before I knew it, I had Carmen all set. Carlo’s voice called to me over the gate. What song is that? he asked.

    I looked up and then realized I’d been singing without knowing it.

    I grinned and said, Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Just tell me to shut up next time.

    His head tilted, and he frowned. Why would I do that? You have a beautiful voice. I’ve never heard you sing before.

    I bit my lip and shook my head. You’re being kind. But thank you.

    He let out a sarcastic laugh. You should know by now, Giselle. I am anything but kind. Now, let’s go.

    We led the horses outside and Carlo helped me up onto Carmen—even though I didn’t need him to.

    Then he swung up onto Capo.

    And then—we rode.

    The wind blew through my hair.

    My spirit felt so light. Out here, there were no responsibilities.

    No vagrant fathers.

    No bad guys hunting me.

    No grouchy lovers who could barely look at me.

    Just the fresh air. My horse. And my lumberjack.

    Over here, Carlo shouted and whistled loudly.

    I followed him through a stand of trees and down to the small stream we’d been at before.

    After he dismounted, he helped me off Carmen and took my hand. Time for a break. He pulled me along behind him to our picnic spot. Today, there was a cute, white table and chair set. Of course, it wasn’t just some run of the mill table and chairs. They had intricate filigree patterns around the backs of the chairs and the top of the table.

    I felt my face break into a huge smile. You certainly know how to impress a girl, I said with a laugh. We walked up to the table, and I let my fingers touch the top of the metal table. A large glass vase of pink roses sat in the middle. I bent over to give them a sniff. These are lovely. I inhaled the deep floral scent. I couldn’t help but touch the petals on one of the roses. They were too perfect. I had to feel

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