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Lessons on Jesus: "Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?"
Lessons on Jesus: "Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?"
Lessons on Jesus: "Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?"
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Lessons on Jesus: "Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?"

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Lessons on Jesus: "Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?"

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    Lessons on Jesus - Jan (Jon) Sverre Rustad


    Lessons on Jesus

    Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?

    Jan (Jon) Sverre Rustad

    Copyright © 2024 Jan (Jon) Sverre Rustad

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN 979-8-88960-440-2 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88960-469-3 (hc)

    ISBN 979-8-88960-455-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    To everyone

    Who is open to truth

    Who is searching for more answers

    Who desires the peace which surpasses all understanding




    In History

    Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?

    Did Jesus Christ Even Exist?

    Our Calendar, bc and ad

    Where Did the Name Christian Originate?

    Jesus in American Holidays

    Beginnings of Christmas

    Replacement of Christmas

    Legend of St. Nicholas, the real Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas

    Saint Nicholas comes to New York

    'Twas the Night Before Christmas

    Santa Claus around the world

    Replacement of Easter

    Is God One? Or Three? The Doctrine of the Trinity

    Other Bible verses on God as One

    The Roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

    Roles of Jesus

    Roles of the Holy Spirit

    Roles of the Father:

    Is Jesus Both God and Man? Human and Divine? The Doctrine of Incarnation?

    Jesus is fully God

    Tempted as we are

    Jesus has a physical body

    How and When Did Sin Enter Our World?

    The Plan of Redemption to Save Mankind

    The Bible, the Revelation of Jesus

    The Life of Jesus on This Earth

    Virgin birth

    Mary in Islam

    Jesus in Islam

    Jesus's childhood

    Jesus's education

    Jesus's trade

    Jesus's ministry

    The 70-Week, or 490-Year, Prophecy Concerning Jesus from 457 bc to ad 34

    Summary of the seventy weeks, or 490 Years, for one day equals one year in Bible prophecy

    Jesus's Last Prayer before His Trial and Crucifixion, John 17

    Jesus prays for Himself, verses 1–5

    Jesus prays for His disciples, verses 6–19

    Jesus prays for all believers, verses 20–26

    Who Is This Man Jesus Christ?

    The most remarkable miracle Jesus did

    The Gospel of Jesus

    Jesus Christ, the Most Influential Person in History

    In Closing

    Hated and persecuted for Jesus

    Martyrs for Jesus

    Stephen, the first martyr for Jesus

    Other martyrs

    What is Jesus asking of us today?

    Report: Around the world, 260 million Christians face persecution Catholic News Agency, January 17, 2020

    Passover Week

    The Closing Scenes of the Life of Christ

    Levi Matthew

    John Mark



    Ellen G. White

    The Desire of Ages

    Grasping the Closing Scenes

    The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

    The Passover

    Rosh Hashanah

    Eastern Gate

    A Colt

    Forcing Jesus to be king

    The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

    Three Times Jesus Wept

    Two different Greek words for wept

    Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday

    Resurrection of Lazarus, Only Recorded in the Gospel of John

    Who Were the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

    When the Sadducees turned bitterly against Jesus

    The Jewish Bible

    The Torah

    The Mishnah

    The Talmud

    Examples of Sabbath Observance

    Constant Conflict between Pharisees and Sadducees

    Condition of the Jewish Nation when Jesus came

    Conclusion of the Resurrection of Lazarus

    State of the Dead

    Three Times Jesus Wept

    One of the Last Acts of Jesus's Life

    Strife present

    Dissension present

    Washing of the disciples' feet by Jesus

    Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial

    In the Garden of Gethsemane

    The Climax of the Ages in the Garden of Gethsemane

    The fate of humanity trembled three times

    Jesus's Arrest

    Peter and John Follow Jesus and Peter's Denial of Jesus Three Times

    The sequence of the rooster crowing

    So why the discrepancy between Luke, John, and Mark?

    The converted Peter

    Peter's temperament

    Jesus reveals the manner of Peter's death

    Preliminary Trial before Annas, the Ex-High Priest

    Two charges against Jesus: blasphemy for the Jews and sedition for the Romans

    Before Caiaphas, the High Priest, Annas, and the Sanhedrin

    Before the Sanhedrin a Second Time

    The first three scenes of abuse and mockery

    The Suicide of Judas

    History of Judas

    Judas's strategy

    Judas's last efforts toward Caiaphas and Jesus

    Before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor

    Before King Herod

    Before Pontius Pilate, a Second Time

    A message from God to Pilate: A dream from his wife

    Old Testament requirement

    What Happened to Pontius Pilate?

    Road to Calvary

    The Road to Calvary

    The Two Scourgings: Fustigatio and Verberatio

    The Seven Expressions of Jesus's Love and Agony

    The First Expression

    The turmoil in the mind of Mary

    My deepest prayer

    The Second Expression

    The one gleam of comfort for Jesus while dying on the cross

    Three roles Jesus fulfilled while dying: Prophet, Priest, and Savior

    The Third Expression

    The Fourth Expression

    State of the dead

    The Price of Our Sin

    Hypovolemic shock

    Timeline of Jesus's Last Hours

    The Fifth Expression

    The Sixth Expression

    The Seventh Expression

    Jesus, now, our High Priest

    A very special promise

    The Burial

    Last link of sympathy between Satan and the universe

    Jesus's burial by Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, and John

    The Sabbath Commandment

    The time of the creation

    The time of the Exodus

    Two masterful deceptions of Satan

    The time of Jesus

    The last days

    In heaven

    Confessions of the Roman Catholic Church

    Three Days in the Tomb

    The Sealing of Jesus's Tomb in Vain

    Resurrection and Ascension

    The Resurrection

    Jesus's Resurrection Is a Promise of Our Resurrection at His Second Coming

    The Most Important Event in Human History

    What a promise to look forward to

    Women Who Ministered to Jesus

    The first person to visit Jesus's tomb after His burial on Friday evening

    The number one guiding principle of my life

    Jesus's special assurance to Peter

    The Most Important Truth of All Time: He is Risen!

    The Special Place of Mary Magdalene, the Mary of Bethany

    The Order of Those Who Came to Jesus's Tomb

    The second people to see Jesus

    Three Times Jesus Reminded the Disciples that He was to Meet Them in Galilee

    Jesus's first work on earth after His resurrection: to assure His disciples of His love

    Jesus's call to us: Go and tell

    Jesus's Third Appearance on the Day of His Resurrection on the Road to Emmaus

    The strongest proof of Jesus as Redeemer.

    The exemplary example of the Bereans: they searched for themselves

    Two qualities of the Bereans: A lesson for all

    Jesus's First Appearance to 10 of His Disciples Also on the Day of the Resurrection

    Jesus's resurrection, too good to be true?

    Jesus's peace that surpasses all understanding

    What Jesus Did on the First Day of His Resurrection, the Greatest Day of All Time!

    Jesus's Second Appearance to 11 of His Disciples after 8 Days

    How to deal with unbelief in others

    Jesus's Third Appearance to Seven of His Disciples

    The miracle of Jesus providing for the physical needs of His disciples

    The Great Commission with about 500 Believers

    My prayer for each of us

    The three narratives of the Great Commission

    Matthew's account of the Great Commission

    Mark's account of the Great Commission

    Luke's account of the Great Commission

    What happened to the Jewish people?

    The Great Commission for each of us

    Jesus had fully completed His mission

    The Ascension in the Presence of His 11 Disciples

    The two narratives of Jesus's ascension

    Luke's account of Jesus's ascension

    Mark's account of Jesus's ascension

    Luke's continued account of Jesus's ascension

    The role of the two most exalted angels

    Jesus's Welcome in Heaven

    Love has conquered!

    The Father's Arms Encircle His Son

    The apostles continued this warmth of affection

    What I Am Most Looking Forward to in Heaven

    John's Last Testimony

    Who Is Jesus Christ to Me?

    The Good News of the Gospel

    Jesus's Assurance of Eternal Life

    Jesus's Assurance of Our Eternal Life

    The Story of Nicodemus and John 3:16

    Eternal Life Is a Gift!

    Man's True Condition, the Great Equalizer

    The Best News in the Universe

    Another Gift from God, His Peace

    The Most Precious Promises of Jesus's Assurance of Our Eternal Life

    My Greatest Desire

    A Special Closing Promise

    About the Author

    Volume 3

    To everyone

    Who is open to truth

    Who is searching for more answers

    Who desires the peace which surpasses all understanding


    During His trial, the Roman governor, Pilate, asked Jesus, What is truth? (John 18:38) Sadly, he did not wait for an answer but went to attend to the madness of the crowd.

    I have wondered many times, What would have been Jesus's answer? If Pilate would have listened to the answer, would he have changed his mind in condemning Jesus to death?

    As you read my book, you too will be confronted with this question, What is truth? It is a question none of us can run from. In fact, it is a question we all ask each other. Some ask it to themselves as a child, others late in life. The answer is found in the life of Jesus for He said to his eleven disciples at the Last Supper after Judas had left to betray Him, I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

    Yes, truth is the way that leads to life, an abundant life now and life eternal. King Solomon who God blessed with a wise and understanding heart so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you (1 Kings 3:12). He said:

    My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you,

    So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;

    Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding,

    If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures;

    Then you will understand the fear (profound reverence and awe) of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

    For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

    He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;

    He guards the paths of justice and preserves the way of His saints.

    Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.

    (Proverbs 2:1–9)

    Open your heart and mind for truth, search for it as for silver and as for hidden treasure. And then I know, I know, that you will see the One altogether lovely (Song of Solomon 5:16).

    I do not consider this book to be an easy read but rather a contemplative read. What does it mean to be contemplative? Meditative and reflective are two synonyms. Someone who is contemplative thinks deeply and is thinking in both a serious and a calm manner. The practice of contemplation often seeks a direct awareness of the Divine, which may even transcend the intellect.

    This is why my book has "Questions to Ponder, and Thoughts to Ponder. Take time to understand the questions and thoughts." I have done my best to include sufficient context for the Bible passages but look up the Bible verses on your own, particularly those which interest you, and read them in the full context of its chapter.

    There is no more interesting story than the life of Jesus and the climax of his last week before His trial and crucifixion. His last week is the emphasis of this book. In the classic book, The Desire of Ages on page 83 says it so well:

    It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit.


    My mother, Iluminada (Elaine) Alvarez Rustad for being an example of one who accepted Jesus into her life and whose life motto was to go and tell the good news of the Gospel to everyone, and for teaching me through her life how to have a simple trust in Jesus.

    My Jesus, my elder brother for paying the price of all our sins with His own life (1 John 2:2), for the free gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8), and for forever being linked to humanity (Hebrews 13:8).

    My Heavenly Father for giving His only begotten Son to me and all of humanity (John 3:16).

    My Holy Spirit for guiding me and everyone who is open into all truth (John 16:13).

    My guardian angel for ministering to me and protecting me (Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 91:11, 12).

    My Christian brother, Leif Lind for the tedious but vital work of proofreading.

    My oldest brother, Einar Rustad.

    My oldest daughter, Rebekah Rustad-Phung.

    My business assistant, Kimberly Schultz for weekly study sessions with me on this volume.


    On July 12, 1968, four days before my sixteenth birthday, I left home on the MS Burrard, a Norwegian freighter from San Francisco bound for Oslo, Norway, to attend Tyrifjord Hoyere Skole, a boarding high school/junior college for my junior year of high school. I was scheduled to leave from Portland, Oregon, but because of delays in getting my passport, my parents and I drove all night from Salem, Oregon—our home—to San Francisco.

    Years later, my mother told me as I was waving to them from the large vessel and leaving the San Francisco Harbor, my father cried. It was the first time she had seen him cry.

    Later that day, when I met with the captain of the MS Burrard, he told me not to tell anyone my age. Sailors were to be at least eighteen years old. He said to me, You're tall. There will be no problem. Just don't tell anyone you're only sixteen. I had just reached six feet tall.

    For several years, I had tried to convince my parents to let me go to Norway to see my uncles, aunts, and cousins. And I wanted to explore. I do have a very independent spirit and some Norwegian Viking and Spanish Conquistador blood as well. I finally convinced them to let me go to Norway by proposing I go during my junior year and then return and complete my senior year in America. I was a good student, so I told them I could easily complete high school in three years here in America and one year in Norway by taking some Norwegian classes supplemented by a few home study courses.

    I also told my parents that Joseph and Daniel in the Bible left home when they were young and did fine.

    Before I boarded the MS Burrard, my mother gave me the Conflict of the Ages Series, a five-volume set tracing the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and encouraged me to read them on my forty-one-day journey to Oslo. My job on the ship was the electrician's assistant. Much of the time crossing the Atlantic, he had me paint his shop and other places on the ship. I was constantly getting seasick. Now I know it was from the highly toxic paint fumes. The electrician was an older sailor and told me whenever I was not feeling well, I could go to my bunk. So much of the way across the Atlantic Ocean from Cristobal at the Panama Canal to Le Havre, France, I was in my bunk. Interestingly, I could read. There was nothing else I could do, so read I did.

    One of the books in the series was titled The Desire of Ages, the story of the life of Christ. In my bunk all by myself with only the rumble of the ship's motors, my sixteen-year-old mind became drawn to the story of this man, Jesus Christ. The prophecy of his virgin birth, his childhood in obscurity, choosing twelve disciples, and then healing and teaching anyone who believed and was open to truth was so intriguing to me. Yes, I had heard the story of Jesus at home and in church ever since I was around five years old, but reading all by myself was different.

    In my narrow bunk, there were no distractions from my three brothers nor from anyone or anything. It was just me and God. As Jesus's ministry progressed and more and more of the religious leaders rejected Him and began to plot his death, it just did not make sense to me. Jesus was leaving villages with not one person ill—demons had been cast out, the blind had received their sight, the lame were walking again, and lepers were healed. All manner of illnesses were healed! And His message was one of love, forgiveness, and the free gift of salvation by believing in Him as the Son of God. How could anyone reject Him?

    My love toward Jesus grew. My heart became more and more open to His drawing love. Then came the closing scenes of Jesus's life when He was falsely accused, beaten, scourged, and crucified. I wept.

    Why would anyone be willing to go through all this for anyone? And that anyone was me. And not only me, but my brothers and parents and friends. In fact, I learned that Jesus went through hell for everyone, even His enemies. While the Roman soldiers and religious leaders were crucifying Him, He said to His Father, Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34).

    My sixteen-year-old mind could not understand such love. I could never love anyone who was hurting me, I thought. But Jesus did. And because He did, His free gift of salvation is available to anyone who only believes. My heart was broken with gratitude. I was changed forever.

    The years went by. Four years later in September 1972, I was on a flight to Beirut, Lebanon, to attend Middle East College. I was struggling to learn more about God and His plan for my life. I thought going to the Middle East, the cradle of civilization and where the three major religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—were founded, would be beneficial in my search. And it was.

    While at the college, I led out in a weekly discussion with students from many different religions, including Maronites (Lebanese Catholics), Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Protestants, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Druze, and many sects of Islam.

    It was like participating in a World Religion Class on the master's level. It was exactly what I was thirsting for! As I listened to and questioned my fellow students and then did my own research and study, my convictions and beliefs became clearer and clearer. It only reinforced that Christ is truly "the

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