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The Planndemic: The Human Eraser
The Planndemic: The Human Eraser
The Planndemic: The Human Eraser
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The Planndemic: The Human Eraser

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In God we trust but all the rest have to pay.

Release dateJun 6, 2024
The Planndemic: The Human Eraser

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    The Planndemic - Shontavia Brown


    The Planndemic

    The Human Eraser

    Shontavia Brown

    Copyright © 2024 Shontavia Brown

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88793-253-8 (hc)

    ISBN 979-8-88793-245-3 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    From the Blind Man's Tales Collection


    References: The Internet/Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

    About the Author


    This Rendition is here to show my readers that I have really did some fact-checking. It is to encourage you to take action right now about our "Plight of the Pandemic in America" and throughout the entire World. It is for the reader to grasp that Human Life does not amount to what we thought it once did originally. Therefore, we must strive to learn how to work together as one in order to save both humanity and the valuable resources that our Creator has given to us, such as the air, water, and land.

    This information was gathered through the Internet; the News Media; the National Archives Museum in Washington, DC; Books; and other resources listed on our Reference List.

    This Book is to be portrayed as easy reading, with a little foresight, not where you have to go to the summit of your knowledge, but where you can still read along with ease. This gripping tale is to be started at Page 1 and read like ten pages at a time in order for you to get the full depth and understanding of how we have been treated throughout civilization.

    From the Blind Man's Tales Collection

    "The Plannedemic: The Human Eraser"

    The Pandemic is a virus derived from the word epidemic. An Epidemic is a virus or disease spreading around a region or country, and a Pandemic affects the spread of the virus globally or worldwide, without any control over it. So the story goes like this.

    It was Christmas Eve of 2019 when I went to Omaha, Nebraska, to visit my grandson and my daughter. Upon arriving, I had a beautiful time for the first couple of days. Then all of a sudden, my grandson and I got very, very sick. We were both on our hands and knees, crawling all around, just as sick as we could be. We were both so ill that we were sneezing, coughing, unable to eat, and we both had a fever out of this World.

    At first, I thought all I had was a very bad cold, a fever, the flu, and a runny nose. But then around January 4, 2021, I caught a plane back home from Omaha. But when I arrived here in Chicago, something in the back of my mind was telling me to go to the doctor's office. However, when I got home, I took a shower instead and went straight to bed. I did not go to the doctor or to the Emergency Room. Nevertheless, when I woke up the very next morning, I felt just like a brand-new person, and I was feeling oh so much better.

    I called back to Omaha on the following day to find out how my grandson was doing, and my daughter said that if I would have stayed out of his face all the time when I was visiting there, then he probably would not have even gotten sick. My daughter then stated, "Believe it or not, Dad, after you left, he started doing much better as well." So next, I waited a couple of more days before I called back again, and my daughter said that he was doing just fine. I was so happy and elated to hear that good news because I had begun to put some of the blame upon myself for my grandson being ill. However, his fever went down, his nose was no longer running, and he was now breathing a whole lot better. My daughter reiterated again to me about my grandson's turnaround time back to good health. I asked her if she was trying to blame me because we don't know what caused either of us to be so sick in the first place. Please Note: Never in my wildest dreams would I ever do anything intentionally that would jeopardize my own personal health, yet alone the health of my dearly beloved grandson.

    Now two weeks later, I was watching the news, and a flight came into the Seattle Airport from Wuhan, China, and a 30-year-old guy got off the plane that was very, very sick. He was stumbling around, he had a fever, and he could not get past the gate. He wasn't feeling very well, and he had a runny nose, along with other flu-like indications. Now he appeared to have the same symptoms that I and my grandson had two weeks ago. I guess the rest of these people who got off the plane with him has brought some type of Virus over here from Wuhan, China. And so now these people are going all over the country, spreading the Virus around via by means of Air Travel. So evidently, somebody touched somebody that touched somebody with an open cut, and that's how the Virus began to spread from one person to the next, with the infection going airborne. From what they have gathered, we now think that the Virus may have been spread through the dissecting of animals in the Open Animal Labs of Wuhan, China.

    It is now January 31, 2021, and it took weeks from then for the President to come out publicly to let the American People of this Country know what's going on. However, the President didn't appear to know anything either. All he knew is that the Virus came from Wuhan, China. Here it is February, and I wonder why it is that nobody is trying to control this Virus from inside the United States. Also, by what we gathered from where the Virus began was from the 5,000 people they appeared to kill during the first thirty days by washing the Chinese people down with water hoses, putting them in massive mud holes, and then appeared to be burying them alive because they had contracted the Virus. This was all shown on the PBS Television Network Channel.

    During all of President Trump's photo opts on the news stations during the whole, entire months of February and March, the President kept on telling us that "the Virus is going to go away." So by the time Easter came around, he was still telling us that we can all go back to church. And that wasn't true either because the Virus had already spread Worldwide by now then. During this same time, all the public schools in America had to be closed due to Covid, and we did not know for how long. So then they began Virtual-Learning Programs, and the kids had to begin "Homeschooling." Black and Brown children throughout the country, who don't even have access to Internet Service, Wi-Fi, computers, Tablets, and so on were now being forced to learn and educate themselves from home. So now we have to contend with asking the Government for more assistance at a time like this when the Government doesn't even appear to want to give us any help at all. These things that the kids don't have should have already been put in place long beforehand. Because now we are sending all these kids home to their grandparents, with twelve to fifteen people, who are already living there in these 2–3 bedroom apartment units, all cramped up together, just like sardines. So how do you expect to keep the Covid Virus down if you want all of us to stay indoors, breathing the same old uncirculated, stale air in these small, tiny, overcrowded, cramped spaces? So now Virtual Learning brings to reality a new problem, with kids being at home all day long with no supervision. The news cycles are hollering that they want everyone off the streets, they want restaurants to close down, they want the public to stay off the streets and to stay home in order to control the Virus at hand. Now tell me, just how can that all be done?

    Please Note: These Virtual-Learning Programs do not seem to be working out at all, nor do they appear to be meeting the standards or the needs of the people because the youth appear to be getting left further and further behind when it comes to their education. Plus, this is causing undue hardship, unnecessary stress, depression, increased domestic violence, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse, suicidal tendencies, and other mental health–related crises in these households. By a lot people staying at home these days is letting us know the things we really need to be doing in these schools because parents at home are not educators, and this whole year appears to have been an absolute, complete failure to these kids. So by next year, we should have all this under control by making sure that our kids have whatever they need to stay ahead of the game and become successful in these efforts. By having all this knowledge and the laws that the United States always wants to make, they cannot even come up with a little program to fix their own Public School System right here in America because we know that this Virus is not going to go anywhere. So please tell me why is it that we don't ever seem to have an Alternative Contingency Backup Emergency Plan available that is already in place to further better our own citizens and our own country? Why can't we plan ahead, instead of reacting all the time after something bad has happened? We need to learn how to stop functioning in a chaotic mode all the time. We are always so eager, ready, and willing to jump up and down on the bandwagon to save some other countries at any time of the day or night, but we won't even lift a little, tiny finger to invest in the future of our own country, by continuing to say that, "We need a more smarter workforce here in the United States." We all need to stop talking about it and do something about it for a change. So "don't just talk about it. Be about it!"

    Please Note: One thing that President Donald John Trump did good is that he did give us the First Stimulus Package for business owners with more than 500 employees. And in the same breath, he came out a week later and said that only people who have paid income taxes within 2019 and 2020 are eligible for the Stimulus Check. Those decisions turned half of the Black and Brown people of this country upside down and left a bitter taste in their mouths when he said that they weren't eligible for a Stimulus Check. It appeared that all the Black and Brown people were on pins and needles, so all they needed was for the smallest thing to explode. And believe it or not, it did happen.

    The Police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, around the same time that we got the Stimulus Check, killed this Black guy named George Floyd, so that's all the country needed to hear in order to go crazy. Because the next thing we knew, there was looting and rioting all over Chicago one day, Los Angeles one day, New York one day, and so on it went. The rioting and the looting continued all around this country. So President Trump didn't look at it like it was his fault at all because he told the people that they had to have paid into the Income Tax System during 2019 and 2020 in order to receive a Stimulus Check. But at first, he told the public that "Everybody was going to get a check." And at the time, when they killed this guy named George Floyd, a White Police Officer had kneeled down on his neck for 9 minutes, sucking all the breath and life out of him until his eventual death. And that's all it took for the whole, entire country to ignite and go into an uproar. Between all those disturbances in the United States, with the Black and Brown people rioting because of not getting a Stimulus Check, all these things that we are contending with is too much on our plate to deal with at one time. So the Pandemic alone is not just killing people because a lot of the people are out here killing one another or killing themselves. And Trump is still talking about giving the American People this Care Package with Forgiveness Loans so that we wouldn't have to pay the money back for all of our small business owners around the country.

    Then by the time that May 1 rolled around, Trump was convinced that the Virus wasn't going away, and he wanted to stop all flights coming in from Southeast Asia. However, we have never even let the country know what was really affecting us because half the people in this Country hear that it came from Open Labs. The American People are thinking that it's scientists, doctors, or lab technicians that are over there working on some type of new Virus, trying to kill us or the entire World.

    So by Donald Trump being our President, he is not relating to the American Public about what's really going on. The President waited three months before he stopped all the flights coming into the United States from Southeast Asia. For several months, President Trump kept telling the American Citizens that "It's going to go away." So now we, the American People, don't even know who to believe or what to believe. The President continued to wait it out, and he didn't say anything until after the whole, entire World got infected. So now he wants to stop all the flights from Southeast Asia, so everybody just went the other way around through Europe by just going in the opposite direction. They're coming into New York and the East Coast of the United States like crazy. And these are the same people who brought the Virus over here in the first place, with them flying right into New York. That's why the American Public is so concerned, upset, and alarmed because nobody has said anything at all about stopping it or defending us from it. We were all so worried in this country about other people bringing the Corona Virus over here from China because we know from past experience, the only thing that continues to fly and travel everywhere are planes, birds, boats, and Caucasians.

    Yet, here we are supposed to be the Number 1 Country in the World when it comes to medicine, geniuses, and science. So why is it that we don't have any preventive measures in place for this, knowing full well that we just went through this six years ago with the Ebola Virus? Please Note: The Ebola Virus is a Corona Virus too, so we should have already been on top of our game and prepared when it comes to these types of situations. However, the drug, Hydrochoraquine, that worked for the Ebola Virus, does not work to cure the COVID-19 Virus.

    What are the goals for our Country and for the World when we sit back and allow something like this to just come in and take over? So where is our Government's Backup Plan, our Cure from scientists working around the clock day and night to solve this dilemma, and where is our Emergency Contingency Plan? So how about getting all these scientists and doctors off these TV Press Conferences, fixing up their ties and carrying-on, when they need to be in a lab somewhere, rolling up their sleeves and getting back to work by creating a solution to these urgent massive problems at hand that are affecting each of us globally. The scientists should be checking out all these Chinese People getting off the Walmart Boats, checking the air quality, the water quality, and the leaves of our trees for cross-contamination sources. If we are checking planes that come from over there, why are we not also checking boats that are unloading our goods to us, like all the Walmart Boats that are coming over to us on the ocean? Because of this, we also probably have people handling our goods that are already infected with the Virus as well, which may possibly lead to even further contamination and spreading of this contagious Virus.

    The American Public doesn't seem to quite understand and realize that China has all these Open Fish Markets and Open Lab Markets cutting up all different kinds of animals. Thus, they are comixing bloodlines, such as bats, birds, cats, puppies, rats, snakes, etc. That's why I say that we don't really know what actually happened, but we do know that it is "Human Error" that has occurred. The American Public does not seem to realize that the Covid Virus did not just happen to come from some type of a Chemistry Set within a Scientific Laboratory. The Chinese People over there appear to have a huge pipeline of tapping into all this stuff about Open Labs and different bloodlines, from the frog to the bat, to the cat to the rat and to the snakes. And thus, they are trying to feed them to all the people who are just passing by. I'm sure you'd be shocked at how many people over there who do eat rodents, including all these tourists who stroll by and eat these various so-called delicacies as they just happen to walk by in the streets of the "Open Labs" Marketplace.

    The COVID-19 Virus was first detected in the Chinese City of Wuhan in Central Hubei Province in late 2019. It was initially believed that the Virus originated in a market that was selling exotic animals for meat. It was further suggested that this was where the Virus first made the leap from animals to humans. However, the origins of the Virus remain deeply contested. Some experts now believe the market may not have been the origin, and that it was instead only amplified and spread there. Some research has suggested that coronaviruses capable of infecting humans may have been circulating undetected in bats for decades. It is not known, however, what intermediate animal host transmitted the Virus between bats and humans.

    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as an illness/highly contagious infectious respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was formerly called 2019-nCoV. It was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. SARS-CoV-2 originated in bats and was transmitted to humans via civet cats, while MERS originated in camels. Even though it is currently unknown about the precise route by which SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from animals to humans, it is argued to have been of bat origin. However, Human Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1960s.

    Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Scientists first identified a Human Coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later on during that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance. There are at least seven (7) coronaviruses that can infect humans. The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses is estimated to have existed as recently as 8,000 BCE, although some models place the common ancestor as far back as 55 million years or more, implying long-term coevolution with bat and avian species.

    However, our current problem is that our Scientists do not appear to be trying to figure this stuff out fast enough to find a cure or a remedy to this most pressing situation at hand. So now you can see why the American People want to know what's going on so badly because we are not being told the truth. Number One is that the Trump Administration can't even seem to find out where

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