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"Mommy Nomics - A Guiding Lamp for Working Moms," is a must-have companion for today's dynamic working mothers. This practical and invaluable book is the extension of author's doctorate research that offers a wealth of wisdom and guidance, tailored specifically to me

Release dateJun 4, 2024


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    CHAPTER 1.

    Inspiration for the Book


    When times are hard and things go wrong,

    The road you are trudging seems up and down.

    Stop a bit but do not quit,

    Take the strength that lies within, a bit.

    Promise yourself to be inner strong,

    To build peace within and mentally bond.

    Look at sunny side of everything,

    Light thy majesty to blink forth in all things.

    We often take our lives and relationships for granted until something unexpected happens, and the universe reminds us of how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes situations envelop us to the point that humanity, empathy, love, and respect are our only options for survival. A similar predicament has arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and these trying times have made us appreciate the worth of our interpersonal ties and societal togetherness.

    In December 2019, an infectious respiratory disease emerged in Wuhan city of China and was named COVID -19(Corona virus disease 2019) by World Health Organization. It has been said that the COVID-19 Pandemic is the most crucial Global Health Calamity of the century which challenged human kind since the 2nd World War.

    According to a report by WHO, Covid-19 affected millions of people and many had lost their lives. More than 200 countries were afflicted by this lethal virus, which had seriously demobilized the global economy. Most of the affected countries had gone into lockdown, and major international flights were rerouted between countries. Domestic flights, railway operations (excluding goods trains), bus, truck, and vehicle transports were all halted as a result of the lockdown, except those transporting vital items. Almost all educational, commercial, sports, and religious institutions in the COVID-19 countries were closed, resulting in a massive financial, existential, and material disaster. The level of production was plummeted, due to lack of productivity and excessive spending on treatment and rehabilitation, thus the economies of many so-called wealthy countries were facing the possibility of high inflation and rising unemployment. As a result, COVID-19 unquestionably had a notably negative impact on the day-to-day lives of the whole human community, as well as on the global economy.

    The Covid shutdown also had an unanticipated impact on my life. A trip from Bhopal, India, to Florida, USA, was travelled in January 2020 to attend my sister's son wedding and to see my children Justin and Janice, who were living there. The return journey to India was planned by mid-February 2020 but was delayed by a month due to my health difficulties. This enslaved me to the clutches of lockout, which lasted nearly eight months. The job of my husband and mine were on the line, and stress levels reached at an all-time high. This period taught us that God oversees our lives and the cosmos. It also showed us how vital human life is and how crucial our relationships with others are.

    This was the time; I was spending a long period with my children which made to reflect on my children's upbringing. The lockdown time made me to ruminate the mornings where I prepared tiffin and assisted my children in getting to the bus stop for school/college bus at 7.30 a.m. Then preparation of breakfast, lunch, household tasks with the help of maids, and reaching office. The period after that, were the kids under the care of others from 7.30 a.m. until 7 p.m. This schedule gave me only 2 or 3 hours in the evening with the children during studies and dinner.

    The stay also prompted me to assess my children's behavior, their outlook on life, their creativity, abilities, family and religious beliefs, inventiveness, and so on. I started counting their positive and negative attributes and discovered that my hard work and values instilled in them although through the hit-or-miss system yielded exceptional results, but were late. My children did well in their studies, Justin (son 33 yrs) is an Engineering Graduate and MBA, presently working as Consultant for M/s Deloitte Consulting Services Ltd USA (one of 4 big consultancy firm of world and Janice (daughter 27 yrs) is an Engineering graduate and MS in Engineering Management from the University of Central Florida, presently working as Solution Analyst for Hills Borough County, Govt of Florida. My thoughts then raced with the idea that if someone had given me a set of drawn rules, I could have done a better job as a working mother, with limited time and resources for my children. This has prompted me to write a book on the subject.

    I always loved to study where human intervention was involved. I pursued Bachelor's Degree in Management, Master's Degree in Social work, Bachelor's Degree in law, and a Doctorate in Sociology (in 2017). The title of my Doctoral thesis was The Role of Working Women in Child Socialization and Career Prospects. The study included 200 women from the Bhopal district in India, who worked in a varied areas like banking, schools and colleges, government, private and public sector, hospitals, and insurance. Among these women are some role models who consciously regulated their time, resources and lives for their family thus developing their kids to achieve significant success in career. This study examined the do's and don’ts of working mothers at various stages of their children's development, to raise them as an efficient and good human being.

    Thus, the above research study, with further varied research on the subject through books & internet and my own life experience, enlightened me to write this book, as a guide for forthcoming working mothers, who will be happy at the end of the years, knowing that they were able to strike a balance between work and home and have given the country energetic, efficient, and excellent citizens.

    The book will have photos taken from google and poems written by me related to the subject, covers the real aspects which a working mom passes, different periods of child’s existence, and as well as a few case studies of successful working mothers. I am beginning to write this book by praying to my Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for wisdom and strength, so that I might make a difference in the lives of working mothers and the book to serve as a guide for raising their children.

    So, move forward with me!

    CHAPTER 2.

    Woman: A Power Bank of Potentials

    Woman a Power Bank of Potentials

    "She is more than a pair of breasts and a set of the ovary,

    More than the color of skin and the length of hair,

    More than the ribbed jeans and nine-yard of saree,

    She is a painting, drawn with the most beautiful colors.

    She is a poem, rhythmic with every other word,

    She is a moon, cold and calmness lie in one,

    She is more than a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister,

    She is the riddle, the question, the confusion, and yet the


    More than the past, present, and future She is the universe."

    How can a woman be defined in a few words? She is a complete universe in and of herself, containing all hues and giving everything in every relationship she has. A woman is many things in her life: a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, and most importantly, a mother.

    Woman as a daughter.

    As a source of kindness, tenderness, and softness, a woman's function as a daughter is one of the most important roles she can play. She is possibly the first and only person that idolizes you and is always willing to aid you without hesitation. Daughters are compassionate and play an important part in maintaining a strong family tie. Daughters are a symbol of love that can only be repaid through love.

    Woman as a sister.

    Another significant position of a woman is that of a sister. She is the one who feels you, understands you, steps up when your back is against the wall, and most importantly, stands by you when you need help without even asking for it. As a sister, she is strong enough to tell you the difference between right and wrong and shows you the kindness and warmth of a lady.

    Woman as a Wife.

    As a wife, a woman is an important member of society who has significant duties. A wife works hard at home and at work if she is employed in order to establish her home and maintain a fulfilling relationship with her husband and in-laws. With her diverse talents and her husband's collaboration and support, she binds the family together. To establish a stable and loving partnership, both husband and wife must co-build their home and accomplish everything in life together.

    Woman as a mother

    A woman plays several roles but the role of being a mother is always irreplaceable.

    Any mother, whether mine, yours, or someone else's; Is it possible for anyone to repay their mother for what she has done, what she is doing, and what she will do for us? Or can we just pay our mom for the nine months? Or for the time when she puts her life on the line to give us life? Or can we even comprehend beating the anguish she has endured, or how could we repay her for all the hours she has stayed up to care for us, the time she has spent teaching us, and the millions of things she has done and will continue to do in the future?

    We will always be indebted to our mothers, and we will never be able to repay her for everything she has done for us. I am not sure what I could say about mothers. Words, poetry, essays, books, and everything else will be mute in comparison to what our mothers have done to us and are capable off.

    My mother and every mother, we are surely undeniably, undoubtedly, and certainly nothing without you. We will never be able to make it up for you.

    Women are the cornerstone of society and an integral component of it. Be gentle with her; she is deserving of and deserving of everything.


    A woman is a potential powerhouse. Her qualities are unrivalled by men, but they must be found and energized in order to accomplish extraordinary outcomes. With her lively abilities, a woman transforms a house into a home by exploring the potentials present in the surroundings. Though many successful women attribute their success to chance, it is largely hard work and dedication that propels women to the top or to stand out. Let us look at prominent qualities of such ladies and how they inspire others to emulate them. Women must maintain a few attributes in order to stay focused and successful:

    1. Inquisitiveness- Women are born bright, but they must maintain and increase their intelligence via information and practice. She must pursue her passions and satisfy her curiosity, which will enable her to discover new possibilities and become more active.

    2. Time management habit-One of the most critical qualities that any successful woman must possess is time management. Working women must be actively engaged in both office and household activities, therefore time management is essential. You must devise a strategy and stick to it. Make time for everything, including personal, family, work, and friends. Organize your schedule according to your responsibilities. Make a list of your weekly tasks ahead of time. Make your work a priority by getting up earlier. Discipline is required to achieve one's objectives. Determine when you are most productive. Make it a habit to have a healthy and productive morning routine. Make some time for yourself and always have a backup plan.

    3. Education- One of the most basic requirements for knowledge is to attend a formal education system, such as a school or a college. It makes no difference from where you attend school or college but it is necessary to study and obtain knowledge. Even if your family and surroundings are difficult, your desire to study will drive you to get the most out of your formal education.

    4. Hard work– Hard work is the foundation of success. Self-denial, delayed reward, and pain are all used to achieve the goal. However, this aids an ideal in creating a vision for whatever one does, giving meaning to all work .

    5. Determination- Success and failure are inextricably linked, but it is the determined woman who makes the difference. Even while planning for adversity, she remains upbeat and cheerful, and she creates the framework for success.

    6. Industrious- A woman who is industrious is one who is creative, action-oriented, takes initiative, and enjoys hard work. She is never idle, but is always engaged in something useful. She even slumbers with purpose.

    7. Versatility- A woman is a complex, dynamic, and capable being. She could be a daughter, a wife, a mother, an employer, an employee, a housewife, a buyer, or a seller, among other things. She must comprehend and use economic principles, supply and demand, marketing, foreign affairs, taxation, and the impact of government regulation on sales in order to be successful.

    8. Entrepreneurial- An ideal woman can spot opportunities and manage risk. She forecasts danger and prepares for what lies ahead, whether good or unpleasant, whether at work or at home, by being aware of numerous ups and downs. She is a far sighted individual.

    9. Talent- A woman must develop a variety of skills, such as writing, singing, playing games, drawing and artistic work, animation, and so on, in order to feel worthy and sustain motivation for herself and others. This improves our mental and physical capacities to deal with life's obstacles.

    10. Trust & Respect– A woman must be trustworthy and honest. She must inspire and earn trust, rather than engaging in invaluable communication that undermines her dignity and identity. She needs to be respected and admired by a wide spectrum of people.

    11. Confident & Hopeful–An inspiring woman exudes power and self-assurance. Her mindset is upbeat, reframing and reinventing her circumstances to fit the perspective of human life's ultimate objective. She grins at the future and rejoices in the face of adversity.

    12. Stable –A role model lady is always pleasant, unshakable, dependable, and emotionally stable. The difference between her behavior on good days and bad days is small and narrowing. She maintains her composure and manages the issue with grace and courage.

    13. Considerate & Compassionate –An ideal woman is selfless and willing to help others. She is kind and generous to those who are hurting and in need. She cultivates the practice of speaking in a pleasant and compassionate manner.

    14. Refined Taste –A woman is refined and refined. Knowledge of fashion, culture, and the arts is required. Her appearance and demeanor must reflect well on her and her family. Managing a household and, if applicable, an office necessitates not just remarkable talent but also a refined and discerning taste for excellent things that is not materialistic.

    15. Energetic-A woman needs to be physically fit, caring for her whole self with a vision for the future. It has rightly said, A healthy mind lies in a healthy body, so a woman must take nutritious food, do exercise, and take adequate rest to keep her body healthy and happy.

    16. Religious- A woman must adopt the religious rituals and tradition to transmit to the coming generation. The religious books give moral values and teachings which helps to frame character and believes.

    17. Ambitious – A perfect woman keeps struggling with her current situation and seeks a challenging profession. She yearns for a good name, financial security, and social acceptance in her family and community. This encourages her to seek out new information and opportunities in order to improve her performance daily.

    18. Financially Prosperous- Women are continuously on the lookout for financial security. She does not like of being reliant on others for her fundamental necessities and comforts. She works to make money to support her family and explores her potential to find happiness if the opportunity arises. Because of her, the husband of a model woman is tremendously enriched.

    A woman shall possess the attributes listed above, which may vary from 50 to 100 percentage depending on her abilities and surroundings. A woman is a powerful, intelligent, clever, passionate, courageous, and generous individual who possesses multiple superpowers. Action, emotion, commitment, and optimism abound her. Expects and believes to be treated with respect, love, and gratitude. With these abilities, she can take on significant duties, maintaining strength, tolerance, and having a positive impact on society.


    Today's women leaders are those who have honed their skills and have these attributes in excess of 80 percentage. So, as an author and a working woman, I implore all women to consciously develop the above-mentioned attributes to an 80-percentage level, so that one day women will become superpowers and can lead the world, rather than confining themselves to home.

    CHAPTER 3.

    Why Women Should Work?

    A Woman of Dreams

    Oh! Woman, you are a beautiful creation of God,

    A daughter, sister, wife, mom, and friendship bond.

    Smart, Strong, Surviving, Caring and Giving,

    Works hard beyond limit for always winning.

    A great dreamer, sleeps intrigued, excited and bright,

    To see, fly Wright Brothers airplane, in raging storm sight.

    Dives in the deep ocean of dream, to achieve the position of height,

    Thus, strides fast to capture all dreams, with confidence and might.

    Women's essential function in society has always been to ensure the stability, advancement, and long-term development of nations. Their empowerment has gained traction in the twenty-first century, providing equal opportunities for women to pursue personal, social, and economic goals. Women's standing in world has changed dramatically over the millennia. We have seen a shift in women's attitudes today as a few women have created a road of change and served as role models for others.

    Women have the power to change generations, but they are frequently pushed to the margins. They have become role models in various fields such as politics, science, art, aviation, research, medicine, engineering, and so on, by being different and going against the norms. They have unturned the stone in various fields such as politics, science, art, aviation, research, medicine, engineering, and so on. Even they have held important positions in modern India, including President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and Leader of the Opposition. Since 2011, India's President, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) have all been women.

    Since 1948, there have also been women on the Fortune 500 CEO list. In 1972, Katharine Graham, the former CEO of The Washington Post, became the first woman to be named to the list. In 2022, only 74 women are heading as CEOs of Fortune 500 businesses accounting for 15 % of the total. This indicates that women today must take on the task of taking jobs and pursuing professions to reach the top.

    Let me name a few female role models who have influenced, challenged, and inspired the world.

    Indra Gandhi.

    Indira Gandhi is a name to remember among the few remarkable female leaders who have left their impact on the global political arena. Indira Gandhi is remembered not only as a tough leader, but also as a symbol of women's emancipation in India and around the world. She was elected as Prime Minister of India four times, becoming the world's longest-serving woman Prime Minister from 1966 to 1984. She was known for her tough stance and assertive leadership style.

    Indra Nooyi.

    Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and inspiring leader. There are no boundaries to what you can do, she says over and over. She has had an incredible journey from being a young woman born in India who immigrated to the United States to becoming the CEO of one of the most well-known brands. She rose to the position of CEO of PepsiCo at the age of 50, owing to her tenacity and desire. PepsiCo has risen to become the world's second-largest Snack and Beverage Company by net revenue during her leadership.

    Malala Yousufzai.

    Malala Yousufzai is the text book-perfect example of a role model for young women, having survived an assassination attempt and gone on to become an outspoken advocate for female rights and education in the Middle East. She has fearlessly spoken at the United Nations and continues to fight for girls' education in all corners of the globe since migrating to the UK to live and work, making her a fantastic example of a female role model.

    Kalpana Chawla.

    Kalpana Chawla's accomplishments have undoubtedly made India proud, since she is the first Indian woman in space and a role model for those who aspire to break through glass ceilings and reach for the stars. Her tale is one of great perseverance and dedication, and it is proof that no dream is too far if someone puts their heart and everything into pursuing it.

    Gita Gopinath.

    With her nomination as Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gita Gopinath becomes the second Indian and first woman to hold the role.

    Tessy Thomas.

    Tessy's love for missile technology was sparked by the Thumba rocket launching site, which was close to her home in Alappuzha. She was dubbed Agniputri and the Missile woman of India. Tessy is the first woman to lead an Indian missile project, and the Agni-V missile program successfully launched was a career milestone for her. The journey, however, was not without its setbacks.

    Surekha Yadav.

    Surekha Yadav made history by becoming India's first female passenger train driver in 1988, paving the path for more women to follow.

    There are thousands upon thousands of women who were unique and whose names have been inscribed in some aspect of human history.


    After studying the journeys of various women who have broken barriers and made a name for themselves in their fields, as well as analyzing my life journey as a working woman, I realized that there is a need to highlight the necessity and requirement of why a woman should work, from the essence of my life experience as well as some snippets from other women.

    What would you get if you are a working woman?

    1. Financial Security.

    Our need for financial security is tied to our employment in the existing economic system. We cannot overlook financial security and the importance of money in obtaining necessities as well as leading a comfortable and luxurious life. People are finding it difficult to relax as a result of greater globalization and a robotized economy, and the fear of job uncertainty and financial insecurity. With a steady source of income, a woman can feel comfortable in leading a happy life. Even after marriage, if a husband loses his work or a wife loses hers, the family will be able to satisfy their basic needs.

    2. Financial Independence.

    One of the most crucial factors that influence the quality of a woman's life is her ability to earn and become financially independent. This offers her the freedom to spend her money as she sees fit without feeling humiliated to seek for help.

    3. Learning Opportunities.

    Learning in the workplace is an important part of personal and professional development, and it expands one's horizons in terms of what one can desire, achieve, and think. Work provides interpretation in the areas of behavior, cognition, development, and constructivism. It is incredibly satisfying to take on a stimulating new role that allows us to hone our existing skills or learn new ones. Improves general knowledge - simply being a part of a world outside of four walls allows you to see, listen, and comprehend a lot more.

    4) Develops one’s Identity.

    Working gives women, a sense of self that is distinct from their personal relationships and associations. We are innately social beings that require the assistance of others in order to survive. Work is a way of belonging for many people. When we go to work, we become a part of a group of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal, which gives us a sense of belonging. Self-confidence and self-worth are extremely crucial for women.

    5) Creates employment opportunity for others.

    While working outside the home, a woman provides jobs for other women by employing a chef, cleaner, nanny, and other household helpers. She also helps other family members financially as a result of this.

    6) Enriches understanding of the world.

    Interacting with a varied range of individuals allows her to partake in a variety of life experiences, which deepens her understanding of herself, others, the world, and life. This broadens her horizons, perspectives, and viewpoints.

    7) Enhances self-esteem.

    The self-esteem of working women rises dramatically. She gains confidence in herself as she navigates various aspects of life. She develops the ability to take on any risk at the office and at home, allowing her to take on challenges that lead to success.

    8) Upliftment of Status in family.

    Because of her professional responsibilities and family values she receives respect as a multi-faceted individual. With limited time, a woman's ability to handle her various chores and keep the family sound in various sprees encourages her family members.

    9) Helps the economy.

    Working women contribute positively to the economy and have control over purchasing power. She injects money into the economy and encourages it to circulate.

    10) Role model.

    Many working women who strive to make it work every day are role models who inspire someone somewhere simply by demonstrating that it is possible, you can do it.

    11) Promotes better life skills.

    Working women pick up important life skills including time management, communication, negotiating, and saying no. The ability to comprehend human behavior and how the real-world works improves.

    12) Doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

    Working women tend to let go of a lot of baggage since they do not have time to ruminate on the past, fret about the future, or dwell over minor issues.

    13) Maintains family Binding.

    Aside from being a great role model, she also gives a lot of information about what it takes to achieve in life. Teach your family the importance of self-sufficiency and interdependence. She tries to preserve relationships with both her husband's and her own family. Being sociable she attempts to preserve family traditions and rituals in order to keep the family together.

    14) Understands the value of money.

    Working women try and work hard to obtain money, and as a result, they grasp the value of money and spend it wisely. She prefers to spend money when it is necessary and saves to meet unexpected expenses.

    15) Appreciates others in her life more.

    Working women understands the difficulties of working in an office and is more sympathetic to her spouse as a result (of course it needs to work both ways). She adopts the mind-set of appreciating her support system - her parents, instructors, supporters, and advocates, whoever they may be - just as she does in her office, where she receives appreciation and likewise appreciates her co-workers.

    16) Understands the value of time.

    Working women are aware of their limited time and make the most of it by planning their activities and balancing work at home and at the workplace.

    17) Decision making ability.

    Working women are better enabled, equipped, and empowered to make judgments since they are exposed to a variety of situations. This capacity allows her to be self-sufficient and contribute to the family's well-being.

    18) Enjoy a happier marriage life.

    According to recent studies, dual-earner couples had the best levels of marital happiness and quality. When you have something other than your home and husband to focus on, your marriage is more likely to thrive. If you bring some more cash home, your partner will be less stressed about money, allowing him to relax.

    19) Improved sex life.

    Confidence in the workplace provides women with self-assurance and peace of mind, which aids in the enjoyment of their sexual lives. According to the psychologist, receiving positive feedback from a co-worker or upper management makes you feel good about yourself. Your sex life will undoubtedly be fantastic if you believe yourself appealing, lovable, and confident.

    20) Serve as a role model to kids.

    A successful working woman who successfully balances her career and personal lives has a significant impact on her children. Their efforts to balance work and family life have an indirect impact on their children's lives. When their children realize that their mother manages everything, from the office to their homework, with utmost dedication, they are inspired, and they begin to look up to her as a role model.

    21) Better old age.

    As children grow older, they begin to work and require privacy. They will have their own families and friends, and they will not be able to spend as much time with their mothers as they would like. Stay-at-home moms may feel alienated, alone, and empty at this stage of life. Working women with a great job, on the other hand, have a nice existence because they have a variety of options for positive reinforcement outside the home. While the stay-at-home moms' lives revolve around their families and husbands, the working women will see life through a fresh lens and with a larger perspective.

    22) Leaves a greater personal legacy.

    Working women leave a more substantial (financial and otherwise) legacy for future generations. She leaves a bright generation, as well as family values and financial resources that can be passed down from generation to generation.


    It makes no difference what kind of work a woman does, where she works, how she works, or how long she works; what counts is that SHE WORKS TODAY, TOMORROW, OR AFTER. What is important is that her work has a positive impact on her life and the lives of those around her. If a woman works hard to create the attributes of a successful woman, she can get the FAME, FINANCE, and FUTURE she desires.

    CHAPTER 4.

    Marriage: A Divine Institution


    Marriage, is a sign of Divine Binding,

    Where hundreds of brides walk of aisle travelling,

    To meet the dream groom, with heart of happiness,

    Vows to make two fractional lives, in wholeness.

    Giving and taking, forgiving, and forsaking,

    Sharing and caring, kissing, and loving,

    Sweetness and kindness, wisdom, and blindness,

    Making growth atmosphere, with all thoughtfulness.

    Marriage is not always a bed of roses,

    Grows along with the string of thorny bushes,

    Guard it with hard work, trust, and eye focused,

    Nurture it with fountain of love, sacrifice, and boldness.

    To make every day of marriage, a life in paradise

    Marriage is one of the social institutions that has been established to control and regulate the life of mankind. As it is anchored in the divine plan of creation, it is a natural institution and a sacred union of two partners. Whether for the better or the worse, this institution has evolved.

    Education and lifestyle have altered dramatically since the introduction of the 18th-century economy. Marriage has evolved into a concept that varies from community to community and country to country. Robert Lowie describes marriage as a relatively permanent bond between permissible mates. In today's world, the concept of same-sex marriage and live-in relationships has been pronounced legal by the courts in nearly every country. In addition, each religion has evolved its own set of marriage regulations to suit its own needs. However, the essential concept of marriage as a legal contract remains the same, but the legal duties have changed according to societal developments.

    Marriage thus is a sacred, legal, and socially sanctioned union of two people to journey through life as partners in a personal relationship of companionship, fulfillment, and love; it is governed by-laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the partners’ rights and duties and accord status to their offspring; (if any). So,

    Marriage is the foundation of family, and family is the fundamental unit of society.


    In India, marriage is governed by several personal laws. It is the holiest of all family structures.

    • Hindu Marriage-Hindu marriage is the union of two individuals (mostly male and female) for ultimate eternity so that they can pursue dharma (responsibility/duties), arth (meaning), and kama. It is a union of two minds, bodies, and souls. Hindu marriage showcases that the marriage is not just a contract but a sacred and holy union of two souls. The Hindu marriage act, of 1955 covers the marriage and divorce among Hindus (including Jains and Buddhists)

    • Muslim Marriage-Muslim Law, Quran states, Every person must marry. It states that marriage is the only way to satisfy one’s desire. Nikah (marriage) is a legal contract for the procreation of children. It is a contract, where the bridegroom proposes and acceptance by a bride completes it to be a contract. Muslims in India are governed by the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 which deals with marriage, succession, inheritance, and charities among Muslims. Muslim women who are a divorcee and needs protection or women who want to divorce their husband are governed by the Dissolution of the Muslim Marriage Act 1939. These laws do not apply to Muslims whose marriage comes under the Special Marriage Act 1954.

    The Government of India passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 which pronounces that talaq by a Muslim husband upon his wife, by words, either spoken or written or in electronic form or any other manner whatsoever, shall be void and illegal and is punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, and is also liable to fine.

    • Christian marriage-Christian Law states that a marriage is neither a civil contract nor a religious contract. It is a sacrament. Christian marriages are commanded by the Indian Christian Marriage Act of 1872. According to the act, marriage is lawful if at least one of the parties is Christian. A woman married under the Indian Christian Marriage Act of 1872 can seek termination of her marriage under the Indian Divorce Act of 1869.

    • Parsi Marriage-According to Parsis, marriage is a spiritual disciple and not merely a civil contract. For the marriage to be declared legal, it must be in between the two people and be solemnized by the priest in an Ashirvaad ceremony. The Parsi marriage is governed by the Pari Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936.


    Homosexuality is referred to as attraction between people who belong to the same sex. The Greek word homos mean the same. Homosexual people refer to themselves as gay, lesbian,

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