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Move Towards Your Purpose
Move Towards Your Purpose
Move Towards Your Purpose
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Move Towards Your Purpose

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We are here for a reason. We have a purpose. It drives us every day and motivates us to keep moving forward with faith and hope. We believe that something better will come. We believe that life is preparing us for great things. We believe in the transcendence of b

Publisheribukku, LLC
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Move Towards Your Purpose

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    Move Towards Your Purpose - Juglan Abadía

    Portada de Move Towards your Purpose hecha por Juglan Abadía




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    Published by Ibukku, LLC

    Graphic Design: Diana Patricia González

    Cover Design: Ángel Flores Guerra Bistrain

    Copyright © 2024 JUGLAN ABADÍA

    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-68574-786-2

    ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-68574-788-6

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-68574-787-9

    Nobody reaches the promised land

    without first passing through the desert.

    "Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails."

    Proverbs 19:21

    Table of Content

    Uncomfortably Purposeful

    Run Your Own Race

    Don´t Compare Your Lawn With the Neighbor’s

    Know Yourself As Much As Possible

    Learn to Be Reserved

    Stop Overthinking

    I will do my best not to overthink. But if I must, I will only do it on paper.

    Don’t Live To Please Others

    Living to Serve

    Show Gratitude

    Every Person You Interact With Is A Life Teacher Chosen By You To Fulfill Your Purpose.

    Do Not Allow Haste To Enter Your Life

    Always Keep A Budget Of Your Income And Expenses

    Failures Are Lessons

    Live Without Regrets

    Activate Your Gifts And Talents To Move Forward.

    Sow And Help Others

    Actions That Lead To Good Sowing And Harvesting

    Learn To Be Invisible, Yet Invaluable.

    Celebrate Others’ Triumphs To Reach Your Full Potential

    Invest Your Time Wisely So That When The Time For Promotion Comes, You Are Prepared

    Feel Secure And Complete Being Who You Are

    Shine Wherever You Are

    It’s Always The Perfect Time

    Let Go Of Emotional Baggage

    Personal Note

    We are in this life with the certainty that we have come to fulfill a purpose, which drives us each day and motivates us to keep moving forward with faith and hope. Believing that something better is coming, that life is preparing us for great things, we believe in the transcendence of being and in our evolution as people, as human beings, luminous beings that radiate energy and resonate with the universe. We believe in a higher power, in the Creator of life.

    We hold convictions deep within us, and although we may not have delved deeply into some areas, there is an inner force that compels us to seek that purpose. Often, we have heard that if we are still alive, it is because we have not yet fulfilled it and there is still something left to do. While it is true that we know and understand this concept, there are times when we face uncertainty, lack of confidence, lack of faith. We encounter challenging situations according to the circumstances that come into our lives, the events that occur, the battles we fight, and the different people we interact with. We then begin to question whether that purpose is still valid or active, not because we doubt that we have one, since it is something innate in our knowledge, but because we come to believe that it is not our time, that it will take a long time, or that we have made so many mistakes that we start to think it will not be fulfilled in us.

    Today, I want you to have the certainty and conviction that absolutely nothing will alter the reason why you came to this world and why you are still under this sky, in this life. I tell you with absolute confidence and guarantee that there is a mission that has been uniquely and exclusively entrusted to you, and it will be fulfilled as it has been predestined.

    You are not an accident in this life, you are not here by chance, regardless of the home you came from, the circumstances that brought you into this world, or the events that have occurred since your childhood or conception. You are a person with a purpose, you have a reason to be and to exist, every act, every experience, every desert and valley you cross is preparing you and bringing you closer to it, even if you cannot see it at those moments.

    You will always face challenges, and I can assure you that the storms of life come to us all, leading us to that point of questioning or meditation about the real purpose of our existence, why we are here, and when we will achieve the mission entrusted to us. What will be the path to follow and the decisions we must make. You may have something that worries you, you are facing an illness, you have lost your job, someone has hurt you, betrayed your trust, you are experiencing a challenging moment in your relationship, with your family, your closest circle is not the most suitable, you feel emptiness in your life, you do not manage to have healthy relationships, maybe your finances are not as you wish right now, debts prevent you from seeing the light, or you simply have not connected with your calling, your purpose, losing hope and perhaps lowering your faith level, leading to discouragement, living in a constant apathy that leads you to postpone or avoid the germination of the seed of greatness that was placed in your life the day you were born.

    Let me tell you that we have all had the opportunity at some point to deal with these kinds of challenges, and we may feel our purpose is distant, as if we were stuck, not flowing, and with everything against us. It is precisely in these moments that we must remember two very important things: the first is to tell ourselves, this too shall pass, the situation I am experiencing right now will not last forever. Whatever it is, it is only shaping and teaching you, even though it may be very hard to understand right now. The second thing is to have clarity and certainty about the following: just because you find yourself in a stressful situation today does not mean you should lose your hope and faith. Do not let frustration enter your life and take root in your heart. Perhaps you are in the midst of the storm, under a gray sky, crossing the worst desert of your season, or walking through a desolate valley; the key is to not let that storm enter and contaminate your heart.

    Do not allow the external to break into your interior, nor allow circumstances to control your life. Learn to be stable from the inside out, consistently maintain an action of power and control, so that when you face life’s mishaps, strong winds, and storms, you can remain at peace, in a state of balance, understanding that every situation that occurs in your life is under the absolute control of the Creator, and that everything is allowed so you can walk and advance towards your purpose. Understand that nothing, absolutely nothing is by chance. From the moment you were formed in your mother’s womb, a purpose was set for you. Written are all the situations you will face, the home where you will be born, the relationships you will have, the decisions you will make, the mistakes you will confront, the periods you will go through; all are part of the learning you must experience until you transcend and learn what you must learn to fulfill the real purpose for which you are here. So, flow with the situations, accept and move forward, let go of all that does not make you feel good and no longer flows with your energy, everything that no longer vibrates on your same frequency.

    Try to find an internal state of peace; do not drain your energy for anything or anyone. One day, you will understand that no one deserves for you to drain yourself and wear yourself out in that way. Also, do not allow worry or haste to fill your days. Learn to live one day at a time. Life can be very noisy, and if we allow it, we will live tired, worried, anxious, hurried, stressed, tense, rushed, nervous, deviating from the path that leads us to fulfillment and distancing us from our real purpose.

    There will be times in your life when everything seems out of control, challenges will come, you will face worries, you will be challenged to confront your fears and apprehensions, you will experience emotions that take you out of place, there will be days when you feel an absence within yourself. I don’t know if you have ever experienced this; personally, I have. To put it another way, it feels like the body walks alone, as if our soul is silent and turned off, we don’t feel it vibrate, it’s as if a prolonged silence envelops us. I call these the gray states of our interior, and it is normal that at some point in our life or in some season we experience this; if this happens to you, consciously try to choose to be calm and silence the voices in your mind, connect with creation, with the supreme being, the Creator, close your eyes, listen to your heart and allow yourself to live the emotion through which you are activating the gray state, recognize it and accept it, allow it to pass so that it can transform you. Only in the midst of that calm and peace will you be able to hear your calling.

    Understand that peace is not the absence of problems, but a state of being where we ensure that all the challenges we face do not reach our inner self, thus preventing roots and cracks from forming in our heart.

    I invite you to delve deeper into your life, to not live merely from what you see on the surface, since the surface will always be very changeable, you won’t always be able to control what happens, you can’t escape adversities, trials, problems, challenges, or worries. You will also experience moments where things don’t go your way; as long as you have life, there will always be something you will have to deal with. When you learn to go deeper and delve a bit more into your life and inner self, you will find calm, rest, and it will allow you to be in tune with the life purpose that was designed uniquely and exclusively for you.

    Be certain that no weapon forged against you will be able to stop the destiny designated for your life. You are surrounded with a covering of protection, and no difficulty will occur unless it has a divine purpose, meant to strengthen you, bless you, and bring out your best version. If you manage to be at peace and find calm, regardless of the challenge you face, you will see the clear path forward on what to do to fulfill your calling and purpose.

    Nothing can deviate you from your destiny; believe me, on the contrary, every action will lead you toward that path. The decisions you make, the people you interact with, whatever the experience, the jobs you have held, the people you surround yourself with, and even those who are no longer part of your life, the events that occur, all are part of the established purpose. But it depends on you to move to the next level or to remain in the field of preparation for longer. Every day is essential for you to achieve this.

    We are called to be agents of change and to transcend, to leave a legacy beyond just having come to this world and someday departing. So walk from your identity, from your infinite being of light, from your purpose, your calling, from your essence. By taking this stance, you can go through all the seasons in your life and still maintain the conviction that you are always moving towards something better. You will see how every wind that moves you and every storm that comes into your life brings you closer to your purpose.

    Always bless your desert, because although it may seem that you are crossing it alone, you are not; you are in the palm of the Creator’s hand. It is precisely there in that desert where you are being strengthened to recognize yourself and connect with what has been destined for you according to your life purpose and mission. Often, we want things our way; we make our plans and projections, driven by the emotion of the moment or with a narrow view of the future. We cling so much to people, relationships, situations, and that is when the Creator must intervene and make us walk through the arid valley, destroying our plans, removing people from our side, closing doors and projects, because otherwise, we would walk towards destruction.

    If you manage to remain in faith and peace, you will soon see what has been prepared for you. Just because what you long for has not yet happened does not mean that you will not see it fulfilled in your life; believe me, everything you need is already written in your future. The Creator is still in control, still the captain of your ship, He holds the helm, and nothing will alter that promise for your life.

    You might feel like a lot of time has already passed, or perhaps you think you’ve been waiting for many years. You might feel that you lack the connections or the funds to progress, and often there seem to be things, relationships, situations, and events that make no sense in the natural world. But believe with all your heart that all the promises set for your life will be fulfilled. Everything you long for, that purpose for which you know you are here on earth, will be accomplished. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can prevent the Creator from fulfilling what He has written for you.

    It may seem like the timing is far off, because you are viewing it solely from your humanity. Do not let those thoughts control your mind and make you anxious. On the contrary, be thankful each day, knowing that all that was promised is on its way. There are many promises yet to be fulfilled in your life, including the most secret petitions of your heart; everything will reach its fulfillment. The Creator will finish what He started, even though it may seem impossible to you. You were not created to be average; you were created to be incredible. You have seeds of greatness within you, and those whispers you hear in your heart are the dreams that have been prepared for you. The first thing we need to understand about God’s timing is that it is perfect, as are all His ways.

    Life will try to convince you that what you long for will not come, that you will not fulfill your purpose. It will make you believe that you have made so many mistakes that you no longer deserve the greatness of the universe. It will want to knock you down, steal your dreams, and sabotage your mind, but I want you to have certainty and a clear conviction that you will achieve it, even though it may seem like everything is against you, even if you are in the middle of the valley of shadow and the storm clouds your life.

    Facing the fog and uncertainty is something we are not exempt from. At times, you may not even be sure if you are heading in the right direction. The only thing you know is that the Creator has placed a promise in your heart and a purpose for your life. Perhaps all voices tell you that you’ve missed too many opportunities, that it will never happen. In those moments of fog, you must stand firm and believe with all your being despite what you feel, what it seems like, what you see around you, and what others say. Believe in the One who remains on the throne, because He will fulfill everything He has written for your life. Before you were even conceived, you already had a name and a purpose. You have been allowed to come into this world to fulfill it.

    Do not be discouraged by those circumstances; instead, learn from each one of them. Everything is prepared to teach you what you need. I would like you to take a few minutes and reflect on the following questions: Can I continue to believe, even though it seems impossible? Will I remain in faith, even though all voices tell me it will not happen? Next, I will give you some guidelines on the things you can do and the challenges you must overcome to get a little closer to the path that will lead you to fulfill your purpose. Each of these guidelines will mark a before and after in your life, allowing you to transcend and be an agent of change, in accordance with your purpose, your own life, and the lives of other people who cross your path.

    It is essential to understand that the purpose of life is innate in you; it has been assigned to you so that you can transcend in this life. However, it is something that is built over the years, experiences, and seasons, and it also requires an investment of time and effort. Every day you have an opportunity to get closer to it, to understand it, and to fulfill it. Do not be anxious, as your purpose may change over time based on your own experiences; therefore, never limit yourself.

    Uncomfortably Purposeful

    Nobody leaves the desert being the same person.

    "He led them safely,

    so they were unafraid."

    Psalms 78:53


    e don’t always understand why things happen. We face circumstances, situations arise in our lives, relationships change, we lose friends, change jobs or lose them, our financial situation is different. Eventually, we face struggles, challenges, and discomfort, and although we may not understand it at the time, we must believe and be convinced that when one door closes, as painful as it may seem at the moment, it is so that a larger one can open. You are purposely made uncomfortable to level up and fulfill your destiny.

    When we are too comfortable and static, it is imminent that we face turbulence and troubled waters. We will face upheaval, where many pieces of the puzzle seem not to fit temporarily, as well as losses, betrayal, and we will deal with uncertainty, detachment, helplessness, the pain of letting go, the desire for many things

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