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Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka
Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka
Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka
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Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka

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Presently 50% of the global population lives in cities which occupy only 3% of the land area and it is expected that the urban population will further rise to 67% in the next 50 years. In developing countries, about 44% of the population currently lives in urban area

Release dateJun 7, 2024
Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka

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    Urban Trees of Coastal Karnataka - Dr Shivanand S. Bhat



    Class : Dicotyledonae

    Order : Fabales

    Family: Fabaceae

    Genus: Acacia

    Species: Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth.

    Common name: Babool tree (Hindi), Kari jaali (Kannada), Gum Arabic tree (English)

    Botanical Name: Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth.

    Family: Fabaceae

    Parts used: Bark, root, gum, leaves, pods, seeds

    Plant description:

    Habit: Evergreen tree

    Native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world

    Leaves: Alternate, stipulate, petiolate, compound, bipinnate & paripinnate, sessile or subsessile, minute, unicostate reticulate venation

    Inflorescence: Axillary cymose head

    Flower: Bracteate, sessile, complete, actinomorphic, hypogynous

    Calyx: 4 to 5 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation, minute in size

    Corolla: 4 or 5 petals, gamopetalous, tubular, valvate aestivation, yellow colour.


    Botanical name: Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv

    Common name: African tulip tree and Fountain tree (Eng), Rugtoora (Hin), Patadi (Tamil), Neeru kaayi and Ucche kaayi (Kan) Classification:

    Sub- division: Angiospermae

    Class: Dicotyledonae

    Family: Bignoniaceae

    Order: Lamiales

    Genus: Spathodea

    Species: Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv

    Habit: Deciduous ornamental tree

    Leaves: Pinnate leaves, unicostate, reticulate venation, petiolate, opposite or sub opposite.

    Inflorescence: terminal corymb like raceme.

    Flower: Large, showy, scarlet orange, funnel shaped, bisexual, zygomorphic, pedicellate.

    Calyx: Sepals are fused to form horn-like structure i.e., calyx tube. The calyx tube splits along one side as the flowers open.

    Corolla: Petal-5

    Androecium: Stamens 4, large brown anthers present on 5 cm long filaments.

    Gynoecium: Hypogynous ovary, 2 celled, long yellow style with reddish stigma.

    Fruit: elongated pod, dark brown, seeds are edible, flat thin and winged.

    Special feature: It is a weed which is toxic to stingless bees

    Flowering season: March to December

    Mode of propagation: Through seed and stem cutting.


    • It is an avenue tree.

    • It is an ornamental tree.

    Androecium: Stamens, dithecous, basifixed, yellow colour.

    Gynoecium: Monocarpellary, superior, unilocular, ovules many, marginal placentation, shortly stalked ovary, style long, stigma flat and minute

    Fruit: Legume, minutely hairy

    Special feature of the part used: Chewing small pieces of babool bark daily strengthens the teeth and gums

    Flowering season: July to December

    Mode of propagation: Vegetative propagation

    Harvesting of Acacia: November to February


    • The wood is used for construction of houses.

    • The wood is also used in making furniture.

    • It is an avenue tree.


    Botanical name: Aporosa lindleyana Blume

    Common name: Sali, sarali (Kannada), Kodali (Malyalum)


    Sub-division: Angiospermae

    Class: Dicotyledonae

    Order: Malpighiales

    Family: Phyllanthaceae

    Genus: Aporosa

    Species: A. lidleyana

    Plant description:

    Habit: medium dioecious tree

    Leaves: Simple, alternate, stipulate, swollen at end, reticulate venation, entire margin, petiolate

    Inflorescence: Male flowers in Catkin, Female flowers in cyme

    Flower: unisexual, incomplete

    Calyx: sepals-4

    Corolla: Absent

    Androecium: Stamens 3-4, filament didynamous

    Gynoecium: Bifid stigma

    Fruit: Capsule, 2-4 seeded

    Flowering season: December to June

    Mode of propagation: Through seeds.


    • The fruits are edible.

    • The wood is used for construction purposes.

    • The wood is also used as fuel.



    Class: Monocotyledonae

    Order: Arecales

    Family: Arecaceae

    Genus: Areca

    Species: A.catechu

    Common name: Areca nut, betal nut, Indian nut (English), Adike (Kannada), Ataykka (Malayalam).

    Botanical name: Areca catechu (L.)

    Part used: Nut, Leaf, Tree

    Plant description:

    Habit: Cultivated, perennial tree.

    Leaves: Leaves are pinnately compound, exstipulate, alternate, unicostate, parallel venation

    Inflorescence: Compound spadix, flowers enclosed by top large boat shaped bract spathe fat

    Flower: Sessile, bracteate, actinomorphic, unisexual, incomplete hypogynous male flower occupy upper part of peduncle small and produced in large number female flowers are few in number

    Calyx: Sepal 3, imbricate aestivation.

    Perianth: Tepals 6, valvate or imbricate aestivation

    Androecium: Stamens 6, Dithecous

    Gynoecium: Tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary with single ovule Fruit: Drupe

    Flowering season: usually begin to flower and fruit after 7 years from seed

    Mode of propagation: Only by seed


    • Betel nut is commonly used for chewing.

    • Betel nuts are commonly used in poojas.

    • Betel nut powder is used for whitening the tooth.

    • Betel nut powder is mixed with sesame oil and applied on joints to get relief from joint pain.

    • Now medicine is prepared from nut for diabetes.


    Botanical name: Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. Ex DC.) Wight & Arn.

    Common name: Bilimatti, Nir matti (Kan), Arjuna (Hin), Maiyokpha (Manipuri)


    Sub- division: Angiospermae

    Class: Dicotyledonae

    Family: Combretaceae

    Genus: Terminalia

    Species: T. arjuna

    Habit: Large deciduous tree

    Leaves: Simple, elliptic, acute, petiolate, unicostate, reticulate venation, presence of two glands near the apex, sub- opposite.

    Inflorescence: Panicle of spikes.

    Flower: actinomorphic, bisexual, small, white, sessile.

    Calyx: Sepals -5, triangular lobes

    Corolla: Absent

    Androecium: Stamens 10 in two series, exerted, disc is present inside the stamens.

    Gynoecium: Ovary ellipsoid, 1.5 t0 2 mm long, style is long up to 5mm disc villous.

    Fruits: It is ovoid, 5-winged, wings are leathery, glabrous, truncate

    Flowering season: March – May

    Mode of propagation: through seeds


    • Timber is used for construction purposes.

    • Bark is used in medicine as a tonic, antidysenteric

    • Seeds are edible

    • Wild silk of commercial importance feeds on the leaves of arjuna.



    Class : Dicotyledonae

    Order : Fabales

    Family : Fabaceae

    Genus : Saraca

    Species : S. asoca

    Common name: Ashoka tree (English), Ashoka da mara Kannada), Ashoka (Hindi)

    Botanical Name: Saraca asoca (Roxb) Willd.

    Family: Fabaceae

    Parts used: bark, flowers & sometimes seeds

    Plant description:

    Habit: Small tree. It is found in various regions of India & Sri Lanka

    Leaves: compound, alternate, paripinnate, reticulate venation, petiolate, entire margin, unicostate, young leaves are pink in colour.

    Inflorescence: Corymb

    Flower: Bracteate, pedicellate, bisexual, intrapetiolar stipules

    Calyx: sepals are yellow to orange in color

    Corolla: petals absent.

    Androecium: stamens 8-10, versatile anthers.

    Gynoecium: hairy ovary, curved style, capitate stigma.

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