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The Cadet: Galaxy Aflame
The Cadet: Galaxy Aflame
The Cadet: Galaxy Aflame
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The Cadet: Galaxy Aflame

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The invasion has begun and the known galaxy is on the verge of erupting into total warfare. For generations, humanity has raised its young for this possibility as willing families sent their children off to remote military academies designed to prepare them to def

Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Cadet: Galaxy Aflame

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    The Cadet - Miguel DeJesus

    The Cadet

    Galaxy Aflame

    (Book Two of the Cadet Series)

    Miguel DeJesus Jr.

    Copyright © 2024 Miguel DeJesus Jr. All rights reserved.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, companies, organizations, places, events, locales, and incidents are either used in a fictitious manner or are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual companies or organizations, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    For rights and permissions, please email:

    ISBN: 979-8-3302-0805-0


    Lucas and Gabriel, my beautiful blessings in any universe.


    My thanks again to John Gallucci, for the extra set of eyes, and to my wife for always giving me her honest opinion. Salud!


    Cody Santana and Genesis Dixon were going stir crazy after three weeks of physical and psychological evaluations. They’d reiterated often to the doctors that they were physically fit and ready to return to duty, and never once did either of them utter a word about the visions they had begun experiencing after their ordeal on the planet Scanlan. They occasionally conferred privately about new visions, yet even then they hesitated, just in case someone might be monitoring their conversations.

    Genesis was just sitting down for what she hoped would be her final session with one of the seven psychologists she’d been interviewed by when the lighting in the room suddenly went dark. In that brief moment, another vision came to her. She saw the magnificence of a rich and lush planet – nearly completely covered in mountains and evergreen forests – abruptly flash out of existence in a brilliant burst of red and orange. Just as suddenly, the light returned to the room and the man seated across from her began his round of questions as if nothing had happened. In fact, from his point of view, nothing had happened in the brief moment Genesis experienced her vision.

    As for the psychologists, they always asked the same questions, and her responses never changed.

    How are you feeling today?

    Outstanding, she replied, her patience wearing thin beneath her professional veneer.

    Have you noticed any changes since the last session?


    How do you feel your rehabilitation has been going?

    Outstanding, she declared sharply, and with complete honesty, I’m ready for duty.

    Well, let’s take it easy. I’m sure we’ll determine soon enough when – and if – we can return you to duty.

    It was at this point every time she had this conversation that her ire grew, but she bottled it up and kept answering the questions firmly, but professionally, hoping against all hope that they would eventually end so she could get back to work. Genesis knew deep down that she’d healed from all of her physical injuries, but the visions she couldn’t make sense of continued coming. Initially, she was only having visions every two or three days, but now they came to her daily, just as Cody’s had been the entire time. Some visions were more disturbing than others and haunted her for days afterward as she tried to recall and interpret them, while others seemed more benign, but they all proved elusive when she tried to recall them in detail and find some way to explain their meaning.

    She and Cody had been sharing and recording as much as they could about their visions since just after they began. They were careful to use only old fashioned paper so no record of their visions would be connected to the Fleet’s network. Once a week, Lieutenant General Vance, the commander of the Fleet Marine’s Ninety-Ninth Special Operations Regiment, visited them both for a wellness check to discreetly collect their notes so he could have his most trusted intelligence personnel to analyze them and glean anything of value, while protecting the existence of the vast and life-giving technology the primitive-seeming Scanlani people keep carefully hidden.

    Genesis began thinking about young Kayla Joshua, the shy but brave intelligence analyst who was stranded with them on Scanlan where they met the quiet and peaceful Scanlani people, whose space-faring ancestors had long ago foresworn the use of their advanced and sophisticated technology in favor of a simpler life of tribal societies living in a state of harmony and sacred balance with the lush natural habitat of their beautiful world of azure waters and verdant forests. Thinking about Scanlan also brought with it all of the terrible memories of the ordeal she had barely survived there, from the loss of her mentor, Gunnery Sergeant Tropino, to the kind but valiant Scanlani soldiers gunned down at her side, and the massive Vre’cla warriors who plunged humanity into war. Most troubling of all was the memory of her consciousness fading into oblivion as she herself technically died on that world, even if only for a short while, thanks to the life-giving technology kept hidden by the Scanlani who deemed her worthy of resurrecting. 

    Everything that had happened since the Vre’cla invasion of the Stygia system had cost many more lives than was generally known outside of military and strategic leadership channels. Several regiments of Marines and Infantrymen, along with all hands aboard some of humanity’s most advanced starships, and the entire crew of an orbital station had all valiantly given their lives in the hard-fought, but unsuccessful defense of the system.

    Dixon’s own escape from Stygia I aboard the IFS Roger Hoffman resulted in her meeting a handful of cadets who’d managed to escape the planet before its fall – cadets she would grow not just to respect, but to consider friends. In fact, although Genesis had died on Scanlan, Cody was the one whose heroic act of self-sacrifice had preserved enough of her charred and broken body for the Scanlani to reanimate her with their secret life-giving technology. During the fierce battle on Scanlan, Cody selflessly threw himself over her already wounded body and caught the brunt of the Vre’clan weapon’s blast meant to extinguish her life. As a result, he succumbed to his wounds as she did, but had he not made that heroic leap, there might have been nothing left of Genesis to resurrect at all. Thanks to the miraculous healing technology kept hidden by the Scanlani for generations, however, there had been enough of both warriors’ remains to reanimate, and both had been brought back from the oblivion of death to fight another day. Now both Cody and Genesis were alive and well, and the only lasting effects of their harrowing encounter with death were the often-chaotic and unsettling visions they were both struggling to understand. 

    She continued to answer questions as the psychiatrist droned on, hoping that she didn’t seem too distant in thought. Genesis was just starting to get anxious enough to stand and interrupt the droning bureaucrat when the room’s door slid open. Lieutenant General Vance walked in and headed directly towards the room’s only other occupant. He towered over the doctor and glared down at him until the man had enough sense to stand up. 

    G-g-general, he stuttered, how can I help you, sir?

    I’m here to inform you that Lieutenant Dixon is cleared to return to full duty. Your sessions are to cease immediately. Ensure that her records accurately reflect her full fitness for duty, and ensure you do the same for Cadet Santana.

    But s-s-sir, we haven’t co-co-completed the f-f-full battery yet.

    Yes Doctor, you have. I have signed orders from General Nguyen, Commandant of the Fleet Marines, in case the name escaped you, directing this Marine, he indicated himself with a hooked thumb before turning a four-fingered knife hand towards Genesis, to take that Marine to the Agrius Space Station immediately, along with Cadet Santana. Time is of the essence, so I believe you have some records to update. You are dismissed, doctor. The bewildered psychologist lingered just a moment too long for the general’s sense of urgency, who met him with a steely glare: Am I clear doctor?

    Yes sir, right away s-s-sir. 

    The doctor left the room in a hurry to coordinate the release of the two Marines, leaving Genesis and the general alone. He looked over at her and the lines in his face slowly softened before breaking into a smile. 

    Hello Genesis, he began, I’d ask how you’re doing, but let’s just skip to: are you ready to get the hell out of here?

    Genesis stood grinning ear-to-ear. She looked around at the room that had become all too familiar over the past few weeks, knowing that she would never miss one moment of it. Turning back to the man who had been the first to give her a real chance in the Fleet Marines, a true chance to lead others in a combat role, and the only other man besides her father whom she had ever admired. She responded, Sir, I’m ready when you are.


    Samantha watched Cody as he stood in front of a long mirror ensuring his dress uniform was immaculate.

    Are you nervous? she asked.

    Ha, wouldn’t you be?

    Well yeah, I would be, but I’m not the hero.

    Stop it, he said as he jokingly glared in her direction through the mirror. You know I don’t like being called that.

    Oh Cody, but in fact I know you do; at least a little. Besides, it’s true; otherwise, they wouldn’t be giving you a field promotion. You’ll be the youngest Fleet Marine officer in history.

    As he turned around to face her, she reached up to straighten his collar a bit. He was dressed in the Fleet Marine dress uniform comprised of black boots, navy blue trousers, a black choker top with five silver buttons neatly lined down the right side of his chest, and a white belt around his waist. His shoulders were bare at the moment, but soon he would have the single gold bars of a Second Lieutenant pinned to the boards. He reached up to grab her hands and just held them in his.

    I know that Sam, but I’m not sure I’m ready. I don’t know that this is something I can do without you. Hell, I don’t even think I can do it without Joe. You guys were there too, you guys fought and survived like I did. I don’t feel like I deserve this any more than you guys do.

    That’s sweet Cody, but it’s your time. Joe and I will be along right behind you. So, take advantage of your lead now, because when I catch up, I’m leaving you in the dust Santana! Then she punched him in the gut without warning.

    Ouch, he yelped as he massaged the now tender spot. She began turning away when he suddenly grabbed her arms and pulled her in close for a kiss. He knew it was completely against regulation to kiss someone while in uniform, but as he was no longer a cadet, nor yet an officer, he figured he had a brief moment to get away with it. She slowly sank into the embrace and allowed him to press in. He noticed her sweet lips tasted like honey, and he could smell the calming lavender of her shampoo. He was lost in the moment, savoring the kiss and nothing else in the world, until he heard someone clearing their throat.

    He quickly, but reluctantly, pulled himself away from Samantha and looked towards the door to see Genesis Dixon standing there with a smirk across her face. Cody immediately popped to attention, while Samantha, wearing a knee-length dark green dress and matching high heels just stood there – smiling slightly through the embarrassment – but also straightening up just a little. Genesis was also wearing a dress uniform, and though sporting the single silver bars of a first lieutenant, she would soon be trading them in for a pair of Captain’s double bars on each shoulder.

    Ma’am, stated Samantha, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

    At ease Cadets.

    Ma’am, began Cody, I apologize for the public…

    Relax Cody, I’ll save the court-martial for a day you aren’t getting promoted. Do you mind if we have a talk before the ceremony? Alone I mean?  She looked over at Samantha apologetically, softening her gaze to reinforce her sentiment.

    I’ll see you at the ceremony Cody, stated Samantha as she began walking away, then added Ma’am, with a slight bow of her head to Genesis as she walked by. Samantha closed the door behind her, leaving Cody and Genesis in private.

    How are you feeling Cody?

    I’m good Ma’am, a little nervous, but hopefully ready.

    What about the ‘you-know-what?’ We haven’t spoken in a couple of weeks, so I was wondering if you’d experienced any changes.

    Negative Ma’am, still having the ‘you-know-what daily,’ sometimes more, but never less. What does General Vance say?

    Not much now, but he indicated some plans were in the works down the line regarding our new intelligence capability. I’m sure when the time is right, he’ll read us in.

    Sounds good Ma’am. I’m hoping we have a chance to go back to Scanlan at some point. I worry that they’re at risk for helping us.

    Don’t worry about that for now, it’s completely out of our hands. The fleet is spread thin securing our systems so we don’t lose another like Stygia. I’m sure when more ships become available the general will request an expedition back to Scanlan. In the meantime, I believe he’s waiting for us in the grand hall.

    Yes Ma’am, he said as he began fidgeting with his collar again.  

    Cody, you look sharp, stop fidgeting. It’s unbecoming.

    Yes Ma’am, he said smiling as they exited the room and towards their future.


    "Ladies and gentlemen, officers, non-commissioned officers, and honored guests, it is my great and sincere pleasure to welcome all of you to the promotions of First Lieutenant Genesis Dixon and Cadet Cody Santana. Let me begin by saying that normally, nobody here would take more pride in these promotions than I would, but today I’ll have to take a back seat. I’ll get back to that in a moment though, as I’d first like to speak briefly about what has brought us here today.

    "Everyone knows Lieutenant Dixon as the first female to join the special operations community. The media made sure to glamorize that achievement in every way possible. She served that public affairs mission to her utmost, and now we have more women breaking out into the special operations field. Well, let me tell you something, I know her as a hard Marine ready to blow down doors and take down the toughest of enemies. She wasn’t just a poster child talking the talk, she walked the walk. I know her as a leader, who couldn’t stand the thought of sitting behind a desk, knowing she belonged in the field with other Marines. So, she did it; she got back in the field; she survived the events at Stygia, the destruction of the Roger Hoffman, and the ensuing battle on the world of Scanlan, all while leading a mixed group of Marines, Sailors, Cadets and even some of the Scanlani natives. She nearly made the ultimate sacrifice in order to get a warning back to Earth about the invasion. Now, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let’s welcome First Lieutenant Genesis Dixon to the stage."

    The hall erupted into a standing ovation as Genesis made her way to the stage to stand beside the podium occupied by the general. She stood tall and fierce, but felt somewhat unsettled by being in the spotlight again for the first time since her days on the public affairs staff. The general waited until everyone took their seats again before continuing.

    Normally, I would reserve the right to promote this Marine myself, but today I’ve invited a guest to do the honors for me. Please welcome Fleet Marine Major, retired, Martin Dixon to the stage.

    As the applause resumed, Genesis’s heart rate increased. She had spoken with her father just days earlier, and she thought he was back on Earth. As she scanned the room to see where he was coming from, she noticed a section where guests were rising to their feet and parting, then she spotted him. He was slowly making his way towards the stage, using a cane as he went.  

    Martin Dixon was medically retired after a combat operation against a colonial terrorist organization cost him his left leg. He used a prosthetic, but even now he still looked as fit as he did while on active duty. He wore his dress uniform, adorned with Major’s gold oak leaves, and he even wore his medals for the occasion. Genesis felt herself trembling slightly, watching her father approach while he smiled in her direction the whole way down. The general helped him up onto the stage, and Martin took his place across from his daughter.

    Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you were home!

    "I was home, until I received a call from General Vance asking me to pin on your new rank. Besides, I couldn’t resist when he offered me a ride on one of those new Horizon-class destroyers."

    Genesis smiled and was about to retort when she heard the general clear his throat. She and her father came to attention, looking each other in the eyes. Martin’s eyes shone with a thin layer of moisture, a gravity-defying tear pooling in the corner and refusing to drop; he showed absolutely no shame in it. Genesis, for her part, remained as calm as possible, despite the surprise.

    Attention to orders, the general called out. On this day, the first of September, 2258, I, Lieutenant General Peter D. Vance, do hereby promote Genesis Dixon to the rank of Captain in the Fleet Marines. With this promotion come all of the privileges and responsibilities commensurate with your rank.

    The general paused a moment as Martin reached across to remove her single bars and replaced them with the double bars representing her new rank. He beamed with such infectious pride that the general couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear as well. As soon as Martin stepped back and moved to Genesis’s side, the general continued.

    Congratulations Captain Genesis Dixon. Oorah Marine!

    Thunderous applause spread throughout the hall as everyone stood to acknowledge the new Captain. She smiled but remained at attention until the noise dwindled and everyone began taking their seats again. She looked over at the general who nodded imperceptibly indicating she could depart the stage. She grabbed her father under his arm and guided him slowly down the steps and to her seat. Another Marine officer vacated his seat next to hers to allow the two to sit together.  

    Thanks Dad, for being here. I appreciate you travelling out all this way. How long can you stay?

    We’ll talk in a little while, sweetheart. I think your colleague is up next, and I would hate to be rude.

    She just smiled at him and lifted his hand to her lips where she placed a small kiss on it. Cody was just arriving to the stage and getting into position by the time Genesis wiped away the tears forming in her own eyes.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I’m completely honored to be a part of what you are going to observe today. While in no means do I wish to take away from Captain Dixon’s accomplishments, I have to recognize that this next promotion is in fact a historical event.

    He paused briefly to look at Genesis, who smiled and nodded in understanding.  Today wasn’t about her, and it wasn’t even about Cody, it was about providing humanity a symbol of hope and heroism for the war. She looked at Cody who stood tall and proudly, but noticed how his eyes were fixated in one direction. When she followed his gaze, she saw Cadet Samantha Cooper seated in the first row to her right. The dress she wore, forgoing the uniform since officially she wasn’t on active service, just enhanced the beautiful young woman that she was. Genesis could see why Cody had been taken with her, and she also respected the intelligence and ferocity in Samantha. Genesis was glad that she, as well their mutual friend Joe Frances, opted to redirect their career goals from the Infantry to the Fleet Marines.

    Never, in the history of our extra-solar military forces, have we promoted someone so young to an active-duty commission. Not since the nineteenth century has there been so young an officer. But, before I have the great privilege of promoting this young man, I would like to pause to honor another, namely, the late Commander Trajan Wittyngham.

    Cody jerked at the sound of his deceased father’s name, but quickly regained his bearing. His eyes darted back and forth across the audience seeking understanding and expressing his obvious dismay. On either side of the stage, and in the rear of the hall, large holo-screens appeared and an image of Cody’s father materialized. Cody’s eyes began to water, but he dared not move or take his eyes off the screen. His heart was pounding as he replayed in his mind the final words the two had shared over the comm-link.  

    "Commander Wittyngham served as the Executive Officer aboard the IFS Roger Hoffman, and he was loved by his crew. Statements taken by survivors, as well as years of evaluations, indicate that he was as professional an officer as one could be without losing touch with those he led. During the First Battle of Stygia, he was critical to the success of his ship evading capture or destruction, and during their escape from the Vre’cla onslaught, he assumed command upon his commanding officer’s death. He led one last brilliant stand against the Vre’cla over the skies of Scanlan, while he covered the escape of the survivors we see here today. Trajan, and other members of his crew, remained behind at their battle stations and sacrificed themselves to save that shuttle – to save his son – from near certain destruction."

    There was a collective gasp from the audience and all eyes bore heavily on Cody. They instantly understood the implication as the general stopped to gaze at Cody who was trembling slightly. He continued his speech before the silence became too unbearable.

    Neither Trajan nor Cody knew they were related before that day, and neither had the opportunity to get to know the other. But I will say this, as we honor both of them today, I feel as though I am honoring the same spirit. For both of these men were prepared to sacrifice all for duty, friends, and family. For these reasons, I have several announcements to make. First, effective immediately and with authorization from Admiral Daniel Baker, Commander of Fleet Operations; for his bravery, devotion to duty, and inspiring leadership, Commander Trajan Wittyngham is posthumously promoted to Captain.

    The audience began clapping again but the general continued after a brief pause to keep his announcements rolling. Cody stood stunned and kept staring at the image of his father across the hall. Tears welled up in his eyes which he forced to keep open in hopes of preventing the drops from forcing their way down his face. With his vision blurred, he missed Samantha staring at him, tears streaming away, holding her breath with clutched hands in front of her mouth. She wished she could just run up onto the stage and be with him. She knew he had to be experiencing a hurricane of emotions just by simply speaking about his father, let alone everything else the general was announcing.  

    Cody, I want you to accept your father’s eagle insignia on his behalf. 

    Thank you, Sir. I don’t know what to say.

    Son, you don’t have to say anything. Your father is a hero, whether he is with us or not. He will forever be remembered for what he did, not just for you, but for us all. Just be proud.

    "Thank you everyone, please take your seats once again. My last announcement also comes at the pleasure of Admiral Baker. As some of you know, the Fleet is always exploring modernization to keep up with developing technology. A recent joint venture with our Ridgian partners to develop an interoperable cruiser has been approved and the plans finalized. The vessel will be the first of the Galaxy-class cruisers, and its name will be the IFS Trajan Wittyngham, hull number CC-01."

    Cody immediately turned around to face the general, needing to look directly into his eyes to truly believe what his ears had heard. The images on the screen switched from his father to a computer model of the new sleek design. It looked heavily armed and ready for combat. Cody could no longer fight the tears which began washing down his face as the audience applauded.

    I must apologize again to Cadet Santana as this all came as a surprise to him, the general began as the applause subsided. I’m sorry young man that I couldn’t give you the heads up that you deserved. So now without further ado, attention to orders: On this day, the first of September, 2258, I, Lieutenant General Peter D. Vance, do hereby appoint Cadet Cody Santana to the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Fleet Marines. With this appointment comes all privileges and responsibilities commensurate with your rank, and new position as a Fleet Marine.

    At this time the general dug into his pocket and pulled out the gold bars Cody would be wearing for the foreseeable future. He affixed them to Cody’s shoulder boards and shook his hand in congratulations. The general stepped back to the podium before announcing, Congratulations, Second Lieutenant Santana. Oorah Marine!

    Cody stood a little taller and soaked in the applause. He’d wanted this for longer than he could remember and was happy for the achievement. He looked down at Samantha, his best friend Joe, and even his little brother J.J. who’d been sticking close by, as they all clapped and cheered with abandon. Guilt rose to the surface that he was the only one being promoted when he believed Samantha and Joe should have been up there with him. Just as the general was motioning to someone off stage, Cody turned around and approached him.  

    Sir, Cadets Cooper and Frances deserve to be up here with me. They fought just as hard as I did, they led others during the actions on Scanlan, and they completed just as much training as I did on Stygia. I would like you to consider promoting them as well.

    Second Lieutenant, you’re already making demands? Are you asking this as their friend, or as an officer?

    Sir, I’m asking as both. I recognize that I have no right to, but I know that you will need them on the front sooner than their regular training program will allow for.

    I’ll think it over Santana, he said in a more formal tone, suggesting to Cody that the discussion was over. In the meantime, he continued, I need you to resume your place on stage.

    Cody looked at him quizzically but complied nonetheless. He had assumed the promotion was over and he would be departing the stage as Captain Dixon had. What he hadn’t counted on was the general still having one more surprise up his sleeve. He saw another Fleet Marine officer approach the stage from the left carrying a stylized maroon box. He paused near the bottom of the steps leading up.

    At this time, began General Vance, I would like the following individuals to join Second Lieutenant Santana on stage and in the following order. Captain Genesis Dixon, Commander James Shu, Senior Chief Petty Officer Angel Hernandez, Staff Sergeant Bobby Land, Sergeant Gloria Jimenez, Petty Officer Kayla Joshua, Cadet Samantha Cooper, Cadet Joe Frances and Cadet J.J. Lane.

    The general paused to allow for everyone called upon to climb the stage. Cody hadn’t realized that the entire group of survivors was in attendance, and so was pleasantly surprised when he heard the names. He was also pleased to see everyone coming for what he assumed would be recognition for their accomplishments. The general moved down to the end of the line where Cody’s brother J.J. stood, and his aide came to the podium. The man with the box climbed the stage and opened the box as the aide began speaking. Cody was right, and everyone not only received recognition, but also personal awards for their heroic feats during a harrowing mission. Additionally, Commander James Shu was ordered to report for duty aboard the IFS Belo Horizonte, first of the new Horizon-class destroyers, to assume the duties and responsibilities as its executive officer. As the group returned to their seats, the general resumed his place at the podium.

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending today’s ceremony. Today is just the beginning for many more of our comrades who will be recognized for their successes, but we also face the harsh reality that many may also fall as a result of this war. My only hope is that we will continue the fight, learn from our engagements and…

    In that moment, Cody lost focus and drifted into another vision. He saw a ship on fire, smoke filled compartments, people running and screaming being chased by massive and armored Vre’cla warriors, Samantha and Joe running away from them, and then it was over. Cody regained his focus an instant later just as the general was finishing his speech, but he felt out of breath and on the verge of falling out of his seat. General Vance was glancing in his direction but then shifted his attention to Genesis. When Cody followed, he saw that she looked out of sorts as well. She looked up at him and just shook her head.  

    They knew they needed to get back to Scanlan soon and figure out what had happened to them. They needed to know if the visions were imagined nightmares or visions of what was to come. The crowd stood one final time to applaud the general’s closing remarks as he left the stage. He glanced once more, raising one eyebrow in a gesture of concern. Cody merely nodded back and stood to join in the applause.


    Following the ceremony, many in the audience sought out the survivors to offer their congratulations and to ask them about their experience. Most of the group accepted the proffered hands and exchanged pleasantries, but none were too eager to discuss everything they went through to survive. Cody saw Genesis sneak off with her father, presumably to catch up. Joe was regaling some young women with his stories of heroism to which Cody could only imagine must have been exaggerated almost beyond belief. J.J. stood by his side listening intently. Those same young women were mussing his hair a bit which he seemed not to mind. Bobby Land and Gloria Jimenez were speaking with a couple of Fleet Marine officers and senior enlisted while Commander Shu was heading over towards the reception buffet. Kayla Joshua was standing in front of a large holo-screen studying the schematics of the new Galaxy-class cruisers, politely ignoring everyone else around her. Samantha was slowly making her way through the crowd towards Cody.

    Hello, Second Lieutenant, she said flirtatiously.  

    Hello, Cadet, he replied in a failed attempt to reciprocate. He sounded more condescending, but even though she knew he didn’t mean it that way, she pretended to be hurt.  

    Well, Sir, she retorted with a bit of mock scorn, I suppose our relationship is now considered unduly familiar and should be terminated immediately.  

    She began to turn away and Cody reached out to grab her hand. She swung around – her long wavy hair whipping through the air – and clocked Cody in the shoulder before he had a chance to brace. He heard a couple of muffled laughs nearby from spectators, but he just smiled and rubbed away the ache. Samantha did always have a mean swing, but she just stood there smiling and brushing her loose hair out of her eyes. He enjoyed their quirky exchanges, and he knew that she would always win their little battles, but Cody was okay with that. At the end of the day, he could lose every fight if it meant just a little bit of joy for her.  

    She closed the short distance and embraced him in an innocent hug. He closed his eyes to avoid the gazes of the onlookers, opting instead to just hold her and soak in her sweet perfume. A tingle shot down his spine as he felt the soft skin that was accessible thanks to the open-backed dress she wore. Before he realized it, he found himself swaying to an unheard rhythm, and Samantha matched his movements while caught in his embrace. The two were suddenly in their own world, dancing to a non-existent tune, oblivious to any prying eyes. Suddenly becoming self-conscious, Samantha pulled away. Cody secretly pleaded for the moment to go on forever. He didn’t know what prompted it, but he knew that he could never experience such a moment with anyone else in his life.  

    Excuse me, Sir, interrupted a voice from behind. Cody turned to see a Fleet Marine non-commissioned officer holding a comm-pad. He seemed as though he had been waiting patiently for more than a few seconds.  

    I’m Corporal Lacey, Sir, and I’m here to ensure that you and the cadets have what you need to get to your follow-on assignments. I have your orders ready and all awards and promotions issued today have already been annotated in your service records.

    I’m sorry, Corporal, but what orders? What are you talking about?

    Sir, Lieutenant General Vance left instructions for you to receive your orders immediately after the ceremony. You and Cadets Cooper and Frances are to ship out immediately to Agrius. He has convened a streamlined special operations course at the Lewis B. Chesty Puller Academy with an anticipated graduation date in approximately nine weeks. Subsequent follow-on orders are pending.

    Cody and Samantha exchanged confused glances about the timeline. Anticipating their next questions, the corporal spoke up and stated, "You three and a select few others will be the first test subjects for the streamlined training pipeline. Fleet Operations and the Fleet Marines feel that our current pipeline will be too long to provide replacement troops should a protracted war ensue. Additionally, you will be shipping out tonight at twenty-one-hundred on the IFS St. Petersburg which is en route back to its home fleet in the Agrius System. Your orders have been transmitted to your personal comm-pads which I assume are in your quarters. My contact information has also been transmitted should you require any further assistance while you await your departure."

    Wait, you said us three, where is my brother going?

    The corporal reviewed his comm-pad before answering, "Sir, he will be shipping out tomorrow morning onboard the IFS Belo Horizonte as it continues its pre-commissioning cruise while en route to Earth. While you proceed to commence your Phase Three training, he will continue with his Phase One infantry training at the Sun Tzu Academy since Stygia I is no longer a viable option. The corporal seemed to pause for a moment, reflecting on the reasons why it was no longer viable, before continuing, General Vance has requested that Commander Shu, the Belo Horizonte’s new XO, take personal care of Cadet Lane. I understand that he has accepted that responsibility."

    Cody and Samantha turned towards the buffet table and saw Commander Shu, with a meaty sandwich in his mouth, waving in their direction as if saying, don’t worry, I’ve got this. Cody looked over towards his little brother who now seemed to be the center of attention as he told the story of their adventures, while Joe took his turn to just sit and listen. Cody would have to sit down with J.J. soon and explain their next steps, and Cody already knew that J.J. was not going to leave his older brother’s side without a fuss.

    Thank you, Corporal.

    Yes Sir, will there be anything else?

    No, we have our orders. Thank you. As the corporal walked off, Samantha stepped closer to Cody.  

    So, we’re heading out tonight, that doesn’t give us much time.

    Much time for what? asked Cody blushingly.

    Samantha drew out the long pause, making Cody fidget subtly, before finally replying, Much time for us to celebrate your promotion, Lieutenant.  

    She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards Joe and J.J. The crowd of young women and children listening to their stories parted to let them through.

    Excuse us ladies, interrupted Samantha, but Cadets Frances and Lane need to leave with us.  

    Joe looked at her with confusion in his eyes, but J.J. just smiled and stepped towards his big brother. As the four departed the crowd which was left waiting expectantly in the midst of a story, they made their way to Cody’s temporary quarters to spend their last moments together before shipping out.


    I still can’t believe you came all the way out here dad, began Genesis. You still look great in your blues by the way.

    I know I do, replied Martin confidently, I need to keep it tight for the ladies.

    Dad, she replied incredulously.

    What? It was a joke. Relax Gen, you know your mom will always be the only girl for me! 

    Whatever dad. We both know you’ve always been a flirt.

    Maybe, but you know I’ve always loved your mom too much to ever let anyone else get the better of me.

    How have you been… she paused for a moment before continuing, you know, since Mom?

    Martin sat down and took a deep breath before answering. I’ve been better Gen; some good days, but lately the bad days have been coming more frequently. I wish she could have been here to see this, though the trip would have been too much for her to handle anyway.

    The day’s ceremonies took place on the quiet and remote Halley IV Orbital Research Station. Located halfway between Earth and the Agrius Deep Space station on the frontier of human-occupied space, the remoteness of the facility was intended to ensure that the event didn’t become a public affairs fiasco with thousands of would be spectators. Such was the case on Jupiter Station when the survivors returned aboard the IFS Italy.  

    Anyways, before she passed, I promised her to bring you home to visit as soon as I could. Any chance you’re getting some leave to come home?

    I don’t know dad, I really don’t know what’s next for me. I can put in a request but first I need to know what my orders are.  

    He smiled in response, but Genesis could see the disappointment in his face. She walked over to her data-pad, which sat on the table blinking, and began reading.  

    Hmm, she said.

    What is it?

    I have my orders. They’re directly from Lieutenant General Vance.

    So where are you going next?

    Actually, she began with a mixture of disappointment, confusion, and joy, it looks like I’m going home with you dad.


    What do you mean I’m not coming with you? asked J.J., his voice slowly beginning to tremble. I thought we were sticking together from now on.

    I know that’s what we said J.J., but unfortunately orders are orders. You’re still too young and in need of a lot more training before you can start deploying with the rest of the team.

    But I’ve seen more combat than most humans alive today. That has to count for something Cody, doesn’t it?

    His little brother was pleading his case, but Cody knew that what J.J. wanted was out of the question. As much as he got used to the idea of being with

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