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Bloodlust in the Shadows
Bloodlust in the Shadows
Bloodlust in the Shadows
Ebook55 pages41 minutes

Bloodlust in the Shadows

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Bloodlust in the Shadows


Bloodlust in the Shadows" is a gripping horror novel that delves into the dark underbelly of a gothic city plagued by a series of brutal and bloody attacks. The story follows Claire Dawson, a fearless journalist, as she uncovers the terrifying truth about Ethan Blackwood, a vampire battling his insatiable hunger.


As Claire and Ethan form an uneasy alliance to confront the rising tide of violence, they are pursued by Marcus Hale, the city's police chief determined to solve the case. The novel is a relentless journey through fear, bloodlust, and the desperate struggle for survival, culminating in a heart-pounding final confrontation.


PublisherCora Hart
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Bloodlust in the Shadows

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    Book preview

    Bloodlust in the Shadows - Cora Hart

    Chapter 1: The New Arrival

    Ethan Blackwood stepped off the midnight train, his coat swirling around him like a dark cape as he descended onto the deserted platform. The city of Blackstone loomed ahead, a collection of gothic spires and shadowed alleys, barely discernible through the thick fog that clung to the ground. He glanced around, eyes scanning for any sign of life, but found none. It was just as he preferred.

    The station was eerily silent, the only sound the distant hum of the train as it continued its journey, leaving Ethan behind in the oppressive stillness. He adjusted the brim of his hat, obscuring his features further, and began to walk towards the exit. His presence seemed to absorb the light, creating a bubble of darkness that moved with him.

    The city greeted him with a cold, damp embrace. The cobblestones were slick with rain, reflecting the dim glow of gas lamps that lined the streets. He moved with purpose, each step measured and deliberate, as if he had walked these streets a thousand times before.

    Blackstone's residents were already tucked away in their homes, unaware of the predator now walking among them. Ethan's senses were heightened, the scent of human life mingling with the rot and grime of the city. Hunger gnawed at him, a constant companion he could never fully satiate.

    Claire Dawson sat in her small, cluttered office at the Blackstone Gazette, the city's only newspaper. The flickering light of her desk lamp cast long shadows on the walls, mirroring the ominous atmosphere outside. She was deep into her latest article, fingers flying over the keyboard as she tried to meet the deadline.

    A sudden noise startled her. She glanced up, half expecting to see someone standing there, but the office was empty. Just the old building settling, she told herself, but the unease lingered. Claire had always prided herself on her intuition, and something about tonight felt... off.

    Her phone buzzed, breaking her reverie. It was a text from her editor, Martin.

    New arrival in town. Check it out.

    Claire frowned. A new arrival wasn't exactly front-page news, but Martin had a nose for stories that could turn into something bigger. She grabbed her coat and headed out into the night, the chill air biting at her skin.

    Marcus Hale, Blackstone's police chief, stood at his office window, looking out over the city. He'd seen it all in his years on the force—murders, robberies, every form of human depravity. But something about the recent reports unsettled him. A series of disappearances, each more inexplicable than the last.

    He turned away from the window, his mind racing. The city was on the brink, and he could feel it. Marcus was a skeptic by nature, a man who believed in evidence and hard facts. But even he couldn't deny the growing sense of dread that permeated the air.

    Tonight felt different. There was a tension, an almost palpable shift in the city's atmosphere. He couldn't shake the feeling that something—or someone—was out there, lurking in the shadows.

    As Ethan moved through the city, the hunger became overwhelming. He needed to feed, to satiate the unending thirst that defined his existence. He found his way to a secluded alley, where the scent of blood and fear was strongest. His eyes glowed faintly in the darkness as he waited, a predator stalking its prey.

    A figure emerged from a nearby building, a young woman hurrying home. She was

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