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The book is an internal dialogue of the author, his imagination drawn between the letters in imagined images of the world translated from his interpretation. In essence, books are not just inanimate objects with words on pages; they are vessels of inspiration, enlightenment, and joy that enrich our lives in countless ways.

Hundred is a book composed of a hundred topics in a hundred chapters.

Release dateJun 8, 2024

Zeljko Kalinic

Zeljko Kalinic was born in 1967 in Zadar. So far, he has written several novels: Morlach The Knight of St. Mark; Avenger; Good Man in Ten Seconds; Servon – Testimony of Bad Times; Hologram Stories; Thirsty Water; Royal Falcon Hunting; How The World Began; Pharaoh's Dream; Noah; Samson – The Coll of Sin; God and Man in a Hologram. Through all the books was dragged a little supernatural but connected them also, a fine thread that, regardless of the subject, action, historical moment, or characters, identifies and separates good from evil to encourage men to begin their 'correction,’ the separation of good from sin, truth from falsehood, identification and separation of right from wrong ... Books are full of colorful characters embedded in turbulent historical moments and interesting and exciting events, which are forced to move constantly and actions full of uncertainty. Make-believe or real mysteries, which the actors occasionally wrapped, impose their questions about the reality in which we live. The characters' psychological profiles, actions, reactions, and general behavior reveal the human weakness that should work. Each of these books from the reader requires a journey through the book’s interior, through the events described in the interior. What was expected to be found there let her remain a personal secret. The intention is that each person starts internal wind, at least one good 'Buru,’ and to dispel the dirty fog that hung over from a good depopulated valley of our mind.

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    Hundred - Zeljko Kalinic

    1 mission

    There are many who claim that the World and human life are just a well-successful game of chance. The spark of life ignited for a brief moment. So, the meaning of life doesn't exist, so you shouldn't even look for it!?

    However, it is important to note that most of our life takes place within us, not outside. By all accounts, more than ninety percent of our lives are experiences, and the rest are events. This is why it is essential to be determined according to your existence and purpose.

    Not knowing the meaning of one's existence leads to life becoming like a wreck that the winds of circumstances frantically toss against the rocks of depression and meaninglessness.

    Mission - If you see something that is broken, fix it. If you cannot fix all of it, fix some of it. But do not say there is nothing you can do. Because if that were true, why would this broken thing have come into your World?

    2 SNACK

    Now, I would like to eat something to feed my soul. I would like a sandwich of a sentence made up of kissed words.

    I would like everyone who hears my words to feel that I am not just saying simple words but that my words are kissed.

    Imagine that you can hear the kissed words.

    3 Job for Free

    Iwould do every job for free if I had enough money to live. The idea may sound idealistic or even impractical, but when you think about it, there is a certain logic to it. Imagine a world where people did their jobs not for the paycheck but for the love of their work and the benefit it brings to society. It would be a world where doctors, teachers, artists, and engineers all worked together to create a better future for everyone, regardless of financial reward.

    Doing every job for free would allow me to pursue my passions without the constraints of financial pressure. I could devote myself fully to the work that I love, knowing that I am not doing it just for the money. This would undoubtedly lead to a more profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in my work and, ultimately, a higher output quality.

    Furthermore, doing every job for free would enable me to meaningfully contribute to society. Instead of focusing on the bottom line, I could prioritize the well-being of others and work towards creating a more equitable and just world. Whether through volunteering, mentoring, or simply lending a helping hand, I would have the time and resources to impact those around me positively.

    In addition, doing every job for free would foster a sense of collaboration and community among individuals. Without the barrier of financial gain, people would be more inclined to work together towards common goals and support one another in their endeavors. This sense of unity and cooperation would lead to a stronger, more cohesive society overall.

    Moreover, doing every job for free would allow me to challenge the traditional notions of work and success. In a society that often equates wealth with worth, I would be able to redefine success by focusing on personal growth, creativity, and fulfillment. This would create a more inclusive and diverse understanding of success that goes beyond monetary gain.

    Additionally, doing every job for free would enable me to prioritize my own well-being and mental health. By removing the stress and anxiety that often comes with financial insecurity, I would be able to focus on self-care, relaxation, and pursuing activities that bring me joy. This would lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life overall.

    Furthermore, doing every job for free would allow me to explore new interests and areas of expertise without the fear of failure. I could take risks, try new things, and push myself outside of my comfort zone to grow and develop. This sense of freedom and exploration would lead to a more dynamic and enriching life experience.

    Moreover, doing every job for free would enable me to give back to those who have supported me throughout my life. Whether it be family, friends, or mentors, I would have the opportunity to show my gratitude and appreciation by using my skills and talents to benefit others. This act of generosity and kindness would create a ripple effect of positivity and goodwill in the world.

    Additionally, doing every job for free would allow me to pursue work that aligns with my values and beliefs. Instead of compromising my principles for financial gain, I could prioritize ethics, sustainability, and social responsibility in my professional endeavors. This would create a more meaningful, purpose-driven career reflecting my most authentic self.

    This may seem like a radical idea, but when you consider the benefits of such a decision, it becomes clear that it is not only possible but also desirable. By prioritizing passion, contribution, collaboration, and personal growth, I could create a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life for myself and contribute to a more harmonious and equitable society as a whole. Ultimately, doing every job for free would allow me to lead a more authentic, meaningful, and impactful life.

    Meet the storyteller Sandro.

    One day, as Sandro sat beneath the shade of a towering oak tree, he found himself daydreaming about what life would be like if he had enough money to live comfortably. He imagined a world where he could do what he loved most - telling stories - without the burden of financial worries. And in that moment, a bold idea took root in his mind.

    If I had enough money to live, Sandro mused, I would do every job for free. I would share my stories with anyone who would listen, bringing joy and laughter to all who crossed my path.

    With newfound determination, Sandro set out to make his dream a reality. He began offering his storytelling services to anyone in need, from children at the local school to weary travelers passing through town. True to his word, he refused to accept any payment for his work, believing that his stories' true value lay in the joy they brought to others.

    Word of Sandro's generosity spread like wildfire, and soon, people from far and wide were flocking to hear his tales. His audience grew larger with each passing day, drawn to his captivating stories and the warmth and kindness that radiated from his very being.

    As the months turned into years, Sandro's reputation as a master storyteller with an incredibly witty intellect only continued to grow. He became a beloved figure in the town, a beacon of light in a world often overshadowed by darkness. And though he never asked for anything in return, the townspeople showered him with gifts and tokens of appreciation, grateful for the joy and inspiration he had brought into their lives.

    So, Sandro lived out his days doing what he loved most, sharing his stories with all who would listen and spreading happiness wherever he went. For in a world where money often ruled supreme, he had discovered that true wealth lay not in material possessions but in the ability to touch the hearts and minds of others. And in that simple truth, he found a richness beyond measure.

    4 thinking about the future or the past

    Ihave to think of the past in order to have something to compare the present with. Without the possibility of comparison, I am unable to understand the current status or position.

    In the past, nails, hair, and walls were painted, but today, sugar, flour, meat, and bacon are painted. The truth has always been painted, but unlike today, once upon a time, it was not so noticeable.

    I also think about the future, but not more than about the past. My focus is my present, though. The past is gone, and I'm not sure that the future will come. So, the present is my only reality.

    Look forward with hope, look back with gratitude, and live today with love!


    Iam the ruler of your dreams. Since I don't want you to be destroyed, and neither are your dreams, because your dreams are my kingdom, I want to warn you about some things that are still unknown to you.

    You see, as you walk around the World completely uncorrupted, I must show you by example the greatest danger that awaits you on your journey.

    I present man's sacrifice; you will also be given his feelings.

    At that exact moment, a young man dressed in black appeared in front of me with sunken cheeks and dark eyes. He immediately started pouring out a flood of words:

    I haven't been sleeping at night for months, but as if I had been haunted repeatedly, I am waiting for the first light of day to close my eyelids and sink into the nothingness in which it is easy to live. That is nothingness without special requirements and needs. And even then, while I sleep, terrible scenes of someone's life unfold in my dreams. As if that someone begins his terrible life full of uncertainty and fear only in the morning when I fall asleep. I am also terrified of his fear, so I often wake up during the day and look around me without knowing to whom all this is happening, to me or the other person. I wonder if I was asleep or if it was the other sleeping inside me. In that respite between trance and sleep, I realize that by being awake for a moment, I am giving a break to that other dreamer, at the very least throwing him for a moment into the uncertainty of life so that his death, implanted at birth in his chest, would not eat away at his heart.

    And while I'm awake in the empty nights of vigil and waiting, I can't forget what happened to me.

    I can't stop thinking about what happened to me. However, there comes a moment when I will understand everything as if everything around me will suddenly become true. And just at that moment, I was overcome by some inner restlessness in which I realized, even without wanting to, that daylight was coming from somewhere and that I had to rest. Thus, thoughts remain vague again and again, like lights in the fog.

    At first, from intense thinking, bloody blisters appeared on my mind that burst, spilled around, and festered, hurt me more than the truth, than reality, and from the pain of what I dream of him while starving dogs tear him and eat him in the dark forest, where he is tied to a dried tree without a leaf.

    Now, after so many months, there are no more blisters, but the thoughts keep repeatedly popping up. I wonder if they know that they will never be fully understood. Only now, they have also hardened, just like the worn-out sole of a peasant shoe.

    It seems as if I am aware that nothing in my mind will change, and this gives me a strange fear that makes my body quiver, tremble, and be as uncertain as soap bubbles carried by the wind, and expecting at any moment a blow from something unknown that will shatter them forever and destroy.

    Even my sweat has started to smell of fear. How do I get it all out of my head?

    How can I forget her when the sound that I heard while caressing her flows through my mind, and I remember it as the happy creaking of her heart and her bowels, which, with their gentle movement, produced an unforgettable and never before heard among other people, performed music of immense happiness and joy behind which all meaning of life and existence is lost without it?

    And yet, time flows, the future is ahead, the past is behind, and I can't grasp the present, so I have to put my feet in the footsteps of the present and continue.

    Sometimes, I get scared, thinking that I have stepped in the footsteps of my future and thus hastened the race of life, which at such a pace must inevitably resound like a hundredfold echo in which I loudly hear:

    You are a loser in this race!

    So again, and so scared, I wonder how to stop. And believe me, I would be happy to stop if only I could not see, despite my countless looking back, some empty footprints that I could step on with my feet.

    All the feet around me are filled so that I don't even see them, but only some other feet that are constantly stepping towards me, pushing me forward to my doom. They push me into even greater fear and uncertainty of a terrible, even more terrible future that I can't stop racing with.

    And believe me, if only I saw something somewhere to grab hold of, to get out of these footsteps, at least I would stay hanging in the air until my hands hurt and until the past came across, into which I would then, exhausted fall.

    Oh, how good it would be, from the past, right behind the present, to observe all these people in the present, and these people who rushed into the future, struggling and suffering without knowing what happened to them. And I just slowly trot after all of them, choosing the left footprints of which there are countless, and they are all free, one next to the other.

    You learn the smell or the size of the feet, and thus, you follow them from before, seeing which ones would be easier, better, and more pleasant for you. You bypass a disease and jump into healthy footsteps when you see it. When you see death, you laugh at it, maybe mock it, and leave it unfulfilled behind, thus ending the World.

    It could be a cure for me to forget my love, live other people's memories like this, and relive other people's thoughts, ordinary, small, and thin, even if unrealistic.


    Ialways felt misunderstood , like I didn't belong in this World. If I hadn't acted and pretended in front of others, pretending to be the way they wanted to see me, I have a feeling that no one would even talk to me, let alone spend time with me or maybe their life. Since this morning, I have remembered the woman I claim to have truly loved. Commenting on my need to analyze everything down to the smallest detail, she once told me:

    You are one of the few people who butchers something good, but with the precision of a surgeon, I guess so that it bleeds less and heals more easily.

    That reflects how the one I felt with all my heart saw me. I will not comment on whether she also thought of me with her heart.

    The one to whom I tried to surrender recognized the butcher in me. So, what should I expect from someone for whom I am less critical?


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