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The Cryptic Stranger
The Cryptic Stranger
The Cryptic Stranger
Ebook65 pages51 minutes

The Cryptic Stranger

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In this suspenseful novel, a woman moves to a new city to escape her troubled past and quickly befriends a charming neighbor. However, her fresh start takes a dark turn when she starts receiving ominous messages indicating that someone knows her deepest secrets. As her new friend's behavior becomes increasingly suspicious, she must navigate a web of deception and uncover the stalker's identity before it's too late.

The Cryptic Stranger explores themes of trust, deception, and the challenge of starting over in an unfamiliar place. With twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, this psychological thriller is a must-read for fans of intense, suspenseful fiction.

Get your copy of The Cryptic Stranger today and delve into a story where nothing is as it seems, and everyone has something to hide.

Release dateJun 8, 2024
The Cryptic Stranger

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    Book preview

    The Cryptic Stranger - George Ademe M

    The Cryptic stranger

    New Beginning

    Veronica had always dreamed of starting over in a new city, far away from the memories of her troubled past. After months of planning and saving, she finally found the perfect apartment in a quiet neighborhood in the bustling city of New York. The location was ideal – close to shops, restaurants, and parks, yet far enough away from the chaos of the city center. The walls of her apartment were bare, but she saw them as a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new memories and experiences.

    On her first night, she lay on her mattress, surrounded by unpacked boxes, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. The city's sounds wafted through her open window – distant sirens, chatter from late-night strollers, the occasional honk. As she listened to the distant sirens and late-night chatter, she couldn't shake the feeling of being alone in the crowd, as if the city's energy flowed around her but never touched her.

    Morning light filtered through her sheer curtains, casting a warm glow on the hardwood floors. Veronica dressed in her favorite navy blazer, skinny jeans, and ankle boots. She tied her hair back in a loose bun and applied a touch of lipstick, ready to face the new day.

    Determined to explore, she headed to a nearby coffee shop, a quaint place with exposed brick walls and vintage decor. As she sipped her latte, she noticed a man across the room, engrossed in a book. He was tall, with dark hair and a well-tailored suit that spoke of sophistication. When he looked up, their eyes met briefly, and he gave a polite nod before returning to his book.

    Veronica's phone buzzed, jolting her from her thoughts. It was a message from her mother, checking in on her. She responded quickly, reassuring her that everything was fine. As she put her phone away, the man from across the room approached her.

    Mind if I join you? he asked, his voice smooth and confident.

    Not at all, Veronica replied, motioning to the empty seat.

    I'm Alex, he introduced himself, extending a hand.

    Veronica, she said, shaking his hand. His grip was firm, yet gentle.

    They fell into an easy conversation, discovering a shared love for books and classic movies. Alex spoke of his job as a lawyer, his passion for art, and his favorite hidden spots in the city. Despite her reservations and the shadows of her past, Veronica felt a cautious hope unfurling. Meeting Alex was like discovering a lifeline in the vast, unknown sea of her new life.

    As the hours passed, the coffee shop grew busier, but Veronica and Alex remained engrossed in their conversation. Alex's phone rang, interrupting the moment. He glanced at the screen and frowned.

    I'm sorry, I have to take this, he said, stepping outside.

    Veronica watched him through the window, noticing the tension in his posture. When he returned, his expression was guarded.

    Everything okay? she asked.

    Just work, he replied, forcing a smile. It never ends.

    They exchanged numbers before parting ways, and Veronica couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe this stranger could be the key to unlocking the happiness she had been searching for.

    Days turned into weeks, and Veronica's life in the city began to take shape. She explored new neighborhoods, tried different restaurants, and slowly started to feel at home. But no matter how many new faces she encountered, a sense of loneliness lingered. As she retraced her steps through the once-inviting streets, every familiar corner now seemed to hide secrets. The vibrancy that had initially drawn her in felt like a deceptive mask over a city teeming with danger.

    One evening, she received a call from Alex. He sounded urgent, his usual calm demeanor replaced by a hint of anxiety.

    Veronica, I need to talk to you. Can we meet?

    Of course, she replied, concern creeping into her voice. Where?

    There's a bar on 5th and Main. I'll be there in thirty minutes.

    Veronica quickly changed into a black dress and heels, her mind racing with questions. When she arrived at the bar, she spotted Alex sitting in a corner booth, his expression serious.

    Thank you for coming, he said as she sat down. I need to tell you something.

    What is it?

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