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The Unfuckingstoppable
The Unfuckingstoppable
The Unfuckingstoppable
Ebook496 pages5 hours

The Unfuckingstoppable

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About this ebook

The Unfuckingstoppable was born after hitting rock-bottom and realizing that rock-bottom was a priceless treasure to begin a never-before adventure to become limitless. This book offers you ways to collaborate with your inner powers and begin tapping the unlimited capacities positioned within you. By connecting with your boundless potential, you can create and experience every impossibility that fires up your heart because you are not just a human being with no control over your destiny, you are the power that can shake the universe by entirely redefining your destiny.


Get ready to not just fulfill your grand destiny, but also to have a bash each day in the process of doing it. Living an extraordinary life is not a privilege for a few. It's the birthright of every single person to live a life of absolute bliss, joy, happiness, peace, wisdom, zest, energy, strength and prosperity (of all kinds)


The book will help you to:


• Knock out all the seemingly looking obstacles, difficulties, and challenges and keep moving forward with or without anyone. 


• Fill up with power, courage, and strength right during massive difficulties.


• Not just live but thrive through life because that's how life is intended for you.


• Rise with zest and vigor in your passion, purpose and mission.


• Not waste precious energy thinking about what others think and retain all that attention on things that drive your heart and soul.


• Cherish wonderful hours, days, weeks, months, and years doing what you love to do, instead of what you have to do.


• Turn every unwanted circumstance into fuel to become an unbreakable superstar.


The UNFUCKINGSTOPPABLE is not just a book. It's the beginning of a lifestyle, a movement that starts from here. It's not a trend that turns viral and fizzles out. It's a fire that gets stronger in our hearts to illuminate the world. The book is a starting point. I aim to go beyond the book and connect directly with you and your fired-up mission. 


Hiral Nagda

PublisherHiral Nagda
Release dateJun 18, 2024
The Unfuckingstoppable

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    Book preview

    The Unfuckingstoppable - Hiral Nagda



    The language used in this book does not intend to offend anyone. It contains certain words (that will be similar to the title of this book) since this is how I unapologetically feel as it has emerged from my very being.


    You will come across the word God mighty times in the book as that’s the sort of unconditional relationship I have with Him. You are free to substitute the word with Divine, Force of Life, or Higher Power as per your beliefs, but make sure you stay connected with this power throughout and beyond.

    You will not find a publisher’s name in this book because it doesn’t have any. It is self-published in its entirety. I wanted to invest my time and energy into elevating the book rather than going the traditional way of approaching a publisher. I went deep into writing and went deeper into the rounds of self-editing before submitting the manuscript to an editor and finally, handing it over to the printing press. This is my publishing. I studied the publishing market and realized it was not for me at this time. For me, it was about adding exceptional value rather than hustling into marketing or grinding for distribution. I believe when you put your entire self into anything and if it touches people’s hearts (even in a small way), they become your biggest marketers and greatest distributors. So, with a grateful spirit, I leave the fate of this book in the hands of the force that wrote this through me and fly off to my next adventure.


    Let’s get ready to believe in the unbelievable and become a thunderous possibility for all the impossibilities.

    And we will do this with help of the most potent blend in the Universe which is made of:

    The powerful truth of your soul

    The unbreakable back of God


    This book is about winning in life even if you are surrounded by losses and failures. It is about winning yourself back forever, in case you have lost yourself while chasing the wrong things, ideas, and people. It is about being the greatest version of yourself even when you don’t know who the fuck you really are. It’s about dreaming big, playing big, and offering big even when you feel small and insignificant in this big world.

    There are no studies or research in this book. Your truth doesn’t need the support of any research or percentage to prove itself. If anything moves deep and hard in your spirit, it’s yours. No graph bars or investigations have the caliber to make you feel more powerful than the unshakable power and truth of your own soul.

    For decades, there have only been a fraction of people who are living the life of their dreams; something that every single one of us has a birthright over. These numbers have still not changed. There are still only a fraction of people who are flourishing in every area of their lives. I know it’s a mammoth task, but I genuinely desire to flip this equation so that every single human on this planet begins to live a life of absolute bliss and euphoria. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help to make this happen. Therefore, if you take away anything from this book, please try to shift at least one more life to your best ability. Because it’s never about touching the mightiest peaks all by ourselves or seeing the glorious destinations with no one by our side. It’s about taking the entire world along, where everyone is simply smashing through life.


    As I was going through the publishing process, I read and heard a number of authors and publishers saying, "Know your ‘target audience’. Don’t write a book for everyone. That’s dumb." I said, let’s be dumb and still write for everyone. I really don’t know my target audience. ‘Target audience’ is such a disempowering word when you want to share your gift with the world. It simply means you want to make more sales. Honestly, I don’t give a fuck about the sales of this book. I just want to make a fucking difference. If that’s what is known as a ‘target’, then yes, making a difference is my target and I want to make a difference in every possible corner of the world, so now my target audience is the entire world. I see each human being as a miracle of God. How can I distinguish between God’s miracles? Who am I to even do that! You may hate this book and that’s fine, but I still have diligently written it for you.

    So, by being dumb, I reaffirm that this book is for everyone because everyone has a calling on their life. Everyone has a destiny to fulfill and everyone is throbbing with a heroic dream and a fire to turn it into reality.

    It is not only for those who are roaring to go to the next level in life but equally for those who are entirely tired of living life.

    We will start from scratch.

    We will build back from the dust.

    We will rise back up from the ashes.

    and THEN

    We will become unbelievable.

    We will fly to the next level and

    We will live the impossible.

    Am I making too giant promises? A fucking yes, because only giant promises will make us do giant things and lead us to our giant destiny. Small promises don’t have the foundation to even carry themselves, forget our destiny.

    I do not just desire that you live an extraordinarily beautiful life, I genuinely intend that you thrive, shine, rock, fly, and kick ass each day of your booming life; that you showcase to the world your glorious authenticity and brighten it up in your own way; that you produce such legendary fireworks in your mission, they lure the stars down to give you a pat on the back; that you remain headstrong among the most ravaging storms of life; that you stay unfuckingstoppable even when WDF’s (worries, doubts, and fears) are knocking you down this very moment. 

    This is not a motivational book. Motivation is just a trigger that dissolves in a few moments. After that, it’s our responsibility to keep throttling our ride even after the motivation disappears. And, how to continue throttling, that’s what the book will help you with.

    Plans have already been made for your glorious destiny. Dreams with your name already written on them are bursting with light in heaven. Your mission is set. You only have to walk that way which is laid out for you rather than worrying about what your life is about.

    What is your life’s plan and soul’s mission?

    Keep reading and it will emerge from within you.


    Instead of reading this book, let the book read you . Allow it to reveal the real you who is activated with measureless potential and unbounded capabilities. Grant it an entry into your powerful self by opening the door of your unbreakable spirit.

    While reading this book, you will notice some subtle shifts in your consciousness as if a part of you that was suppressed or hidden within has just opened up and revealed itself. Observe these shifts and highlight those pages because the parts that have moved you are the very parts that belong to you. The parts that touch you are the very parts – your very truth that you might have forgotten about yourself. Therefore, take this as an opportunity to merge back with your inseparable truth.

    There is no pressure to resonate with anything because what belongs to you will wake you up by default.

    Some words might even trigger and touch your unhealed wounds or unprocessed emotions that you might not be aware of. Don’t bypass and ignore such triggers. They are the way to your liberation. If something uncomfortable tries to emerge, allow it, watch it, hold its hand, and go through it. It wants to heal that which is unhealed within. How beautiful is that? Notice what gave you freedom, but also notice that which made you feel heavy in the chest because there also lies another way to your freedom.

    Take everything along with you that illuminates your heart, but also stay open to experimenting with new things and ideas suggested in these knockouts a.k.a chapters, because it’s the newness that leads to a new destiny.




    You might be wondering , Why the crown already? If I was unstoppable, then why the heck would I be reading this book? You are right. You have been doing this to yourself all the time.

    What, you ask?

    Crushing your own spirit!

    Can I request you, just for once, to salute your glory and honor your greatness?


    Faced the deadliest fears with uncontrollable heartbeats and a shivering spine, but still kept going.

    Been knocked down tremendously by the blows of life, feeling utterly empty, but still got back up.

    Climbed mountains so impossible even when you lacked the strength.

    Fought battles that have wrecked your soul, and no one knows about it.

    Spent nights crying, trying to just let yourself breathe but kept everything to yourself.

    Braved the days where you just couldn’t go on anymore, but nevertheless, kept going with that pain tearing your chest.

    Been backstabbed by someone who meant the world to you, but you didn’t take that knife out of yourself to hurt them back.

    Been heartbroken, took the bullets slicing through your chest, but woke up the next morning (with that unbearable pain) and wore a courageous smile for your family and the world around you.

    Cried your way to death but never told anyone about it.

    Been hurt so deeply and wiped those tears with your own lifeless hands.

    Been crushed to rock bottom but still got up again with those broken bits and pieces of yourself.

    And I know, you have done this not just once, but thousands of times. This tires your soul. This tears down your spirit. This fatigues your body. This exhausts your mind. BUT YOU DON’T FUCKING STOP. And even after going through all of this, you are still here – ALIVE. Isn’t this a sign enough that life has something unimaginable laid out for you? Because if there was nothing more left for you, you wouldn’t have pulled yourself alive out of those storms.

    Imagine, if all these devastations couldn’t stop you, then what all glorious layers are yet hidden within you that are bursting with unbelievable superpowers? You haven’t even touched the surface of who you really are. Once you touch it, it will blow your mind beyond the world.

    From this moment onwards, take an oath, that you will never disrespect, disregard or ridicule your magnificent self.

    Who would you now call ALREADY UNSTOPPABLE?

    If you haven’t already punched your chest and declared, It’s fucking me!, then let’s get working on owning this declaration.

    And if you pumped your fist in the air and declared, It’s fucking me, then put on the unstoppable cape and wear your crown.

    What next?

    What you just realized is the crown has always been yours.

    Now, it’s time to take your kingdom back.


    You are broke, in debt , tired, heartbroken, shattered, defeated, rejected, back-stabbed, depressed, damaged, bruised, distressed, ruined, or bankrupt? I don’t care, these are excuses you are taking support of and stopping yourself from moving ahead.

    Yes, this seems brutal, I know.

    Who the fuck am I to even say this?

    Do I even know your story?

    No, I don’t. But I am someone just like you who has been broke, tired, heartbroken, backstabbed, rejected, depressed, damaged, bruised, in debt, and broken down to ashes all at once for a period of four years due to a breakup in 2012. Four years doesn’t seem much, but when you experience all of this together, for every waking moment of your life, day after day, month after month, year after year, without knowing when this will end or if it will ever end, it seemed like forty years.

    All of this stopped me from moving ahead in life.

    Why? Because I allowed it to. I permitted them to make me a loser instead of taking their advantage to become a warrior. It was already a nightmare and then came another blow of uncontrollable panic attacks, anxiety disorder, and depression, further scratching every last bit of my already broken world. Yes, anxiety is a very common thing in today’s superfast era but when it hits you hard out of nowhere and you don’t know how to handle it, it becomes an impossible thing to manage or even live life.

    And I just thought all of this would end. But no, it didn’t. It worsened. It sucked. Sucked like no man’s business. It felt as if tsunami after tsunami was ordained to wash away every remaining bits and pieces of myself. Due to the anxiety, there arrived lashes of the most terrible dizziness that would go on 24/7. Even in my sleep, I’d experience a constant feeling of collapsing. The palpitations felt as if my pounding heart would blast out from my chest and the shortness of breath was so severe that I couldn’t even speak for more than five seconds. All of these storms were raging inside an already broken-spirited body with an unbeatable intensity. 

    Waking up and facing another day with all of these sensations was the most difficult task. I just wanted to sleep. I didn’t want to face the day and go through those dreaded sensations.

    It seemed impossible to carry on, but I went on, as something from within was pulling me ahead bit by bit.

    Another year went by. For five years, this hurricane kept raging with no signs of even slowing down. However, just as miracles appear when you are least expecting them, there appeared a tiny streak of light from the sky on just another random day.

    I was undergoing counseling at that time and the year was 2016. After a moment of severe breakdown during the session, the counselor (Shakti, thank you for this) affirmed two statements that turned around my entire existence forever and there has been no stopping since then.

    They were:



    You might wonder what’s new about these statements. They are so simple, and everyone knows this. But how often do we ignore the simple things and make life more complicated?

    It took me five catastrophic years to get a grip on these simple, yet profoundly powerful statements to revolutionize my world. Suddenly, all those paralyzing emotions didn’t affect me anymore. Of course, nothing immediately ended on the outside, however, a strong blend of love and power took over my entire being. It embraced me with peace and faith, even in those raging times. Those situations and emotions lost their power as I took my power back from them, FOREVER.

    And as I surrendered to God, I entered into a new birth.


    In June 2018, something nudged me to inspire and encourage people to unlock the massive potential lurking within them, to unveil the truth of their unbelievable destiny, and to uncork the profound reason for their existence.

    This prompting resulted in The Summer 9 – a personal growth website that was later transformed into Two years before The Summer 9 began, I could sense my heart pulling away a bit from Phase 9 Designs – a corporate gifting company (my first baby that turned 14 recently), towards consuming all the centimeters and inches of my spare time into reading, listening, eating, drinking and consuming the subjects of self-development, personal growth, and spiritual advancement. Self-help books started appearing more attractive than a Carlsberg can (which once used to be my go-to friend). The hunger for digging into what’s more to life than the surface was so strong that in my sixteen waking hours, 80% of my spare time was and is still devoted to studying, listening, and reading these materials. This thirst seemed unquenchable and persistent digging of this knowledge has astonished me with the mind-boggling facts about humans, and life itself. 

    I realized that the life I was living till now was just a stream of water pouring down a hill. In reality, there are uncountable oceans lined up for us to explore.


    Rewinding two years back, when I was battling a massive breakup that led to anxiety and depression – everything was culminating into a bottomless depth within my spirit from where erupted endless profound wisdom and awakening (which is always often gained by touching the deepest levels of such brain-numbing pain and suffering). The pain was so impossible that it expanded within and exploded my entire being, cutting through the already broken heart, and cracking its pieces open from where the light began to enter. This magnificent life, which it had always been, gradually began to show up in its real epitome through those painful cracks that were being mended bit by bit. This life so gorgeous which was invisible till now, originated in its authentic attire.

    Everything was rigged in my favor, yet I took more than seven years to really understand what it was that was gloriously shining with my name on it. It took seven years of brokenness to reach here. And, it was all worth it. I was carried by a power far more powerful than anything in this world. I made it here without knowing how. Now, I am standing at a place of inner peace and lofty happiness which is gradually building its future with me, simply by radiating from within. It was already inside but finally, I gave it a chance to become mine for the rest of eternity.

    I sometimes stay astonished looking at how far I have arrived and ask myself "What did I gain by losing that one person who was my entire universe?

    The answer?



    The incomparable pain of the breakup had very much dissolved, but the anxiety and panic attacks were still present each day and they continued to trigger me for another four years until 2020. They made me mentally paralyzed in ways that only I could sense. They would trigger me so badly that finally, a decision had to be made. A strong fucking decision to either stop them (which was not in my control) or disallow them to stop me (which was in my control).

    This decision made me extract the power arising out of all the emotions of anger, dread, frustration, fear, and irritation, and turn them into fuel to rise above them. It made me put an end to this ruckus, (with the simultaneous aid of a medical professional), taking charge once and for all to not stop at anything, no matter what happens.

    I was ready for anything, even death, but I had decided that I wouldn’t stop and would live life fearlessly.

    I thought I had already faced death thousands of times in those storms, therefore, there was nothing more left to lose or fear. This determination fueled my existence step by step, leading to this book. It was so evident looking at myself when I completed the book. From the time I started writing this book to the time it was finished – I became a completely different person. While I assumed that I was building the book, I realized in the end that it was the book that was building me.

    I am still a work in progress. I still make mistakes, fail, fall, learn, adapt, and adjust, but now the only difference is that I don’t stop. I keep moving ahead despite knowing that somewhere down the road, I will get knocked down, and yes, I fall again.

    Then, what do I do?

    I get the fuck back up one more time and keep going.


    Iwas knocked down

    I was knocked out

    I was put to dust

    I was turned into ashes.

    I stayed there with

    A broken will

    A demolished strength

    A wounded soul

    A destroyed heart.

    Then again, God arrived with His

    Mighty power

    Massive back

    Giant guard and

    A huge plan.

    Picked me up

    Hugged me back

    Shielded me strong

    Rolled back to His spirit.

    From there on

    I leaped Earth

    I galloped the universe

    I surpassed the world

    I became unfuckingstoppable.


    It is to be a person who:

    Gives no-nonsense +

    Takes no shit +

    Doesn’t follow masses +

    Believes in impossibilities +

    Only gives the right fucks +

    Rises above the challenges +

    Stays energetic +

    Radiates love +

    Gets back up +

    Breaks the rules for good +

    Utilizes the obstacles +

    Takes mighty actions +

    Launches new paths +

    Lights up the world +

    Builds up a never before life +

    Fulfills their grand destiny +

    Honors the royal calling on their life.


    A. Not stopping physically (i.e. by not resting or relaxing). In fact, these are the secret tools to launch back greater. Rest, recharge, amp up, and swing back into unstoppable mode. Taking a break and relaxing is part of being unstoppable. We never want to burn out or break down.

    B. Not stopping emotionally (i.e. by not tending to your inner nourishment). Your emotions, especially, the uncomfortable ones, are indicators that it’s time to deepen the intimacy with your own depth. When you do that, your soul receives its required fuel to push you into the zone of unstoppable legendary.

    At the same time, be prepared to be stopped millions of times on your journey to becoming unfuckingstoppable, because if nothing tries to stop you, how the heck will you build those unstoppable muscles?

    You need resistance to build them. This resistance will be gained from people who will test your nerves, from the circumstances that will seem to gulp you raw, and from the situations that will tear you down again and again.

    Challenges and obstacles will pick you up and throw you back into that ditch. And that’s how you receive an opportunity to establish and forge your unfuckingstoppable foundation.

    Therefore, never blame them. Always thank them and go for another round of being knocked down to keep marching toward becoming unfuckingstoppable. This march will not only make you bulletproof, fired up, and loaded; but also celebrated, triumphant, and unbeatable.


    When all hell breaks loose, hold the hell and break it.

    When you can’t move ahead, KEEP MOVING AHEAD!

    If you are tired, get some rest. Then get back up and keep going even if things aren’t happening on your time, even if you are constantly failing after your 587th attempt, even if the odds are staring right in your eyes and mocking fun at you. STAY HEADSTRONG AND MARCH FURTHER. Show up every day with this level of grit, whether it’s a Monday, Sunday, Friday, or a no day. That’s how your God-given destiny starts showing up and that’s how you get on board with your grand and super unfuckingstoppable life.

    You don’t have to do millions of things to turn around the situation that will ultimately leave you exhausted. You only have to stay fired up with a decision of not stopping and then sticking to it. Remember it’s sticking to the decision that has to be mastered over and over again till it becomes second nature. Taking any decision is always easy but keeping up with it and making it a part of us is where 90% of us fail. Therefore, stay firm and determined to not stop. Once you do that, all the strength and power of the Universe will start gushing through your nerves.

    Don’t let this inflate your ego. Ego has nothing to do with becoming unstoppable. Let this be an opportunity for your spirit to radiate itself through you and make you one incre-fucking-dible expression of God.

    This is what being UNFUCKINGSTOPPABLE is.

    Unfuckingstoppable doesn’t mean you always fly high and soar above the clouds. Unfuckingstoppables are mostly made in the toughest battles when they have zero strength but they still refuse to stop, and that’s who you are.



    Fall in love with life till it makes you one pulsating example of its jaw-dropping force.

    The majority of us are unhappy and dissatisfied with life in some way, simply because we think life is toying with us, taking us for a ride, and doing the exact opposite of what we desire and dream to achieve. Yes, we are surely taken for a ride, not by life, but by our own beliefs about life. Life never sucks. Our beliefs suck. Life never decays. Our thoughts about life decay. Life is always overflowing with thrills and sparkles. It is always stunning, astonishing, and phenomenal. It is forever jazzed up to transform our lousy foundations into booming skyscrapers. Life never loses its shine even when we do, and this is a beautiful realization that no matter what, life in itself is always overflowing with bliss. Let’s step out of these fractured thoughts about life and dive into its lavishness to experience the mind-blowing extravagance it has in store for us.


    Life wants you to win. It’s on your side, cheering you on to chase everything that your spirit aches for.

    Have you ever seen a lion complaining about life? Or have you seen an elephant cursing life? Sure, they can’t speak, and neither they know what complaining is. But they seem to live in harmony with life. Almost all living creatures tend to flow with life even though they are far less gifted than the most gifted species on the planet- Human Beings.

    Birds fly fearlessly in the abundant sky of God. Fishes swim magnificently in the spectacular oceans of the planet. Plants are forever growing, blooming, and feasting on the gorgeousness of life. What does this mean?  No other living creature on this planet, except humans, has the most problems and issues with life. Yes, other creatures don’t have to go out and earn money, deal with a boss, hassle with in-laws, study tirelessly, work like a maniac, get cheated on, have a broken heart, solve family problems, encounter empty bank accounts, or have debts.

    But, we have something that can turn around any situation at any time – the organ between our ears - THE HUMAN MIND. A mind that can design, develop, and build our unique lives. A mind that can construct skyscrapers, launch businesses, produce movies, songs, web series, internet, social media, and phones, fly airplanes, choppers, and jets, build spaceships to go to another planet, plant a flag on the moon, establish restaurants, cafes, seven stars, build monuments, travel the world, go paragliding, sky diving, windsurfing, snorkeling, write books, read books, listen to books, become an actor, doctor, scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, blogger, have a bucket list, stay in cruise, go for a drive, take a vacation, have access to clothes, shoes, gyms, bags, sunglasses, and basically more such 20.7 million things and experiences to have a fucking blast on this planet.

    Human beings – the most efficient species on the planet but complain the most about their deficiencies.


    Life has no issues with us. Why do we

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