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Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II: Mongol, #2
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II: Mongol, #2
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II: Mongol, #2
Ebook1,295 pages19 hours

Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II: Mongol, #2

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The second part of Mongol series, which includes other various interconnected stories that are tied in the universe and add more to the story.

Release dateJun 6, 2024
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II: Mongol, #2

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    Mongol - Corpses of the Divine II - Nicu Stefan Cristian

    'I knew the water smelled awful, even from the side.

    'It came fast, once he realised what was coming as his reaper, a red glowing mist coming from the stairs, the veins would still come to spread after getting a new sacrifice.

    Connected through the other man, it'd only come further and perhaps even follow him.

    So Argus leapt and grabbed the strong metallic sturdy wire, starting his ascension, the stink was just about the corner below.

    After missing the box, and climbing for what seemed to be minutes, all was going as dark as it could be.

    Only one light came from above and he was ready to give up on it, having his body numbed down, his hands shallow and his legs unmoving.

    All of the sudden, the scent of the mist went away and he couldn't smell anything, but nor did he feel the silence.

    The noise came from the side, strange noises of movement over water and stone, fast, some faster, perhaps a legion of horses running rampage on the streets.

    It can't be that, though it feels too forced, too mechanic to be a living thing, it must be something else then.

    The first glance when he opened his eyes, the smell of smoke, as someone had a fire on the street came by him, just passed.

    One hand managed to come in time, just to block the light and sniff the air.

    'Wait, I know the two of you. ''Morning to you as well Argus.

    We're not there yet so you can have another nap if you'd like.

    'Vincent, the name struck him immediately, half of a moustache driven away and with his companion just standing there.

    'What did I miss while I was out?

    ''A riot on the streets I wager, it happened quite more often as of lately.

    ''And it will happen more often from now on.

    'Both of them looked in separate directions and waited, and for a sudden fraction there, the people who stood behind looked as if they were sleeping too, more natural in a way than ever before.

    'They look so peaceful, don't they?

    'It was the first time Vincent turned to throw a look at them, as he didn't check on them in a while.

    He's not too wrong when said so.

    Though Argus managed to see more than he wanted or needed to, the small scar across his neck, running as far as it was visible, down from the ear, below, almost visible if it weren't from the darkness inside his vest.

    'What happened there?

    'Though immediately, as he realised what he was talking about, he covered it and said not a word.

    Nor did he look mad and confused, trying his best to change the conversation just as it went on.

    'Where did you get that bag from?

    'And immediately, three glances shifted towards that bag.

    He hadn't realised yet that it wasn't a dream, nor that he hadn't removed the bag when he went on.

    The tram was still going on, perhaps at a faster speed than before, it wasn't going to stop, even after a long sleep, at least not for a while.

    'For how long have I been asleep?

    'Argus, asked, seeming suspicious, especially with that old bag around his shoulder, big enough to occupy the second seat, almost blown out and taken out of proportion with its size.

    'Get rid of it, I can feel its stench. ''That's not it.

    'With a hand, quickly she interrupted him and almost stared through him with her undeceitful gaze.

    'I've a bad feeling about it.

    'Half raised to match his glance, stretching to get closer to him, for a whisper she went on.

    'I've got a bad feeling about what's inside of that.

    You may need to throw it outside if you don't mind me saying that. ''Very well.

    'Without a fight, it was said so, mostly since Argus agreed just as well as she did, that something was wrong about it, especially now.

    Holding it just about outside the gap, looking at the material, again, she asked of Argus.

    'What's wrong?

    Just throw it, I'm sure someone else will take care of the problem.

    'Something was clearly inside, though something prevented Argus from raising his thumb further and lifting up to see.

    The lock being there was a bad sign but what else could he do now other than let go?

    Which he certainly did, immediately letting it fall and roll over my the street, ending in a bounce and away from their sight.

    'Is it normal to be this fast?

    'Ask he, once he figured out just how fast the tram it was getting, either being too fast or they were too high, at the level where it had become a spear cutting through clouds.

    'It's going to get faster, you'd better be off grabbing a hold of something.

    Wait, Argus!

    ''I only need to go and check the driver.

    'There laid a cabin, quite a small box located on the left side of his view, only a few more seats in front.

    'You're a madman, if you keep walking you'll fall and break something. ''I'm not a spawn.

    'Replied Argus, holding nothing but the edge of the seats.

    Truthfully, it was getting hard for him to fight against the current but there wasn't anything he could do about that.

    There wasn't a notice when the tram was thrown off its rails, but this was different.

    'There. ''Take care!

    'Came from behind, though the voice lost some of its volume and power as far as they both went from one another.

    More viewers from behind have become more aroused by what happened then and there, the man who was approaching the cabin.

    'What's he about to do? ''Ain't that one of the?

    'Before he'd finish, the old man suddenly flew back below, waist down and his hat on his face, acting as if he was sleeping, after seeing Vincent's gaze falling upon his.

    Though farther away, he managed to lay his hands by the side of his steeled cage and inside laid nothing more than a machine.

    'A box.

    'Said Argus, unable to control his excitement, this time it was closer and its appearance was, even more, to resemble what he thought he saw inside the domed door.

    The large coils must power it, leading into the panel.

    Blue glow on an Agrippa metal, with crevices and hollow spaces, all filled with a dark greenish liquid, in any of the matter, appearing to be organic of a metal box.

    'I know what you look like now.

    'Though by now, it was getting harder to look back. 'Argus, come back.

    'Almost lifted on a foot, Vincent yelled.

    Though farther away from their tram, a little more on their behind and most certainly not on their course of action, laid the bag on the middle of the street, giggling and shrieking but only audible by those around.

    People wondered what it was, what could it be, but none dared approach at all, for they all feared what laid inside.

    A stench, the evil smell was almost musty, followed by the spread of a liquid that fell inside.

    It opened and it managed to come out just in time to avoid being hit by a vehicle that would've ended its scornful existence.

    A bulb of meat, of a which a mother thought to be a baby, only to be denied her empathy after another glance.

    A pump of skin suddenly made the entire body expand, almost like an explosion happening from inside, the torso came forth to be almost as big

    as a balloon, as thick as a barrel, a worse terror they couldn't describe.

    Fear through, though none have realised it was still immobilised, unable to chase any, even if someone were to push it from behind.

    And it remained there, at the lower parts of time.

    Where suddenly the skin changed, from a large ball of skin, it suddenly extended, like a tendril or a snack, on four feet that now were just as functional as ones of an animal, chasing by the smell.

    Lifting itself on two feet was no bother, as it remained a towering abomination, starting to absorb, by the coming of the light and the ones who ran around.

    From that Agrippa drenched skin, came the pink and the red and green, the subtle changes that reflected, as tall as it were, acting like a chameleon, imitating even the smallest faces that laid there.

    Its stench and poison followed through, still falling apart until it managed to grab a hold.

    'Monster, run.

    Call the authorities!

    'They yelled, some braver ones threw stones, which did more than expected.

    As it turned, it was revealed its frail attempts to absorb the stones and take them all inside, of which all failed and resulted in it falling on the ground.

    'It's weak, ain't it?

    Come on, faster, grab more.

    'More started coming and be granted more courage by the fact that it couldn't fight back, the abomination was still in the process of being given birth, still far from being mature, hence why it remained to frail.

    And how it desperately learned what it means to be desperate, trying to crawl to safety with half of leg that had most of its muscle mass crushed.

    There wasn't any way anymore for it to go forth and escape, more cracks int he skin, the breaking started and stopped.

    The long body split in six smaller beings, all of which sprouted legs and started moving faster, and faster they did, moving in all direction and anything they could feel.

    No eyes were given but they had jut enough for them to know where to go and what to do.

    One was already taken down, a barrel, as heavy as it were, with its metal ends crushed the wailing, wriggling small beast and after a bounce the skin blackened as if it were ashes after a burning, to break apart seconds after left there alone.

    'Crush them before they get away I said! Come one, put some backbone into it!

    'Still afraid and disgusted, others moved away as soon as they sprouted wings and started flying.

    Their evolution was more than fast, and with the time, there was only time to crush two more before the other three left the ground and started flying in the air.

    No longer did rocks reach, not that there was anyone left there to watch them spread as they started chasing smaller ones, though, in the end, it did not last long enough.

    After terrorising the people, as they started, too, even as they were split, growing larger, they started chasing the source of their coming.

    The stone was already cracked and tainted by the Agrippa, leaving nothing but a mark on the ground that couldn't be removed, just as well as the ones where the others have been crushed.

    It didn't matter any more than wild beasts that followed out of instinct, the honeycomb that laid ahead.

    More colour, more of form, horned fiends now rules the great above, the sky was theirs and the bright colours and the strong reflection of the light couldn't do anything else but burn and smoulder their skin.

    At least until it developed into a carapace around, a dark Agrippa that cracked under the sun, it wouldn't kill them but left a shimmering sound and a stench that could drive anything or anyone away if they wanted to.

    So it was, the disgusting fiend still bored the faces of those who watched before, small feet on each, they walked in their pairs, knowing too well, as they were able to see the smell, in a sea of darkness, still blind.

    It was the first town in a long time that the people were forced to come inside.

    Suddenly one snapped and it flew closer to the ground, striking at a window on its side, so harshly until it crushed in, forcing it to crack open under the pressure of fire.

    Under the carapace it laid, melding some of the glass on itself as well before returning to the leader.

    Clearly, even to those who watched, they had a leader, the one in front who did not only fly faster but had a sharper horn and held its fire still inside, bouncing around the carapace as the light was coming out.

    The heat was almost demonic, even to her.

    Standing on the other side of the room, looking for the commotion.

    The strike was more than enough to frighten a fully grown adult for ages to come.

    Candles laid, not moment ago near the window, though now melted with the glass, cut in halves by the heated shards that were spread in an area around the room.

    She was only locked to be alive, for when the horned beast came, not only did she lean against it, but also facing directly where she'd be taken blind by the likes of it.

    Now that it was safe, coming closer with a blanket taken from the side, she lifted forth and watched above, seeing how they still flew, too big to be animals, though he dared no question anymore, she was alive.

    Scarring the sky, when safety was on and people could do nothing but look away or run in fear, back in came on its side, the two others connected joint.

    As wide as its head was, came a gaping maw, accompanied by a set of six wings, the Agrippa shade of almost, what could be close to velvet black.

    It was a terror in the sky, growing in size and speed, now safe from anyone that wanted to hurt it, for, at this point, more skin, the shell being formed above became too hard to be taken by stone, rock or anything flung.

    The speed was receiving though it knew too well. 'We're almost there.

    'Said Vincent in the tram.

    It's been minutes since Argus look at the cockpit to find nothing else than the fact it was a marriage, returning to his seat to wait.

    Realising, as well as he knew now, it was only a fake, he returned to both of them, as he pleased.

    'What is it waiting for us in there?

    'Carefully he watched, though it wasn't needed, as the ones that were standing at the end already understood not to force themselves where they did not belong.

    'What's waiting for us, not you.

    Don't forget that you're our guest in this. ''Vincent.

    ''Fine, fine.

    What's waiting for us in there, is our people, you may not have realised this but that horse, the mansion, none of that seemed to be real at all.

    It came close to being taken from a damn fairy tale rather than the real world if you ask me, not to mention how it was dragged down from whenever it came out of.

    ''Your point being?

    'Argus tried his best to fake surprise, though neither of them seemed to be taking the bait, being obvious, close to even a fact that he wasn't from around there.

    'Those horses did not die when we shot them, something was wrong with that, not to mention the strange occurrences that happen all around us every single damn day.

    ''It's really hard to ignore, especially if you've lived here as long as we've had.

    'It was the first time Argus had a clear view on her hand, standing against the tip of his chair, with the ring standing clearly attached still on the pointer.

    Jane and Vincent?

    'Have you not noticed how an explosive did nothing but flip over a damn tram?

    You noticed it too when I placed it, how could an explosive do this and do no sort of damage?

    What of the people inside who felt nothing? ''I don't know.

    'Answered Argus flustered, as Vincent was already getting too forceful pushing through, shoving his nails in the fabric that laid around the chair.

    'I think you do know what I'm talking about, it's way too obvious in your eyes.

    'Two pale round spheres that seemed to do nothing but stare at him, though at the same time, through him, as they spoke.

    'I don't know!

    'Came again from Argus, though forcefully as it came to an end.

    The tram just stopped at the station and there seemed to be another circle of people assembling there, who wanted to embark on.

    'Well we'll have enough time to find out once you're being introduced to everyone, ain't right Jane?

    ''Sure boss.

    'Like three stinger flies, they skimmed right through the small circle of people.

    They stood out, even in the eyes of spawns who couldn't look the other way even if they wanted to, though that couldn't be helped.

    Sweaty and roughened up always came still against clean, dark and Agrippa, dresses and robes, hats of which all belong to a different class than what they appeared as.


    'One mockingly said though it was hushed by a whisper towards Argus. 'Don't mind them, move on.

    'Like a band of thieves and certainly seen like one, they were followed by the eyes but only before entering the darker corners.

    Back to the lowlife, Argus thought, expecting to find more than a rat, perhaps those dwelling on the other side, even though they had more than enough to take care off.

    'Hold on and don't let go, this way will be more than a little rough if you don't mind it.

    'Jane put it to the best description she could give, rough and dirty, perhaps a little way too dangerous at that, if ask of anyone else.

    'I won't complain as long as we move swiftly alright? ''Deal!

    'Something that not even Vincent could go against, as they both agreed, and moved past pointers, in the black that laid in front of their eyes like mist, only small parts of the road they were on remained.

    'Don't let go until we're there.

    'Said, Jane, as they both formed a bond, watching front as, slowly, the way ahead was revealed.

    Only parts started, first, there was the right side of a bridge revealed like a stage light circled there.

    Instinctively, Argus looked above, with a shock on his face, though saw no source from where the light came out of.

    Then, the second thing he noticed was the stream of water that ran through, most likely under the bridge.


    Can you hear me?

    ''Yes, what's happening?

    I can't even see you or your hand.

    ''I need you to take a leap of trust in me, all right?

    I know it's sudden and we've barely met, but this is important, to keep out the operation to a secret, so, do you trust me?

    ''I do.


    'There was some water going at his feet, as well as he could feel, though not to the point of dipping his fingers.

    'Leap of faith, Argus, leap.

    'Leap of faith she said when suddenly he couldn't feel the pair of hands holding him.

    Darkness was unshrouded and he could see the great height from which he was falling.

    Embraced, both his got near his head, especially the eyes, and no longer did he look at the sharp metal around him and how it was all stuck together.

    He felt only the splash and the water dance once he fell down inside.

    There was some attempt, but he opened his eyes, seeing nothing too well at first in the shallow water, until there came, near his hands, a solid object.

    He grabbed it, soon released.

    It turned out to be a foot, a human one, standing in the same water, which forced Argus into a shock.

    His hands wobbled by the side, unable to figure out what the head to know, and attempted to come out, but as soon as he reached further above, there turned out to be nothing more but the ceiling.

    I will drown, remains the immediate thought, followed by two strikes in a desperate attempts to break through and escape, which ended up being pointless.

    His breath getting only more shallow by the second, almost to the point of rivalling the water.

    Fine then, he thought again, after he decided to dive, there most certainly had to be away, down there after diving, he started feeling around the bottom floor.

    Suddenly, it all seemed too familiar, almost driven by an instinct, he took the path he knew way too well, ending up to feel another wall.

    Lungs about to give up and still he were too far away from getting where wanted, then he felt the dome and remembered, as it were unbroken.

    And with the immediate thought and breath ready to give away, he came down and started twisting through the dark water.

    The pressure already came to it as it started opening, until the point when a sudden pull and he found himself standing, pulling at the door so it wouldn't be closed by the intense pressure.

    No other way was there for him to hold it any stronger, or open it to its full extent, but alas.

    The breath of air came with a sudden, right when his lungs felt like they were ready to explode.

    With that, he forced it back close, with the water being stuck only at the waist, after that, being ready to scout around as he was, he turned and saw them, a body floating and the various parts, almost filled by the liquid.

    'Is it even water anymore?

    'Asked Argus as he looked down, trying to see a reflection that was too shallow to be him.

    The skin around them had started decomposing and changing colour for a while, at the point of even asking himself.

    How long have I been gone?

    For how long he couldn't answer, but the hole was still in the ceiling as he had left it there, though it did nothing more than take a few drops most likely and leave them on the other side.

    Going forward around the room, past the broken dome of water, it turned out to be a shell.

    Harsh at the first touch, though it was pulled nonetheless from the other side.

    No animal I know could have such a shell.

    And just as he felt more about it, the slightly spiked shell, there seemed to be heated inside of it.

    Possibly even meat, something he hadn't felt in a long while, food, though after a glance around, his appetite was most certainly gone.

    Down to the next dome, he opened the valve to free some space and empty some of the shallow water that was already there needed.

    The dark room seemed to be empty, so there was no need to take in what it was, though plenty of room seemed to be there, though this one had its valve broken.

    After serveral attempts, someone must've melted it. 'How?

    'Fastened by the discovery, he jumped to the next one and bent again, searching below the murky water, through a basket of parasite that all flew away as his hands entered the water.


    'Came with a sudden noise, after he looked around and saw them spread all across the room in fear, while he groomed and shook his hands to make sure none of them had touched him.

    This one was taken out all the same.

    Past the body, at which he slowed down and dared not move too rashly close to it, still, even if it were to be alive, both of its hands were still there, anchored to the ground.

    Two should've been there, but not, they were burned, by the feeling of the unearthly forms the casing of the valves had.

    A trail lead deeper below and it got thinner as his hand went deeper feeling it.

    'Damn it.

    'Came with a sudden change of tone, this one too, and the one that had the furnace.

    Someone was here. 'Which could only mean.

    'And in a way, he was right, the exit door, the only one that needed to be open, wasn't there.

    Melted to taken away, to the point where only a small iron rod came out of it.

    'I'm locked.

    'Above there, still laid two opening, a shimmering side from where there were an explosion and the door of his cage.

    But that would mean.

    'Back from where I started.

    'If I even manage to get up there.

    Again, he bent and tried twisting the broken valves, each and every one of them, except the one he used to get rid of the water.

    I need it once again now, but, it's certain that someone did this on purpose I believe.

    But who?

    Looking around made it clear that there was no one around, no one alive in any of the matter.

    'Have I checked that door?

    'Came almost as a shout, close to being a realisation on the matter.

    I checked all the door, parasite were still grooming and sweeping around, those who were not afraid even nibbled at his trousers.

    'Away, get away from me!

    'Yelled Argus as his hand just splashed them all away.

    It was true that he hadn't checked that one, the floating body was too distracting for any thought of getting closer to be had.

    By the side, to avoid approaching or even being caught if anything were to happen, he came closer and felt it.

    'It's not.

    'The surprise ended before it even began.

    He was being led towards something by someone who managed to win below and take care of every valve from every door before hand.

    Being lead into a trap was still better than starvation.

    Though, surprisingly, this valves turned around much harder than the previous ones, both at the rate but also caused by the strange shape it now had.

    Longer by the edges, almost sharp and pointy, with many ridges and fragmented holes between the skeleton like texture.

    Was this replaced too?

    Though a glance at his hand revealed no scratch nor a mark of infection if it were to be the case.

    Stopped now, he looked and judged by the eyes that there'd not be enough space for him to move as of yet, especially with that in the way.

    With his heart weakened, he turned around and started pushing the cart through the water, making the harsh sound of wood being ripped under it right about that moment as he placed his hands on it.

    Something could be below, Argus pondered, after judging that possibility remained of a hollow space just below him, perhaps even a room, if that was possible.

    Not long did it take and the metal forced itself into the floating meat, which, already decomposing as it were seemed to have lost some of its anchors.

    A hand just ripped itself from the cart, sweat accompanied by his worrisome approach.

    'You're not alive, are you?

    'Asked Argus without even stopped or taking a secondary break from his task.

    As soon as he pushed it two feet further, bubbles started coming from below, cracks laying under wood just under him.

    Such a task was nothing for a well-formed man, which he was as far as he could be from, hurt and scratched, possibly infested now by whatever type of parasites those were, he backed away.

    It wasn't much but he started kicking through the water and kept doing so until he felt that something was about to break.

    A plank suddenly broke below and bubbles came to be into a vortex, leading to deeper below.

    Down, he pulled it just like he did below, watching it act just the same, though the water kept going there until it suddenly stopped.

    'Is someone there?

    'And then, his voice echoed for a second, bouncing against the walls of the deeper laying catacomb that laid there.

    There seemed to be a strong light and plenty of space, though, without a hard lasting ceiling, it was hard to say.

    More wood was ripped apart by his bare hands, it was almost unbelievable how much of it Argus took out, even for him.

    At this point he jumped into the hole, disregarding even the place where he displaced the small wooden planks and managed to hit the ground.

    On a sudden dance of moves, he found himself standing on the other side and on his right, the stream of water coming in.

    There wouldn't be much time, and everything would be flooded.

    Though a door and yet another one just laid in that room and there was just enough time to open the farthest one.

    Books, manuals, a library down here?

    For a second he reconsidered his action, as, this room, as well, refused to flood and keep the water still on its walls.

    All of it just seemed to disappear and be swept just right under the rugs and the crevice of the door.

    Light poured it, though there was a switch which he had just snapped off. 'Natural blue light.

    'So this must be the end of my destination. Taking off a book off the shelf, it read clearly. 'Voyage Manual by June.

    'Another one was taken, from which a map came out of it, initials by the side.

    'Scott Fingletwon.


    'Written with silver on what seemed to be a silken map.

    Other books that seemed to be either a decade old, or perhaps even more than that, not to mention, the least of which would be worth a fortune to a collector.

    'Nothing to carry in with.

    I guess I'll settle down with the two of you alone.

    'The map was taken and shoved firmly into his pants, as well as his other asset, the first book is taken for now.

    A globe on the side, though it couldn't be real, judging by the formation and the writings it had.

    All of which, and the running stream that came low in the opening, there was a harsh sound though barely audible, which Argus did not hear.

    It went on for some time, as he looked in the drawer upon which the globe was, pillaging it.

    Though, still, he wondered, what laid there.

    After a second, seeing how there were only clothes inside. 'Clothes?

    'Rubbing his finger against them, it turned out to be clean and fresh, too clean to be plainly abandoned then.

    'What's there then?

    'No longer could he keep his curiosities inside his head, as he opened, a sudden cold wind chilled the wind and he almost fell off.

    Shaken in his boots, barely holding the edge of the opening and with the other one the edge of the door, he stood shock and looked everywhere.

    His eyes couldn't even be forced to stop from looking int the various directions of the ocean of the air.

    No water, but a sea of Agrippa clouds, accompanied by deep blue and a dark storm as far away from the course as he could see.

    There laid a dizziness at the point where Argus felt as if he was breathing a different air than the one he hand.

    And then, he slipped, the water running through too dry.

    There wasn't any time to grab a hold of anything, as he looked away, afraid that he'd die.


    'He looked around, thinking he had fallen in the dark storm that laid below.

    Though the clouds weren't there, neither were the wooden steps he once held so precious to him.

    A blanket was around and he stood on a barrel. 'Jane.

    ''You're fine, you're fine.

    I need you to calm down and tell me where do you think we're at now.

    'Breathing shallowly in her hands, he finally looked around, at the clean marble floor, the stone walls fragmented by bricks and the lavished deep Agrippa doors that accompanied.

    There mere more than a few people standing and talking to each other about various things that were beyond Argus.

    'Awake I suppose?

    'As he turned, he noticed Vincent smoking from an old wooden pipe.

    He realised then, that he stood near Jane on a couch behind a table with a giant map of what appeared to be a city, without a doubt, the city they were in.

    'So, why the secret hideout then? Who exactly are you?

    ''I've told you he's an outsider.

    'Whispers and small talks emerged from all side.

    The cloak of slight black that laid on the ceiling seemed as if it pulled all the smoke and darkness inside of it in a peculiar fashion.

    We could be anywhere from the looks of it.

    'I understood well and clear, but now then, Argus. ''I don't believe I told you my name.

    ''You haven't, but this hand.

    'Barely caught, his license with his real name and dates was as clear as ever, though it was well too hidden to just have been pickpocketed like that.

    It only made sense too well.

    'You've searched me when I was asleep.

    'And took your gun and everything else we just gave you since Argus, you came just in time for our operation.


    'Jane at this point already circled around the man, just as two other approached in.

    There laid an old man with a sharp nose, wicked smile that could be barely contained by the pipe itself, wearing a dark hat and dusty robe.

    And a younger encephalic-abrogate that kept herself covered at the time. 'Can you explain who gave you the right to search me and take my apparel?

    ''No one, but you've made an unspoken pact with us ever since you entered that door and I'm afraid there's no way back anymore, at least not by us.

    ''I can't even remember how I.

    'There was a silence as his voice got deeper and louder, to the point where he stood out against all of them.

    Too many, I found myself in the same bird's nest again, too many for me to take on.

    Not that I'd have a chance with how well they're armed. 'Tell me what I need to do.

    ''Good dog, we were in great need of dogs since the last batch failed. ''And what exactly does that mean?

    ''Well Argus, it means that it wasn't a coincidence that the mansion we found you out suddenly came to pieces and got dragged below the ground.

    We had a party of our people go down there and place explosives under. And I've no doubt that you came from down there.

    ''What makes you say so?

    ''Other than the suits, manner and colour in your eyes? How did you miss it for so long?

    'Dark Agrippa eyes whilst everyone standing seemed to have, what could only be a shade of orange.

    'Ehm, and now, you work for us and you will assist the other in taking down this one.

    'He pointed straight at another mansion that seemed to be located at one of the far ends of the town.

    Already had Vincent laid his hand, if that were his given name, that it was crossed off.

    Four others were taken down too at that. 'And the horses?

    ''There were none, it's a common vision coming from the side effect of the hallucinogen we injected in you when you first came to us.

    ''You bastard, how dare you to drug me?


    ''Keep it silent now, I still need an answer and don't think I'll go easy on you, after all, we've had a deal.

    ''And you were on this too Jane. ''Just accept it.

    'Came the man, and it was enough for him to speak that the others fell into an unwanted silence, whenever or not they wanted to.

    As he went on.

    'The way I see it, you either go on or it's worse for you.

    And you seem to have a glimpse of luck about you, something I can't truly explain at all, but it's there.

    ''Fine, anything to get as further away from this place. ''Good, you'll be taken for the briefing.

    'The man paused as he took another deep smoke from his pipe, before letting it go and rise above and over his head.

    As well as he nodded and Argus felt the cold breath on his shoulder as he turned around.

    Too cold for someone for the temperature that laid inside. 'Let's go.

    'Said a hooded figure.

    'See you soon Argus, it was a pleasure doing business with you.

    'Those were to be the last words said and laid on to him by Vincent as he expected not to return after they were done.

    Too many rooms to count, but most of them were most likely used for sleeping or other useless activities, nothing worth remembering after, other than the briefing room they spoke about.

    It stood out more than any other in the sense that it was wider, just as most likely the room were and the others around them were just more anxious, to begin with.

    'First, we get dressed, then you'll be instructed, understood? ''Loud and clear.


    'As brief as it were, they seemed to have a glimpse of training, though there still had to be a way to ditch them, and avoid their suicidal mission as much as he could, if it were.

    The door opened and it was almost like there laid a rock from the bottom on the sea as further away in his neck as it could be.

    Suits, yellowish and covered, the same ones he had seen everywhere he had previously gone, including that man he had reached.

    And killed, how could I have forgotten about that part.

    And those men below, of who he thought to be just engineers, which he trapped before down there when there was a chance for them for an escape.

    No, they were not sinless either, after all, they sunk the mansion under water and in the immediate depths.

    There was nothing to stop him as he took a suit and equipped it from the back.

    'Let me help you with the zipper.

    'Said another, as it needed at least two.

    Seemingly, a problem laid there with the zipper, as not only was there a need for it to be dragged by another person, but small clicks could be heard in the back.

    'Give me a second till' I'm finished twisting it. ''Ah.

    'That will prove to be a commotion once there'd be no need for them but I'll handle.


    Now turn around and do mine.

    'There was something that made the suit cool inside, perhaps the air vent or something else, though the feeling could only be described by him a being close to being divine.

    Sure, there was the problem that everything he could see in front of his eyes remained close to being monotone since the visor was included with the suit, though that remained only a minor issue.

    'Twist when it stops, it should be easy. ''Oh, right.

    ''Left side please.

    'First, it came into that, then again it could be unblocked and easily lifted, thought it seemed to be stopped at certain nodes in the suit, at which point it resembles the spine.


    'As for the others who were now waiting outside, he looked like one of them, without knowing just how muffled his voice was too.

    'Can you hear me?

    'Though immediately it triggered a response, coming by the twisting of hands and what not.

    'I suppose not then.

    'For such a big disadvantage, it certainly needed to out it in usefulness, which brought the question.

    What exactly are we carrying there, that we need the suits for?

    By the end of the hallway, they shifted enough without noticing for them to forget which of them was Argus, or at least that's what he hoped for.

    No weapon this time, though some engineering tools would do just fine if it came to it.

    Which they found, standing on a table, lit by a lamp.

    The floor was clean Agrippa and squared under the table, almost to the point of being dwarfed by it in the process, but plenty for them to take.

    Each took one, though Argus made sure he was the fourth one to last, to take his case and pick up from their mannerism in motion.

    They do pick them up the same way, sliding the right hand and grabbing it by the collar.

    Either they knew or they didn't but he had no way to find our, nor any of knowing where they were moving, and at that, they kept on going.

    Another set of doors opened, dim lit, with cold air coming from below.

    Whatever they opened and went through, it seemed as if there was going to be a long way to go, though a lot of empty space, enough for it to have been something once.

    Who carried the explosive then?

    Argus asked himself, as he almost started jittering in his boots.

    There was no time for any of them to do so, neither could he look around, though somehow they knew what they were doing if there even was an explosive at all to be set.

    Water under him, left, along with debris and giant sharp tracks that reflected the light from their suits.

    It seemed as there was a light that bounced between them from somewhere, which in the course, bounce on the side, at least on the side that wasn't affected by rust.

    Though why now?

    Why must I wait and uncomfortably go through this?

    Like miners going for coal, after the mine has been broken through, he had no way nor need to complain but wait.

    And wait, wait, wait, until something happened.

    Soon there'd be pitch black again, though not if he could help it since it happened before.

    'I just need to.

    'And it happened, to his surprise, opening his eyes, he found himself with a sore neck, which brought an indescribable pain, out of which he couldn't even scream or shout.

    Immediately did his hands shift and twisted his neck back into the right position, rigging his bones and spine, in a painful daze.

    'Damn it, damn it, damn it.

    'Rolling on the floor out of pain, he stopped and looked around, realising where he was after seeing the wooden figures, then standing still once again.

    'At least I'm.

    Not stuck.

    'The first glance at the suit and he understood who he was, the same man he almost killed, though he didn't dare go below and check on himself.

    Instead, he turned, knowing, still dazed by the sudden commotion, he approached and called the elevator, though the same point from where he remembered calling it with the shovel.

    Sparks came by from the sides, though he still wore the suit and felt nothing.

    In an unnatural way, the two doors holding it were shoved by the side immediately, slammed against whatever spaces they had inside the walls.

    There were wires and small bumped metal cylinders standing attached in front of him, and just as well, as there wasn't any point of describing the debris which was below.

    'Out of order.

    'At least the elevator itself, though there was another way, as he grabbed one and felt nothing.

    'Thie suit works ever better than expected. 'Thought Argus, rejecting the call.

    There laid something behind a domed door that seemed to call him back, back to reality or somewhere else, which he ignored.

    Already have there been plenty, if not too many layers for him to take account of what was real and what not.

    He grabbed the other cable which already coiled around despite being anchored to the ground and jumped into the abyss.

    There was a sliding as well as the pain coming from the friction but two feet against the wall as well as he managed to entangle one of his feet managed to stop him from sliding away deeper than he went.

    Various circuits lid as he went on with his feet upon them, revealing the glowing light, of what seemed to run all across the elevator shaft.

    What laid inside wasn't important.

    'I know I'm time though can they hear me speak through here? Are they close?

    'Chances are, just as I thought that I may be just under another mansion, just as I have previously been.

    'No, no no, but we lay above, how could I have forgotten about it?

    'There was a sudden recollection of how he fell from the, seemingly airship he had previously been on.

    Though looking back at it, also meant that the body that was down there now laid dead, somewhere on the ground, crushed by the fall, never to return again.

    'Well, only one way left now.

    'Greater above, lifting himself by the bootstrap, meter by meter, until he got closer to what seemed to be another opening.

    It didn't come as a surprise, of how much ease he got to get up upon, though nonetheless, it wasn't hopeless at all, for, as he got the right front of it, he saw that there was yet another level he could climb to.

    So, again, he went back to it, dragging himself greater above, towards the point where he needed be, if the opening was to be had.

    Steel doors, at least were there, not to mention that Argus was turned with his back against them.

    He'd have needed a miracle to get through it unscattered and fine, though there was none, just bouncing against the wall and noticing something.

    The glowing tubes seemed to get bigger and grow stronger upon pressure being applied to them, to the point where even the glow got stronger.

    Blue lightning seemed to be in there, at least the sparks and colour seemed to be that way, though not only was it mad to think that they could control the weather and run with what they took from the sky, but also harvest it and store in int he tubes.

    Madness, at is purity, though the glow and what it looked like close, especially in the darkness where he laid, had to be the very worst.

    Nonetheless, it revealed more than he needed to know, just right above of him there was revealed to be just another elevator, with a trapdoor too, right under the Agrippaething.

    'Don't they usually come above, not under?

    'His voice echoed below, though there was no mention nor care of the fact that there used to be only two of them, or even close to the fact that he wouldn't have been able to open the steel doors with his bare arms.

    The coils lead inside into the devices that were attached, and right between them laid a small grabbable handle, waiting for Argus to entangle his forearm around it so he wouldn't fall.

    Such process usually takes more than enough time, especially for someone who's not been fed or given water, of which he failed to notice that he hasn't felt the lack of ever since he left the hideout.

    No hunger, no thirst nor tiredness, they must've been doing something to him whilst he was asleep, especially ever since they dragged his body without a notice.

    'Damn you, open already.

    'Pulling through seemed to be hard and harsh, even with the suit, hence, his body slipped into the boots and hands, leaving his body weight to have a pull at it.

    It was a dangerous move, but he managed, just in time to regain control and not fall below the rubble, opening the small trap door, of which elevator was empty.

    No notice as he went inside, climbing between the ropes and in the small squarish door, closing it so he'd not be noticed, and through the filter the clean air.

    There was a panel which seemed to have Agrippas to be inserted on the left side, along with a star and a symbol that he couldn't have known what it meant even if he tried to understand it.

    Another one on the other side which had just arrows pointing in all directions, though the one in the middle being a red square.

    All other buttons were plain Agrippa, though not seemingly painted to be that way.

    'Right and a code?

    Is it the floor or a code?

    'Pressing two immediately made one appear right on a small glass screen, such advancements said quite a lot about the place.

    After pressing the button number three, it immediately replaces the two with a sharp beep that could've been mistaken for a threat, if he didn't know any better.



    'Feeling as he was still not moving from where he stood, and looking back to the side, his hand slipped and pressed on the arrow which pointed straight above.

    It finally moved and vibrated all around, the pressure being felt even through the suit, making his little bones tremble as it happened.

    'Stop this.

    'Came unexpected, though it wasn't like he hadn't had episodes before where his speech came away.

    The elevator stopped and the door opened at last.

    There was a red light that was as strong as one could come as, at the point where every side and object inside the room got covered by a red mask, floor, objects, vents, even the constant steam coming out from the ceiling and the pumps that went on had a hint of it.

    His suit became just as red as he could see, as much as he wanted to see more of it, the suit made it too hard to breathe inside.

    'Not yet.

    'Left and one, came as the next command immediately after, and there was the feeling of a nudge by the walls inside.

    The next opening revealed the same room, with a red overlay on top of everything and steam still coming off from every side of the machine and pumps that ran there.

    Only a few differences stood between, as obvious as it were part of that room, only that it was an extension separated by the pumps.

    'How long does this thing run?

    'Asked Argus, this time a lot louder, though still not enough to go past the costume.

    For a moment he looked at the device and thought just how much further could it go, just how big was this ship if it were a ship, to begin with?

    'Up, as much as we can.

    'He said as he kept pressing the same combination over and over, nine and above, nine and above, it didn't seem to stop, at least not for some time, until, it finally did happen.

    Alas, it seemed to have stopped, without a doubt of anything at all, the elevator stopped and he could clearly see, the gust of winds, clouds cutting through as it opened in what used to be a cabin.

    It was long broken, smashed or worse by the looks of it, both at the point of the glass which either laid fragmented in the small squares which could only be called as small windows.

    Of which, only one of them survived, as the rest of them were just gone.

    The first step outside and his body was being pushed, which each consecutive step making it even harder to go further and make any possible progress at all.

    Such a task was already hard as it were, not to mention of the loneliness he started feeling there.

    There seemed to have happened something here, but what?

    Another glance above though there was no balloon there the ship in the air, though the bride seemed to be just well made and sharpened in the front to cut through clouds.

    Nothing else but broken pieces of the wooden floor and empty sacks of a heavyweight by the side.

    It wasn't worth much of the trouble, Argus thought as he returned.

    Now, the above turned out to be completely out of reach, as were the depths from what he could tell.

    'Why am I here then?

    'No one to answer and not even the slighter comforting echo ran through his head and against the walls.

    He looked around to see that there was a blinking light that bounced all the way from the panel on the right.

    A dull four, followed by the arrow pointing below just ran up to his attention.

    'Being called.

    'Peculiar, though he remembered too that someone was tampering with something that wasn't of his own accord.

    It might be the one who trapped me, though it immediately opened to a dark way.

    He stepped ahead and immediately a bunch of figures stood in front of him walking away.

    Before any reaction, he stopped and recognised who it was, hence why he didn't proceed in attacking them as they stood.

    Behind, over a thrown look they were the same people with who he came out of the hidden place, though the elevator space disappeared as it were.

    'And none of them noticed even for a bit. 'Said Argus, unheard.

    His voice was getting harsher by the second spend there in the unknown space, the sound of the dripping water from the ceiling made it a bit nervous.

    After all, they were all silenced inside their suits, and the only sound that could be heard in all the silence was the water falling.

    Argus made his choice already not to speak, though the gloom around didn't make it any less tempting and shattering to hear.

    The smallest insect sudden appearance, the crack made by it made the whole row almost fall off them and get ready for a fight, only to be thrown aside at the sight of the small creature jumping.

    'This paranoia will be the end of us all, and none of them wants to listen.

    ''That was close.

    'Said another, right as he was ready to fall off the edge, luckily grabbed and held as far as he could from it.

    If there were a way to proper thank the man, this wasn't it, as, other than the nod of a head, and another in reply by the other, not even the slightest sound.

    Scuffling and away from the dust, they managed to regain the speed and the movement, cutting through the blooming black at a faster rate than before.

    The way it seemed, a sudden bed of dirt came from the ceiling and just past them from where they stood, enough to have a dead body in it, that again, they stood looking at a bothered stance.

    Corpses were being thrown from somewhere above, and from the looks and feel it gave away, there must've been a graveyard just stashed somewhere.

    'No wonder why the city looked so well.

    'With that Argus looked below and saw just how much stood out in the gloom, how tall they stood and more certainly, the distance between them and the openly dug grave they'd end in.

    It was certain that there was going to be something like that once they reached their point and started working on that, they all felt it just as much as he did.

    But no way out, unless he jumped, the suit could've protected him from all the possible contamination if it came to it, perhaps even to the point of managing to escape.

    And not to mention that, they didn't know who he was. 'No, there must be something preventing me from doing so.

    There's no way Vince would've let me just freely go without expecting me to run on the first occasion.

    'Every moment was clear now to Argus, every turn he made and was being watched, and every glance they threw at one another as they forced themselves to go faster after leaving the mansion.

    Even the guns that were being pointed at him, Jane was clearly easier at hand than him, at the point where he wouldn't have known about the firearms if it weren't for him to point that out.

    'Damn it, if only.

    'There was a creek and one of them from the group started wriggling and twisting himself by the sides.

    Obviously, something was going wrong as the others started moving further away from him.

    At this point, with all that space, he suddenly jumped down, still clearly visible and ran through the dirt.


    'Shaking as he saw it, his muscles twitched unexpectedly, wanting, just so, so desperately to jump in and run, seeing that he had already some steps through and none of the others was following him.

    That's when it came as a shock, silent but still, it must've been long range and too quick for the eyes as he saw nothing but a red splash, almost like water come out of the head before he fell to the ground.

    The poor fellow hadn't even reached the dirt that he fell there with the remains.

    Around, he turned and saw the leader, he had a gun, pointed, leaving nothing but a shiver on the spine, at the point where Argus could feel it in everyone who felt so.

    Damn this man.

    Said, Argus, as he looked at the gun being cocked back in the toolbox he had been carrying without even the slightest notice.

    It seemed as if to appear that it was welded to his hand, though doubtlessly, there couldn't have been a firearm.

    It was only in his small box. Damn you again, though.

    It also meant for him that there was the chance that they all thought him dead, all because one of their poor sobs was driven mad and threw himself into the shark's mouth, isn't that right?

    As they went on he couldn't look again, nor behind, nor by the side.

    Walls made of flesh, the faces he had recognised just well before.

    Someone was most clearly trying to reach to him and he knew too well who it was.

    Or better phrased, what it was.

    The dirt by the side and the smell that somehow came through even the suit should've stopped it, made him sick, though he returned his gaze nonetheless to see the walls suddenly be pushed back to make some room.

    'Come in.

    'The voice said, and beyond anything, he felt obeying the command. Ferdinand, wasn't that my given name?

    Asking himself propped no answer for anyone else but himself, and disappointingly, he remembered something else.


    'Glancing around revealed that they didn't seem to notice just how bizarre Ferdinand was acting up, nor just how he stepped inside, wriggling ground that almost started nibbling at the suit.

    The sound of closing was the one of a carapace being forced behind, just to merge with a wall of utmost refusal.

    Lured into a trap of which he couldn't do much to refuse, there was an attempt to return though the wall was too thick, the floor too slippery on the way back.

    Argus, but felt no pain, though as he lay there, he felt and saw through the visor how just plainly standing there was inviting the various veins of skin just to spread across his visor.

    Possibly his entire body if he gave them just enough time.

    Immediately, it proposed a response as he lifted himself up, to see the exit, a door that was made of raw meat, recognisable even to him, though he could only hope that it didn't belong to another human being.

    Where are you?

    'I know you can hear me here! Tell me where you are?

    'The voice had left him for fall too long and not he couldn't help but try staring in the empty movement of the skin around, the pulsating Agrippa that was coming from inside.

    It fell onto the floor from one of the corners of the room, only to be reabsorbed once again.

    Pieces of raw meat started falling off, until from a squarish door now remained a

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