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Dull World
Dull World
Dull World
Ebook142 pages2 hours

Dull World

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In the heart of the not-so-distant future, "Vape World" unfolds—a groundbreaking novel that delves deep into a society where vaping has not only reshaped the social fabric but also become the centerpiece of cultural identity and personal freedom. This vividly imagined world, with its intricate blend of technology, culture, and rebellion, serves as the backdrop for a gripping narrative that explores the boundaries of innovation and addiction.


As we navigate through the lives of diverse characters, from the ingenious creators and passionate advocates to the relentless critics and those caught in the crossfire, "Vape World" offers a multifaceted examination of a phenomenon that has become both a lifestyle and a battleground. With its richly developed world, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes, this novel invites readers on an unforgettable journey into a future where the air is thick with more than just vapor—it's filled with tension, innovation, and the persistent question of where the line between freedom and folly lies.


Perfect for fans of speculative fiction and narratives that challenge societal norms, "Vape World" is more than just a story about vaping. It's a reflection on human nature, technology's grip on society, and the lengths to which we go to assert our identity and beliefs. Dive into "Vape World" and immerse yourself in a story that is as provocative as it is enlightening—a narrative that resonates deeply in a world teetering on the edge of tomorrow.


Release dateMar 20, 2024
Dull World

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    Dull World - Jack Wilson

    In the quietude of his modernist condo, Jacky sat, the city's twilight hues painting shadows across the room, reflecting the dual nature of his solitary existence. The space around him was a testament to his love for minimalism, each piece of furniture and every object carefully chosen for its simplicity and aesthetic value. Yet, there was warmth in this order, a personal touch that made the cool, clean lines of the room inviting.

    Before him, the sleek tablet lay aglow, its screen a portal to the vast world of his thoughts and the digital landscape beyond. The transition from the tangible — the feel of wood under his hands, the heft of tools, the grain patterns he knew so intimately — to the intangible realm of words and ideas was a journey he embarked on every evening. As daylight faded, giving way to the city's night symphony, Jacky's world contracted to the glow of the screen, to the flow of his thoughts.

    Around him, the condo spoke of his journey, of choices made and paths taken. The stark, unadorned walls, the strategic splashes of color from a solitary piece of art, the view of the city sprawling endlessly beyond his balcony — all were chapters in his story. Even the air, tinged with the faint scent of his vaporizer, carried whispers of his musings, mixing with the aroma of a well-aged craft beer that sat beside him, a companion to his solitary evening.

    Jacky's gaze shifted momentarily from the screen to the window, where the city lights began to twinkle like distant stars, each a story, a life unfolding in its own pattern. He felt a kinship with those unseen narrators, each engrossed in their own tales, yet invisibly interconnected in the tapestry of the urban expanse.

    The soft hum of the city seeped through the walls, a reminder of the world outside, ever-present yet distant. It was in this interlude between day and night that Jacky found his rhythm, tapping into a well of creativity that seemed most accessible at the cusp of evening, when the world paused, and the boundary between the external and the internal blurred.

    He returned his attention to the tablet, fingers poised to resume their dance across the digital keyboard. The first sentence of the night awaited, a gateway to the unraveling of thoughts and the weaving of narratives. In this moment, Jacky was both architect and inhabitant of his own creation, crafting words that, like the buildings outside his window, reached out to touch the sky.

    Nestled in the heart of a bustling city, the Jacky’s modernist condo apartment stands as a sanctuary of minimalistic elegance amid the urban chaos. The space is characterized by clean lines and an open-plan layout, creating a sense of fluidity and openness that contrasts with the complex, often cluttered world outside.

    Upon entering, one is greeted by a spacious living area bathed in natural light, courtesy of floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a panoramic view of the cityscape. The interior palette is a study in restraint—neutral tones of white, beige, and gray dominate, punctuated by the occasional bold artwork or a single, vibrant houseplant that adds a dash of life and color.

    Furniture is sparse and carefully chosen for functionality as well as aesthetic appeal. A sleek, low-profile sofa faces a simple, yet elegant, coffee table, both pieces exemplifying the modernist ethos of 'less is more.' Against one wall, a minimalist bookshelf displays an array of books and trinkets, each item thoughtfully curated to reflect the Jacky's personality and journey.

    The kitchen area seamlessly blends with the living space, featuring state-of-the-art appliances and smooth, unadorned cabinetry. A small, stylish dining table sits adjacent to the kitchen, its clean lines echoing the apartment's overall design philosophy.

    The bedroom, a private retreat from the world, continues the theme of understated elegance. A comfortable, monochromatic bed stands as the room's focal point, flanked by simple, functional nightstands. A large window here too invites contemplation, offering views that shift from the energetic morning light to the tranquil city nights.

    Throughout the apartment, subtle touches—a strategically placed sculpture, an abstract painting, or a designer lamp—serve as nods to the Jacky's inner life and the narrative's deeper themes. Each element, while seemingly inconspicuous, contributes to an atmosphere that is both visually striking and introspectively resonant, mirroring the Jacky's journey through a world that is at once simple and complex, ordered yet unpredictable.

    Jacky's vaporizer is a masterpiece of modern design, mirroring the minimalist ethos that permeates his condo. Crafted from high-quality, brushed aluminum, its sleek, cylindrical body exudes a simple yet sophisticated charm. The device is compact and elegant, fitting effortlessly into the palm of his hand, a subtle companion to his contemplative moments.

    The vaporizer's surface is cool and smooth to the touch, reflecting a muted palette of the city's skyline at dusk. Its operation is a model of efficiency and discretion—a single, unobtrusive button activates the device, its gentle glow the only hint of the complex mechanics housed within.

    Upon activation, the vaporizer produces a delicate mist, a visual whisper that mirrors Jacky's penchant for introspection. The vapor, infused with the subtle aroma of his chosen essence, fills the air with a scent that is both grounding and ethereal, a sensory bridge between his inner world and the tangible reality of his surroundings.

    Jacky's interaction with the device is almost ritualistic, a moment of pause and reflection in his otherwise streamlined existence. Each inhalation is a measured, deliberate act, an intimate dance of breath and vapor that speaks to his desire for a momentary escape, a fleeting connection to something beyond the immediate confines of his environment.

    The vaporizer, much like the art pieces and select furnishings in his apartment, is more than a mere object; it is a statement of identity and a testament to his appreciation for design that marries form with function. It stands as a symbol of his personal ethos—a blend of modernity, mindfulness, and a quiet rebellion against the cacophony of the outside world.

    In the meticulously curated simplicity of Jacky's modernist condo, the beer he occasionally indulges in stands out as a deliberate nod to tradition and craftsmanship amidst his otherwise minimalist lifestyle. The beer, a carefully selected craft brew, represents a bridge between the artisanal and the contemporary, mirroring Jacky's own blend of values.

    The bottle is elegantly designed, its label a testament to the brewer's attention to detail, featuring minimalist art that reflects the beer's character—bold yet unassuming. The liquid itself, a rich amber hue, glows softly in the light of Jacky's apartment, inviting a moment of pause and appreciation.

    Jacky's choice of beer is not casual but a conscious decision to engage with a product that embodies a fusion of artistry, tradition, and modern sensibilities. Each sip is a sensory experience, the complex flavors unfolding slowly, offering a counterpoint to his usual routine and the vapor's ethereal quality.

    The act of drinking the beer becomes a ritual in its own right, a time when Jacky connects with a sense of history and craftsmanship that contrasts with the ephemeral and often intangible nature of his daily life. It's a moment when he acknowledges the value of the tangible, the artisanal, and the enduring, even within his streamlined, modern existence.

    The beer, much like his vaporizer, occupies a place of significance in Jacky's life. It's a reminder of the world's varied textures and flavors, an anchor to the physical world that complements his contemplations and the ethereal wisps of vapor that often accompany his thoughts.

    In the streamlined, modernist elegance of his living space, Jacky's occasional interaction with cigarettes introduces a paradoxical element. The cigarettes, with their ephemeral smoke, offer a contrast to the clean lines and order of his surroundings. The smoke, curling and drifting, adds a transient, organic quality to the apartment's atmosphere, a nod to impermanence and the tactile nature of Jacky's existence.

    While Jacky isn't a regular smoker, the occasional cigarette serves as a tangible link to a rawer, more immediate sense of being. The act of smoking, the glow of the ember, and the trail of smoke are visceral experiences that ground him, offering a counterbalance to the more ethereal aspects of his life, like the vapor and the contemplative moments it brings.

    The theme of craftsmanship and hands-on creation is further echoed in Jacky's carpentry work. This aspect of his life introduces a stark contrast to the digital, ephemeral nature of modern existence. Carpentry, with its emphasis on skill, precision, and the transformation of raw material into functional art, mirrors Jacky's appreciation for authenticity and the tangible.

    His hands, marked by the subtle signs of his craft, tell a story of engagement with the material world, of shaping and creating. The tools and woodwork in his space are not just functional items but symbols of his respect for the artisanal and the manually crafted. They reflect a philosophy that values the act of creation, the beauty of natural materials, and the satisfaction derived from tangible work.

    In this narrative, cigarettes and carpentry serve as thematic anchors that connect Jacky to a more traditional, tactile sense of existence. They contrast with and complement the modernist, minimalist, and introspective elements of his life, offering a richer, multidimensional portrayal of his character and the world he inhabits.

    Jacky's transition to spending most of his time writing is a testament to his evolving pursuit of expression and understanding. His writing space, a corner of his modernist condo, is both a sanctuary and a creative workshop, where the tools of his trade transition from saws and hammers to pens and keyboards.

    Amidst the minimalist elegance of his apartment, his writing desk stands as a focal point of deliberate chaos—a contrast to the otherwise orderly environment. Stacks of notes, books, and manuscripts surround his computer, each piece a fragment of his thoughts and explorations. The desk, made of wood he crafted himself, serves as a bridge between his past as a carpenter and his present as a writer, symbolizing the transformation of raw material into refined work, whether it be wood or words.

    Writing offers Jacky a nuanced way to engage with the world. Through his texts, he delves into themes that mirror his own life—exploring ideas of connection, isolation, and the interplay between the physical and the ethereal. His writing is a means to grapple with the complexities of existence, to find order in chaos, and to express the inexpressible.

    The act of writing is meditative for Jacky, akin to his interactions with his vaporizer or the ritualistic enjoyment of his craft beer. It's a time when he disconnects from the immediate demands of the external world to connect with something deeper and more abstract. Yet, unlike the transient smoke of his cigarettes or the fleeting vapor, his written words endure, capturing his reflections and contributing to his legacy.

    Even as he writes, Jacky occasionally pauses to look out the window or take

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