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Denying the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #14
Denying the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #14
Denying the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #14
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Denying the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #14

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About this ebook

I'm gone.

Running from the only man in the world who can truly destroy me.

And my family.

My heart breaks whenever I think of everything I left behind.

And everyone.

But it had to be done. Or I'd risk their lives, too.

The only question is—can I stay gone? And if so, for how long?

PublisherJessa York
Release dateJun 8, 2024
Denying the King: The Sovrano Crime Family, #14

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    Book preview

    Denying the King - Jessa York




    It had been years since I’d been back to Denver. It honestly felt like just yesterday. But from the way I couldn’t remember directions and what street to take—


    It had been years.

    Dammit, I muttered to myself as I willed my brain to recall where I was supposed to go.

    Dammit! Dani repeated after me.

    I rolled my eyes but kept my focus on the road. Good grief, I mumbled and took a deep breath. My anxiety was amping up. This city was—well, there were just too many memories here.

    Too many really, really crappy memories.

    Good beef! Dani mimicked. I laughed, even though humor was the last thing on my mind. 

    You’re a goofball, Miss Daniella. I smiled at her in the rearview mirror. It was very, very dark outside, so I doubted she could see me. She did laugh like I was the funniest person in the world, though.


    I loved this kid.

    There were times when I was pregnant that I wondered.

    I wondered if it was fair to raise a baby who’d been conceived the way she had.

    Would I hold it against her? Would I only think of—him—every time I looked at her?

    Recalling those dark moments of my pregnancy brought tears to my eyes. I’d been so worried about whether I’d love that little girl in the back seat.

    At the time, it hadn’t mattered. Even if my heart would never open for her, I still knew it was my responsibility to get her away from her father. No one deserved to be within a hundred miles of that man.

    My instincts had kicked in immediately. 

    I had to save my baby. No matter how I felt about her.

    Or how I might feel about her.

    I wiped away a few tears that had spilled onto my cheeks.

    I had to stop thinking about the past.

    A forced, uncontrollable laugh burst out of me. Mostly because I’d never be able to do that. I lived in the past.


    I had to.

    If I didn’t keep my past front and center—then—well, then what happened would happen.

    I’d already made that mistake. And that was exactly why I’d had to sneak out of my home with my daughter in the middle of the night.

    My mind wandered back to Carlo.

    I wondered what he was doing right now.

    Dani and I had been gone for twenty-four hours. By now, he knew we’d left for good.

    I’d thought about leaving him a note, but I decided against it. If Carlo had awoken soon after Dani and I left, then the danger of him finding us was higher.

    No, we needed to be miles away by the time Carlo realized we were gone.

    And anyway, what the heck was I supposed to write in a letter?

    I still couldn’t tell him the truth. About my past.

    About Sergio.

    If I did, then he’d be next in the line of fire. And I’d already put everyone at enough risk. 

    I shook my head with frustration and gripped the steering wheel even tighter. If Dani wasn’t awake in the back seat, I would have let out a string of interesting swear words.

    How could I have stayed so long? I should have left ages ago. And I knew it. 

    But instead—I’d stayed.

    Just one more day, I’d told myself too many days in a row. 


    I’d been stupid.

    Really stupid.

    Just because Dani and I had a monster hunting us did not mean I needed to add to the headcount.

    My father had found us. But he wanted money. I doubted he squealed to Sergio.

    If he sold me out—again—I’d bet he wouldn’t do it until he actually got money from me first.

    And that was never going to happen.

    Even if I was back living with Carlo, asking him for money to pay off my father would not happen.


    I’d rather jump off a very tall cliff than give my father anything else.

    My leaving was better for everyone. It would take my father’s attention off Carlo and Stefan and put it back on me. He wouldn’t tell Sergio about finding me.

    For now, Dani and I were safe from him.

    Suddenly, a very, very, very familiar street sign popped up into view, and I smiled. Thank goodness, I whispered to myself. We were almost there.

    I hadn’t called ahead. This kind of thing didn’t require that. And besides, Amelia owed me, and she knew it. 

    Two minutes later, I parked the car outside her house on the street. I opened the car door and stepped out into the cool, fresh Denver night.

    After a good stretch and a yawn, I turned back to the car and opened Dani’s door.

    Dada? Dani asked, breaking my heart again. I momentarily wondered when she’d forget about her dada. About Carlo.

    And then I realized it would probably be when I would.


    I shoved those thoughts behind me and undid Dani’s car seat. After pulling her out, I shut the door and walked with her up the short walkway.

    This house was a whole lot different from the ones I’d been staying in. 

    If you could call Carlo’s castle a house.

    No, Amelia’s house was more along the lines of my old house in Chicago. But hers was a little bit bigger.

    I carefully wandered up the steep front steps and knocked lightly on the door. There were just as many white paint chips on it as the last time I was here. Every time I came over, I wanted to grab some sandpaper, a gallon of paint, and make it look nicer. But Amelia had bigger problems than a chipping front door. 

    No answer.

    I knocked again and tried to peer through the living room window. The drapes were pulled, but tiny shards of light escaped from between them.

    Someone was home.

    I knocked again. This time louder. A dog barked in the distance, taking my attention. I turned my head slightly to make sure he wasn’t loose and coming in our direction.

    Jesus-motherfucking-Christ, I heard, making me jump.

    My head spun back to see Amelia in the doorway.

    A big smile crossed my face. Hi, honey, was all I said before her arm gripped mine and she pulled me into her house.



    H oly shit, holy shit, Amelia repeated over and over again while she tried her darndest to hug me.

    Or to hug us.

    It was awkward, but I knew what she was trying to do.

    Of course, Dani being Dani, she started saying, Ho-we-sit. Ho-we-sit, repeatedly.

    It was pretty freaking funny.

    Amelia let go of us and moved back a little. But not much.

    I can’t believe you’re in my doorway. Tears ran down her pretty face and I felt terrible. My tiny heart hurt.

    I— I said and kissed Dani’s cheek, we are here.

    She took a deep breath, and her shoulders relaxed. Amelia cautiously reached out and rubbed Dani’s back. You look just like your momma. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her free hand. I knew you would. I knew you’d look just like your momma.

    Now I was crying, too, and I stepped forward, pulling her against us.

    I missed you so much.

    Her arms circled around us, and we stood there hugging in her entryway for a few minutes.

    She smelled like jasmine, and I was instantly transported back to my childhood.

    I knew you’d be okay, Bella. I prayed for you, she sobbed as her body shook, and the baby every day. Did you know that?

    I nodded because I knew the one and only person in the entire world who’d pray for us would be Amelia.

    Yes, honey. Thank you. So many times I wanted to call you. I sniffled. It just wasn’t safe. I couldn’t risk it, and it made me feel horrible.

    She nodded, but didn’t let us go. I know, I know. I hoped one day you’d reach out. I knew the danger you guys were in, though. And I understood why you couldn’t. 

    We cried in each other’s arms for another minute until she finally released us and stepped back. Her red eyes fell to mine. Word was that he’d had you killed. Her eyes filled up and spilled over. I knew that wasn’t true. I knew you’d gotten away safely. I just knew it. Amelia’s body

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