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Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III: Mongol, #3
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III: Mongol, #3
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III: Mongol, #3
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Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III: Mongol, #3

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Some deformed grasshoppers which seemed to bear far too many legs for them to bear any kind of legitimacy, while dragging at the end of each leg some human head which appeared to bear their bodily function.
To look upon it with less disturbed eyes would be unfair, but they could roll most of their eyes, almost perform some kind of speech and wouldn't have been questioned whether or not they weren't human, or if they used to be human at any point.
Dark times came ahead.

Soon enough most of them around there would be dead.
The only thing which came to him was praying that they wouldn't see the man who was cowering in the tower.

With her Agrippa-shut eyes and teary demeanour, she stood waiting for any kind of grim action which would've taken her or dragged her by the end of her hair and pushed her into the butchery.
Yet there was none of that, at least not yet.

Release dateJun 6, 2024
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III: Mongol, #3

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    Mongol - Corpses of the Divine III - Nicu Stefan Cristian

    Both were at opposite ends, as the mere size of the creature almost made it fill a corner.

    It didn't even compete with the other but in a way, there seemed to be an impartial desire to approach.

    Danger arose once both of them realised that the sudden shift of mass also meant that it was pushing itself closer to the other side of the room.

    The plan had been, most likely to absorb the brute and break it down to piece but the shriek stopped it before it could move an inch closer.

    They stared and dared not a sudden move, not to mention that they were on the side where the wall had been crushed and that there was enough of a time to get through.

    Nothing sudden, don't give it the wrong impression, as it might come for a straight leap.

    He desperately wanted to speak but there wasn't enough confidence that the creature wouldn't just leap from the other side of the room and attempt to strike at them with all its might.

    Something was bound to do happen nonetheless, those sounds of objects breaking, the dead who had fled from the other tower, they might draw attention towards them.

    He could only look at his fellow in danger and try not to seem distraught, making eye contact with a blind beast at all times, seeming caught at a draw.

    'Will you help us, please?

    We seem to have no hope to face this creature here, in this tight place, and you're seemingly a force of nature which cannot be destroyed, oh master of your own tower.

    'He didn't answer, but laid back, as it seemed that neither trickery nor flattery would do anything to move the fiend, the villain, the creature who threatened them at last.

    With this type of being there wasn't any certainty what could happen if they were to run through and pay little to no attention to the details which laid around.

    Either of them could be caught and the abomination just appeared to be waiting.

    Finally one of them seemed to have displayed a sign that he had guts.

    'We should at least remain as close as we can to the ooze, as you may see, there's no way in its right mind it would approach.

    ''It's dangerous, to remain here, just a slip and I doubt there'd be a way out of here.

    ''We've got to try something, just look around the place and around the room, the ceiling and everything around.

    They're shaking, we barely have enough time to escape before it all shatters to dust and us with it.

    'It was getting dangerously close to home now, especially since he wasn't Grendel wasn't exaggerating in the least, something was about to come and whenever one of the towers fell and pushed the other, they had to escape.

    'There was a bridge, remember, perhaps four of them which had been connected, that should be our way through, as much as I can see a way out before everything falls.

    ''But how are we to get there now?

    Can't you see that we're surrounded, do you not see how it approaches?

    'Compared to it, they were small, like some kind of roaches, trying to scurry in-between the cracks, attempting to scape at a cost which wasn't theirs to take.

    Both of which looked mightily surprised to have been found there in a place which wasn't needed to be looked upon.

    And for once, it seemed as if the slime moved as well, with its reddish glow and seemingly Agrippaeconcoction inside, turning hairy from the outside and hardening while keeping itself still mobile.

    'Do not worry any longer for I have decided that all of you are to be crushed.

    'With a sudden threatening push, the dead master was pushed inside and broadened a strike which spilt some of the putrid Agrippa which reigned hidden in the ooze.

    It had been hidden no longer, for this seemed to have not been known.

    The two creatures fought one another, bite, slow and some of the alloy slipping on the floor, the screams of which revealed the many men who had been inside, those of which were still suffering to be brought back to life.

    In their wake, there seemed to be some kind of a dreadful awakening of the sorts inside.

    Fort the slime had raised itself to the top of the ceiling and pushed itself atop to dwarf the small creature, who seemed still distraught.

    That piece of skin seemed to slowly move as it was to be crushed without the littles of remorse, for a being such as himself, one of which was filled with taint.

    Such it was, as the alloy entered the slim, once half of the body which was still struggling seemed to have entered it, the two of them found a way to get through out of the room.

    Both creatures made violent noises of struggle as for their fight had only begun.

    'We need to find the bridge before they crush the top of the tower.

    I don't think it can sustain as much as a fight between the two of them.

    'As it seemed right, the two of which pounced and sneered, filling each other with dread and peering at the substances which didn't combine.

    One agent of coagulation seemed to have happened on the floor as the boiling Agrippa and the alloy drooled upon one another, forming small bubbles in their wake and hardening as well.

    This grip couldn't be broken, and once it understood, once the slime had been thrown against the body like some sort of thinlike net, there was little to no other option but to go ahead and attempt ahead of the attack, like the prey it had meant to be.

    One of the mandibles suddenly made a cut on its own body, severing some of the faces to reveal a body which was dripping.

    It made them both desire to be driven away from one another, but as it came, the abomination, open from the chest to bottom charged towards the slime.

    There'd be no stopping to the pain, the suffering as the front of the slime had hardened and boiled inside, making it feel pain for the first time, releasing the darkest of the shrieks which had been heard by human ears.

    'This has to be it, I don't think there's any other way we can take.

    'Both had descended through at least two floors and managed to notice that there had been some sort of slaughter, most objects of worth being destroyed.

    At least they found it, opening the door, it was barely hanging and they could see that this tower was tilted as well.

    Both of them were more than aware of the fact that the bridge had just as much of a chance to fall on them like any other piece of ceiling or structure at large.

    'It's now or we may not get a second chance.

    ''Then lead the way Grendel, I'm sure you know the best.

    'They went on and heard the mumbles, something inside seemed to shatter.

    First, there were the bones inside, there wasn't any wonder that, once there came the boil and the breaking of the alloy, the abomination had suffered just as much, if not some more.

    That ooze had already separated itself from the infection and pushed it back through the guts.

    While the main part of the master's body had retreated in an air bubble inside the mass of slime, there seemed to have been something which projected itself upon the piece of skin.

    Somehow the alloy had gotten through the system and permanently tied it to the rest of the body.

    A need for release came as they fell, one floor upon the other, breaking the stairs, having nothing other but the spine cushion the fall once gravity came into effect.

    It didn't suffer but something broke inside, clearly having lost the fight, it felt around, through smell and sound, particles guiding its Borykul Yagganar towards the bridge upon which there was its sight.

    The two of them had attempted far too much to have been set towards, and it was time.

    But he was denied, being pulled above and dragged as it seemed that the ooze somehow managed to adapt and break the piece of it which had been hardened apart.

    Not only that but there seemed to have been some sort of dismissal of sorts, worse than it as it had seemed.

    It cut through the skin and managed to break one limb, devouring a piece at the time as to no repeat the same mistake, to not be closer to coagulation.

    As they bailed, and it turned again, it seemed that the other tower would push the latter into the ground, gravity paying a great role into his final dismissal of life.

    'We've made it look over there.

    Just a few moments and I think it would've caught us there. ''Help me with this then, we need to untie the knots somehow. ''Leave them, can't you see it's hurt and on its knees?

    There's no way he'd made it through Grendel, just let it be the way it is.

    ''I won't take any chances and I'm done.

    Next time you're about to ask me something just shut it and let me do my thing.

    'he went on with a piece of glass there was on the side, as convenient as that seemed, it turned out as being useful.

    A cutting motion came at last, with no virtue to hold, it would be a feeble thing to cut it with no threat on.

    Seemingly there came the first piece of the bridge off, which fell immediately to one side.

    There'd be no chance to make up for another, as it seemed to him that he couldn't predict the outcome, which had snapped the bridge by sheer force.

    His piece of glass had fallen off as he was startled. 'Head inside, now!

    'As he yelled, both of them dismissed the fact that there'd be no second chance to be alive.

    One repercussion of which, the dust and the woods were ruined once both towers collapsed, the wave underneath the ground even made the other towers shake in their wake.

    Such it was that the breaking had taken them apart, leaving them aware that there'd be nothing left.

    'Just the two of these, I seem to think we're cursed in here. 'But Mordecai was silent, looking for a way to get through.

    Strangely this place had some sort of elevator inside, raised up or down with the help of chains.

    'Help me see if this works, this may save us a lot of trouble if we can make it work.

    'Everything inside the room seemed normal, no one was rushed nor had anyone come distraught by the fact that two of the towers had been taken down.

    More importantly was that there had come one who seemed not to care, walking with a stick along the stairs.

    He paid little attention and looked like nothing more than a villager.

    Not the dark one who bore secrets or who planned on destruction, but the honest man whom Mordecai appeared to dislike.

    The scrutiny would've been applied if it weren't for the fact that he was tired.

    Everything was fairly peaceful and rather silent and both of them decided that instead of going by elevator, to climb the stairs and follow, the others.

    One glance through the opening between the stairs revealed that there were others who went through, having brought things as well.

    Not everyone but certainly there were plenty of them to follow.

    Something made the place smell like an empty husk filled with corruption.

    Neither of them thought much and said as little, when it came what had to be done, there was little to no repercussion to cutting through the line.

    'I'm terribly sorry.

    'Said Grendle after bumping against an older man, the face of which turned and there could be seen the genuine sadness in them.

    Something had brought all of those people together, at the top of which seemed to have been the place which dragged them all like misguided leeches.

    Pale but still with their genuine colour, they seemed to have brought some tribute.

    Mordecai could think of nothing else but the fact that someone had come and taken the opportunity to change every carpet and every piece in a dull dark grey.

    Perhaps too much time was on their mind, for some of the original colour on the walls could be seen in corners as solid colours, bright as they came.

    No, it disappeared, perhaps that might've been nothing but some illusion spawned by his weeping mind.

    It had to become blockage he had observed around, there was no other explanation which could've made sense in this place.

    Plates were turned while the misery had faded away, dark as they were, roots had grown in them.

    Merely a distraction, Mordecai thought, from the real problem which laid at had, if they were truly approaching what seemed to be a funeral of the sort, it would truly be some kind of bad timing with what happened around.

    'Should we truly go and disturb whatever they're doing here?

    We might be intruding on them, for that, I'm sure there could be some sort of unspoken punishment if you understand.

    ''Nonsense, just follow and pretend, here.

    'He had grabbed a pair of robes which laid around, they seemed to have been placed everywhere in sight for people to take and do with them what must be done.

    There were more people than either of them had expected, which wasn't as bad of a thing now.

    No one spared the time to turn or look around, to greet or meet with the two covered strangers.

    They not only disturbed but also laid there, unknown, watching as they peered through the snow.

    It was a truly cold corner in which it stood, generating enough to have surrounded its pieces of meat with deep frost shards of ice.

    Whatever had happened in here, it had one final laugh at last, against whoever tried to attack it.

    Not only that, but the people who were the closest seemed to suffer most.

    Nonetheless, as they both stood there, Grendle appeared to have had the time to remember, for the first time in a while they could both rest.

    'What's that you're holding? Oh, I remember you taking it.

    'In his hand laid the last thing he had touched inside the prison, just somewhat before he had realised that things were going for the worse.

    'We haven't spoken about them yet, but I can say in the least that at least that won't let me forget about the three of them down there.

    ''It's over, we won't be followed any longer by it, most likely it seemes as if both of them had been taken out by the sudden fall of their tower.

    ''That won't change what I saw, the shadows and what seemed to have been the encephalic-abrogate being chewed.

    ''Perhaps the spawns have managed to hide themselves as they showed up, there's no way to think otherwise.

    ''But for how long will they wait there afraid?

    How will they not starve or die of thirst in the dark?

    We don't know if all of them had left the place like the abomination had.

    Any of them could turn rabid, surely you must know that there's a limit to all.

    ''You should have never grabbed that card, I'd say, this is all your fault.


    For trying to remember those with which we were stuck?

    ''It had been temporary and you know it, this isn't either one of our faults and remember that, there's something else down there dragging things down, those structures that appear from thin air.

    The explosives weren't at fault for dragging it down the first time we have been caught.

    ''And why haven't you told me that, why have you waited for so long to disclose that information, Mordecai?

    ''I was afraid, there were things down there which made me think of ill thoughts and nothing else could frighten me rather than reminding myself of that dreadful thing and its murmur of a song.

    'It had taken them a while but both of them felt guilty about what happened.

    Whenever or not the spawns had been dragged into the bottom of the abyss was unknown.

    Instead, what was clear to them was the fact that there were those people who had been released, and two lives which missed.

    One small card remained in Grendel's pocket, which changed little to nothing now.

    'It's peaceful you know?

    Looking at the cold and at the snow?

    This might be a funeral but it kind of reminds me how it all started, doesn't it?

    'In a way, he felt the same but chose instead to walk away. ''Are you coming?

    I think we've disturbed them with our presence for far too long.

    'Grendel turned to see that everyone had apparently shifted their attention towards them as well as to their heated conversation.

    There was no bother as he shrugged and followed.

    'Listen, don't rush into the lion's den yet, we might have a thing here, for as long as that creature's frozen and no longer living, these people won't hurt us.

    ''They might if we were to stay there and keep disturbing their funeral, at least that's what I was able to tell from around their looks.

    ''We're in this together, aren't we?

    In the least, we could just stay around there for a moment, even if it may get cold.

    If I'm not wrong they even brought food for their celebration. ''You're a damned liar Grendle, a good one at that.

    I still can't believe after so much time I'm still listening to you. ''Just one final glance, it's all I'm asking.

    'The door opened and from inside there was difficulty in closing it.

    Both of them looked shocked at the fact that there seemed to be a stretch of cold and glass-like ice, the view which would've been in the farthest spot in the north.

    Not only was snow falling during a storm, but it was obvious that there had been other structures and buildings, small objects completely covered by the weather.

    He took a few steps in, seeing how there'd be no closing of the door and started following a trail.

    It was hard to see, even without the current conditions, but he was desperately trying to rub himself as hard as he could.

    After a while of walking, he had turned upon hearing his voice being shouted at him.

    'Grendle, come back, it's too cold out there, there's nothing but a tomb waiting in the cold!

    'It was hard to look behind and notice anything past the sound of the harsh wind and while this was dangerous, especially letting him go farther away, someone had to keep the door open.

    Someone had to make sure, especially since he was out of sight, lost out there, going through until he found the walls, frozen as they were, still there.

    By this fact a long, he judged that it was the same room, without a doubt in some sort of transition and lack of vigour, he returned and fell to his knees.

    Immediately, the cold door was slammed closed and it seemed as if it was gone once Mordecai peered through the peeping hole.

    If the sounds weren't as obvious yet, they were both aware of what was going on the other side.

    'Was it worth it?

    Heading out there by yourself?

    ''There was a limit, I could feel the walls of the room around me, I'm sure I felt them.

    ''We should leave, this isn't helping us as much as coming here hadn't.

    There was no tools, nor anything which could help us, so I'm afraid we might've come there unprepared and emptyhanded.

    ''Not yet we haven't, I'm still convinced there's something in here which may help, we just need to get it, as well as some warm clothes while we're heading through that vile snow storm which waits for us.

    'It kicked in fast, but he remembered, surprisingly so, even for him.

    To look upon this, they went on the stairs, no danger yet, no man turning into any creature out there.

    And the last bridge laid unguarded, and this time, as opposed to all, it seemed to be tied by chains and reinforced.

    There'd be no way to cut this without a blowtorch or something far much sharper.

    Looking back at it, while going on, the two towers had laid in a total ruin, as their fall seemed to have had no place where it hadn't reached.

    Yet, despite that, there wasn't any doubt that the ooze had managed to survive, despite the fact that neither of them had spoken of it.

    Nevertheless, what they kept in mind was what they needed and what they'd get.

    Through the last tower, the door filled them with misery, even from the start.

    An emblem laid against it, a symbol of a laughing skull, from which there came elbow-like tubes that dragged themselves right into the frame it bore.

    One metal ring seemed to have been set as well, all of which was formal, dread instead of common fear.

    They both seemed to have not even the decency to keep to themselves.

    As they grabbed the heavy ring and pulled, it was much harder than it had seemed, all of the sudden, there came the echo as well as the vibration.

    Withing a minute of expectation, the door opened and revealed on a pale face which vanished from sight.

    It had no body and disappeared.

    For the starters, they became rightfully suspicious of what was to happen inside of the place.

    Why was it that they didn't know who might've been the ones that came?

    They seemed familiar, even bore some faces they recognised, the man as well as the encephalic-abrogate who died previously in their encounter.

    Without the spawns present, it was harsh to put the finger on what exactly was wrong.

    Especially since they looked to have been placed on different bodies. 'Greetings, and who exactly has come to greet us in this fine a day? ''Are you travellers from far-away?

    You don't seem local.

    'Again with those voices and the accents which tricked the mind into believing they spoke it.

    One wouldn't be able to think otherwise if he had known. 'Have you come, prepared for the coming?

    Do you suppose we'll let you get through to him one way or another?

    ''We only wish to get home, that would be all, but the place through which we came is guarded.

    ''Quite unfortunate, but tell us, would you spend the night?

    'It was preposterous to call upon that, especially with the sun still on the sky.

    But it wasn't there, that was certain, darkness had dampened the air, even the sight.

    How long had they spent there near the door saying nothing?

    Neither of them could tell if it was another illusion or whenever or not it was another trick.

    'Would that earn us the right to talk to him then?

    ''Only if he's pleased of his company, you'd have to be prepared.

    'Both of them shared a dreadful laugh between one another, moving their clearly outlandish eyes from one point to another.

    It might've been that their face had been cut deep, but that couldn't have happened.

    Not only that but the man he had killed changed, he hadn't been a human being by the time his life was taken.

    'We'll follow and take our chances if it means we'll meet him. ''Very well, please try to keep us.

    'Before anything else might be done, Grendle approached him and scowled at this taken chance.

    'Don't look at me that way, you know that we were ready to accept whatever came with it.

    We have to try this before returning since we got nothing on us, nothing which could help us fight or snuck past them.

    ''We could've taken any other of those halls, there had been choices.

    ''And we chose this, we can't change the past but we can make sure there's a way to get there safely.

    After all now, after so much time, someone who's both friendly and understands what we're saying seems to help us.

    ''It didn't go any better the last time someone tried doing it and it will end up just as much of a mess before the night is over.

    'The two hosts, if that's what they could be called peered into one of the holes which opened from the wall.

    Someone spoke in that broken dialect again with the least of shame which could've come.

    Some announcement of the kind, the least of which seemed to be close to their mind, a recent event which may change some things.

    At least the trap door seemed to have closed when they returned and offered.

    'We're to lead you to your room when you'll be fed and spend the night. Does that sound well enough?

    'It seemed to ask innocently at least, with the least of shame when it came, to the destruction and fear again.

    Reluctantly, the acceptance came, and there wasn't any moment which seemed to have been wasted.

    Looking around the room they were set in made them both realise that there'd be some time for adjustment, at least since the way it looked made them both uncomfortable.

    Not in the least as sleeping outside, but what was on the ceiling, caught in chains, being the bones, the trophy of a great winged beast there, which encompasses a piece of the ceiling.

    Worse than that was that fact that its teeth seemed to have been long in front, sharp even, and through the blackness of the eyes, there was almost a deep red popping from time to time.

    'We hope you'll enjoy your stay for the night.

    Servants are bound to come and bring you everything you're in need of.

    'With that kind of a smile, left behind, it was obvious that they both hid something.

    As a matter of fact, his fellow had been strangely silent ever since they met.

    By the time they were given the privacy, Moredcai approached.

    'Is it me, or has he not spoken a word ever since we arrived here?

    'Grendle was apparently resting in bed, barely paying any sort of attention on the man.

    At least he was aware of the fact that there'd be ears everywhere around.

    One even popped in and took a glance, while another one peered from around the floor.

    There was no end from where these moles came, worse being the fact that they were somewhat humanlooking, or at least some kind of twist which made itself look that way.

    'He might've been silent, I can't remember whenever or not he spoke. ''Even when that thing in the wall came out to speak to them?

    I'm not trying to make us both more paranoid, it's obvious that he was hiding something from us.

    ''Forget it, we're here and.

    'The doors opened and bore a small wooden table around.

    It was wide enough to fit all kinds of dishes of meats, small rodents, heads and well and stuffed fruits, potatoes, and the drinks they had become accustomed to.

    Perhaps the food wasn't bad, not as they thought, but wonder came whenever or not they were only fed for some kind of reason.

    It's why they waited until the servants left, with their tiny hands and thin bodies.

    'Those poor creatures had been starved as well, have you seen the way they looked at the food but dared not look?

    ''I know, it kind of makes me sad seeing them like that, but are they getting any worse than those who are trapped inside the towers?

    Most of those prisoners who were in the previous ones are most likely dead, to begin with.

    ''They're not starved Mordecai, something's keeping them alive but no in this manner.

    ''How would you know?

    You've never seen them from the waist down, you haven't even seen anything below a neck.

    They could be just as in a bad condition or even worse.

    'He shut his mouth and started eating, parched over the fact that it had been a while, for a real meal like this to take it into account.

    Looking around the table, they even brought some water for them to wash their hands when they were ready and a specially designed bell for when they were done.

    All expenses, most likely taken care off, and for some time everything was right.

    While eating, though, he couldn't help it but look at it a different way.

    'What's your plan then, when we stop eating and everything is said and done?

    We'll blow out the candles and then what?

    They're dangerous when they're alive, you should've learned this by now.

    Even when one of them is dead, we're at risk of being trapped in one of their cold traps and I doubt that's the least of our problems right now.

    ''Grendle, just trust me on this, you'll see, I know what I'm doing, just finish what you're having and I'll explain.

    'After that and the washing, the return of the servants revealed eyes in the dark.

    Perhaps malformations, small, despite the place being clean, they bore their gaze beyond the far edges of the bottom and seemed to give a special kind of attention to the agony which could be felt around.

    They couldn't be there, but neither could the bats, even though their forms could be seen through the dark, sitting on the ceiling, up-side- down, peering at them while they prepared.

    'I have taken the liberty to leave you some kind of clothes in the drawers, you'll find that they are set for your size.

    'It just happened for them to be gone, with the plate and all, followed by the appearance of their host, who laid in the middle of the room.

    He had appeared there, while the others were gone, and left slowly with barely any sign.

    With the creaking door closing, there had been a key there, just in case they had desired some kind of privacy, which was well needed for a reason alone.

    'Do you suppose he'll have a way to get through even with that? ''Have you seen him enter, to begin with?

    Better set a chain against the door and make sure we'll hear him if he decides to come.

    'A repugnant thought had come at last, at the time of which he was more than aware that it'd be a rough night, especially if there were some who'd dare stalk them through the trap doors.

    Dreams in which they fell from above came running through their heads came running as fast as they could think about.

    They shared much, especially after being so close to one another and ready to take any chance, at least if it meant living for another day.

    Such depths as they encountered below couldn't help but reshape their entire perception as they came to the conclusion, they were dreaming no longer.

    Suddenly, they have descended, through the hidden path of the tower, right into the ground, walking in a line with others, tiredly as they made their way towards the very bottom of the world.

    What waited there for them was a devouring emptiness which seemed to take an unfathomable shape.

    Most likely, the other for ends were leading towards the top of their towers, but it was likely that they would never get the chance to be used

    again, at least not in this lifetime of theirs, where they've been caught into this death trap.

    No one blinked and none were shunned into coming any closer to the point at which they ran out of ideas and would turn around.

    Something made them feel that way and turn towards a life of self- destruction.

    Flashes of sight made it look like its true form, a brooding thing which ran for as long as the sight met with the end of all.

    Small spores were floating, now they have become much bigger and even consciously floated in the directions they desired rather than be forced by the wind.

    Some flew in clusters forming bigger spores only to be caught by the nets of an invisible form which prevent it to move to take any sort of action as long as it meant they'd spread.

    It was highly unnecessary to say a thing between those strangers, but it certainly meant that they have been caught somewhere during the night, at unawares.

    This changed a lot, as they could call upon their very own senses and the obvious, they both turned around.

    Rather than to go straight into the trap, they saw one another, at different points in the line, attempting to shout one another's names, finally getting through.

    The stairs weren't wide enough for two at a time, but those who seemed to follow the stream desired to end up there either way.

    The greatest disturbance caused by them came, as more and more men fell from both sides, pushing in every direction rather than to give up and accept that there was no reason to act in this manner.

    Far more than could be said, there'd be problems with what waited above, through the horde, through which they went.

    One shout from below came, a dreadful cheerless laughter which was mad. The man hadn't known what to say or how to act.

    But in that silence everyone suddenly turned to watch the one scream and try to get away, only to end up being in more agony that he had expected.

    'What have I done?

    He didn't want to die down there either.

    ''Mordecai, let's go, the entrance is getting closer to being locked.

    We'll have no other choice if we're caught inside.

    'He looked around only to realise that it was beyond any desire to be caught in there, a place as dark and shallow.

    While he was ignoring what he's done, there was a murmur, of something much bigger coming around, making the dark spores from above the ceiling shake in fear.

    'Do you wish to find what's that? Or will you live another day?

    ''I'm coming to Grendle, don't you dare abandon me here.

    'His lids were open, he came right through, ignoring those who screamed, at last, getting himself a chance to remain alive.

    It was all that mattered to him, at least before the small door closed, in an utmost organic way which seemed to have had a lasting effect from that point on.

    He'd fear it otherwise if it weren't for him to be there. 'That was a close one.

    ''I'm afraid that not only it isn't over that that we may be trapped in here, the two of us, all alone.

    ''You couldn't mean, this can't be happening.

    ''It's the last tower, so it seems, and there's nothing for us left but the darkness and the lack of knowledge of how to open the door.

    ''But we're blind, it's unfair, how can you be so happy about all of this?

    'Had the man truly lost his mind?

    Mordecai only wondered after hearing that dreadful laugh echo, only realising after a leap that he was lost, far beyond saving.

    In a corner, through no light, the man stood alone, swearing he could see a blue light emanating from the card.

    He'd save them now that the light was being restored, the spawns would be the first to be taken out of the ship, while Mordecai waited outside for them.

    That would guide him past any sort of doubt as well and no one will question him again.

    While Mordecai ran and slammed his fist, there was no way to know to how open those trapdoors.

    The only whispers came from far away and there was nothing which was said, nothing which made any sense whatsoever.

    He shouted for hours, yet his walk was slowed, he wasn't even thin enough to get through various holes which led through.

    Malnutrition would one day come, but he knew that this was the place he would die.

    The original room was somewhat clean, with the door towards the outside world closed, there seemed to have been a new arrival.

    An older gentleman, wearing an entire Kashmir suit, he had found himself at a cross of rooms, though one of them was locked and held shut by a force which couldn't have been shaken by the average person.

    Not in the least, to admit the fact, he looked at the exit and felt the cold running through his insides.

    A terrible terrible night for him.

    He could feel the warmth of the inside while guarding himself against the storm, without a single ounce of doubt, his options were clear.

    'Is anyone here?


    ''Could that be another voice I hear?

    'There came the voices of two ladies from somewhere past the hallway which wasn't blocked.

    He was mightily surprised to see two of them, dressed in just about the same attire, fashioned after being taken away.

    'Who are you, sir?

    You seem just as confused as to no have been the person who came and took us away?

    ''I beg your pardon dear?

    ''Someone had come and grabbed me and my sister from out homes and dragged us to this place and left us to fend on our own.

    ''That sound mightly horrible.

    ''Not a step yet, I still haven't made my opinion about your person, it's just that I cannot help it but see how strange this is that we woke up near you during our time here.

    ''I promise you that I've got nothing to do with this, I'm just as confused and as long as the two of you are.

    ''Sir, I somehow doubt you know what's going on with the two of us. 'She said, at last, with her sister behind her back, looking as if

    through a piece of glass at the man with his roughly untrimmed moustache. 'So what do you suppose we do, my dear lady?

    Clearly, I've no intention to harm either of you.

    ''And I hope you don't intend on following the two of us either, for we're in a hurry to make it out alive and I'd rather not scare my sister with your presence while doing that.

    'The man stepped back two feet.

    There weren't many options, other than the one way they seemingly blocked, and two more ways he could choose from.

    Even though walking alone would be a terrible thing that most would agree.

    'Are you sure that the two of you would do just well out there?

    Because if you do, you have in on my honour that I will leave you alone to your journey.

    But I am in the same way trapped in here as the two of you are. ''What's behind the door then?

    The one which leaves outside?

    ''Nothing but cold, a waste of cold during a snowstorm for which neither of us is prepared to embark on.

    ''Very well, I think I've made my decision as of now.

    You aren't to follow, nor know out names, not our whereabouts or anything which would ever bring us any closer together, understood?

    ''Loud and clear, but does your sister agree with your judgement, or are you the only one who's supposed to give me the orders and what not?

    ''She's agreed with me on everything so far, this isn't the place to argue.

    ''I want him to stay.

    'She suddenly came out of her hole, right around her older sister, almost like a small spider trying to get caught crawling.

    'We could make it with the company, especially someone just as strong.

    ''No, we're not going to take him with us, we already spoke about it and we wasted enough.

    Don't follow us, do you understand?

    'With a grasp over her sister's hands, they both flashed their blue eyes after which they had been dragged inside through another one of which tamed their minds.

    A hole as such it had become, but he wouldn't follow through a place where he was unwanted.

    He chose well between the two paths and went on ahead through safety and quiet.

    His was one of solitude as if he were to walk through some kind of library of sorts.

    It clearly had become some sort of depository of some kind, through the walls, he made it that he could grab, pieces of the walls which had become, black books, written words on pale pages.

    They spoke of many illnesses that had been achieved by a previous man. As for the entry, the name said.

    'John Carper.

    ' Followed by pieces of stained information, even a flattened cockroach which had obscured a part of the text.

    'In memory of a sinful man, I've been given the chance to write what memories I have left before they are to end me still.

    'He didn't proceed and held it under his armpit, just enough to take another.

    So many names and so many people formed the very walls which went against him.

    And each of them, which had been there being works of self-preservation which promised to keep them alive for some sort of while, undoubtedly because their real bodies die.

    On the other side, alas, there seemed, freedom from the place they've been.

    'I told you we would make it through, do you suppose we were followed by that man?

    ''You shouldn't have banished him, Lisa, he's done nothing to deserve abandonment, in a place like that where he had no one to help him.

    'Verona seemed to have thought a bit, despite distracted by his appearance, she had the best intentions in mind, both of them had.

    Quaintly dressed, in silk Agrippa deathly dressed, this wasn't a place for them to be in.

    'We need to find out where we are, we'll talk about this later.

    'She always did that and I've always let her do whatever she wanted, but when was my time?

    When was my time to decide what was to be done about it?

    Who chose the plan of action and who decided whom to follow us around?

    It didn't help the fact that the place looked more like a prison, fashioned out of the land.

    Threes were bent, the sand had joined them, it looked as if there was no hope in the least, to stop this damned feast and agony plants were set against.

    Stones had shattered, spikes were made, everything having a rough appearance against which they were set.

    'There has to be an exit somewhere around the place.

    'It looked more like some sort of dungeon which laid outside which prevented them from approaching even a few inches closer to the much- awaited freedom.

    'Don't touch that, it may be dangerous and you don't know what kind of diseases this kind of things might carry.

    ''I know what I'm supposed to do, just trust me for this one time only.

    'Lisa frowned at her sister but there wasn't any way she could stop her from doing whatever she wanted, especially since the difference between them was quite artificial.

    The leaves appeared to be tender, fully blown with some type of texture, on which she couldn't place her mind upon.

    Moist as it were, she kept rubbing her hand against it, without showing any sign of wanting to stop.

    'That's enough, you're making me uncomfortable.

    ''Just a moment, you need to try this as well, I think something's about to happen.

    'She blinked twice at the fact, the pain helped loosen her limbs but didn't change what she felt next.

    That moist texture had become wet now as much as there appeared to spawn tongue out of it which grossed both of the encephalic-abrogates off.

    'Let's go, and don't touch anything.

    'Lisa said, just before she grabbed Verona and pushed her as far away as she could.

    There was no sign of stopping when it came to the fact that a shuffling seemed to bear itself across the threes around, mostly because that moist tongue hadn't belonged to the plant.

    'Someone's stalking us, I know it, that long thing, it must've been a human tongue.

    ''The ones which licked me?

    'More than surprised it seemed, that she hadn't dared to think about what might've been on the other side.

    There could've been others, there might be other men or people such as them, but until proven otherwise, everything was dangerous.

    'What do you suppose he's doing there?

    ''Trying to tail us, just like any other, well, forget it, we're bound to find a way to be.

    'Her blue blouse appeared to be stained, her long blonde hair dry, thrown around such as a mad-lady would've been, and worse of all was the fact that Lisa was being aggressive in regards to her own sister.

    There, while it darkened and they realised they'd have not other option but to spend the night into a cage, her eyes suddenly turned out as being that of a pair of cats.

    They looked in the dark and scanned for any sign, whoever noticed that might've long been gone once they realised that there was a lot of danger involved to such a person, in the least of time, there'd be trouble.

    'Don't touch the walls, I think I know what we can do.

    'She had already started picking and ripping out leaves, placing them on the bottom of the floor, right on the cold stone.

    There was some kind of rest there to be had but someone still toiled around.

    Covered by the green they waited, all upon the threat had faded, and that is where they spent the night.

    There wasn't any way to know whenever or not the day had passed on the other side, other than to make it through the dark tunnels and to realise

    that there might be far too many humans who might've lost their way around.

    A discovery was important, that was kept, surely no one would mind.

    As a past-retired archaeologist, he had brought with him plenty of study material for his various roads around the province.

    It was important to know that he knew there'd be an absence which could've been felt there, henceforth he switched the memoir with one of his own.

    The results went well as the book cover darkened upon entering the wall, and he was certain that this strange book with its strange language would offer him more than something he had written about hills and many small mountains.

    At least by now, he noticed an important pattern, which remained the fact that they all seemed to have a biography written down.

    The name, the characters, everything unfathomable, unreadable but interesting to say the least.

    Could it be that there might've been others around or was it just an elaborate hoax?

    Nothing he had seen so far appeared to have any kind of explanation as to why.

    A wrong turn.

    He shouted as he fell, slowed down only by the fact that the hole in which he ended became thinner and more organic, such as a small sack might've been, able to carry him slowly to a point where he couldn't properly move.

    'Help me, anybody, please.

    'Immediately he reminded himself to breathe as deeply as he could, unable to fathom just what sort of creature might hear him then.

    He was slowly being lead after all, through the small sack, which turned out to be more of a tube, in which his slippery body was being pushed further and further away, until that point where there wasn't anything he could do but relax and let everything follow its own course.

    It was long and he heard a noise, paired with sounds, as he was taken to a small flatten cylinder of a chamber, with a closed door at the end.

    There wasn't any perfection related but drips of the substance still found its way from above.


    Would any other man or whoever be able to come around and offer me some assistance?

    I seemed to have lost myself in.

    'No answer, this was clearly a place where no human being had gotten inside for at least as far as he could wager.

    Worse than that might've been the fact that there wasn't any single way he'd fit inside that thing if he had thought of trying to get back on his tracks, even if the chance arrived.

    He was aware of his own entrapment and did little to prevent his nerves from failing, on his knees he wept and shouted.

    Everything which had been said appeared to have remained in the same chamber, where no one else would get to hear him again.

    Likely this place was either abandoned or inhabited by something which should've starved if chances were for danger to be present.

    Most likely not since there were not many traces nor any kind of clues whenever or not something licked them clean and ate them afterwards.

    Calm was on the way but he was more than aware that his presence was known, his body was pulled and thrown against that gate.

    It suddenly bent against his entire form and let him get through with the least of resistance displayed.

    On the other side, things changed, for starters, it was clear enough that the many pools around the bridges ran through the various room, with their walls already under construction, evenly matched, everything became slightly clear.

    This was yet another room under construction, on which he stumbled, uninvited.

    There wasn't any other option left for him to take, other than to jump in the pool and forget himself, something was coming.

    By the sounds alone, a dreadful thing with many feet, making distinct sounds as it came.

    Just in time, he had dived through, breathing heavily and almost in a natural way through the pool.

    Inside of which, he felt every single drop from above and looked at the flooded pair of rooms which had previously been.

    It had been a problem, this fact, as the first corpse made him reconsider.

    A man, wearing clothes which had been broken down, not entirely a skeleton, as the skin had been fairly preserved.

    But a large chain held him to the bottom where he starved, alone. Others were clearly visible in other rooms as it seemed.

    With a sudden realisation, he swam deeper below.

    Something made itself be known as a pair of long openings were pushed inside and started sipping in through a big puffy revealed hairy ball.

    It dragged to a big body which was hard to look upon.

    Past the fear, he was aware that there wasn't any way to see, but something about those trunks which came from its back, that released all those legs below.

    It made weird notions while it rested, waiting for the rest of the body to return from this sudden break and come back to work.

    I need to get away from this, he's starting to move and feel my body waggling around.

    That thought alone of the creature diving inside with him made him in the least afraid, worse than that would've been the fact that he desires to go farther below while being unaware of the effects of the pool.

    While he was as far away from being called a fool in human form, he was mightly surprised over the fact that someone would dare come through and run.

    There wasn't any certainty but someone came through the opening and got the attention of the creature in his presence.

    A frightful scene arrived as it viciously pulled all its tubes away from the water and made it for the intruder.

    I knew you were a guardian, and this confirmed all of my suspicions.

    Now that he could freely move, he went deeper below and started getting closer to them, to see what they've become.

    Poor creatures almost seemed to have suffered in there, still caught in that state of fear and distraught, but now it was forever.

    The awareness gave in at last and appeared to have governed over his expressions.

    He was in control of what he showed to the people there, and with a pull, he accidentally spared one of them while proceeding to throw the head in a different direction.

    It showed no sign of rising to the surface as of yet, more than likely something was keeping it below.

    A worse source called on him, farther through this substance, his breath had become more shallow at this point.

    In the chamber he had entered, there was a dining chamber, long, in a room which had paintings and carpets, even magnificent crimson and sienna paint of the walls.

    A whole scene to be called upon, though this would be their last dinner, left unfinished, the food was spoiled.

    Looking below, all of them had been caught and chained by their ankles, unable to get away as well, but it wasn't the food nor the starvation which killed them.

    If so, why was the food left there, almost untouched, if it weren't for the rot and the spoil?

    Even more dreadful was the fact that some of them had tried taking small utensils and getting rid of pieces of themselves to flee.

    Cuts were minor, the pain had stopped them, it was obvious even from the first looks that they didn't stand a chance.

    Looking upon his hands, he wondered whenever or not he'd become such as they have.

    Dirty, tainted, filled with that substance which preserved them well, at least enough to say that the material around their clothes hadn't been destroyed.

    As well as the fact that some of the encephalic-abrogates around were still kept in their prime and true forms, the suction of the skin is merely a few inches in.

    Pale skin and plump, there was one, in particular, he had thought of having.

    In this places, no one would know, and it seems most peculiar to pass on such an opportunity.

    Upon touching one of the encephalic-abrogates at the table, he realised that their bodies were still warm, far too warm to belong to the realm of the dad.

    To say that the thought had passed his mind was an understatement, with danger underway, he only thought that this would be a fine moment.

    A very good opportunity to begin with, at least now that this would be his last chance to experience such a thing.

    During one shared moment, he closed his eyes and blocked everything else from reaching, floating through but keeping himself, still closer to the ground with his hands.

    A dreadful scene was underway and he wasn't surprised at all by the what he was proceeding into.

    Of course, there had to be a cry, somewhere from far away, inside the same complex he was in.

    Without even having to think, he deliberately turned away and started swimming toward the surface in a dark attempt and as he leapt from the bottom, his skin was covered in black, leaving nothing but an interrupted stream dripping away from him right on the floor.

    That was a mess and he already felt lighter than he should've felt in that commotion.

    Without a doubt, there should've been a notion of self-worth which could've driven him away or to return and try escaping, but that scream certainly was something he desired to look upon.

    This was a true lair, without a doubt, made by the creature to guard upon those pools.

    Seeing how the other ways were sealed, even from above, he'd have to cross the threshold in order to continue exploring the grand bellowing pools.

    Right around the corner he peered and saw nothing which would've made him think of his foolishness as well as the rabidness which that creature provided.

    There wasn't any distinct sound, no movement he could make out, the place was twisted from above, for certain reasons, he chose to be alone.

    Down there, no one would disturb him from what he'd see, without having to deal with the fear of being caught or any other sort of thing which would go wrong.

    'Are you done there?

    Just make some splashes, I think I've heard you scream.

    'In that tone, he tried, perhaps too much softer than he had anticipated, the set of legs started making those loud sounds again.

    From behind it came a great shadow which was propelled by a fire, revealing some bulb of a body, thick and huge, perhaps with some bumps everywhere around, hardened as they were.

    The extra weight was placed into those tiny long legs in order to be able to carry that thing.

    And even from the shadow, he noticed that those which had been missing grew up instantly.

    'There was a struggle.

    'He said, while thinking that he had to be away, riding through the waves, he dived right through and looking above.

    It somewhat slowed downed where I have dived and after looking at the whole conundrum, I've realised that it might've been aware of my presence with all the splashes and the pool.

    Some large legs were shoved inside and flickered to no avail, there'd be nothing to do as of yet, nothing which would change that which crept inside his every aware sense.

    Somehow those legs vibrated inside the pool and produced some sort of migraineinducing bubbles.

    As dreadful as that sounded, the process continued for at least a few seconds as it roamed around the pools and tried doing it over and over to no avail.

    It refuses to dive in with me, this is the perfect chance, I'd say.

    'On the next opportunity, he saw that they came inside and as they have, he pulled on those small legs, feeling the pressure and the force.

    It felt just as surprised as he had when he was suddenly pulled into a struggle, right atop the water, holding onto it as it saw an opening but couldn't act on it.

    For it face another direction than those of which he was set against, one snap would've been enough to have him slammed with his face against the ground.

    But somehow, it only tried to twist around in circled as to get him much closer to those dreaded mandibles.

    It was too pointless since he had grabbed those large trunks on the back but in exchange, he achieves a great view of the whole body it bore.

    Not only had those bumps been there, but they had been under the skin, transparent as they seemed, soon it was revealed by the struggle that they were the skulls of his previous victims.

    It was now he shouted, struggled upon this beast of a march, as the tubes came out from both ends, sharp stuff and plenty of other elongated sharp wires which had to serve for the most insane purposes.

    But the struggle had become a pointless mistake as the creature had twisted itself on its back while flinging him away against the other side of the wall.

    He bounced like a heavy rock, just before heaving himself inside the pool.

    There he struggled and upon reaching the bottom, he started shimmeringly walking way, as fast as he could, without the least of a doubt about what he desired to do and make.

    No mistake came upon the realisation of the fact that there were others around who had shared a worse fate than his.

    Clear marks laid

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