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불변성/ Invariants
불변성/ Invariants
불변성/ Invariants
Ebook222 pages17 minutes

불변성/ Invariants

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"Mathematics is a large reasons why certain poems have a rhythmic quality and cadence. For example, stanzas have a certain number of lines, and lines contain a certain number of syllables. This influences how one reads or recites a poem, since the numerical features of a poem change how it sounds." The American poet Ezra Pound expressed very well the resonances between poetry and mathematics in The Spirit of Romance (1910): "Poetry is a sort of inspired mathematics, which gives us equations, not for abstract figures, triangles, spheres and the like, but equations for the human emotions." However, the question is: Is poetry a mathematical?  How mathematics and literature are similar? Why are poems important in mathematics? This haiku collection explores mathematics as poetry.

Release dateMar 24, 2024
불변성/ Invariants

Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah

Jacob Kobina Ayiah  Mensah[(╥║│═╚╣╕╞│╬╕─╕╣│╘╘╞╚╕─│Ħ) (also known in the Turtle Mountains, North Dakota, as Sitting Mountain)], a self-made Ojibwa, Basque, Catalan, Spanish, gypsy, a Black African tribe and Greek descent and a multilingual poet, multidisciplinary artist, and algebraist, works in mixed media. His most recent poetry chapbook is Kind Haven (The Operating System, 2020) and a full-length poetry collection in Spanish, agua y color, is forthcoming from Valparaiso Poetry Press. His poetry, songs, prose, art and hybrid works have appeared in numerous journals, including JMWW, Constellations, New Note Poetry, Chapter House Journal, Red Ogre Review, Newfound, The New Southern Fugitives, Inverted Syntax, The Elevation, Moon Shadow Sanctuary, Passenger Journal, Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal, Millennial Pulp Literary Magazine, Trampoline, 1-70 Review, Beautiful Cadaver Project Pittsburgh, The Meadow, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Rigorous, The Decadent Review, FOLK Magazine, Wards Lit Magazine, Cadinal Sins, zines + things, Juked, Juke Joint Magazine,  The William and Mary Review, Helen Literary Magazine, In Parentheses, Genre: Urban Arts, Roanoke Review, filling Station, Hawk & Whippoorwill, The Indianapolis Review, The Sandy River Review, Blackbox Manifold, Cordite Poetry Review, Amethys Review, Rogue Agent, Whimperbang, Emerys Journal, Night Music Journal, Cantos: A literary and Arts Journal, Abstract: Contemporary Expressions, Thirty West Publishing House, Aaduna, Terror House Magazine, Ygdrasil: A Journal of the Poetic Arts,  Castabout Art & Literature, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, Hooligan Magazine, Unlikely Stories Mark V, Otoliths, Oddball Magazine, UTSANGA, Pithead Chapel, Wingless Dreamer, Cathexis Northwest Press, University of North Dakota, Meat for Tea, Fireflies' Light: A Magazine of Short Poems and others. His works in abstract mathematics include Arthur Algebras, Haiku Algebra, c-Algebra, Ỽ-Functions, Nortan Group, and Epic Ring. He lives in the southern part of Ghana, in Spain, and the Turtle Mountains, North Dakota.

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    불변성/ Invariants - Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah


    Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah

    Poetry/ haiku  Copyright© 2024, Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah.  All rights reserved.  Cover artwork: Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah

    I was attracted to mathematics by its generality, its ability to give information where apparently total chaos prevails, rather than by its ability to give much concrete and exact information where we a priori know a great deal.

    -  Saharon Shelah


    Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

    -  Albert Einstein


    If only someone else could paint what I see, it would be marvelous, because then I wouldn’t have to paint at all.

    -  Alberto Giacometti


    Illuminating parallels existing between seeing and looking: introduction   Author’s note  Finite support   Clouds flowing  2BQ        Jatton Theory      p q 2r  (ф v ѱ)→±∞      23572     it is it  L 2 -Algebra

    Illuminating parallels existing between seeing and looking: introduction

    What is mathematics to poets? If mathematicians are not concerned about poetry, poets are, and they think about mathematics. Poets, and always strong poets, enjoy the mysterious journeys they encounter in mathematics, even if not all of them, the patterns, the indelible visual images, the symphony with syncopated beats, or the mural. Poets who are poets want to know what mathematicians are doing and what is going into their workings. The English

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