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Love in Fleeting Paradise
Love in Fleeting Paradise
Love in Fleeting Paradise
Ebook73 pages56 minutes

Love in Fleeting Paradise

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The neon lights of Las Vegas shimmered like a mirage against the backdrop of the desert night, promising excitement,  adventure, and a thrill of the unknown. For many, this city of sin was a playground where dreams were made and broken in the blink of an eye. For Steven, it was here his life had taken an unexpected turn, a turning point marked by triumph and heartache.

Steven Reese, a driven and ambitious man from New York, had always viewed his career as a ladder to success. Each rung climbed was a testament to his hard work and determination. When he landed the promotion to Sales Manager at a prestigious car company, it felt like the culmination of years of dedication. His best friend Jared, ever loyal companion, decided they needed to celebrate this milestone in style. And what better place to do so than Las Vegas?

And so, they embarked on a journey to the city that never sleeps, a place where fortunes could change with the roll of a dice and where the allure of the night promised endless possibilities. The trip began with the lavish luxury of a VIP suite, a taste of the opulence that Vegas was known for. It was amidst this backdrop of extravagance that Steven first met Jasmine.

Their connection was immediate and intense, and for a while, it felt like nothing could break the spell. They spent the night together, sharing passionate love-making, and dreams until they drifted into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms. But as the saying goes, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and the reality of their fleeting romance soon sets in.


PublisherH.W. Sweeting
Release dateJun 8, 2024
Love in Fleeting Paradise

H.W. Sweeting

I was born in the beautiful island of the Bahamas and relocated to Florida for more than 40 years. My passion into reading all kinds of reading materials and my love to music, inspired me to create books.  I've been writing since high school, and was taken the opportunity to share my gift to all readers of all sort of life. I am retired and celebrating life to the fullest. Let us never forget that to love and be loved is the most rewarding part of our lives. Happy people are those who are satisfied with their love life.

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    Book preview

    Love in Fleeting Paradise - H.W. Sweeting

    Chapter 1

    W hat happens in Vegas , stays in Vegas

    This phrase is often associated with the idea that any wild or unexpected events that occur in Las Vegas should remain a secret. However, if you’re reconsidering this notion, maybe you’ve had an experience that made you realize some things shouldn’t be left behind or that the impacts of events can follow you home.

    I’m Steven Reese and I have always been driven by ambition and a passion for success. Born and raised in the bustling city of New York, I thrived in its fast-paced environment, where the streets buzzed with endless opportunities and challenges. From an early age, I was fascinated by the world of business, particularly the intricate dance of sales and customer relations. I pursued my education with determination, always keeping my eye on the ultimate goal: to climb the corporate ladder and make a significant impact in the industry I loved.

    After graduating with a degree in business administration, I landed a job at a well-known car dealership in the heart of New York City. It was the perfect place to start my career, combining my passion for automobiles with my natural talent for connecting with people. My knack for understanding customer needs and closing deals quickly set me apart from my peers. I was known for my charisma, dedication, and uncanny ability to turn prospects into loyal customers.

    Years of hard work and relentless dedication paid off when I received the news I had been striving for. My performance had not gone unnoticed, and I was promoted to Sales Manager at one of the company’s premier locations. The promotion meant a move to a new branch, but it also represented the culmination of years of effort and the beginning of an exciting new chapter of my career.

    Leaving behind the familiar skyline of New York, I embraced the change with enthusiasm. The new role was a significant step up, involving more responsibilities, a larger team to manage, and the opportunity to implement my innovative ideas on a broader scale. I approached the challenge with the same energy and determination that had brought me this far.

    My heart raced with anticipation as I glanced at my calendar, counting down the days until the much-anticipated trip to Las Vegas. It was a celebration orchestrated by my best friend, Jared, in honor of my recent promotion to Sales Manager at the car company. Jared had spared no expense in planning the ultimate getaway, promising a whirlwind of excitement and adventure in the city that never sleeps.

    On the day of our departure drew near, I found myself filled with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. I had never been to Vegas before, and the prospect of exploring its legendary attractions filled me with a sense of exhilaration. The thought of leaving behind the hustle and bustle of New York for a few days of carefree indulgence was just what I needed after years of hard work and dedication.

    When the day finally arrived, I met Jared at the airport, our excitement palpable as we boarded the plane bound for Sin City. As we settled into our seats, Jared couldn’t contain his enthusiasm, regaling me with tales of the adventures that awaited us.

    I gazed out of the airplane window, the distant lights of Las Vegas flickering like stars in the night sky. Beside me, Jared’s excitement was infectious, his voice brimming with anticipation.

    I can’t believe we’re actually going to Vegas, man! This trip is going to be epic, Jared exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement.

    I turned to my best friend, a grin spreading across my face.

    You bet it is! We’re going to paint the town red and celebrate my promotion in style.

    Gratitude surged within me as I glanced at Jared.

    Thanks again for organizing everything, Jared. I really needed this getaway after all the stress of work.

    Jared waved off my thanks with a dismissive gesture.

    Hey, what are best friends for? Besides, you deserve it, buddy. You’ve worked your tail off to get where you are, and this trip is just the beginning of our celebration.

    I felt a surge of emotion at Jared’s words. I had indeed poured my heart and soul into my career, and now, as I embarked on this adventure with my closest friend by my side, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude.

    I can’t wait to experience everything Vegas has to offer. From the casinos to the shows, it’s going to be one heck of an adventure, I remarked, excitement bubbling within me.

    Jared nodded enthusiastically, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

    "Absolutely! And remember, whatever happens

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