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Shadows of the Past: Olivia Grant, #1
Shadows of the Past: Olivia Grant, #1
Shadows of the Past: Olivia Grant, #1
Ebook74 pages59 minutes

Shadows of the Past: Olivia Grant, #1

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In the heart of the mysterious town of Ravenwood, secrets lie buried deep within its shadowed history. Shadows of the Past follows the gripping tale of Olivia Grant, a determined investigative journalist, as she unravels the dark mysteries that haunt her hometown. When a series of chilling disappearances echoes an unsolved tragedy from 1985, Olivia's quest for truth plunges her into a perilous journey through the town's darkest secrets. As she delves deeper, Olivia confronts sinister forces, unearthing a web of deception, betrayal, and the chilling presence of the enigmatic "Shadows." With heart-stopping suspense and atmospheric detail, Shadows of the Past is a riveting thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the final page. Join Olivia as she battles against the shadows of her past in a race against time to uncover the truth and save Ravenwood from its darkest secrets.

PublisherMorgan Knight
Release dateJun 8, 2024
Shadows of the Past: Olivia Grant, #1

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    Book preview

    Shadows of the Past - Morgan Knight


    The wind howled like a tortured spirit, ripping through the dense canopy of the forest. Rain pelted the earth, turning the ground into a treacherous mire. Lightning slashed across the sky, illuminating the twisted branches that seemed to reach out like skeletal fingers. It was a night soaked in malevolence, the kind that whispered secrets of forgotten evils and unseen terrors.

    Laura Hayes’s breath came in ragged gasps as she sprinted through the woods, her feet slipping on the muddy path. Her heart pounded in her chest, a relentless drumbeat of fear. She didn’t dare look back, knowing that her pursuer was close. The rustle of leaves and snapping of twigs behind her were constant reminders that she was not alone. Panic surged through her veins, pushing her to run faster, even as her muscles screamed in protest.

    The cabin appeared suddenly through the sheets of rain, a dark silhouette against the tumultuous sky. It was her last hope. She stumbled towards it, her legs heavy with exhaustion. Her fingers trembled as she fumbled with the latch, the storm’s fury masking her frantic sobs. Finally, the door gave way, and she burst inside, slamming it shut behind her.

    The interior was sparse, filled with shadows that danced menacingly in the flickering light of a single, failing lantern. Laura’s eyes darted around the room, searching for the phone. She found it on a small table in the corner, the rotary dial a lifeline in the encroaching darkness. She grabbed the receiver with shaking hands, dialing frenetically.

    Come on, come on, she whispered, her voice a fragile thread of desperation. The dial tone buzzed in her ear, followed by the clicks of the connection being made. She prayed for someone to answer, anyone.

    Hello? Hello, please help me! she cried into the phone. The voice on the other end was distant, distorted by the crackling interference of the storm. There’s someone after me, I’m at the cabin in—

    Her plea was cut short by the sound of breaking glass. Laura whipped around, eyes wide with terror. The window had shattered, and a dark figure loomed in the opening, rain and wind whipping around him. He was a shadow made flesh, an embodiment of the night’s malevolence.

    The door burst open with a deafening crash, and the assailant stepped inside. His face was obscured by the hood of his rain-soaked jacket, but the glint of a knife in his hand was unmistakable. Laura screamed, the sound piercing the oppressive silence of the cabin. She dropped the phone, its receiver swinging wildly, the dial tone humming like a distant wail.

    In a heartbeat, he was upon her. She fought with everything she had, her screams mingling with the storm’s roar. The struggle was brief and brutal, a flurry of movement and violence. The last thing Laura heard was the phone hitting the floor, the line going dead with a final, resounding click.

    Outside, the storm raged on, indifferent to the horrors it concealed. The woods swallowed the cabin in darkness, and the night continued its reign of terror, leaving no trace of the struggle within.

    Chapter 1: The Return

    The incessant buzz of New York City seemed to fade into the background as Olivia Grant stared at her phone, the screen glowing with an incoming call. With a quick swipe, she answered.

    Sarah? Olivia's voice held a note of surprise as she recognized the name of her childhood friend.

    Olivia, thank god you picked up, Sarah's voice came through, urgent and trembling. You need to come back to Ravenwood.

    Olivia's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her hometown. Ravenwood, a place she had left behind, buried beneath layers of memories and unresolved trauma. What's going on, Sarah?

    It's happening again, Liv. The disappearances, Sarah's words were rushed, as if she was afraid of being overheard. Young women, just like back in '85. They're vanishing without a trace.

    Olivia felt a chill crawl up her spine. The memories of that fateful year resurfaced, vivid and haunting. Laura Hayes, the girl who never made it out of those woods alive. The nightmares that had plagued her for years afterward.

    I thought those days were behind us, Olivia murmured, her mind racing with a jumble of emotions.

    They never really left, Liv, Sarah's voice wavered. And now, with everything that's been happening, I don't know who else to turn to.

    Olivia closed her eyes, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on her shoulders. Despite the years that had passed, Ravenwood still held a piece of her heart. And now, it seemed, it was calling her back.

    I'll come, Olivia said finally, her voice firm with resolve. I'll find out what's going on.

    Thank you, Liv, Sarah's relief was palpable even through the phone. I'll meet you at the old diner, just like old times.

    As the call ended, Olivia's gaze lingered on the bustling city outside her window. New York had been her refuge, a place where she could

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