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Glow in the Dark: A Star's Guide to Living Light
Glow in the Dark: A Star's Guide to Living Light
Glow in the Dark: A Star's Guide to Living Light
Ebook34 pages19 minutes

Glow in the Dark: A Star's Guide to Living Light

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About this ebook

I mean we're all obsessed with the glow-up. Typically, when we express a desire to glow up we are dissatisfied.  It can be one moment or a culmination of experiences. A breakup, bullying, a health crisis, an embarrassing incident. Whatever the event may be, we reach a point where we are reminded, that we're not doing as good as we thought we were, and we need a change. 


Glowing is when you are generating power from within. Regardless of the circumstance, you are in tune with your gifts and talents. You're able to utilize them to navigate life and rise to the occasion. Emitting the radiance of light and embodying the feeling of upliftedness allows us to glow with the potency of a million suns.    

Our birth chart marks our arrival on earth, and though that may seem mundane, a human being born is a cosmic event. One worthy of intense study. Astrology is a well-developed tool that supports our self-inquiry. The value comes from the process, for the more interested we are in ourselves the more content we'll be. And it's fun!   


Besides, who better to teach us how to glow than a star?  


PublisherAsa Iam
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Glow in the Dark: A Star's Guide to Living Light

Asa Iam

Asa Iam is a storyteller who believes art is a portal into a realm of well-being. Creation is a self-healing act, and her role as an artist is to inspire personal revolution. The subject of her art explores how memory is formed, stored and analyzed. Her pieces focus on process rather than result. The individual is the center. Personal history is to be preserved and studied at depth. Her approach is interdisciplinary. She is an archivist, astrologer, historian, filmmaker, performer, writer, subject. Her materials are journals, personal photos, conversations. Her characters are locations, thoughts, feelings, and loved ones.

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    Book preview

    Glow in the Dark - Asa Iam

    The Glow Up

    I mean we’re all obsessed with the glow-up. Typically, when we express a desire to glow up we are dissatisfied.  It can be one moment or a culmination of experiences. A breakup, bullying, a health crisis, an embarrassing incident. Whatever the event may be, we reach a point where we are reminded, that we’re not doing as good as we thought we were, and we need a change. 

    No matter your age, gender, or background we all possess a desire to upgrade our lives. To feel secure and confident. Achieve our goals and be comfortable. To feel validated and accepted. We recognize our worth, embrace ourselves unconditionally, and hold ourselves accountable.  In short, the goal of a glow-up is to be authentic. 

    Everyone talks about being authentic, but how do you do it? How do you know? Will there be a sign that says, I’m being true to myself! When you arrive? 

    What Prevents Us From Glowing? 

    We live in a society where being yourself is incredibly challenging. I can sit here and list all the roles and expectations society expects us to fulfill, but there’s not enough paper for that. Besides, it is so heavy that we are constantly aware of them. Time and time again we are expected to sacrifice ourselves to fit in. Whether it's to our families, jobs, or countries many things tell us who we should be, and it's hard to be secure in ourselves. 

    Insecurity is what prevents us from glowing. We all have innate gifts and talents. Things that make us who we are. When we are unaware of them, convinced they are a curse, give them away, or

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