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Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories
Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories
Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories
Ebook223 pages3 hours

Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories

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A collection of horror stories, Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories invites you on a macabre journey into the darkest corners of the human soul. Inside the book, you will find stories that will make you gnash your teeth with fear and your heart will beat even faster. From ancient curses to ominous ghosts, from human nightmares to mysterious darkness, encounters with Satan and demons, poltergeists and witches, werewolves and vampires, these tales promise you moonlit nights of insomnia and will forever remain in your memory. Get ready to face unknown horror and mysticism, because "Under the Skin of Horror" will not leave you indifferent.

Release dateJun 8, 2024
Under the Skin of Horror: Scary Stories

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    Under the Skin of Horror - Got77


    Sergey worked in the police, but then he got tired, and the bosses changed, they began to follow every step. He quit and got a job as a security guard in a supermarket. On Friday, having waited for a replacement, he was going to leave.

    But, as luck would have it, it began to snow, and even a blizzard. I didn't even want to go. My partner offered to stay, spend the night in a cabin. But Sergei was stubborn in life, he decided to go home. And it is not very far to go.

    He walked, cowering and covering his face with his collar. Suddenly he slipped and fell on the road.

    Damn, Sergei cried, wanted to get up, but he couldn't, the pain was unbearable.

    Suddenly a man with a beard appears, terrible as a demon and speaks.

    —  Give me your hand.

    Yes, I myself, Gray was angry.

    Come on, don't be afraid, the man grabbed him and dragged him as if he were wounded.

    Time passed, Sergei saw his entrance and said:

    "Well, I'll be on my own.

    Let's report it, the passer-by did not stop.

    I'll just catch on the railing and that's it.

    As you know, he shouted and disappeared as if he had fallen through the ground.

    Sergei climbed the railing to the apartment and sat down in the hallway. What, for business, he didn't even have time to say where he went, in a couple of seconds he could not run far. Oh well.

    My wife called an ambulance, they came, looked, said the dislocation, it would heal before the wedding. They injected diclofenac, put on a bandage and left. I went to bed and fell asleep. At night he dreamed of this bearded man and said:

    I don't need your thanks; you'll pay off later.

    In the morning, when Sergei woke up, he thought what this could mean.

    Six months passed; Sergey became addicted to drinking. And he often began to come home on horns. Once he came under a jar, it was late, his wife was already asleep. He lay down in the hall and fell asleep. At night, I woke up in need and went to the toilet. Then he went into the kitchen to drink water, pressed the dried wood. Suddenly, he saw a hairy creature with a ponytail sitting on the window.

    Well, all the Khan is drunk to hell. I wanted to get out, but it spoke.

    Come with me.

    What do you want?

    May you always be with me, I will help you, so you will say thank you.

    Sergei remembered that incident with his leg.

    Where to? Sergei asked.

    To the basement, he answered.

    "All right.

    We went to the basement and the devil said, Let's hang yourself.

    And I can't, Sergei began to sober up.

    Can you put a pipe on the rope, make a knot and stand on the box, and that's it.

    How there was a clothesline and a toolbox there on purpose. Sergei threw the rope over the heating bed, made a knot, put it around his neck and wanted to get off the box.

    Hurry up, I'm waiting for you, the imp squealed.

    And then he remembered about his wife, child and old mother, who would help them. Come on, Sergei swore at you. I took off the knot and went to the apartment. In the morning, I woke up in the corridor with wet underpants. He doesn't even take beer in his mouth anymore.

    But damn it, it's not like that...


    I didn't believe in mysticism before, I thought it was medieval superstition. But a story from the horror genre happened to me. Even the time was symbolic 13 years ago. It was like this. I met one woman, Sveta, and our romance boiled over quite quickly. At first, we dated, and then it came to flirting. But that's not the point.

    She had a friend Lena, who came herself and lived in a hostel. She invited us to a birthday party. It was on Saturday. We came, sat down, congratulated the birthday girl. The guests dispersed, and we began to get ready. Lena asked us, can I come with you?

    "I'm going to spend the night and want to wash, because we don't have hot water in the hostel

    Please, I answered.

    They got into a minibus and came to my home. Lena, in order not to be in debt, took with her moonshine bought in the village. In terms of quality, it is better than factory vodka. I fussed, laid the table, and the banquet began.

    A couple of hours passed and an unforeseen circumstance happened, Sveta's face changed and she spoke in a terrible voice.

    She's mine, came out of her mouth.

    What do you mean? I asked.

    I'm her master, and I'll take her.

    And who are you? I asked.

    "The devil.

    Personally, I was surprised.

    — Yes.

    What do you want?

    Take her to hell, Sveta answered in a terribly rough voice like a hiss.

    I touched Sveta's forehead; it was cold as a dead man's. Lena and I laid her down on the sofa.

    A friend said, Don't be afraid, it happens, it's a demon.

    "I get it, just unexpectedly.

    I found Epiphany water and sprinkled it. She began to regain consciousness.

    How is it? I ask.

    It's okay, Sveta answered, Are you scared?

    A little, we smiled.

    It will pass, Sveta said, wiping away the sweat

    I myself was sweating after what I heard. I went to the bath and began to collect water. He poured some consecrated water into a glass and gave Sveta a drink. Everything seems to have calmed down.

    I'll go and wash myself, and you watch TV.

    I'm with you, Lenka hinted unexpectedly.

    I was surprised, "Okay, temptress.

    Go, I'll give you permission, Sveta said, smiling.

    Let's go, I was embarrassed.

    I undressed and lay down in the bathtub. Lena did not think for a long time and also took off her clothes and sat in front of me and pressed her back. I hugged her, and we kissed.

    You like it, Lena says.

    "Not bad.

    How do you know about the demon?

    "I worked in psychiatry and saw a lot of things. You, urban people, do not believe it, but we rural people know about it.

    And how many times have you heard that? I asked her.

    "More than once, skeptical doctors, nurses and nannies know the real cause of madness.


    "Not only spoilage, it's also scary.

    I did not understand the essence of what was happening then. Only later did I find out that the curse and the possession of a demon. – It's basically the same.

    In general, I did not seduce, well, I touched my chest and ass and that's it. And there was something to touch for. And we got out of the bath.

    How are you? I asked Svetka.

    Everything is fine, he smiles.

    Let's have a drink, Lena suggested

    Come on, I supported her.

    We drank, ate and began to go to bed. I am with Svetka in the hall, and Leno is in the bedroom. And suddenly the attack repeated. The demon began to repeat his song again. I sprinkled water on it again and put my silver cross on it. Turning off the lights, we all fell asleep.

    In the morning, Lena woke up, said goodbye and ran to her dormitory. Sveta looked rumpled and tired.

    Scared? She looked.

    "No, I've always loved horror movies, but in reality, it's cool.

    "Don't pay attention, I used to do magic, so I caught the grief.

    Are you a witch? I was surprised.

    "No, a parapsychologist.

    "Okay, it's okay.

    That's why I'm alone, Sveta said sadly.

    Because of this trailer?

    "Yes, when my men heard this, they ticked like hell from incense.

    In this case, it's the opposite, they're from the devil, I laughed.

    It turns out like this, Sveta lit a cigarette.

    "Before you, Andrei was red-haired.

    Red, I grinned.

    Well, he ran out of bed at night after that, Sveta said, blowing out smoke.

    No wonder, I grinned.

    All right, I'll go, but don't think I’ll of me.

    It's okay, I reassured her.

    Suddenly I remembered:

    Where's the cross? I realized.

    I have no idea, Sveta said, getting dressed.

    Everyone rummaged through the sofa, under it, in the room, her belongings, she looked at her purse. The cross was nowhere to be found. As if he fell through the ground.

    Okay, I'll disassemble the sofa and find it, I said confidently.

    Give me a cheek and I'll go.

    We kissed, and she left. I looked through everything, but I didn't see the cross anymore. So don't believe in mysticism, it turns out that even I am a skeptic, I got acquainted with this.

    More than 10 years have passed, I still can't understand how it happened, Either Lenka stole, or Svetka, but I don't believe in it. They seem to be decent girls. No, not love affairs, but, in conscience. Or maybe the devil himself dragged him away, I don't think. There is nothing to be done. But I don't want to think about girls, even if one of them, then let it be on their conscience.

    And in conclusion, I will tell you a small continuation. We parted with Svetka a long time ago and once met in the city center. We talked about the past. She said that her aunt had taken her to the monastery, where he got rid of this handsome man. He is no longer engaged in parapsychology. Otherwise, everything is fine.

    I have had a new cross for a long time, I bought it in the monastery. True, he was handsome, realistic. In general, things used to be more beautiful. And it's better not to play hide-and-seek with evil spirits...

    Do not go to the cemetery at night

    Three guys approached the gate of the cemetery.

    Sanya, you took everything, yes, my friend answered.

    Well, then let's move, Mike said. Nikita pushed the rusty gate, yielding to it, it creaked disgustingly, the guys moved deeper into the cemetery.

    Where are we going to perform the ritual, Sanya asked.

    We need to find an old grave, Nikita answered.

    It was very dark and creepy, it seemed that the guys were watching them from the dark, it was very scary. But no one showed it.

    Let's go to this one, Mike pointed to the grave of my husband and wife, we nodded silently, and began to prepare for the ritual. The atmosphere was heating up, Sanya took out candles, a lighter, I began to draw a pentagram.

    It's done, I said. Sanya began to lay out the candles at the end of the pentagram. "Now the blood said, Mike said, I took out a folding knife and brought it to my thumb, pressed it, blood appeared, it fell into the center of the pentagram, my friends did the same.

    Sinek took out a book with a spell, everything was scarier and scarier to me, after the spell was read, we all calmed down, as if the calm before the storm.

    It's all bullshit, I said, Let's go home.

    Wait, Nikita, let's go check the legend, well, where people are revived, Mike suggested.

    Sanya did not mind, I agreed, we moved, added confidence to a folding knife in his pocket, we came to the dam, it was, very creepy, after being there for half an hour, we realized that there was no one here and went towards the gate, illuminating the way with a flashlight, I dedicated.

    On a distant grave I saw rotten ribs sticking out, instead of nails there were sharp claws, eyes burned, burning with our gaze, I froze.

    What are you talking about, I said, they looked where I was pointing and sprang at us. Misha yelled, Run," I began to run like a madman, abruptly hiding behind one of the graves. I prayed that it wouldn't find me, hiding, I sat for about five minutes, everything was quiet.

    I was very creepy and afraid to look out. And yet I made up my mind, there was no one, I dropped the flashlight from the light, only the phone, I moved away from here, my legs were trembling with fear, it was difficult to walk, approaching the gate, I tried to open it and was numb, it was closed. Why the hell did I curse aloud and turn on the lantern through the gate, I wouldn't have climbed over, it was high, and at the end of the sharp teeth the fence was brick and not high, but at that moment it was overgrown with trees. Although there was no trace of them here. I realized that I would not be able to escape, the rules of this terrible game said that you need to live until dawn. Behind me, I heard footsteps, turning around, I saw it was different, this time there was hair in this evil spirit, worms were stirring in the stomach.

    Having initiated her to this, and she screamed and covered her face with her hands, I blinded her, my hands trembled. It was my chance to rush towards the gatehouse, which my friends and I were carefully bypassing, running in, I closed the door with a bolt, when I looked at the watchman, I fell off my feet, he was torn apart, his stomach was ripped open, blood was everywhere on the walls, on the floor, even on the ceiling.

    And in his eyes, one could read wild horror: our eyes were interrupted by a blow on the door and asked me to come out, hoping that the door would withstand the blows. After 10 minutes, everything stopped. I tried to come to my senses. An hour later, I got up and looked out of the small window of the gatehouse, and then I heard Sanya's voice, Where are you, come out? "Out of wild horror, it did not occur to me to call the police.

    I almost decided to open the door, when then the same evil spirits appeared from behind the grave, leaning against the wall, I took the phone and wrote to Sanya, the live answer was not long in coming, I hid.

    Misha answered me, "I don't know where Sinek is. I was in the gatehouse, the watchman was dead, I heard a piercing scream, it must have been Misha. From strong adrenaline and fatigue, I collapsed on the floor and passed out, woke up from the rays of the sun. Without hesitation, I opened the door, everything was calm, I ran to the gate. They were open, and I ran out of the cemetery. I had nightmares with Misha. He called me to the cemetery, my friend and I decided to go there, at the end of the cemetery we found Misha's fresh grave.

    Night visit

    Irina, a woman of about 40 years old, divorced, came home as usual on Wednesday, had dinner, put the children to bed. And she sat down in an armchair and began to read an interesting book. This is her favorite pastime to devour a new novel, about love, knights and honor.

    She did not notice how

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