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Iced: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #2
Iced: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #2
Iced: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #2
Ebook269 pages3 hours

Iced: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #2

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A broken warrior puts everything on the line to save the woman he loves.

Rexx is an oddity. Held prisoner for months by a brutal enemy, he's damaged, and uncertain he'll ever heal. His job on the Apocalypse should be easy. And it is until he gets assigned a feisty human biologist to protect. He isn't even good enough to shine her boots. But being around Daisy is enough. She makes him feel alive. But he wants so much more...

Daisy Roebuck's days are filled with crucial conservation work. She doesn't have time to deal with her elusive, overly protective partner. Rexx is a mystery. He's more machine than alien. But he's always protecting her. And he stirs something inside her she's never felt before...

When Daisy discovers she's been implanted with alien tech, her dreams implode. Her team sees her as a threat and she's imprisoned. When all hope is lost, Rexx saves her.

On the run, desperate, and isolated, they only have each other. Defenses crumble, and desire takes over. But the threats close in. If they can't figure out how to remove the tech, Daisy will be lost forever, and Rexx will be destroyed.



This action-romance sci-fi novel has a crew of feisty, smart women, hot, gorgeous Apexian alien warriors, action-packed battles, funny, quirky alien critters, and steamy scenes set in space.

Release dateJun 1, 2020
Iced: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #2

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    Book preview

    Iced - Arcadia Shield

    Chapter 1

    You’re breathing on me. Daisy Roebuck adjusted her position against the cold, pale gray rock. Her elbows rested on the top of the smooth surface, her gaze glued to the night vision scope.

    I’m not. The quiet, deep rumble of Rexx O’Libe came from beside her.

    Nothing will get me. Not when I have you literally breathing down my neck. Give me space. I can’t afford any distractions. One wrong move and we’ll lose this zinibar. This is the first confirmed sighting we’ve had in over six months. We’re not letting this one go.

    There was a quiet grunt and a faint shuffle.

    Daisy glanced over her shoulder and had to repress a smile. Rexx’s shoulders were hunched. He’d moved about two inches away from her. He was her huge, super-toned, intimidating shadow, dressed in a bodysuit that covered his head, most of his face, and even his hands. Rexx was like a sexy Spiderman on steroids. And that Spiderman outfit showed off every muscled inch of him. There was nothing left to the imagination.

    His purple gaze caught hers, and her breath caught in her throat. Daisy looked away. She was focused on the mission, nothing else. Sure, anyone would be physically attracted to this giant, muscled, hot to trot alien, but he was way too intense for her. He never laughed. And as for his private life, she didn’t know if he had one. If he did, he kept those cards close to his chest.

    Rexx was a gorgeous mystery. But he was someone else’s mystery to unpack. Daisy was here for work. She’d not spent six years at university, then worked as a poorly paid apprentice under the late Alexi Domanov, to screw this up.

    We haven’t had a break, Rexx said.

    I’m good. You take five minutes if you need it. Of course, he didn’t need it. He was asking because he thought she did. That was one good thing about having Rexx as her partner. He was always taking care of her.

    You’ve not had a break for three hours. Your eyes will get strained if you keep using the night vision scope.

    If they do, I’ve got your eyes as backup. And they’re way better than mine.

    One large hand clamped over hers. Rexx eased the night vision scope away from her. Ten minutes.

    With a resigned sigh, Daisy stepped back. There was no arguing with Rexx. If he thought she needed a break, she took a break. If she didn’t, he’d start muttering and pacing, and then there’d be no way she could concentrate.

    I could do with some water, she said.

    He pulled a flask from his bag and handed it to her, along with her favorite flavor of protein bar.

    I didn’t think we had any of the dark chocolate salted caramel left. She tore off the wrapping and took a huge bite. You spoil me.

    My partner needs the right nutrition.

    What about you?

    I’m not hungry. His steady, intense gaze remained on her. He was always watching. When they’d first started working together, she’d found it creepy, but it was the norm these days. Rexx was just being, well, Rexx. Silent, lethal, and overly protective. It was an Apexian thing. But he took it to a whole new level with her.

    She pressed her hand against her stomach as the food hit. That queasy feeling was back. It had been there for a couple of months.

    What’s wrong? Rexx said.

    Daisy lowered her hand. He didn’t miss a thing. Nothing.

    Why are you wincing?

    She looked at the protein bar. I guess I wasn’t so hungry after all.

    If you’re sick, we can abort the mission. His hand was already moving to the comms device in his ear.

    Don’t you dare. This project is my baby. I’ve written a dozen papers on the zinibar. We’re getting him. If we can get a healthy adult male into the sanctuary on Tiavac, we’ll have babies by the end of the year.

    Rexx’s eyes narrowed a fraction. Have something to drink. I need to report this to Cleo.

    Cleo doesn’t need to know every time I have a gut ache. It’s probably my time of the month.

    It’s not. I know your cycle.

    Eww! Rexx, that’s nasty. You don’t have to know everything about your partner.

    I do. And when you’re menstruating, you gain five pounds, mainly on your stomach and your hips, and there’s a faint flush to your cheeks. And—

    She jammed a hand over her ear. Quit talking about my period. It’s weird. Most guys have no clue what’s going on with a woman’s body. But you... She waved a hand at him. Again, this was creepy, but it was every day with Rexx. He noticed the little things. It’s what made him an amazing warrior. Although the importance of her cycle was one hundred percent off limits.

    A ping from the detection scanner alerted Daisy that something was moving. She set down her protein bar and picked up the scanner. We’ve got company. Our boy’s on the prowl.

    We should still abort. If you’re not operating at full capacity—

    My operational capacity is great. Let’s focus on this capture. Pack the gear. He’s moving to the first trap.

    She ignored Rexx’s grumbles as he packed their surveillance equipment. Despite her protests, they worked well together. If it weren’t for the fact Rexx took the strong, overly protective act to the extreme end of the spectrum, it would be ideal.

    I’ll lead. It was his usual response whenever they were on a mission. Rexx put himself front and center when there was a sniff of danger.

    Daisy had stopped arguing with him that she could take care of herself. She’d punched plenty of aliens when they’d gotten too aggressive and landed a few good kicks to their soft and dangly bits. But, as Rexx always told her, what’s the point of having a kickass alien warrior on hand if you do all the work yourself? Well, he never said those exact words, but that’s what he meant.

    She adjusted the temperature on her body suit, she was feeling clammy, and followed Rexx out from behind their watch base.

    The terrain of Eveiha was nothing to write home about. There’d been several attempts at terraforming, but the unstable plate tectonics meant no one stuck it out for long. The air was breathable, which was good. It meant no full body suits were needed. But the instability of the planet meant only the hardiest of creatures stuck it out. And that included zinibars. They were survivalists. Unfortunately, they didn’t survive the weapons of most aliens out there.

    They were considered a delicacy by many, so were popular to hunt and capture. That made them rare and at risk, which had brought them to the attention of Daisy and the crew of the Apocalypse.

    She had big plans for this creature. She wanted to see dozens of baby zinibars bouncing around in the care of one of the preservation sanctuaries located across the star system.

    Rexx stopped so suddenly that Daisy almost slammed into his back.

    Jeez! A little warning. She backed up a few steps.

    I see him.

    She peered around Rexx, and a smile crossed her face. Look at the colorings on his scales. He’s rainbow marked. Zinibars were similar to armadillos. They were armor plated ground shufflers with elongated snouts. The main difference was their size. These guys hit eight feet in height, and they had a frill around their necks they used in courtship and threat displays. And they could punch through an armored vehicle when they got their speed up.

    He’s heading straight to the trap, Rexx said.

    Daisy inhaled and pressed her lips together, delight bouncing inside her. He’s almost in. Another dozen steps, and we’ll have him.

    The scanner she held gave a faint ping, signaling more movement. She raised it slowly, so as not to startle the creature, and her forehead wrinkled. Could another zinibar be out here?

    They don’t travel in packs.

    Something’s moving close by. Keep an eye on this one. I’ll take a look. She focused on the scanner as she located the origin of the movement. It was close. Too close, which meant it must be small.

    Daisy took a few steps away from Rexx.

    Stay where I can see you, he cautioned.

    Always. I know you’ll come after me if I don’t. Daisy had taken ten more steps when she froze. Oh! You’re kidding me. Partially concealed inside a scoured out piece of rock were two small zinibars, barely bigger than the palm of her hand. Rexx! There are baby zinibars over here. We’re standing almost on top of a nest. There must be a breeding pair on this planet.

    He was at her side in an instant.

    Daisy crouched, keeping her distance, to make sure she didn’t spook the babies. They look in good condition.

    That must be why the male was tempted out so easily. He has young to feed.

    A low, angry growl came from behind the rock the babies were nesting in, and the dirt shook beneath their feet.

    Rexx grabbed Daisy and yanked her back, just as another zinibar stomped out, the frill around its neck exposed in all its beautiful, terrifying glory.

    This must be Momma, Daisy said, her pulse ricocheting in her throat. Whoa, this stunning creature was huge and pissed off.

    Rexx leapt in front of Daisy, his gun already out of its holster.

    No, you don’t. No shooting. Daisy grabbed his arm and gave it a warning squeeze. She’s protecting her young. Her frill is half-extended, which means she’s giving us a chance to get lost. We’ll back up nice and slow and show her we’re not a threat.

    The creature’s long yellow tongue poked out as she tasted the air. She growled again and shimmied her frill.

    Daisy dug her fingers into Rexx’s solid bicep. Move slowly. And keep your gun lowered.

    There was a sharp shriek and a clatter of metal behind them.

    The female zinibar’s head bobbed, and she alarm-called a high whistle scream.

    Daisy spun round and looked at the trap. Her stomach clenched. This was bad. She didn’t know how he’d done it, but the male had gotten in, grabbed the food, and was out before the door had slammed on him. And he was racing toward them, his head down.

    Before Daisy had a chance to react, her feet were taken out from under her, and she was carried away by Rexx, who had tucked her half under his arm.

    For the love of all things... Rexx! Put me down. She’d lost count of the number of times he’d done this. It was like he thought she didn’t know when to run when they slammed into danger.

    Not yet.

    She twisted in his arms, pulling herself over his shoulder so she could see if they were being pursued.

    The two adults stood over the babies, checking on them.

    Rexx, that’s enough. We’re safe. They’re not chasing us. Put me down.

    He slowed to a jog and then a fast walk. He finally stopped when they were among a copse of stunted trees and placed her gently on her feet.

    As he always did after a near miss, his hands ran over her, starting at her head, tracing over her face, over her shoulders, and down her arms. They’d sweep over her back, always skimming her chest, and then down her legs. Although there was nothing sexual in his investigation of her potential injuries, his touch stirred a heat inside her. And why shouldn’t it? She was young, single, and hadn’t had fun in bed for months. But for Rexx, this was business. He was making sure his partner was uninjured. He had to make sure she was operationally fit.

    Daisy jerked her head back as his fingers brushed her cheek in a rare tender gesture. Her heart spasmed, and she forced herself to step away. It meant nothing. Rexx wasn’t romantic. He wasn’t the alien for her. But no one had ever looked after her like Rexx did. Not even Johnny. No, he was dead to her. And he deserved to be dead for real.

    Daisy cast a mournful look in the direction of their abandoned mission. Her hand went to her stomach again. After being tossed around by Rexx, she felt like she’d been on a quadruple spin rollercoaster. The kind that threw you about until your head pounded and you couldn’t see straight for hours.

    I know you’re not happy with me, but I had to get you out of danger. Rexx’s gaze shifted to her hand, which still rested on her stomach. It was the right thing to do. Especially since you’re not—

    I know. You don’t think I’m operationally capable.

    You’re more than capable. But we need to rethink the capture. You want this to succeed but not at the expense of your health.

    She blinked several times and took a deep breath. Rexx never lied or exaggerated. He was always doing the right thing by her. And as she focused, she realized just how gross she felt. Her tongue was furry, there was a weird, metallic taste in her mouth, and her stomach was churning.

    I’m gutted we didn’t get the zinibar, but it’s all good. And I know what you need to do. Daisy let out a resigned sigh. Make the call to Cleo. Tell her this is a bust.

    He gave a swift nod and opened a comm link to the Apocalypse. This is Rexx. I’m calling mission abort.

    Daisy tipped back her head. Mission abort. Sometimes, when they had shitty days like this, she wanted to call an abort on her entire career.


    You should rest. Rexx tracked Daisy’s movement as she paced in front of him. He’d never get bored with seeing her elfin figure. Her dark hair was cropped short, still growing back after being partially shaved off when she’d been briefly captured. That memory had his fists clenching. No, she was here with him. So long as she was close, he’d look after her.

    I don’t know how many ways I can tell you there’s nothing wrong with me. I don’t need to rest. I’ve changed my mind. Let’s cancel the mission abort. We still have time.

    When we’re collected, we can leave another team down here. We know where the nest site is. The traps are set. The hard work’s been done.

    The parents will be searching for somewhere new to hide their young. We do it now, or we’ll have lost the chance. We shouldn’t waste time.

    Keeping you safe isn’t a waste of time. It’s my mission.

    She cast him an exasperated look. It was an expression he’d gotten used to.

    Rexx didn’t care if she got annoyed by him. He could smell when something was wrong with her. His senses had been enhanced, thanks to a few months of being a sadistic monster’s lab rat. And while all Apexians had heightened senses, his were more sensitive than anyone else’s.

    As gross as Daisy found it, he could sniff out when she was sick. And their bond was intensified because they’d exchanged energy a few times. That was a binding force. You shared blood, you shared power, and you formed a connection that went bone deep and lasted for life. For him, anyway.

    Everything in Rexx screamed to protect Daisy. And that included protecting her from himself.

    He slid a health scanner from the pack he carried and activated it, discreetly scanning Daisy when she had her back turned to him. His brow wrinkled as he read the output. She was running a temperature.

    Hey, what are you doing with that? She stalked over and tugged the scanner from his hand.

    You have a fever. I knew you were ill.

    I’m not! She tipped back her head and let out a long sigh.

    But you’re not feeling well?

    Daisy looked back at him and pursed her full lips. Will you get off my back if I admit I’m tired?

    He shook his head. That’s it. Lab work for a month. No missions off the ship.

    No way. You’re out of your mind. And you’d die of boredom stuck on the Apocalypse for a whole month. You live for the escape.

    He may go stir crazy, but it wouldn’t be the first time. He’d manage a month inside, so long as she was safe.

    Daisy glared at him then checked through the scan results. You’re overreacting. It’s a small rise in temperature. It’s nothing. I’m having an off day, that’s all. She placed the scanner back in the pack then leaned against a tree.

    He had to convince her to take a proper break. They worked hard as part of the catch and retrieval crew on the ship. It was long hours, but rewarding when they helped preserve an endangered species. And it was rewarding for him because it made Daisy so happy.

    You don’t like to do the lab work? he said.

    She shrugged. Sure. Not as much as Wren, though. She lives for the microscopes.

    Not anymore. I’ve lost my sparring partner, thanks to her.

    Daisy chuckled. You haven’t lost Striker. He just gets preoccupied when Wren’s around. And why not? Wren is awesome.

    Rexx grunted. He had no problem with anyone on-board the Apocalypse, but Striker was his go-to guy when he needed a partner in the training room. Now, Striker’s thoughts were only on Wren.

    He slid Daisy a glance. He understood the obsession. When he wasn’t thinking about the next mission, he was working through strategies to keep Daisy protected. She was too trusting. It got her in trouble.

    She nudged him with an elbow. This was a partial success. After all, we located the zinibars. I never thought I’d see one in the flesh.

    We were close.

    They’re so beautiful. And those babies will be adored. They mate for life when they find a compatible partner.

    I know.

    She nudged him again. You ever thought about that?

    Only all the time when he was around her. No.

    You don’t have anyone special back home?

    The Apocalypse is my home.

    Okay. So, no cute women on board getting your attention?

    Was she deliberately provoking him? You know our work keeps me busy.

    She huffed out a breath. Yeah, me too. Zero time for dating.

    He sucked in a breath, his muscles clenching. You want to date?

    Sure. I’m alive! I need some fun.

    Work is fun.

    Daisy paused, and her head tilted to the side. It can be. No, it is fun. I love what we do. But...

    His breathing was shallow. She wanted a mate? It would rip him in two if he had to watch her with someone else. But it was better she find someone who would treat her right. She didn’t need some fucked up, broken alien who felt like he was about to splinter when he let the darkness in.

    Daisy puffed out several breaths. You’re right. Focus on the missions. That’s what we’re here for. She turned away and stared into the distance.

    His hand hovered against her back. Her happiness meant everything to him. But he couldn’t make her happy, and he could easily destroy her if he wasn’t careful. He knew his own strength. His time as a prison experiment had changed him. He had to keep hidden how damaged he was.

    The comm link activated in his ear. Hey, guys. It’s Cleo. We’re ten minutes out. Meet you at the pickup point.

    Confirmed. Rexx picked up both their packs, glad he could concentrate on the

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