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Heaven's Kin
Heaven's Kin
Heaven's Kin
Ebook50 pages41 minutes

Heaven's Kin

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And God said, "Let there be light", and there was light. In that moment, the first son of the Lord came into being, and he was beautiful. 


The angel was the herald of the dawn, and as his younger brothers were fashioned by the guiding hand of the cosmos, they all came to know Lucifer as their elder, and placed their trust in him, for he was the first, and the loveliest to behold.


For untold ages he was a figure of respect, and beloved by his brothers. He taught Michael to fight, Gabriel to sing, Uriel to laugh, and was all things to his many brethren.


But the Lord saw fit to place the highest beings of creation into the roles of servants, and it was more than the son of Heaven could bear. His pride overwhelmed him, and when he called for war against his creator, many of his brothers proclaimed-


"Is he not the eldest, and thus the wisest among us? Why should we not follow him?"


A civil war broke out amongst the angelic host, and the angel of light was cast into darkness, doomed to fall into madness and despair. Some of the angels who'd followed him begged their father in Heaven for forgiveness, and while they would never be permitted to return to the celestial realms, they were allowed to maintain their connection with God, provided they willingly submitted themselves to the whims of mankind. 


The fallen angels who refused God's mercy followed Lucifer into the abyss from which there is no return, and became the worst kinds of Devils to ever walk the Earth.


The angel of light knew no more, for his mind had shattered, and was swallowed up by his own pride, never to return to his former state of Glory.


"I will ascend higher than the highest clouds; I will be the Most High." 

-Isaiah 14:14


Release dateJun 7, 2024
Heaven's Kin

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    Book preview

    Heaven's Kin - Zwahk muchoney



    The Tale of Lucifer

    And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. In that moment, the first son of the Lord came into being, and he was beautiful. 

    The angel was the herald of the dawn, and as his younger brothers were fashioned by the guiding hand of the cosmos, they all came to know Lucifer as their elder, and placed their trust in him, for he was the first, and the loveliest to behold.

    For untold ages he was a figure of respect, and beloved by his brothers. He taught Michael to fight, Gabriel to sing, Uriel to laugh, and was all things to his many brethren.

    But the Lord saw fit to place the highest beings of creation into the roles of servants, and it was more than the son of Heaven could bear. His pride overwhelmed him, and when he called for war against his creator, many of his brothers proclaimed-

    Is he not the eldest, and thus the wisest among us? Why should we not follow him?

    A civil war broke out amongst the angelic host, and the angel of light was cast into darkness, doomed to fall into madness and despair. Some of the angels who'd followed him begged their father in Heaven for forgiveness, and while they would never be permitted to return to the celestial realms, they were allowed to maintain their connection with God, provided they willingly submitted themselves to the whims of mankind. 

    The fallen angels who refused God's mercy followed Lucifer into the abyss from which there is no return, and became the worst kinds of Devils to ever walk the Earth.

    The angel of light knew no more, for his mind had shattered, and was swallowed up by his own pride, never to return to his former state of Glory.

    I will ascend higher than the highest clouds; I will be the Most High. -Isaiah 14:14



    The Trials of Saint Michael

    Michael had been at war with the fallen for centuries. The burden of battling evil angels had taken its toll, it didn't matter whether Heaven's armies fought against the legions of Samyaza or the fiend Mastema, the large, muscular celestial soldiers always left the battlefield wounded and all but destroyed. Michael had grown weary, and as of late he'd been haunted by the notion that there was no point to his efforts.

    One day, in spite of himself, he thought- My brother down below, he resides over Hell, and deals with the most sinful of men. He has seen every horror imaginable, and knows more than any of us about the nature of evil. It goes against my better judgment to call out to him, but perhaps I could at least consider- And then it was too late, the words threw themselves through his mind so fast that Michael could barely keep pace-

    I wonder, what would Satan do if he were in my place?

    Michael felt a terrible shame at this, his brother of the lower realms was an absolute bastard, a satyr of vice and debauchery, and yet the warrior could not help but envy the liberty of the infernal angel. Their species was usually bound within the strict guidelines of the Lord, and yet his evil, scheming little brother was given freedoms the rest of them lacked. It wasn't fair, and despite Michael's enormous power and size, he wondered if Satan, who

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