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The Endless Sea: grief poetry
The Endless Sea: grief poetry
The Endless Sea: grief poetry
Ebook184 pages1 hour

The Endless Sea: grief poetry

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"Trauma forges you into a force that never chose to be reckoned with".

The Endless Sea is a deep-dive into the vast ocean that is grief. It poetically examines three very different types of grief: grieving the dead, grieving the living, and grieving the self. No emotion is left unwritten, no stone is left unturned. Riding the r

Release dateJun 10, 2024
The Endless Sea: grief poetry

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    Book preview

    The Endless Sea - Stefanie Briar

    Chapter 1

    grieving the dead

    It comes in waves

    that never break…

    How dare the sun rise.

    How dare the stars shine.

    How dare the sky not fall into the sea.

    How dare the earth not split its seams

    and swallow me where I am standing.

    You. Are. Gone.

    How dare the world continue to turn.

    Missing you will be the end of me.

    This is dry land,

    but grief is the endless sea,

    and I am drowning.

    That first night, I screamed.

    I shrieked and wailed into a pillow,

    bloodcurdling cries suffocated

    by fabric and feathers while I poured out

    my rage, my despair, my unrelenting anger.

    I had never felt like more of an animal.

    And I realized it then: grief changes you.

    It rewires the brain, re-helixes the DNA,

    brands unfathomable pain upon the heart

    until it is thick with scar tissue.

    To miss you is to lose myself too,

    to become a walking, empty husk,

    forever captive to a heart that has

    the audacity to keep beating

    even though yours never will again.

    Whatever humanity is left in me

    leaks out in the places I store my pain.

    I have never felt like less of a person:

    screaming my way into grief

    and dreaming myself away

    to wherever you are.

    The greatest paradox:

    the weight of your loss

    is the anchor around my ankles,

    but the strength of your love

    is what keeps me reaching skyward.

    What could I have done?

    You laid there cold and grey,

    soon to be the ashes of your former fire,

    and I wished I’d known what was coming.

    How could I not have been there?

    How could I not save what has saved me

    more times than I could ever count?

    I bargained, negotiated, lawyered, and

    begged: you, myself, the universe,

    and every force imaginable

    for a do-over, a rewind, an hourglass flip

    that would put everything back in its place.

    But I clung on, uselessly and helplessly

    to what had already slipped away.

    And I prayed without praying

    that I would one day be able

    to forgive you for leaving

    and myself for not knowing

    it was coming.

    Language does not properly convey

    the intolerable pain of losing you.

    I am:










    No word could ever come close

    to adequately describing how it feels

    to endure the unendurable.

    My heart? Broken.

    My body? Numb.

    My soul? Gone (flown away to wherever you are).

    My mind is a tangled web of dark thoughts

    and erratic emotions.

    My mood vacillates between blind rage

    and crippling depression.

    Grief is a single word with a thousand meanings,

    none of which do the subject any justice.

    Grief is the endless sea.

    There is nothing out ahead of me

    but constant, churning darkness.

    Grief is the endless sea.

    There is no dry land on the horizon,

    only new ways to drown.

    Grief is the endless sea,

    its current having its way with me,

    mercilessly dragging me onward…

    toward nothing

    but more pain.

    Grief is the endless sea:

    the sun rising each day

    on more invisible agony,

    on new ways for the world

    to no longer contain you,

    on missed milestones

    that become more links

    in a neverending chain

    of missing you.

    You keep losing them

    after you lose them.

    It happens in small ways

    and through little reminders

    that they once were here…

    hair left in a brush,

    a handwritten note,

    their favorite song,

    the scent of their clothes.

    Each of these discoveries

    is its own aftershock-

    a byproduct of the earthquake

    that ended life as you knew it…

    tiny, forked river funerals

    that eventually flow

    into the same endless sea.

    Lately, every day

    begins the same way:

    I wake up okay

    for a split second,

    and then I remember

    that you are gone.

    I am whole for a moment,

    and then suddenly

    my heart is b r o k e n.

    Your fire was my inheritance,

    but I was unprepared for the violence:

    the unyielding violence of the grief,

    of the missing piece out of place.

    Some days, it is screaming red

    and bewilderingly mean,

    bellowing its way out of me.

    The storm inside is unleashed,

    and my own palms are kissed

    by the nail crescents of clenched fists.

    And I hate absolutely everything

    when I miss you this ferociously.

    I yank at handfuls of my hair

    and punch anything that will have me

    until I leave my mark on something

    and the sight of my own blood

    returns me to myself.

    The problem is

    I always return without you.

    I am a soul in ruins,

    a house condemned.


    it is as though someone

    turned off all the lights

    then boarded up the windows

    and the front door.

    Nobody is home.

    Nobody is home anymore.

    The promise of someday

    is enough to set my teeth on edge.

    Someday, you will feel better again.

    Someday, it will get easier.

    Someday, this will be a distant memory.

    Someday, you will no longer be in pieces.

    But today I am

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