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Wolf: Berserker Boys 2: Berserker Boys, #2
Wolf: Berserker Boys 2: Berserker Boys, #2
Wolf: Berserker Boys 2: Berserker Boys, #2
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Wolf: Berserker Boys 2: Berserker Boys, #2

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About this ebook

Control the game before it controls you.


Yeardley hasn't been to a con in years. Not only is she looking forward to hanging out with her friends, but she is hoping the hotty Viking cosplayer, Wolf, will finally sit up and take notice.


Unbeknownst to her she's about to walk into battle, figuratively and literally. In an epic maneuver sure to go down in con history, Yeardley offers up a programmer smack down. While still riding that adrenaline high her skills are put to the test as she is thrown into another smack down, this time of fantasy proportions.


You don't choose the berserker life.

The berserker life chooses you.

Release dateJun 7, 2024
Wolf: Berserker Boys 2: Berserker Boys, #2

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    Wolf - Lulu M. Sylvian



    W hat are you wearing? Aaliyah’s voice sounded scratchy through the speaker phone.

    Clothes, why? Yeardley asked.

    Aren’t you and Maisie doing cosplay?

    I am, Yeardley chuckled. Maisie said she was, but she hadn’t decided what yet. Why aren’t you dressing up?

    Yeardley leaned in closer to the mirror and swiped the mascara wand through her lashes, blending them into the false lashes.

    I modified my Halloween costume from last year. Red and black Harley Quinn, with long pants, no booty shorts.

    Arg! I don’t know what to wear, Aaliyah confessed.

    What, Vik’s not helping you?

    Vik said I don’t need to. He’s not dressing up. He said his geek cred is secure, and that I should be fine, since I will be with him.

    You don’t need to dress up if you don’t want to. She pulled back and checked out her reflection. She tugged on her hair, adjusting the high ponytails. Her pale blonde hair fell to just below her chin level.

    Won’t I stick out?

    Not at all, there are going to be plenty of people in just t-shirts and jeans. You’ll be fine.

    Yeardley’s phone started clicking.

    Hey Aaliyah, I’m getting another call. I’ll see you there. And if you’re worried about it just put on a superhero t-shirt and you’ll be fine.

    Bye, I’ll see you later.

    Yeardley hit the buttons on her phone switching calls.

    Maisie’s face appeared on the screen.

    Yeardley what are you wearing? she sounded panicked.

    Why is everyone asking me this? What are you wearing?

    I found an old Wonder Woman costume in the back of my closet, and it still fits, Maisie said.

    That sounds fun.

    Are you sure? Maisie asked.

    Maisie, have you put it on?


    Send me a pic.

    Okay, you’ll be honest with me. You’ll tell me if I look too fat?

    Yeardley sighed. Maisie, I will tell you if you look stupid.

    Yeardley picked up her phone and leaned back against the bathroom counter. She didn’t have to wait long before Maisie’s picture flashed on her notifications. She swiped the screen so that she could see the whole picture.

    Maisie looked adorable. Her costume was a more historical twist of the comic book heroine’s outfit. Instead of a body suit, she had a short pleated skirt and a chiton style neckline. But all the colors and all the stars, and the large gold bracers were there.

    You look adorable.

    But am I too fat for this?

    Maisie, I love you…

    But you are going to tell me that I am fat, but that doesn’t mean I’m not also cute.

    Then why are you asking me, if you know that’s what I’m gonna say? Yeardley asked.

    But am I cute enough?

    Cute enough for what? Yeardley asked. She knew exactly what Maisie was asking, was Maisie cute enough for Scottie. She didn’t have that answer. Scottie didn’t seem interested in Maisie. But Yeardley had no idea what Scottie was looking for in a woman.

    Scottie was Maisie’s big crush. He had been her MinVid crush until she met him in real life, and ever since she had been obsessed with whether he would like everything she did or wore, or… It didn’t help that he was a flirt.

    Yeardley was busy dealing with her own crush, she didn’t have time to also manage Maisie’s crush.

    Can I send you what I’m wearing? Yeardley asked.

    Oh yeah, send me pictures, Maisie squealed.

    Yeardley posed in the mirror and took a few pictures.

    Oh, Harley Quinn! It’s perfect. Are you sure I look okay? Maisie asked again.

    Maisie, you look adorbs, you really do. Look, I need to finish getting ready so I can be there in time.

    You look great, I’ll see you there.

    Yeardley ended the call and tossed the phone back on the counter. Lipstick and jewelry were the finishing touches and she would be ready. Maisie’s anxiety over if Scottie would think she was cute, Yeardley keenly felt, but in regards to Wolf.

    Wolf was Scottie’s roommate. He was also a super gamer, so much so he was a game programmer for the wildly popular Edgeland. Maisie, Aaliyah and Yeardley had met the three men by chance a few weeks ago. The guys, Wolf, Vik, and Scottie, were all dressed as Vikings for a Live Action Role Play event. Even though they had a misunderstanding over Norse Heathen symbols, Aaliyah and Vik hit it off immediately.

    After Aaliyah and Vik went from nothing to being a couple in the blink of an eye she had met the other guys a few more times. It made Yeardley nuts because she couldn’t get any more information about Wolf out of her friend. It was almost as if Aaliyah wasn’t paying any attention to any man other than Vik.

    At least Yeardley wasn’t as obviously obsessive as Maisie was over Scottie. Well, she hoped she wasn’t being as obvious.

    She and Maisie had gotten to see their crushes again a few days earlier, when Scottie had arranged a group outing to the movies. The next installment in everyone’s favorite super hero saga was being released. It had sounded like a great idea, and Yeardley had really hoped she would get a chance to do a bit more than awkwardly talk with Wolf.

    When she and Maisie arrived at the theater, Aaliyah having gone with Vik, Yeardley was disappointed to find it was a large group event that Scottie hadn’t organized so much as announced he was

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