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Legend of the Rising Martial God: Legend of the Rising Martial God, #1
Legend of the Rising Martial God: Legend of the Rising Martial God, #1
Legend of the Rising Martial God: Legend of the Rising Martial God, #1
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Legend of the Rising Martial God: Legend of the Rising Martial God, #1

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One tranquil day in Tengjia Town, an unusual celestial phenomenon suddenly appeared. The distant Mangshan Mountains were covered with blood-red clouds, resembling a river of blood encircling the sky. Fissures like deep abysses split the heavens, causing the townspeople to flee in terror. Rumors spread that the mountains were one of the five forbidden areas of the True Martial Dynasty...

On the same day, a youth boy named Teng Fei found a woman by the riverbank. She was ethereal like a fairy, dressed in white, and not of this world. This woman brought him a powerful source of strength, opening the door to the path of the mighty.

Can a master stay with their disciple? Teng Fei is striving hard—for his master, and for himself!

PublisherZhou Yan
Release dateJun 9, 2024
Legend of the Rising Martial God: Legend of the Rising Martial God, #1

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    Legend of the Rising Martial God - Feng Xiao Dao

    Chapter 1 Prologue

    Heavens, quick, look over there... What is that thing?

    In the evening, the sky was clear, and a person pointed to the far west, above the Mangdang Mountains, with a surprised expression.

    It doesn’t look like the sunset glow, the sunset glow isn’t this red! said another person.

    The Mangdang Mountains are teeming with magical beasts, maybe it’s the magical beasts fighting, and their blood has dyed the sky red!

    Don’t be so dramatic, you’ve been reading too many adventure stories.

    Almost all the people in Teng Family Town were stirred up, with crowds of people on the streets, all pointing to the distant west and discussing excitedly.

    Hundreds of miles away, in the sky above the Mangdang Mountains, the large scale of fish-scale clouds that had formed in the evening should have been dyed golden-yellow by the sunset, but now they were gradually being covered by a blood-red color!

    As if splashed with a large amount of fresh blood, and even more startling was that the dazzling red sky seemed to be flowing like water.

    Heavens, look! What is that?

    Someone suddenly shouted, their voice trembling slightly, as if they had seen something terribly frightening.

    In the blood-red sky above the Mangdang Mountains, a huge, pitch-black crack had suddenly appeared, stretching across the blood-red sky for dozens of miles!

    The crack was unfathomably deep, like an endless abyss, or as if the sky had been slashed open by a giant sword!

    The crowd in Teng Family Town who had been watching the spectacle suddenly became terrified, as people instinctively sensed the fear and began to scatter, rushing back to their homes and tightly shutting their doors, filled with dread.

    This celestial phenomenon was too horrifying, too eerie!

    The long crack stretched across the sky above the Mangdang Mountains like a rainbow, with the slowly flowing blood-red color around it looking so ominous.

    Until nightfall, when darkness enveloped the land, the blood-red color above the Mangdang Mountains gradually receded, and the sky turned a dim blue.

    However, the image of the blood-like flowing color and the crack like an endless abyss had been etched into the hearts of everyone who witnessed this scene, and even decades later, they would still talk about it as if it had happened just yesterday.

    Although the Mangdang Mountains, hundreds of miles away, were known for all kinds of strange stories, and the people of Teng Family Town were already used to it, this sight had truly shocked and terrified everyone, making their souls tremble.

    This eerie celestial phenomenon had caused an uproar in the Teng Family Town area.

    What exactly had happened? Even the most powerful Teng Family patriarch, Old Master Teng, could not explain it, and he strictly forbade all the family members from going to explore that mountain range.

    The Mangdang Mountains were not to be taken lightly, even by powerful martial artists, as it was also known as one of the five forbidden lands of the True Martial Dynasty!

    This was a place that the younger members of the Teng Family could not venture into.

    Chapter 2 Teng Fei

    You, come here! On the training ground of Teng Family Town, a middle-aged man with a tall, muscular, and powerful build pointed at a 12 or 13-year-old young man among a group of children.

    Instructor, hello. The young man had a handsome face and a somewhat slender, weak build, but his gaze was clear and resolute.

    Haha, Teng Fei is going to get beaten up again!

    The instructor must think it’s more fun to bully the legitimate young master of the Teng Family!

    Ah, speaking of which, Young Master Teng Fei is quite pitiful...

    Yes, the legitimate young master of the Teng Family can’t even sense qi, and many people say he’s not a true Teng Family bloodline!

    Shh, don’t say that casually, or you’ll get in trouble even with your own family’s protection! Anyway, we’re all serving the Teng Family, so just do your own job properly.

    Hehe hehe...

    A group of teenagers were snickering and whispering among themselves, looking at Teng Fei’s slender figure.

    The middle-aged man called the instructor had a stern expression, and his gaze at Teng Fei was undisguised contempt as he coldly said, How’s your Black Tiger Fist? I’m going to test it, come at me with all your strength!

    Haha haha! The group of teenagers below burst into loud laughter, doubling over.

    Teng Fei’s resolute face showed no change, he only nodded slightly. He stepped in front of the instructor, saluting with clasped hands.

    Then he steadied his stance, slightly bending his waist, and took the starting position of the Black Tiger Fist. His clear, pure eyes held no emotion as he let out a shout and swung his right arm, instantly putting forth his strength, accompanied by a fierce whistling sound, and punched towards the instructor’s chest.

    The momentum is not bad, but the strength... The middle-aged instructor shook his head slightly: is far too weak!

    With a slight shift in his body, he extended an arm, and before anyone could see his movements, he had already evaded Teng Fei’s punch. At the same time, he lightly tapped Teng Fei’s shoulder, causing Teng Fei’s body to fly uncontrollably.


    He was slammed hard onto the sandy ground several meters away and took a while to get up.

    The instructor is mighty!

    The instructor is so powerful!

    The instructor’s Flying Eagle Thirteen Forms is simply amazing!

    As Teng Fei was slammed onto the sandy ground, a wave of flattery surged towards the middle-aged instructor. A faint smile appeared on the instructor’s stern face as he said, The Flying Eagle Thirteen Forms is an intermediate martial technique. You all are not yet ready to learn it. I just wanted to let you witness the power of martial techniques. As long as you train diligently, one day, you too can become skilled practitioners like me!

    Instructor, do we have a chance to defeat Dou Qi Warriors? A tall young man in the crowd asked loudly.

    The middle-aged instructor was silent for a moment, then said, Dou Qi Warriors are the favored of heaven, while we are just ordinary people. But this world is not entirely the domain of Dou Qi Warriors. Ordinary people have their own path! By cultivating martial techniques to a certain level, you can also form a unique energy within your body, called True Qi, which can enhance the power of your techniques. At an even higher level, you can refine True Qi into True Yuan, and then you can contend with Dou Qi Warriors!

    As the instructor spoke, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes. These naive youths could never understand how difficult it was for an ordinary person to become a powerful martial artist, a path strewn with thorns, each step harder than climbing to the heavens.

    Instructor, what level have you reached?

    The middle-aged instructor frowned and scolded, Enough, start training now. Don’t aim too high! Remember, Dou Qi Warriors are not for you to dream of, but if you work hard, you can still have the hope of becoming True Qi Warriors, or even True Yuan Warriors!

    The middle-aged instructor muttered to himself, Yes, with effort there is hope, which is better than having no hope at all.

    The instructor then began teaching the group of youths the Black Tiger Fist, and no one paid any more attention to the still-lying Teng Fei in the distance.

    Even though he was the legitimate young master of the Teng Family, so what? He was just a Martial Arts and Combat Useless good-for-nothing, destined to never achieve anything in the martial path.

    No one would sympathize with the weak!

    In the eyes of the children, bullying the powerful Teng Family’s legitimate young master was just occasional entertainment for the middle-aged instructor, who was otherwise quite serious in his duties hired by the Teng Family.

    Yes, he was not a bad person, he just looked down on this Martial Arts and Combat Useless of the Teng Family, and that was all.

    The training ground’s sandy ground was relatively soft, to prevent the children from getting injured during training, but being slammed down hard, while not causing injury, still left a very unpleasant feeling.

    Teng Fei lay on the sandy ground, looking at the blue sky with drifting clouds, his clear eyes filled with gloom and disappointment.

    This training ground belonged to the Teng Family, the most powerful family in the town, and most of the ordinary people in Teng Family Town served the Teng Family.

    The group of youths on the training ground were the scions and servants of the Teng Family branches. They would soon become the backbone of the Teng Family, and their life goal was to strive to gain the family’s recognition and become leaders through their efforts.

    Teng Fei knew the instructor disliked him, not only because he couldn’t sense qi, but also because his body was weak and pitiful, easily overpowered by even younger peers.

    This was not due to Teng Fei’s lack of effort. On the contrary, even the Teng Family’s cultivated disciples who could sense qi didn’t work as hard as Teng Fei.

    It could be said that Teng Fei was the one who got up earliest and slept latest in the entire Teng Family!

    Every day before dawn, Teng Fei would strap on a 30-pound sandbag and run five laps around the entire training ground.

    Regarding any training program the instructor set, Teng Fei would complete it meticulously. In the evenings, he would still be reading various books, studying knowledge.

    Yet, no matter how he trained his body, there was no progress. At first, the instructor was quite appreciative of him, but gradually became disappointed, and now was almost in despair.

    Who would care about a destined failure?

    Teng Fei moved his aching body and slowly got up, glancing at the bustling training ground, then stood up, brushed off the dust on his clothes, and limped out of the training ground.

    From start to finish, the middle-aged instructor and the group of youths never turned their heads to look at Teng Fei again. Teng Fei was an outsider member here, and the youths had never regarded him as their companion.

    It was only after Teng Fei’s thin and weak figure disappeared outside the training ground that the middle-aged instructor sighed imperceptibly, thinking: Why bother? As the legitimate young master of a noble family, if he can’t cultivate martial arts, he should just go into business or take the official path. With the Teng Family’s influence and his father’s meritorious service, his life should be able to be very happy. Why insist on walking this path? I really don’t understand the thoughts in this young man’s heart. He endures my humiliation but still persists. Isn’t this just self-inflicted suffering?

    The middle-aged instructor scolded a few more careless children, then thought to himself: It seems I should find an opportunity to talk to the patriarch about this. It’s better not to let Teng Fei cultivate martial arts anymore. This boy is quite good, and they say he’s also outstanding in literary talent. Going into officialdom or business would be far better than the path of a martial artist.

    Teng Fei slowly walked to the entrance of the family’s library. The gatekeeper was an old man, who should be of his grandfather’s generation, sitting at the library entrance dozing in the sun, seemingly never fully awake.

    Seeing Teng Fei, the old man opened his eyes slightly and waved his hand, indicating that Teng Fei could enter freely.

    Teng Fei respectfully bowed to the old man, then stepped into the library. This place was not allowed for casual entry by non-legitimate scions, but Teng Fei’s treatment had not been limited despite his inability to cultivate. The library contained a large collection of books, many of which could not be seen outside.

    The library was quiet and deserted. In the mornings, most of the family’s scions were cultivating, so Teng Fei deliberately timed his visits to avoid encountering them.

    He could deal with the mocking, but he couldn’t stand the sympathetic and pitying gazes.

    I may not be able to cultivate, but I... am not a failure!

    Chapter 3 I Am Not a Failure!

    Teng Fei did not go to look at the plant or magical beast encyclopedias as usual, but headed straight for the area with books on strange and extraordinary events.

    There were mostly adventure logs left by adventurers, recording their experiences in various places, including accounts of the five forbidden lands of Qingyuan State.

    Teng Fei skillfully pulled out a book titled Mangdang Mountain Records from the bookshelf and sat down on the floor below to read it.

    The Mangdang Mountain Records were different from ordinary adventure logs. It was compiled by an ancestor of the Teng Family, who had collected the diaries and accounts of many powerful figures who had entered Mangdang Mountain. It recorded more than 1,300 medicinal herbs and over 700 magical beasts, making it one of the most comprehensive books on Mangdang Mountain.

    Teng Fei quickly flipped to a page in the middle, where an illustration showed a blood-colored giant python with two horns on its head, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

    The Red Blood Flood Dragon, an eighth-level high-level magical beast, was said to be a blood python that had cultivated for hundreds of years and successfully evolved into a flood dragon, one of the highest-level magical beasts in the Mangdang Mountains.

    Teng Fei looked at the introduction to the Red Blood Flood Dragon in the Mangdang Mountain Records and speculated: Was the blood-colored sky that evening the result of the Red Blood Flood Dragon’s battle? It was truly astonishing, and he wondered who could be so powerful as to fight the Red Blood Flood Dragon. Or was it a battle between two equally powerful magical beasts, fighting over territory or treasures?

    Teng Fei’s eyes shone with longing, but he soon shook his head gloomily, put the book back, and took out a Comprehensive Medicinal Herb Compendium to read.

    Time passed, and Teng Fei even forgot about lunch until he felt hungry in the afternoon. He stood up, stretched his slightly numb body, and prepared to go find something to eat.

    Suddenly, a burly young man rushed in. Seeing Teng Fei, a look of disdain flashed across his eyes as he said arrogantly, I knew I’d find you here. Grandpa asked me to come get you, go see him.

    Okay, I understand, thank you, Teng Fei replied seriously, as if he hadn’t noticed the disdain in the young man’s eyes, and gently placed the book back on the shelf.

    The arrogant young man suddenly asked, I heard you got beaten up by Instructor Li Mu again this morning?

    You know, Teng Fei, you can’t sense Dou Qi and your body doesn’t allow you to cultivate martial arts. Why bother torturing yourself? That Instructor Li Mu is really outrageous. Even if you’re a failure, you’re still from the Teng Family. As an outsider, how dare he insult you like that? Hmph, if Grandpa hadn’t forbidden us from causing him trouble, I would have beaten him to the ground long ago!

    Hearing the word failure, the corner of Teng Fei’s mouth twitched slightly. He looked up at the arrogant young man and said seriously, Teng Lei, I am not a failure.

    Uh, okay, okay, you’re not. Come on, Grandpa is still waiting for you! Teng Lei said, rushing out of the library. After leaving, he turned back and said without looking, I’d say your literary talent is decent. You should have the family send you to Qingyuan Academy in Qingyuan State. Become a civil official, marry some beautiful concubines, and contribute to the family. Wouldn’t that be better than living like this?

    The response he received was only a long silence from Teng Fei.

    Teng Lei’s mouth twisted in dissatisfaction, thinking to himself: I’m trying to give you good advice, but you don’t appreciate it. You’re just a failure, yet you stubbornly want to become a powerful person. As if someone like you could do that.

    Teng Lei led Teng Fei to the door of the patriarch’s courtyard and then left, not wanting to stay with this useless younger cousin of his third uncle. Seeing Teng Fei’s expressionless face made Teng Lei feel disgusted.

    Looking back at Teng Fei entering the courtyard, Teng Lei sneered. He had heard that the patriarch had accepted Instructor Li Mu’s suggestion and no longer planned to let Teng Fei cultivate martial arts. This useless person should just stay obediently at home and not embarrass the Teng Family outside.

    Last time, those bastards from the Tuoba Family even mocked us using Teng Fei. Really, having such a useless thing in the family, we can’t even hold our heads up outside. But I’ll get back at them sooner or later. You Tuoba Family bastards, just wait. My grandfather will break through to the second realm, and then I’ll make you kneel and beg for mercy! Teng Lei muttered to himself as he walked away.

    Grandfather, Teng Fei is here to see you, Teng Fei said respectfully outside the door.

    Come in, came a powerful yet aged voice from within.

    Teng Fei pushed open the door. The simple but majestic room had a row of towering bookshelves lining the walls, filled with all kinds of books. Behind a large ebony desk sat a white-haired old man, his eyes sharp and his aura commanding, even without any outward display of anger.

    This was the patriarch of the entire Teng Family, Teng Wen Xuan - a formidable fourth-realm, seventh-level Great Dou Master, renowned throughout Teng Family Town and the surrounding hundreds of miles.

    Small Fei, do you know why Grandpa called you here? Teng Wen Xuan asked Teng Fei gently.

    Grandpa, I don’t know, Teng Fei replied, his clear gaze making Teng Wen Xuan’s heart ache.

    How much he resembles him! Those fools outside are spreading rumors that Fei is not of Teng blood. What nonsense! Fei’s face is exactly the same as Yunzhi’s when he was young! If anyone dares to say that in front of me, I won’t let them off!

    Thinking of his deceased son, Teng Wen Xuan’s tone became even more gentle: Small Fei, Grandpa knows about your situation. Just now, Instructor Li Mu came to see me. He hopes you can choose between the paths of studying, becoming an official, or engaging in business. Grandpa doesn’t want to force you, I want to know your thoughts.

    Grandpa, I don’t want to take either of those paths. Teng Fei looked up, his gaze filled with unwavering determination. I only want... to become a powerful person!


    Teng Wen Xuan sighed. He knew it would be like this. This child, aside from not being able to sense Dou Qi and having a weak body, has a personality exactly the same as his father’s!

    Beneath the refined exterior lies a heart that never gives up!

    This excellent character trait made Yunzhi successful, but also led to his downfall. How could he, the white-haired elder, watch the only blood of Yunzhi retrace his father’s path? Moreover, this child... he has a useless constitution that cannot cultivate!

    Teng Wen Xuan was filled with endless emotions as he spoke softly, Small Fei, Grandpa has decided. Three months from now, when Qingyuan Academy opens, you will go study there.

    Grandpa, you said you wouldn’t force me, Teng Fei said stubbornly, his youthful face full of defiance.

    Your body is destined to not be able to walk the martial path. Grandpa understands what you’re thinking, and knows you’re resentful that Grandpa couldn’t avenge your father. Child, you are still young, and there are many things you don’t understand. In this world, some things cannot be resolved simply by having great strength! Teng Wen Xuan’s tone was filled with helplessness.

    Grandpa, I’ve never resented you. It’s just that Father died so mysteriously and far from home, the pain in my heart is like a knife every time I think about it!

    In the end, I’m still just a young man, Teng Fei said, his eyes reddening and his voice trembling slightly. Grandpa, you don’t need to hide it from me. While studying can make one an official, even a high-ranking one, how many of the civil officials in Qingyuan State, or even the entire True Martial Dynasty, can truly claim to have great power? The politics are still firmly in the hands of the martial experts. I know this is an era where martial strength reigns supreme. I... don’t want to go to the academy!

    Teng Wen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, not wanting the child to see the tears welling up. Was the child wrong in what he said? The prefect of Qingyuan State is a high-ranking official, yet when they see Teng Wen Xuan, they still treat him with utmost respect, not daring to be overbearing. Isn’t it because he is a fourth-realm Great Dou Master?

    But this is not a valid reason for Teng Fei to refuse studying. The old patriarch knew very well that what this stubborn child wanted most was to uncover the truth behind his father’s death and avenge him.

    How he wished he could do the same! But with the vast Teng Family under his care, he couldn’t let emotions cloud his judgment. That incident back then had nearly destroyed the entire family, how could he dare to continue the investigation?

    For this martial arts and combat useless child to do so would be akin to committing suicide!

    Enough. Teng Wen Xuan’s expression suddenly turned serious as he looked at Teng Fei and spoke sternly, You will listen. I have already decided. Three months from now, I will send you to Qingyuan Academy.



    Teng Fei pressed his lips together, stubbornly meeting the old man’s gaze across the table. Teng Wen Xuan turned his face away, not looking at him, and waved his hand again, Go.

    Teng Fei’s chest heaved a few times as he let out a long sigh, bowing deeply to his grandfather without a word, then turned and left.

    Teng Wen Xuan turned his face back, watching the thin figure disappear through the open door, tears of anguish welling up in his eyes: Fei’er, one day you will understand, Grandpa is doing this for your own good!

    Hey, did you hear? The patriarch has ordered that Teng Fei be forbidden from learning martial arts, and he’s going to send him to Qingyuan Academy!

    Well, that’s good. Although he’s our brother, with him in the Teng Family, we’ve all been mocked and looked down upon by other families!

    Yes, hopefully he can study well and become an official in the future, at least that would be a good prospect for him.

    Some of the Teng Family’s younger members were gathered, discussing Teng Fei being sent to Qingyuan Academy. To them, Teng Fei was just a useless freeloader in the Teng Family, and being sent to study was a way to make use of this waste.

    However, the Teng Family’s rules were strict, and Teng Fei’s father, Teng Yunzhi, had been renowned in the past. Although he had passed away, he still commanded great respect within the entire Teng Family.

    So while these people might discuss it privately, they wouldn’t say anything too harsh. But what they truly thought in their hearts was their own business.

    Teng Fei walked out of the Teng Family estate in a daze, heading towards the outskirts of Teng Family Town along the green stone road, his expression dejected.

    Teng Fei knew that as the patriarch, his grandfather’s word was final. If he had made a decision, it was unchangeable. But studying, that was not what Teng Fei wanted to do!

    As a scion of the Teng Family, Teng Fei had been well-versed in literature and poetry since childhood. He was not lacking in knowledge, and despite his young age, his erudition was sufficient to be a teacher at an ordinary academy.

    Why was it like this? Why couldn’t he just sense the existence of Dou Qi?

    Teng Fei walked out of the town, heading westward. Within a radius of several hundred li around Teng Family Town, it was mostly fertile plains, with the occasional small mountain rising up.

    To the west was a raging, roaring river, known as the Mangdang River, flowing out from the Mangdang Mountains where magical beasts roamed.

    Teng Fei arrived at a cliff, over thirty zhang high, with the Mangdang River rushing below. Whenever Teng Fei was in a bad mood, he would come here and sit quietly, staring at the distant Mangdang Mountains.

    But today, a deep-seated resentment that had built up over the years seemed to be suffocating him, making him feel like he could barely stand upright.

    Standing on the edge of the cliff, Teng Fei couldn’t help but unleash all his strength and shout in anger, I! Will! Not! Accept this!

    Chapter 4: The Lady in White

    The desperate shout of the young man echoed across the vast expanse. The waters of the Mangdang River continued to flow relentlessly, while the majestic Mangdang Mountains in the distance, shrouded in mystery, had countless tales of adventure woven into their vast expanse. No one dared to venture lightly into that forbidden land.

    The prosperity of Teng Family Town and the strength of the Teng Family were precisely because this town was the last place to obtain provisions before entering the Mangdang Mountains.

    The weapons and elixirs produced by the Teng Family were renowned for their excellent quality, greatly favored by adventurers. But the Teng Family was far more than just a thriving merchant clan in a small town - their business interests spanned the entire Qingyuan State, and their shops could even be found in other provinces of the True Martial Dynasty.

    Alongside their immense financial power, the Teng Family’s inherited combat skill, the Thunderclap Flame Palm at the Great Dou Master level, was enough to intimidate many who sought to covet the Teng Family’s wealth. Each generation of the Teng Family would produce several exceptionally talented scions, who would eventually grow into powerful Dou Qi Warriors.

    The Teng Family’s greatest source of pride, however, was the trade route they had opened up. This route traversed the Mangdang Mountains and crossed the vast ocean, reaching all the way to the distant Western Frontier, thousands of miles away.

    This trade route had multiplied the Teng Family’s strength several times over in just a decade. And it was Teng Fei’s father, Teng Yunzhi, who had led the expedition to open this route and establish a Teng Family branch in the distant Western Frontier.

    If Teng Yunzhi were still alive, the Teng Family would undoubtedly be even more glorious.

    I have no Dou Vortex in my body, unable to sense Dou Qi! My physique is naturally weak, no matter how I train, it’s ineffective... Father, why is this so? I don’t want to be called a waste, I don’t want to! Why did you leave me with something like this, where I can only watch but not cultivate? All of this... why? Can it be that I’m just not capable, as you said, and it should be left to my descendants? But... I can’t accept this!

    Gazing at the roaring Mangdang River, Teng Fei muttered to himself, tears glistening in his clear eyes. Suddenly, his gaze fixed on the riverbank below.

    Huh? What’s that? Teng Fei furrowed his brows, looking at the riverbank and muttering softly, Is that a person?

    Who would be so reckless as to come here to commit suicide? Teng Fei didn’t think anyone would swim in this area, as the riverbed was either dense thickets or the cliff he was standing on, requiring effort to descend. The river current here was swift, and aside from Teng Fei, no one usually came to this place.

    From this distance, he couldn’t tell if the person was male or female, dressed in white clothes, lying motionless on the riverbank, unsure if they were alive or dead.

    Teng Fei hesitated for a moment, but decided to go take a look. Part of it was youthful curiosity, but he also didn’t want to see someone die without trying to help.

    To be honest, aside from Teng Fei, most people would have a hard time finding a way down. The thirty-zhang cliff would make most people feel dizzy and disoriented. Except for Teng Fei, hardly anyone was interested in this place.

    Teng Fei ran forward and found a slightly gentler slope, then nimbly slid down the cliff. If anyone saw him, they would be greatly surprised - the supposedly useless Teng Fei possessed such agile movements.

    At the bottom of the cliff, he carefully stepped across a stone path only a foot wide, with the roaring Mangdang River flowing deeply below.

    Teng Fei finally reached solid ground, wiping the sweat from his brow and panting for a moment, muttering, What use is agility? If it were Teng Lei, he’d probably do it without changing expression or breaking a sweat. Dou Qi Warriors are truly enviable!

    With that, Teng Fei pressed on, passing through a dense thicket and heading towards the riverbank.

    This riverbank was only about ten meters long, a fine sandy beach. If Teng Fei hadn’t been standing above, he wouldn’t have even noticed this place, let alone that there was someone here.

    Brushing aside the last few branches blocking his view, Teng Fei couldn’t help but smile wryly at the torn clothes, having ruined them in his curiosity.

    Shaking his head slightly, he looked towards the riverbank and was suddenly startled - the person lying on the riverbank was a woman!

    Her long hair was scattered across her shoulders and the sandy ground. She lay motionless.

    Although he had never killed anyone, Teng Fei had seen dead bodies before, but that wasn’t the reason for his surprise. What shocked him was the large bloodstains that had soaked her white clothes.

    The blood had dried, turning into dark clots on her clothes, and there was a large pool of blood beneath her, staining the yellow sand red.

    From up above, he hadn’t been able to see any of this.

    Could it be that this was a woman who had suffered serious injuries?

    Teng Fei’s steps hesitated. Every year, many warriors ventured into the Mangdang Mountains, and some were even women. Many of them never returned.

    Could it be that this woman was also an adventurer who had entered the Mangdang Mountains? Teng Fei was uncertain. If she was an adventurer, how had she been injured? Were there others with her? Might a Magical Beast suddenly leap out from nearby, jaws gaping, waiting for him?

    It wasn’t unreasonable for him to have such worries - despite his broad knowledge, he was still just a teenager who had never left home. He was only in his teens!

    But regardless of whether she was alive or dead, now that he had come down, he couldn’t find a good reason to simply turn around and leave, either to abandon her or let her body rot in the wilderness.

    Teng Fei wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but he felt like the woman in white had moved slightly.

    Was she not dead yet?

    Teng Fei slowly approached, not crouching down, as he was worried she might be faking it and attack him if he got too close. Instead, he gently poked her leg with the tip of his foot.


    The woman let out a soft groan, full of pain, her body struggling slightly, but she couldn’t even lift her head.

    It was indeed a seriously injured woman. Teng Fei was finally certain she posed no immediate danger, so he crouched down and carefully turned her over. A stunningly beautiful young face appeared before his eyes - elegant brows, a delicate nose, and cherry lips, but her complexion was deathly pale, her eyes tightly closed, her long lashes fluttering occasionally.

    The Teng Family had many beautiful women, but Teng Fei had never seen one as breathtakingly lovely as this. He was mesmerized for several moments.

    Ah, how rude of me. Teng Fei snapped out of his daze, chiding himself, then began to examine the woman’s injuries. However, just as he was about to touch her, he hesitated.

    It was improper for a man to touch a woman, and this woman was so beautiful. Teng Fei didn’t know where to put his hands. To his surprise, a faint blush appeared on the woman’s face, and he realized with dismay that she was not unconscious.

    What should he do?

    Chapter 5: Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder

    Should he bring this woman back home? Teng Fei shook his head. Even setting aside the question of whether it was appropriate to bring back a mysterious, seriously injured woman, his own weak physique would make it impossible for him to carry her.

    The woman in white had her brows furrowed, as if enduring great pain. Teng Fei placed his hand on her forehead - it was burning hot!

    This was bad. He didn’t know how long she had been lying here, but the dry, hot riverbed concealed a lot of dampness underneath. Lying here for too long could paralyze even a healthy person, let alone someone with serious injuries who seemed to have been washed here.

    Teng Fei couldn’t help but look at the woman with admiration. It was amazing that she had survived being washed here, and had been lying on the reddish-brown riverbed for at least half a day. It was truly a miracle!

    Reaching into his pocket, Teng Fei pulled out a small porcelain bottle containing the Teng Family’s finest medicinal powder for healing injuries. He poured out one pill, then two more - soybean-sized pills with a refreshing fragrance. Gently lifting the woman’s head, he said, Can you hear me? Open your mouth and take these pills.

    The woman hesitated slightly, then slowly opened her parched, cracked lips. Teng Fei placed the pills in her mouth.

    The Teng Family’s medicinal pills were of excellent quality, dissolving instantly and releasing their healing properties into the woman’s body.

    Teng Fei felt the most important thing now was to treat her wounds, lest they become infected. Many had died from neglecting their injuries, turning what was not life-threatening into a fatal condition.

    But... this was a woman, and a stunningly beautiful one at that! Teng Fei had never seen a woman more beautiful. All the words he had read in books to describe female beauty seemed inadequate when applied to her - even in her gravely injured state, her beauty was undiminished.

    Teng Fei thought to himself, Even the Emperor of the True Martial Dynasty would be captivated by her.

    It’s... alright. Please treat my wounds, the woman said in a slow, weak but clear voice, perhaps thanks to the medicinal pills.

    Forgive me, Sister, Teng Fei said, and without hesitation, began to undress the woman, inevitably touching her delicate, porcelain-like skin.

    Teng Fei forcefully suppressed the emerging desires in his heart, murmuring softly to himself: Desire is emptiness...

    The injuries on the woman in white were indeed severe. The most serious wound stretched from her left shoulder down to her right rib, as if it had been slashed by a sharp claw, deep and frightening to behold on her originally smooth and delicate skin.

    Teng Fei was shocked: My heavens, what could have caused such a wound? Which magical beast possesses such sharp claws? Could it be the Golden Eyed Eagle?

    The claws of a Golden Eyed Eagle would account for five marks, but this was only one...

    As he pondered, Teng Fei took out a bag of premium medicinal powder for external application from his pocket. In the Teng Household, such a small bag could sell for a hundred taels of gold!

    Yes, gold, not silver!

    This medicine, known as Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder, is one of the most advanced medicines in the entire Teng Family!

    The secret formula of Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder is one of the Teng Family’s core heritages, passed down from ancestors and only accessible to the family head.

    The pharmacists who produce Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder are all core members of the Teng Family, but even they do not have access to the complete formula. Only the family head can produce the complete Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder!

    As the legitimate son of the Teng Family, Teng Fei originally did not have the right to possess this medicine. It was only because of his grandfather’s love that he was given a small bag and allowed to occasionally take some from the pharmacy for emergency use.

    Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder has an exceptional healing effect on almost all external injuries. Most importantly, it leaves no scars on the skin after use!

    This is the core reason why a small bag of Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder can sell for a hundred taels of gold and still be in such high demand that it is often out of stock!

    As the powder was sprinkled on the wounds of the woman in white, her body exposed to the air involuntarily shivered slightly.

    Don’t worry, this medicine is excellent and won’t leave any scars on you, Teng Fei said casually as he expertly and quickly treated the woman in white’s wounds.

    The woman in white did not speak further, allowing Teng Fei to tend to her body, but a faint blush had crept onto her previously pale face. However, if she knew that Teng Fei’s skilled techniques were honed from practicing on small cats, dogs, and rabbits, she likely wouldn’t be so calm.

    After treating all the wounds, Teng Fei looked despairingly at the now empty medicine bag, thinking: A hundred taels of gold, gone just like that...

    The woman’s intuition was frighteningly sharp. Just as Teng Fei had this thought, she spoke up with difficulty, her voice cool yet tinged with a hint of shyness: Bandage my wounds, and I... will reward you for it.

    Uh... Teng Fei snapped back, feeling a bit awkward. How did she know what he was thinking?

    Teng Fei tore open the woman’s inner garment to cover the wounds, then used her outer clothes to fully bandage them. The power of Teng’s Muscle Regeneration Powder was that after external application, the wounds would heal quickly with just simple bandaging.

    It was only after finishing that Teng Fei realized, somewhat embarrassedly, that he had used up all her clothes. The wounds were properly bandaged, but many inappropriate areas were now exposed.

    While treating the wounds, he hadn’t noticed, but now, at 13 years old and beginning to understand matters of men and women, Teng Fei couldn’t help blushing furiously.

    He quickly took off his own outer garment and put it on the woman, even though it was a bit torn.

    The woman should not be moved yet, so Teng Fei gathered a large pile of dry grass and laid her on it, shielding her from the sun’s heat by building a makeshift shelter with some tree branches.

    By the time he finished, Teng Fei was drenched in sweat, his inner clothes soaked through multiple times. The sun was now hanging above the Mangdang Mountains, soon to set.

    While treating the woman’s wounds, Teng Fei had sensed that she must be a powerful martial artist.

    Chapter 6: Provocation

    Her vitality was incredibly resilient. Though he saw no weapons on her, and her slender fingers like jade onions bore no calluses, the injuries she had sustained would have killed an ordinary person many times over.

    It was clear she had been swept down the Mangdang River, yet she had not drowned, nor been devoured by the aquatic magical beasts within. In Teng Fei’s eyes, this was no small miracle.

    However, the woman seemed to have a rather cold temperament. Apart from the few words she spoke when he was treating her wounds, she had remained silent, lying there quietly to recover.

    Teng Fei didn’t find this particularly unusual. Compared to the mocking, sarcastic, or pitying gazes from his family, he actually preferred the company of this woman in white.

    After working up a sweat, Teng Fei settled the woman in white, then ran to the riverbank, stripped off his clothes, and plunged into the water, swimming to the middle of the river before surfacing with a deep breath. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy in his 13 years of life.

    I’ve saved a life! I’m... not useless! Yes, even if I can’t cultivate that thing, I’m still useful!

    Teng Fei had the urge to shout it out loud, but considering the woman resting quietly, he wisely kept his mouth shut. He swam to the shore and dove into the bushes growing along the bank.

    Soon, he emerged carrying three or four fish, each over a foot long, skewered on tree branches.

    Pushing his wet hair back, Teng Fei gathered some dry twigs and grass, lit them with a fire striker, and began roasting the fish. He then took a small bag of salt from his pocket and sprinkled it evenly over the fish.

    Catching fish was not a new skill for him - in the entire Teng Family, he might be the only one who would waste time fishing and roasting them to eat. In no time, the aroma of the grilled fish filled the air.

    After finishing the cooking, Teng Fei turned around, nearly dropping the fish in fright. The woman in white, wearing his clothes, was sitting quietly at the entrance of the simple shelter, her eyes like shimmering pools fixed unblinkingly on him.

    How can you be sitting up? You need to rest! Teng Fei exclaimed with a sigh.

    I’m fine, the woman replied calmly, then asked, Where is this place?

    Teng Family Town! Teng Fei walked over and handed her a fish, his face filled with pride.

    Any member of the Teng Family would be proud of this - a large town named after the family clan, a testament to their prominence.

    The woman in white didn’t say anything further, only slightly furrowing her beautiful brows as she held the roasted fish, her expression remaining rather cold.

    Are you an adventurer? Teng Fei hesitated, but couldn’t resist asking.

    An adventurer? The woman’s brows knitted briefly, then she replied softly, I suppose you could say that.

    I suppose? Teng Fei felt a bit frustrated. That wasn’t a clear answer - either she was or she wasn’t. How could it be I suppose?

    Seeing the sun had already set behind the mountains, casting the sky in darkness, Teng Fei, though reluctant to leave, knew he had to return home. He looked at the woman in white and said, I have to go back now, but I’ll come see you again tomorrow.

    The woman in white showed no surprise, simply nodding and saying, Alright.

    Teng Fei nodded back, placing the remaining roasted fish in front of her on the grass, then went to gather some thick dry branches, cutting them with his sword to add to the burning fire. With that done, he took his leave.

    Watching Teng Fei’s somewhat slender back as he departed, the woman in white smiled lightly: This young man has a kind heart.

    The next morning, Teng Fei, unusually, did not go to the training grounds, but instead secretly went to the clothing shop in town to buy a few sets of women’s clothes. The shopkeeper, recognizing him, was quite surprised - could it be that this young master of the

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