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Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint
Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint
Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint
Ebook489 pages3 hours

Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint

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Cyprianus, known as the Witch, was born in Antioch, located in ancient Persia, today Iran. His parents, seeing that their son was talented enough to win the admiration of men, appointed him to the priesthood of the gods and ordered that he be given all the necessary instruction. Cyprianus learned the art of sacrificing idols. No one knew the secrets of idolatry better than he did.

At the age of thirty, Cyprianus traveled to Babylon to learn astrology and numerology, the mysteries and secrets of the Chaldeans. As well as spending all the time he could on these studies on learning other truths, Cyprianus increased his iniquity by devoting himself entirely to the study of magic in order to achieve, through this art, close relations with the devils, which led to a life that was at once tumultuous, libertine, scandalous and impure.

Although his partner, Eusebius, who had been his schoolmate, reproached Cyprianus for his bad life, he tried to pull him out of the deep abyss into which he had been thrown. Cyprianus, however, despised the exhortations and reproaches of his former colleague and used his infernal intelligence to ridicule the sacred mysteries and the virtuous doctors of the Christian law, out of hatred for which he joined the barbarian persecutors to compel Christians to deny Jesus Christ.

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint

João Drummond

João Batista Drummond – João Drummond é técnico em eletrônica por profissão e poeta e autor de coração. Carioca de nascença viveu em Minas desde a primeira infância. Casado, pai de três filhos, membro da UBT, Clube de Letras e Academia de Letras de Sete Lagoas. Cônsul de Poetas Del Mundo e criado do projeto Amigos das Letras de Sete Lagoas. Tem outros sete títulos publicados.

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    Saint Cyprianus The Witch The Saint - João Drummond

    Editor’s notes

    Warning - Read this book with an open mind and an unarmed spirit. It tells the story of Cyprian of Antioch, the famous sorcerer, who, after mastering the occult arts, black magic, alchemy, astrology, cartomancy, palmistry, among others, converted to Christianity and was declared a saint by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. 

    It is important to remember that this work was translated from Hebrew into Latin and then into Portuguese, so a lot of information may have been altered and distorted in the process.

    It brings us fragments of Ciprianus’s life, as well as the magical formulas and secrets of the witches and sorcerers of the pre-medieval era. 

    Black magic rituals, formulas and practices for achieving the most varied goals are described in detail here and should therefore be handled with balance, maturity and parsimony. 

    Some of these rituals have been banned and condemned for their cruelty, but they portray the visions and beliefs of a bygone era, when they were considered effective, and common sense at the time held them to be real.

    This information, passing down through the centuries, can be considered historical and curious records, as well as elements that fall into the category of beliefs.

    Beliefs for some, beliefs for others. Facts or myths. We live in a society whose reality is largely driven and created by beliefs.

    The world we know can, in a way, be considered a great magic produced by the Creator.

    Words have much more power than simple verbal communication, because they have the power to change mental states and alter brain frequencies.

    Magic is produced by words, symbols and sounds that alter our state of consciousness and put us in touch with the invisible plane where all the energy that was used to build the universe in its continuous transformation rests.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    (John 1:14)

    For by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned.

    (Matthew 12:37)

    In the beginning, God said, Let there be light. In addition, the light was made. God saw that the light was good and separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness night. So evening came and then morning: that was the first day.  

    (Genesis 1, 3-5)

    Words are mental commands. A simple example is when we tell a person that we love or hate them. Immediately their mental attitude changes for the better or worse. This mental change altering the nature of feelings creates an effective force that is carried as a vibration to the Great Universal Fluid.

    Faith is that powerful force that moves mountains, and before rationality and feelings, it has been the driving force that has brought us to the present day, with all that civilization has achieved in material and immaterial values.

    The Universe we know which seems solid and stable to us, is actually made up of a mass of multidimensional, hyper-vibrational energy, in constant movement and change. 

    All organic and inorganic matter is made up of the same single element, which only differs from one another in its organization and electronic structure. 

    We can also say that, according to the double slit experiment, where it was found that electrons behave sometimes as matter and sometimes as waves, we can assume that the invisible or ethereal plane is made up of the same element that forms matter. 

    Human beings, with their thoughts, when impregnated by the state of faith and in tune with the Great Universal Mind are truly co-creators of the Universe.

    That said, we know that, whether we believe or not, strange things happen in our daily lives that no human science can understand and/or explain. Perhaps this and other similar works, crossing the barriers of time, will shed some light on these unexplained phenomena.



    Cyprianus – The Witch

    Cyprianus, known as the Witch, was born in Antioch, located in ancient Persia, today Iran. His parents, seeing that their son was talented enough to win the admiration of men, appointed him to the priesthood of the gods and ordered that he be given all the necessary instruction. Cyprianus learned the art of sacrificing idols. No one knew the secrets of idolatry better than he did.

    At the age of thirty, Cyprianus traveled to Babylon to learn astrology and numerology, the mysteries and secrets of the Chaldeans. As well as spending all the time he could on these studies on learning other truths, Cyprianus increased his iniquity by devoting himself entirely to the study of magic in order to achieve, through this art, close relations with the devils, which led to a life that was at once tumultuous, libertine, scandalous and impure.

    Although his partner, Eusebius, who had been his schoolmate, reproached Cyprianus for his bad life, he tried to pull him out of the deep abyss into which he had been thrown. Cyprianus, however, despised the exhortations and reproaches of his former colleague and used his infernal intelligence to ridicule the sacred mysteries and the virtuous doctors of the Christian law, out of hatred for which he joined the barbarian persecutors to compel Christians to deny Jesus Christ.

    Cyprianus' life reached the following state. Smash this unfortunate vessel of contumelies and misfortunes with his staff and it becomes something good. Then, only the grace of God could work tremendous miracles in his heart.

    First relevant case before conversion

    In Antioch, there lived a young woman called Justine, rich and beautiful, who had been carefully brought up in pagan superstitions by her father Edeso and her mother Cleydônia. Justine was gifted with a rare intelligence and as soon as she heard the sermons of Prailus, the deacon of Antioch, she abandoned the extravagances of gentile practices and, embracing the Christian faith, soon managed to convert her own parents.

    After her baptism, this young woman became one of the most devoted wives of Jesus Christ. She dedicated her life to the holy master and tried by all means to preserve this precious and delicate virtue. For this reason, she acted with rigor and modesty and devoted herself to prayer and solitude. However, a young man called Aglaides fell in love with her as soon as he saw her and asked her parents to marry her, to which Edeso and Cleydônia agreed. Despite Aglaides' efforts and pleas, Justine did not accept the marriage.

    Aglaides then used the art of Cyprianus, who actually used the most potent means of his diabolical science to ensure that Justine became Aglaides' lover. He gave sacrifices to the demons, who promised him guaranteed results, attacking Justine with temptations and threats. 

    However, Justine was strengthened by God's protection and always overcame the demonic temptations.

    Angry at not being able to defeat the girl, Cyprianus rebelled against the demon who was there and said:

    ⸺ Your strength and great miracles are not working. Tell me the reason for this change and what weapons are being defended to render your efforts useless. 

    The demon, with no way out, told the truth, claiming that Justine's God was the supreme Lord of heaven, earth and hell and that he could do nothing against the sign of the crucifix with which she continually protected herself as soon as he appeared to tempt her and was compelled to flee because of the shadow of the sign of the cross.

    ⸺ Well, if that is the case, replied Cyprianus, I am very willing to dedicate myself to the service of this Lord, who can do more than you can. If the Christian sign forces you to flee, I no longer want to abuse your prestige, I will renounce all sorcery, trusting in the goodness of God who will welcome me as his servant.

    The demon was enraged by the loss of many conquered people whose bodies he had taken possession of. However, he was soon compelled to leave by the grace of Jesus Christ, who owned their hearts. 

    As a result, he was challenged to a bitter struggle against Cyprianus and the enemies of his spirit, whom he overcame thanks to Justine's devotion to her God.

    His friend Eusebius contributed greatly to this result, and Cyprianus immediately went to see him and said through tears: My great friend, the happy moment has come for me to recognize my mistakes and I hope that your God, whom I have already confessed is the one and only true God, will welcome me among your humble servants for the greater triumph of your benevolent mercy.

    Eusebius was very pleased with this miraculous change. He warmly embraced his friend and congratulated him on his heroic decision, encouraging him to always trust in the infallible truth of God, who never abandons those who sincerely seek him. 

    Thus strengthened, Cyprianus was able to resist all the devil's temptations with courage.

    That is why he constantly made the sign of the cross, always having the holy name of Jesus on his lips and in his heart. The demons, who remained disappointed by the ineffectiveness of all his tricks, tried to drive Cyprianus to despair, telling him:

    ⸺ Justine's God is the only true one, but he is a pure god, a God who punishes even the smallest crimes with extreme severity. The greatest proof is ourselves, the demons, who were sentenced to extreme punishment for a single sin of pride. If this is so, how can Cyprianus forgive you? Because of your fatal mistake, a place has been prepared for you in the depths of hell. So do not expect mercy. Keep your eyes open for a life of fun, indulging in every lust"

    This temptation really threatened Cyprianus' salvation. His friend Eusebius, aware of the crisis that shook him, encouraged and consoled him, giving him support and recommending the kind mercy with which God welcomes and forgives all who sincerely repent, regardless of their sins. 

    Then Eusebius himself took him to the assembly of the faithful, where those who wished to learn the mysteries of the Christian faith were admitted.

    In the book Confession, Cyprianus himself says that it was with respect and piety that the faithful venerated and paid homage to the true God and this touched his heart deeply. He says: "I was in this choir singing praises to God and acclaiming at the end of each psalm with Alleluia, all with respectful attention and sweet harmony, seeming to be among holy men

    At the end of the ceremony, those present were surprised that a priest like Eusebius had introduced a witch to the Christian people at that sacred meeting. In addition, the presiding bishop was even more surprised, since he did not think Cyprianus' appeal was sincere. 

    However, Cyprianus cleared up all doubts, set fire to all his books on magic, and joined a group of religious teachers. He had already distributed all his belongings to the poor.

    Sufficiently instructed in Christian doctrine, Cyprianus was baptized by the bishop, with Aglaides, Justine's lover, who, repenting of his folly, wanted to amend his life and follow the true faith. 

    Moved by these two examples of divine mercy, Justine cut off her hair as a sign of the sacrifice she had made to God by vowing her virginity, and also shared her possessions with the poor.

    Cyprianus made great and marvelous progress in the ways of the Lord; his life was an eternal exercise in the strictest penance. Most of the time, he would prostrate himself on the ground with ashes on his head, imploring all his followers to intercede for him in God's mercy. 

    In addition, in order to become more humble and rid himself of his former arrogance, after praying several times, he would do the work of sweeping the temple.

    Cyprianus lived in the company of the elderly Eusebius, whom he honored as if he were his spiritual father. In recognition of his good behavior and humility, the divine Lord granted him the grace to work miracles. 

    His eloquence contributed to the conversion of many idol worshippers. He used his famous confession to expose his crimes and excesses to convince believers and sinners alike.

    Hence the news of Cyprianus' conquest of Jesus' kingdom. His enthusiasm reached the ears of Emperor Diocletian, who was then in Nicomedia. When he heard of Cyprianus' miracles and Justine's holiness, he ordered the judge Eutholmus, governor of Phoenicia, to arrest them both.

    Going before the judges, Cyprianus and Justine answered and acknowledged their faith in Jesus Christ in such eloquent words that they almost converted the judge to their belief. 

    However, so that they would not assume that he favored the Christians, the judge ordered that Justine be flogged with two ropes and tortured.

    Cyprianus, on the other hand, had his flesh punished with iron hooks. This cruel ordeal created terror in those present.

    When the despot saw that neither the promises nor the threats, nor the terrible tortures, could slow down the constancy of the two, he ordered each of them to be thrown into a large cauldron filled with tar, butter and boiling wax. 

    However, the immediate tranquility that appeared on their faces and in the martyrs' words was indicative of the fact that they were not suffering from these torments. It was observed that even the fire under the boilers was not the least bit hot. 

    In view of this, a presbyter of the idols, called Athanasius, who had been a disciple of Cyprianus for some time, believing that all these miracles were caused by the spells of his former master, and wishing to obtain greater fame among men, invoked the demons in his magical rites and was thrown into the very boiler from which Cyprianus had been thrown. However, he soon died from the burns, the flesh falling off his bones.

    This caused great perplexity among those present and a rebellion in favor of Cyprianus was about to break out in the city-state. The appointed judge decided to send the martyr to Diocletian, informing the emperor of everything that had happened. 

    After reading the letter, Diocletian ordered that Cyprianus and Justine be beheaded without further procedural formalities. 

    The sentence was carried out on September 26, on the banks of the river Gallo, which separates the city from Nicomedia.

    On that occasion, a good Christian named Theotus came to speak secretly with Cyprianus and was also sentenced and beheaded. This man was a sailor who came from the coast of Tuscany and landed near Bithynia. His comrades were also Christians and, knowing what had happened, they came during the night to collect the bodies of the three martyrs and took them to Rome, where they remained hidden in the house of a pious woman until the time of Constantine, when they were transferred to the Basilica of San Juan de Letrãn.

    In one of his best prayers, Gregory of Nazianzus, praising the two martyrs, Cyprianus and Justine, invited virgins and married women to imitate the young martyr. The doctor said: "The candor of her purity being furiously attacked by the impulses of lustful men and the suggestions of impure demons, she resorted to the weapons of prayer and mortification, macerating her body with fasts, invoking the help of Christ with fervor and humility.

    Consequently, it is permissible to use the same weapons when tempted by the power of darkness. The Lord will certainly protect them to overcome the darkness and win the diadem of victory with the greatest merit. 

    Finally, Gregory Nazianzeno offered the example of Cyprianus, whose admirable conversion would serve as an encouragement and comfort to sinners, however burdened they may be with innumerable and grave faults, instilling in them confidence in divine mercy, which by virtue of its grace can soften the hardest hearts, reduce them to the exercise of sincere penance and then lead them to a supreme degree of eternal glory.

    An Episode from the Life of Cyprianus.

    On March 14, 299 A.D., Cyprianus spoke to Satan and said:

    ⸺ O friend, Satan, what meal will you provide for me today as a reward for my faithfulness. Satan replied:

    ⸺ I'll give you dinner or rather a treat that will make you very satisfied." 

    Cyprianus was delighted with the devil's promise and replied:

    ⸺ My master. I have loved and served you for more than ten years and only you satisfy my soul.

    Satan replied:

    ⸺ If you love me and are faithful to me, I will love you too. Put your favorite beans in your mouth and follow me.

    Satan and Cyprianus soon disappeared. Eight minutes later, they were at the palace of the king of a distant land. This king had a daughter called Clotyldes. 

    The devil opened a hole in the right side of Clotyldes' room and said to Cyprianus:

    ⸺ Have you seen that beautiful princess? 

    Cyprianus replied:

    ⸺ I do not think there is a girl as beautiful as her. 

    Satan said:

    ⸺ Well then, my servant Cyprianus, to know that I am your friend and love you with all my heart you can ask me for your greatest wish right now.

    On hearing these words, Cyprianus fell at the demon's feet and said:

    ⸺ O friend and boss whom I love with all my heart, body, mind and life, I swear I will love you more than ever if you entertain me with this girl.

    In addition, Satan:

    ⸺ I will leave it up to you. Convince her with your tricks and arts, because here I am ready for whatever you want.

    Therefore, Cyprianus tried to practice witchcraft to get the princess to follow him, but neither Cyprianus nor all his charms managed to persuade the princess.

    One day he entered the palace in despair and went to the king's office, but could not find him.

    He wondered nervously for half an hour what to do. Suddenly, the king burst through the bedroom door and, alerted by the princess to the sorcerer's attempts, grunted loudly.

    ⸺ Help me! Help me!

    The king summoned the royal guard.

    Cyprianus reached into his right pocket and looked for a magic bean to put in his mouth and run away, but he could not find it. He reached into his left pocket and took out a small silver tube in which he kept a little devil hidden.

    Cyprianus said:

    ⸺ I need protection now.

    ⸺ I will carry out your orders in a moment.

    The monster replied.

    An escort of cavalry and soldiers arrived at the same time. The fighting was so fierce that the castle was completely destroyed.

    The king knelt at Cyprianus' feet and begged him to forgive him for protecting the one Cyprianus loved most.

    You will know that I am a magician and as well as being a magician, I have trained in the diabolical art. You have seen that this palace has been dismantled. What will you give me if I build the palace as it was before, and this now?

    Before the king could answer, he began to say the words:

    Now I have ordered that this palace be raised up and preserved in its natural state by the power of the black magic that makes everything, Per Golan Draga Mata, Vadis Port ad Chia ad Moridan, Pexera Ispera Regla Retragalan, Order behind Prototal! Abracadabra!"

    When Cyprianus had finished saying these words, the palace remained as it was. The king, who had seen Cyprianus perform so many miracles, became more and more frightened, threw

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