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The Crystal Goblet
The Crystal Goblet
The Crystal Goblet
Ebook25 pages18 minutes

The Crystal Goblet

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Homicide Detective Olivia Addington has investigated some tough cases in her time. Now the death of a scam artist in the home of a frail, retired professor of Latin hinges on a chilling clue Addington and her officer-in-training, Sanford, almost missed: a jagged piece of broken crystal.

Release dateJun 8, 2024
The Crystal Goblet

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    The Crystal Goblet - Brian Rieselman

    Table of Contents


    THE CRYSTAL GOBLET, by Brian Rieselman



    Copyright © 2024 by Brian Rieselman.

    Published by Black Cat Weekly.


    by Brian Rieselman

    Two in the morning. The cut-rate, once opulent Marshland Condominium Complex, with its rust-stained empty pool and faded For Sale signs. Rooted precariously in the earth, like the noxious weeds taking over these older urban subdivisions you saw up and down Michigan freeways.

    Police Detective Olivia Addington, twenty years on the force, eleven of them with Parkerdoons Homicide, checked her revolver in a side-holster beneath her blue blazer. Tucked an errant lank of golden-brown hair behind an ear. Headed in with a uniformed officer she’d been training. Young guy named Sanford, tall and capable, solidly built. Two EMTs, men in their forties, tattoos on beefy arms, exited the ambulance and followed quickly.

    The 9-1-1 dispatcher was a talkative type, able to provide more information than Olivia usually received on these calls. A neighbor of the inquisitive sort, so often helpful, heard shouting in the split-level unit next door to hers. A terrible argument. The sound of breaking glass. Then a crash. Then silence.

    Luna Horner’s call to 9-1-1 wasn’t the first reporting some kind of trouble going on at Marshland tonight. Her neighbor in question, Henry Korman, had already placed the call for an ambulance. There

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