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How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma: With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind
How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma: With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind
How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma: With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind
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How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma: With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind

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Understanding the Brain and Body in the Event of Trauma

When a traumatic event occurs, the body fills with adrenaline. The memory is absorbed by the amygdala, which is part of the limbic system and responsible for the emotional intensity and impulsiveness of reactions to the incident.

The amygdala stores the trauma in sensory fragments, meaning the memory is not recorded as a coherent narrative but rather by what our five senses experienced during the event. This includes visual images, smells, sounds, tactile sensations, and tastes.

The prefrontal cortex, located in the front part of our brain, is responsible for rational thinking, processing, reasoning, and language interpretation. During a traumatic event, individuals enter fight, flight, or freeze mode, causing the prefrontal cortex to shut down. This results in the brain becoming chaotic and overwhelmed, and the body entering emergency mode, which reduces the ability to reason and process language.

Learn how to heal your mind with the best techniques you will find in the book.

Release dateJun 8, 2024
How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma: With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind

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    Book preview

    How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma - Steven Dimitar Miranova

    How To Rewire Your Mind From Trauma With Emdr Eft Tapping And Self-Hypnosis Techniques To Heal Your Mind


    Chapter 1: What's Narcissism?

    Chapter 2: Growing up a narcissist

    Chapter 3: Narcissistic Abuse

    Chapter 4: Kick-Offing Your Healing Process

    Chapter 5: Realities of Healing

    Chapter 6: Making No Contact

    Chapter 7 Rewire Your Thought

    Chapter 8: Restoring the brain from Trauma

    Chapter 9: Romantic relationships

    Chapter 10: Creating a New Life Post-Narcissism

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    In a world of stress and trauma that can have a profound impact on the mind and body, healing is a quest for self-discovery. In these pages I invite you to embark on the path of emotional recovery and holistic wellness. Three powerful healing methods will be explored: EFT tapping, EMDR and mental rewiring. These techniques have been proven to release trauma, overcome emotional blocks and restore inner peace. You will discover how to unleash the healing power of your body and mind through scientific knowledge and practical exercises.

    We will explore the worlds of psychology and neuroscience to learn how traumatic memories can affect our perception of the world and our daily interactions.

    In the midst of the darkness we can find hope and healing. EFT Tapping is an emotional release method that uses modern psychology and emotional acupuncture to help you deactivate negative emotional circuits in your brain and let go of stress and anxiety. We will use EMDR to explore how eye movements are used to desensitize and process traumatic events so that they can integrate into your nervous system in a healthy way.

    The real magic happens when we begin to rewire the brain. You will be taught to reprogram limiting thoughts and develop new mental patterns that support your journey to wholeness and wholeness. Through techniques such as creative visualization, affirmations and cognitive restructuring, you can transform your inner dialogue and create new opportunities in your life.

    This book serves as a guide to emotional healing and a testament to the power of the human soul to face adversity, overcome it, and achieve inner peace. As you immerse yourself in these powerful methods, I encourage you to allow your mind and heart to open to the possibilities of lasting and profound change. "True healing begins with you. It is the power of your mind and your heart that can heal.

    Chapter 1: What's Narcissism?

    Narcissism is a term often used to refer to someone with an exaggerated perception of their self-worth. But it is more complex than that. Anyone who exhibits these traits of narcissism could have narcissistic personality disorder.

    Narcissism also refers to the search for satisfaction through vanity or selfish admiration of one's own ideal self-image. Narcissism has its origin in the Greek mythological character Narcissus. He was the son of the gods and fell in love with his reflection in the water of the springs.

    In psychoanalytic theories, narcissism first appeared in the public consciousness of Sigmund Freud in his work The Problem of Narcissism in 1914. Narcissistic Personality Disorder was included in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders beginning in 1968.

    If a person's narcissism causes distress and discord, it is generally considered a personality disorder. The person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may display the traits listed below in a way that makes them appear to consider themselves superior to others:

    * They must be loved

    They are in awe of the perception they have of their own accomplishments.

    * They are unable to handle criticism

    * They feel extremely important.

    The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry has published an article in 2008 that revealed that 6.2 percent of patients suffered from NPD. NPD is a more prevalent disease for men at 7.7 percent than women who had 4.8 percent. It was also found to be more prevalent among younger individuals and those who had never married, or were separated, divorced or widowed.

    Narcissistic personality disorder

    The personality disorder is defined as having a long-term behavioral pattern that tends to be characterized by an inability to empathize, as well as an excessive desire to impress and an over-inflated sense of self-worth. Individuals affected by this disorder tend to spend much of their time thinking about achieving their goals or being successful. They are able to take advantage of those around them. The behavior usually begins in early adulthood and is common in a variety of social settings.

    The cause of the disorder is unknown. It is classified in cluster B of the DSM. Cluster B personality disorders are those characterized by erratic, emotional or dramatic thinking or behavior.

    There has been very little study of the neurological causes of NPD. Recently there has been research that has uncovered structural problems in the brains of people with NPD. Researchers found a lower density of gray matter in the anterior part of the brain. An additional study revealed that people with NPD had lower levels of gray matter in the prefrontal cortex.

    These brain regions are involved in emotions, cognitive function along with compassion. This implies that NPD may be caused by the inability to perform emotion regulation and compassion.

    Chapter 2: Growing up a narcissist

    NPD is very resistant to treatment and can cause the sufferer to cause chaos in his or her life as he or she causes harm to those around him or her. Before we go into the details of how it distorts desire and ego support, we will take a look at the things that are essential for normal child development.

    It is common for young people to be selfish. This is a developmental stage where they make sure they are able to meet their own needs, but are not able to understand the needs of others. By the time they reach adolescence, children are often in a state of self-reflection as they seek to achieve independence.

    Instead of this feeling of self-centeredness, which will gradually disappear, children need to develop a positive and lasting self-esteem in order to take care of themselves and feel secure. They also need to care about the people in their lives, resist negative influence from others, and keep in touch with society and their family. Positive self-esteem indicates that children believe they are a valued and respected member of both society and their own family. This makes them less prone to abuse. Self-esteem and self-centeredness do not mean the same thing, as self-esteem is not the same as putting oneself first at one's own expense to protect the rights and needs of others.

    Childhood self-centeredness must be changed to allow for adult psychological health. Children must learn to develop the ability to see the perspective of others and empathize with the suffering of others in order to function effectively as adults in the world and in the family. A healthy child will gradually begin to show genuine concern for the welfare of others. The inability to connect with others as they grow older is an indication

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