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A Dark Urban Fantasy LGBTQ Psychological Horror Novella


Laura Danby dreams of fame. F.C feeds on desperation. His offer is simple. Beyond getting blood on her hands, what more is she willing to sacrifice?

Laura Danby is a doer, not a dreamer, so when a mysterious PM pops up on Facebook offering her the chance of a lifetime, she jumps at the opportunity without a second thought. After all, her small town home business was far from the 'Fashionista of the Stars' future she dreamed of.

Soon, the rules change, leaving Laura no option but to complete her end of the agreement or forfeit her dreams of fame and fortune. Even if it means sacrificing the one woman she loves.

From the demented mind of R.M.Sackville comes another haunting tale of desperation and selfishness. If you enjoy stories that test the boundaries of what is right, then you'll love this novella.

PublisherRoxy Matthews
Release dateJun 9, 2024

R.M. Sackville

R.M.Sackville is a self-published author of novellas, novelettes, and short story collections that delve into the dark and twisted, testing the boundaries of taboo with Dark Fantasy, Sci/Fi, and Thriller pieces. Her work has been featured in Suspense Magazine and LitFest Magazine. 

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    Unhinged - R.M. Sackville



    LAURA’S FINGERS SHOOK on the silver carbon fiber exterior of her laptop as she closed the lid with a soft click.

    Her heart pounded against her ribs. It wasn’t until she pushed it off her lap onto the couch cushion beside her that she realized her legs were shaking as well.

    She exhaled deep, shook her hands before her, dug bare toes into the plush area rug, all in the hopes of releasing some energy.

    But nothing worked because her mind was going a mile a minute.

    Luck. That was it. Pure luck. How else could anyone explain what just happened? The private message had to have been sent down from the heavens in her hour of need. Offering her the chance she needed, one that could change her life forever.

    Laura lowered her hands to her lap, clenching them between her thighs to warm the tips.

    Faced with a shortage of hours at The Raven, a decrease in orders for her home business; Seamless Seamstress, and the imminent increase in her rent, Laura had feared she would lose everything.

    But not now, she smiled. Not anymore, because she’d taken the offer given to her and planned to give it her all, no matter what.

    There was no way she planned to give up, to curl her tail between her legs and return to the family lakeside condo.

    Laura’s brow knit.

    She’d sworn once to make a name for herself, one outside of that which she’d been raised, and nothing would stop her from doing it.

    It wasn’t that she hated her overbearing, overachieving parents or the way they pushed her to be the best at whatever she did. But in the looks of doubt that crossed over their eyes, the slight shift in her mother’s lip when she spoke about Laura’s choice in career.

    Of course, to Richard and Christine Danby, Seamless Seamstress sounded like Laura spent her days barefoot, hovered over her Singer, two potato sacks being sewn together. They didn’t see the dream she did, working with models and professionals, stars that walked the red carpet, bodyguards surrounding them like an unbreakable barrier. 

    But Laura did, and she’d show them.

    Show them that you didn’t have to be a College Professor, or an astute, cutthroat Lawyer to achieve fame and fortune. That even the art of creating beauty, something that roared in Laura’s soul when she sat before her aged Singer, was capable of being just as prosperous, both financially and in the eyes of those around her.

    L OLA, YOU CAN’T be serious. This could be suicide. No one accepts a job offer through private message. And especially not from someone with the initials F.C.? Kinley argued.

    She stumbled on the uneven sidewalk, struggling to keep up with Laura’s long stride.

    You didn’t even reach out to him first, apply to some online job. How’d he get your information? Tell me at least that much.

    Laura did not slow her pace, instead focused on her target with narrowed brow. If she didn’t haul ass, she’d never make it in time. Slowing to nurture her friend’s paranoia wasn’t anywhere on her list of priorities at the moment.

    A Danby, through and through, determination flooded Laura’s veins. Her nature as evident today as it was in her varsity days.

    Listen, Kin.

    She looked over her shoulder, her gaze never wavering from its target.

    Sandra’s closes in.

    She glanced down at her watch.

    Fifteen minutes. If I don’t get those replacement needles tonight, then I won’t be able to get a head start tomorrow morning when my shipments due to arrive.

    Just the thought of her not having the required materials to begin, all the lost hours, missed deadlines, lit a fire under her feet and panic in her heart.

    Laura picked up the pace as Kinley pulled her short legs into a run.

    I know things have been tight for you lately, with the increase in your rent, decrease in orders for your work, but an online job? An ominous online job?

    Laura snorted as she pushed through the front doors of Sandra’s Sewz-R-Us, moved to the center of the store with purpose.

    Its honest work, Laura defended. They send me materials and basic instructions. I do the work, create the product, and send it back. Money shows up in my PayPal account and badda bing, badda boom, rent is paid and I can sit pretty for another month.

    Yeah, but you didn’t find this on a job board or through a temp site, but a pm on your Facebook account.

    Her nose scrunched.

    It sounds fishy to me.

    Laura’s best friend since grade three, Kinley St. John was always the pessimist. She scrutinized even the minute details of anything that crossed her path. Never closing her eyes, taking a leap. A complete contrast to Laura who jumped head first expecting to swim, not sink.

    It was because of Kinley’s lack of drive, ambition, and sense of adventure that Laura believed her friend would always be stuck in this small town. She’d be slinging burgers for the local fry truck with one kid in her arms, another wrapped around her legs into old age.

    Laura refused that kind of future. Hell, she refused any one that didn’t involve her name in lights, her creations draped over celebrity bodies.

    Laura shivered with excitement at the thought of becoming a household name in fashion. Her colorful, hand crafted beauties on the tips of tongues far across the world.

    Some would call her vicious, her tenacious tendencies foolish, but Laura believed anyone not driven to the brink for their dreams were wasting their lives.

    None of that concerns you? Not even a bit?

    Kinley bit the corner of her lip.

    Laura shrugged.

    If anyone else was put in her position, offered the chance of a lifetime, they’d not think twice either. That she knew. The allure of reaching your dreams faster would force anyone past caution. Plus, the thought of showing her doubt-filled and disappointed parents that her dream was as important as their own, pushed her that much more.

    Kinley frowned at Laura’s nonchalant reaction.

    How do you know this is even legit? Not some psycho who plans to send you letter bombs, or get you to make letter bombs?

    Laura couldn’t help but laugh at Kinley’s neurosis. She was definitely going overboard now.

    It’s just a job, that’s all.

    She held up her hands for inspection.

    Do I honestly look like someone capable of putting together a bomb?

    Kinley sighed, frustration written in the creases on her forehead.

    What if this guy only wanted your mailing address so he could MapQuest you, get a layout of your place to stow away inside awaiting the opportune moment to rape and murder you?

    Laura rolled her eyes.

    You need to stop staying up late watching The First 48. Not everyone is psychotic, you know.

    Several feet away, the exuberant shop owner, Sandra, stepped out from behind a rack, turned to the girls in mock surprise as if she hadn’t been listening to their entire conversation. She waved an arm in their direction, her eyes lit with excitement as she closed in on them.

    Welcome to Sewz-R-Us. Today we have a special on neon colors.

    Sandra giggled, her plump arms jiggled as she pointed out her multi-colored tie-dye shirt, brown cords, and teased hair that did not move when she did.

    To celebrate national 80’s day.

    Is that even a thing?

    Kinley lifted a brow.

    I retract my previous statement, Laura mumbled under her breath. 

    Sandra chuckled, shook her head.

    That’s like asking if Elvis really was the King.

    Turning her back to them, she waved for them to follow as she waddled towards a display that screamed ‘David Bowie and Madonna have taken over the world’. Sandra rounded on them, pointed freckled fingers towards the assortment.

    I have bobbins, buttons, fabric, and thread for just about every project in almost every imaginable neon color.

    Her eyes rounded in excitement.

    And, on this ‘80’s day’.

    She giggled as she reached behind the display to withdraw a cupcake shaped pin cushion, complete with neon green icing.

    A special little gift on any purchase of thirty dollars or more.

    It’s so adorable, Kinley gushed.

    Laura rolled her eyes, frustrated with the diversion from the task at hand—needles.

    Unable to listen to the ooh’s and aaah’s as Kinley and Sandra poked at the plush cupcake top, Laura spoke up.

    Thank you, Sandra, but I’m only here for...

    It’s magnetic on the inside, Sandra interrupted.

    She lifted the cupcake top, revealed a small magnet in it base.

    Laura’s patience waned. Sandra, really, I just came for one...

    Once more Sandra broke in, as

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