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Bear: Berserker Boys 1: Berserker Boys, #1
Bear: Berserker Boys 1: Berserker Boys, #1
Bear: Berserker Boys 1: Berserker Boys, #1
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Bear: Berserker Boys 1: Berserker Boys, #1

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About this ebook

Cosplay takes on a whole new meaning when Viking gamers have the power to shape shift.

Vik had already chosen to follow the path of the Norse Heathen, and embraced his Viking persona for game play when magic forced the shift on him.

Using the power of online video gaming, magical forces have started opening portals between worlds. That same magic causes Vik to shift into a bear when he is called to do battle against invading hordes of orcs and goblins.

After challenging him on the true meaning of his Viking marks, he invites the feisty Aaliyah to come see what his tattoos really mean, only realizing too late, that he may have put her in danger.


You don't choose the berserker life. 

The berserker life chooses you.

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Bear: Berserker Boys 1: Berserker Boys, #1

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    Bear - Lulu M. Sylvian



    D on’t look now, but these guys behind you think they’re Vikings or something, Aaliyah said.

    Maisie twisted in her seat. Her eyes were wide, and she practically vibrated with excitement when Aaliyah could see Maisie’s face again.

    I thought I told you not to look.

    Yeardley leaned back in her chair and quickly glanced in the direction Aaliyah had indicated. What the fuck?

    Aaliyah shrugged. Who knows, maybe it’s the latest fashion?

    Aaliyah wasn’t bothered by fashion. Having grown up without access to the current trends, she had developed a sense of style free from the influence of fashion magazines or influencers. Her denim jacket was an odd green color, not kelly green, and not olive, but some bastard child in the middle. Her mother had bought it Aaliyah’s senior year of high school. She had spent four years begging for a denim jacket with visions of looking like a badass in denim. It had taken her months to get over the disappointment she had felt, but in the end, she loved the uniqueness of it.

    Most of her clothes were thrift-store finds or modifications, a habit that stuck with her from her youth. Case in point, the light cardigan she wore as a blouse was navy with gold stars she had embroidered on herself. She wore a color block skirt with a designer label, another thrifting score. Anything she didn’t understand was always ‘the latest fashion.’

    Are you okay? Aaliyah asked Maisie.

    Maisie was visibly shaking and looked like she was going to start crying at any second. Her lower lip quivered.

    Yeardley leaned forward and rested her hand on Maisie’s arm. Maisie?

    Maisie fanned her face, her hand moved so rapidly it was more of a hand flapping than anything else.

    That’s Scottie, Maisie squeaked out.

    Aaliyah looked from her friend to the group of men dressed in leathers and furs like post-Iron Age warriors, and back.

    Who is Scottie? She was ready to march over to them no matter how intimidating they looked and give this Scottie a piece of her mind if he had wronged Maisie in their mutual past.

    Yeardley cast her glance to the group and back to Aaliyah. Why is that name familiar? You didn’t date him, I’d remember if you had gone out with⁠—

    Oh my god, no. He’s on MinVid. I’ve shown you his video clips. He’s really cute. She was talking through clenched teeth. Panic written all over her face.

    Oh, him. That’s why he looks so familiar, Yeardley said.

    I still have no idea which one you’re talking about, Aaliyah admitted.

    Maisie sighed long and deep. The ginger one. He’s so cute. She fell forward and face-planted against the table.

    Without Maisie’s head in the way, Aaliyah had a clear view of the Viking men. Two white guys, one with flaming orange hair, the kind that Aaliyah always thought of as nature’s warning label, and a Black guy with long locs. It was hard to see what Maisie found appealing about the redhead. It was hard to find anything about them appealing, they were all rather ragged looking with varying colors of makeup smeared across their faces.

    She rolled her eyes and looked away when the other white guy winked at her. He did have pretty blue eyes, though.

    Yeardley was patting Maisie on the back. Why don’t you just get up and go say hi?

    Maisie bolted upright, her twin long braids swinging. Oh my god, I couldn’t. What if he… she pressed her hands to her face, covering her eyes.

    After a moment, she uncovered her eyes and waved her hands down her front, blowing air out of pursed lips. They’re probably in town for a con or something. I don’t know what’s around. But, yeah.

    Maisie you are avoiding getting up and going over there and saying hi, Yeardley chastised. What’s the worst that could happen? You’ll say, ‘Hi, I like your videos,’ he’ll say, ‘thanks.’ And that’s it.

    That’s not the worst thing that could happen. And I just don’t want to have to deal with that ever again.

    I know exactly what you’re talking about, and Maisie, that guy was a douche with a capital D. No self-respecting, sober artist is going to be that disgustingly rude.

    No, they’ll just lie to me, and the entire time I’m only going to be thinking about what they aren’t saying.

    He was drunk.

    He just didn’t have his filters in place, so I got his truth, Maisie said. Her excitement that Scottie was at the table behind her visibly melted away. She frowned.

    Just because Dave Bacca, a known drunk and asshole, said those things doesn’t make them true, Yeardley said.

    Maisie stared down at her hands, her fingers twisted together in a show of nerves.

    Who is Dave Bacca? Aaliyah asked.

    Dave Bacca used to be a voice actor. He did some big sci-fi animes. I met him at a meet and greet for fans, and he said… he said some crappy things to me about cosplaying characters I shouldn’t because I was fat, Maisie confessed.

    "He also got hit by cancel culture hard because he was a fucking drunk and kept hitting on teenagers that were part of the show’s fandom. It’s why she hasn’t been

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