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The Uncharted and the Unseen
The Uncharted and the Unseen
The Uncharted and the Unseen
Ebook36 pages15 minutes

The Uncharted and the Unseen

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About this ebook

Lost sailor Finn discovers a hidden world, teeming with magic and wonder, but shrouded in a secret threat.

Unveiling a prophecy of impending doom, Finn joins forces with a luminescent warrior, Elara.

Together, they face a corrupted fleet and monstrous guardians to prevent a world-devouring entity from breaking free.

Their journey tests courage and unveils a connection, forging a bond between two worlds.

In a climactic battle against ultimate darkness, Finn and Elara risk everything to secure peace.

The Uncharted and the Unseen collide in a thrilling adventure of magic, sacrifice, and courage.

PublisherAymen Elouaer
Release dateJun 9, 2024
The Uncharted and the Unseen

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    Book preview

    The Uncharted and the Unseen - Aymen Elouaer

    Aymen ELOUAER



    Chapter 1


    Salt spray stung Finn's weathered face as he gripped the wheel of the rickety schooner, the Dauntless. Below, the endless expanse of the Obsidian Sea stretched like a bruised canvas. Legends whispered of uncharted islands and monstrous creatures lurking in its inky depths. Finn, a seasoned sailor with a thirst for adventure, scoffed at such tales – until the storm arrived.

    The sky bled crimson as a hurricane of unimaginable fury descended. Monstrous waves, frothing with an unnatural luminescence, slammed against the Dauntless, threatening to swallow it whole. A deafening roar echoed from the depths, shaking the very timbers of the ship. Then, a colossal tentacle, blacker than night and studded with barnacles the size of fists, surged from the water, wrapping around the mast.

    Terror choked Finn's throat. It was a Kraken, a legendary sea beast, its colossal head a nightmare of writhing tentacles and a single, malevolent eye. The Kraken slammed the Dauntless against a hidden reef, splintering its hull. Finn was thrown overboard, swallowed by the churning

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