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Love Comes Home: An Amish Romance: homeward bound amish romance, #1
Love Comes Home: An Amish Romance: homeward bound amish romance, #1
Love Comes Home: An Amish Romance: homeward bound amish romance, #1
Ebook55 pages46 minutes

Love Comes Home: An Amish Romance: homeward bound amish romance, #1

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About this ebook

Sara Miller and Zeke Breneman navigate a tumultuous relationship filled with challenges and heartwarming moments.


Zeke yearns for adventure beyond their Amish community, while Sara cherishes the simplicity of their life and dreams of marrying Zeke.


When Zeke leaves to pursue his ambitions, Sara fears losing him forever. Will Zeke's wanderlust lead him away from everything he loves, or will he return to Sara and their shared faith?


"Homeward Bound" explores their journey of love, faith, and finding their way back to each other.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Love Comes Home: An Amish Romance: homeward bound amish romance, #1

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    Love Comes Home - Grace Given



    MY FATHER, WHO has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.

    John 10.29

    For the third time Sara dropped a wet apron on the ground instead of looping it over the clothesline. Her mother glanced at her as her daughter’s face turned pink.

    If you continue to drop the clean clothes on the ground, we will have to start laundry day all over again, said her mother. Sara smiled and told her she would be more careful.

    Emma noticed her daughter’s continued agitation in recent days but had not interfered. She waited for Sara to approach her if she felt she needed to. They worked in silence until both were distracted at the sounds of an approaching horse and buggy. They turned to see who was coming. Sara’s best friend, Esther waved at them.

    Emma turned to her daughter and told her she had work to do in the house. She thought it would be good to leave the two friends together.

    Why aren’t you home doing laundry? Sara asked Esther.

    I have been at the schoolhouse getting ready for the children. School begins again tomorrow. Esther picked up a piece of clothing from the basket and worked alongside Sara. You have been quiet lately, she said. Is something bothering you?

    Sara’s face relaxed in relief. Esther, I have not wanted to say what is on my mind, but I have to talk with someone. She looped a shirt on the line. I am worried about Zeke. He seems to be avoiding me, and when he does acknowledge me, his manner is very cool toward me.

    Perhaps he is trying to get up the courage to ask you to marry him, said Esther. She hoped a little teasing would lighten her friend’s mood. Everyone is waiting to hear the announcement of your engagement.

    Sara breathed deeply and faced Esther. I do not believe that is it. Though he has not spoken the words yet, we have discussed possibilities for the future. Her face turned serious. There is something on his mind that troubles him. I won’t wait much longer to find out. I hope he still loves me as he professes, so we can straighten out whatever it is that bothers him.

    She was aware that Zeke had taken longer than expected with his rumspringa out in the world. He did not go until he was almost seventeen. His eighteenth birthday came and went while he was away. Her thoughts shifted to their earlier days.

    She recalled the numerous times they locked eyes when among others. Sara noticed him in a special way when they sat across from one another in the schoolhouse at age thirteen. It wasn’t until one Sunday after church services that Zeke Breneman took notice of her. They joined the other young people for dinner at the long tables set up in the Millers’ yard. Sara’s family hosted the services that Sunday. She found herself directly across from Zeke. He finally focused on her, and the rest, as they say, is history. From then on Zeke courted Sara regularly.

    You are daydreaming, Sara, said Esther. Why don’t you set a time to talk with Zeke? In the meantime, we will pray for guidance and direction. Esther hurried to the buggy and retrieved her Bible. Let’s do it right now. Praying over the situation will give you peace.

    Esther read while Sara finished hanging wet clothing on the lines. When she finished, she smiled at her friend and thanked her for praying with her.

    Esther Clodfelter and Sara Miller were as different as two young women could be. Both were age eighteen. Esther enjoyed her responsibility of teaching the children in their community. For now, she was not interested in marrying and

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