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Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition
Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition
Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition
Ebook291 pages2 hours

Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition

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About this ebook

If you want to learn how to program in Rust and create strong, reliable apps with the most recent version Rust 1.68, then you need the "Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook (Second Edition)"—a book full of real-world solutions. An extensive collection of practical recipes covering a wide range of topics, this edition expands upon the first and guarantees that you will be well-versed in the complexities of Rust.


You will learn the fundamentals of programming, how to set up a development environment, and the syntax of Rust in the first few chapters. Data structures, pattern matching, error handling, and concurrency are all covered in the recipes, which will set you up for success with more complex topics.As you go through the book, you'll learn how to write efficient and secure code by managing memory, using Rust's ownership model, and borrowing rules. You will gain an understanding of how to make use of robust Rust features such as traits, generics, and lifetimes to build code that is both flexible and reusable. The testing and debugging chapters provide the necessary tools and techniques to guarantee that your applications are dependable and free of bugs.


Using profiling tools like valgrind and perf, the cookbook teaches you how to find and fix performance bottlenecks, which is a major focus of performance optimization. By learning about SIMD instructions, compiler optimization flags, and parallel processing with libraries like rayon, you can greatly improve the efficiency of your code. In the more advanced chapters, you will learn how to use static and dynamic analysis, fuzz testing, and external high-performance libraries to make your applications even better. In no time at all, you will be able to build robust, high-performance Rust applications by following these potent recipes and becoming an expert Rust programmer.


Key Learnings

  • Learn the ins and outs of Rust's ownership model to avoid data races and make sure memory is safe.
  • Develop your skills in pattern matching and advanced error handling to create code that is both strong and easy to maintain.
  • Use the robust primitives and rayon library in Rust to implement parallelism and concurrency.
  • Use the perf, valgrind, and SIMD instructions to optimize performance for efficient execution.
  • Carry out thorough fuzz testing and static analysis with clippy and cargo-fuzz.
  • Enable efficient memory management by studying high-performance libraries such as hashbrown and jemalloc.
  • With diesel and sqlx, you can manage databases and make queries and integrations a breeze.
  • Optimize the deployment of Rust applications and establish CI/CD pipelines.
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition

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    Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook, Second Edition - Lloyd Frank

    Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook

    Second Edition

    100+ Solutions for beginners to practice rust programming across CI/CD, kubernetes, networking, code performance and microservices

    Llyod Frank


    If you want to learn how to program in Rust and create strong, reliable apps with the most recent version Rust 1.68, then you need the Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook (Second Edition)—a book full of real-world solutions. An extensive collection of practical recipes covering a wide range of topics, this edition expands upon the first and guarantees that you will be well-versed in the complexities of Rust.

    You will learn the fundamentals of programming, how to set up a development environment, and the syntax of Rust in the first few chapters. Data structures, pattern matching, error handling, and concurrency are all covered in the recipes, which will set you up for success with more complex topics.

    As you go through the book, you'll learn how to write efficient and secure code by managing memory, using Rust's ownership model, and borrowing rules. You will gain an understanding of how to make use of robust Rust features such as traits, generics, and lifetimes to build code that is both flexible and reusable. The testing and debugging chapters provide the necessary tools and techniques to guarantee that your applications are dependable and free of bugs.

    Using profiling tools like valgrind and perf, the cookbook teaches you how to find and fix performance bottlenecks, which is a major focus of performance optimization. By learning about SIMD instructions, compiler optimization flags, and parallel processing with libraries like rayon, you can greatly improve the efficiency of your code.

    In the more advanced chapters, you will learn how to use static and dynamic analysis, fuzz testing, and external high-performance libraries to make your applications even better. In no time at all, you will be able to build robust, high-performance Rust applications by following these potent recipes and becoming an expert Rust programmer.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Learn the ins and outs of Rust's ownership model to avoid data races and make sure memory is safe.

    Develop your skills in pattern matching and advanced error handling to create code that is both strong and easy to maintain.

    Use the robust primitives and rayon library in Rust to implement parallelism and concurrency.

    Use the perf, valgrind, and SIMD instructions to optimize performance for efficient execution.

    Carry out thorough fuzz testing and static analysis with clippy and cargo-fuzz.

    Enable efficient memory management by studying high-performance libraries such as hashbrown and jemalloc.

    With diesel and sqlx, you can manage databases and make queries and integrations a breeze.

    Optimize the deployment of Rust applications and establish CI/CD pipelines.


    Welcome to the second edition of the Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook. I'm Lloyd Frank, and I'm excited to help you master Rust programming. This book is an updated version of the first edition written by the prestigious Rustacean team, and it is intended to help you become a skilled Rust developer capable of creating powerful, robust applications.

    My initial impression of Rust was that it had a refreshingly original take on performance and security. Rust's ownership model, which guarantees memory safety in the absence of a garbage collector, was a game changer. As I delved deeper, I realized Rust has enormous potential for developing high-performance, reliable software. This book is my attempt to convey that excitement and knowledge to you. In this edition, I've kept the core structure and strengths of the first edition while incorporating the most recent Rust 1.68 improvements. The goal is to provide you with practical, hands-on recipes that will teach you Rust while also preparing you for real-world programming challenges. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is tailored to your needs.

    We start with the fundamental concepts of Rust, such as ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes. These are the Rust building blocks that keep your programs free of memory leaks and data races. I've included numerous examples and exercises to help you grasp these concepts before moving on to more advanced topics. Concurrency and parallelism are critical for modern applications, and Rust excels in this regard. You will learn how to use Rust's concurrency primitives and libraries such as rayon to create efficient multi-threaded programs. We will look at how to manage threads, synchronize with Mutex and RwLock, and use channels to communicate safely between threads. These recipes will help you build scalable and responsive applications.

    Performance optimization is another important topic covered in this book. Perf and valgrind will teach you how to identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks in your code. We'll go over compiler optimization flags and SIMD instructions, so you can write more efficient code. By the end of these chapters, you will be skilled at extracting the most performance from your Rust programs. Security and robustness are critical in software development. Rust's strong type system and ownership model naturally provide a high level of security. However, to ensure that your applications are bulletproof, we will go over fuzz testing with cargo-fuzz and static analysis with clippy and Miri. These tools will assist you in identifying vulnerabilities and bugs early in the development process, making your code more reliable. Web development is another exciting topic we'll discuss.

    One of the book's most notable features is the collection of over 100 solution-focused recipes. These recipes offer practical solutions to common programming challenges, allowing you to apply what you've learned to real-world situations. These recipes cover a wide range of topics required for a successful backend developer or full-stack programmer, from CI/CD pipeline setup to Rust application deployment.

    As you progress through the chapters, you'll realize that this book is about more than just learning Rust; it's also about becoming a better programmer. The principles and practices you'll learn here apply beyond Rust, making you a more versatile and effective developer. Whether you want to expand your Rust knowledge, switch from another language, or begin your programming career, Practical Rust 1.x Cookbook is your comprehensive resource.


    Lloyd Frank

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    Printed in India

    First Printing: June 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at





    Chapter 1: Setting up and Configuring Rust Environment


    Recipe#1: Installing Rust Compiler

    Download the Rust Installer

    Run the Installer

    Verify the Installation

    Install rustup

    Verify rustup installation

    Install a specific Rust version

    Set a default Rust version

    Recipe#2: Creating New Rust Project

    Create a New Rust Project

    Recipe#3: Managing Dependencies to your Project

    Add Dependencies

    Remove Dependencies

    Modify Dependencies

    Recipe#4: Installing Visual Studio Code IDE for Rust

    Install Rust Extension in VS Code

    Configure VS Code for Rust Development

    Recipe#5: Supporting Non-Rust Tools and Libraries

    Determine the Library Details

    Add the Dependency

    Use the Dependency in Your Code

    Recipe#6: Setting up Code Testing Tools

    Use Built-in Testing Tools

    Add quickcheck Dependency

    Add proptest Dependency

    Recipe#7: Setting up Rust in Cloud-based IDE

    Choose a Cloud-Based IDE

    Sign Up or Log In

    Create a New Workspace

    Configure the Workspace

    Start the Workspace

    Verify the Rust Installation

    Creating a New Rust Project

    Build and Run the Project


    Chapter 2: Hands-on Traits, Enums and Struct


    Recipe#1: Working with Traits

    Recipe#2: Define Function inside Traits

    Recipe#3: How to Define Enums?

    Recipe#4: Tips and Considerations regarding Enums

    Variant Values with Types and Fields

    Pattern Matching with ‘match’ Expression

    Using If Let Expressions

    Deriving Traits for Enums

    Recipe#5: Parsing and Interpreting Enum Arguments

    Parsing Arguments

    Parsing Enum Arguments

    Interpreting Enum Arguments

    Recipe#6: Initialize Array of Structs

    Define Struct and Arrays of Struct

    Initialize Array of Structs using Loop

    Initializing Arrays with Default Values

    Combining Loops and Default Trait

    Recipe#7: Cloning Structs

    Why Cloning?

    Implementing the Clone Trait

    Cloning an Array of Structs


    Chapter 3: Pattern Matching, Concurrency, Pointers and Modules

    Recipe#1: Pattern Matching with Enum

    Need for Pattern Matching with Enums

    Implementing Pattern Matching

    Recipe#2: Working with Tokio

    Basics about Tokio

    Installing and Configuring Tokio

    Recipe #3: Writing Concurrent Programs

    What is Concurrency?

    Procedure to Build Concurrent Programs

    Implementing Concurrency

    Recipe #4: Working with Raw Pointers

    Why Raw Pointers?

    How to Use Raw Pointers

    Using Multiple Raw Pointers

    Recipe #5: Working with Smart Pointers

    Understanding Smart Pointers

    Using Box Smart Pointer

    Using Rc Smart Pointer

    Smart Pointers vs. Raw Pointers

    Recipe #6: Using ‘mod’ Modules

    Declaring Modules

    Using Modules

    Advantages of Using Modules

    Implementing Modules in an Existing Rust Program


    Chapter 4: Using Declarative and Procedural Macros


    Recipe #1: Declaring and Implementing Declarative Macros

    Defining Declarative Macros

    Creating Declarative Macros

    Recipe #2: Debugging Declarative Macros

    Steps to Debug Declarative Macros

    Debugging a Series of Declarative Macros

    Recipe #3: Derive Macro for Implementing Traits

    Understanding Derive Macros

    Implementing Derive Macros

    Recipe #4: Using Function-like Macros

    Understanding Function-like Macros

    Implementing Function-like Macros

    Recipe #5: Using Attribute Macros

    Understanding Attribute Macros

    Implementing Attribute Macros

    Recipe #6: Debugging Procedural Macros

    Tips and Tricks to Debug Procedural Macros

    Techniques of Debugging


    Chapter 5: Implementing Concurrency and Multithreading


    Recipe #1: Implementing Concurrent Threadsafe Queues

    Using Arc>

    Using std::sync::mpsc::channel()

    Using crossbeam::channel::bounded()

    Recipe #2: Implementing Concurrent Hash Maps

    Understanding Concurrent Hash Maps

    Using Arc>>

    Using Rayon for Concurrent Hash Maps

    Recipe #3: Using Synchronization Mechanisms

    Using Mutual Exclusion Lock (Mutex)

    Using Read-Write Lock (RwLock)

    Using Atomic Variables

    Recipe #4: Designing Efficient Parallel Algorithms

    Understanding Parallel Algorithms

    Using Rayon for Parallel Algorithms

    Using rayon::join

    Using std::thread

    Recipe #5: Debugging and Testing Concurrent Programs

    Tips and Techniques

    Debugging Using rayon and crossbeam

    Recipe #6: Optimizing Concurrent Programs

    Procedure Steps to Rust Optimization

    Optimizing Rust Program Using Rayon

    Recipe #7: Dealing with Deadlocks and Livelocks

    Understanding Deadlocks and Livelocks

    Dealing with Deadlocks

    Dealing with Livelocks


    Chapter 6: Asynchronous Programming


    Recipe #1: Defining Asynchronous Functions

    Async Keyword

    Using Futures and Executors

    Recipe #2: Running Asynchronous Tasks

    Using Tokio for Asynchronous Tasks

    Using async-std for Asynchronous Tasks

    Recipe #3: Error Handling in Asynchronous Code

    Using Result Type: Ok and Err

    Using the ? Operator

    Recipe #4: Debugging Asynchronous Code

    Using Tokio-test Crate

    Using futures::executor::ThreadPool for Debugging

    Recipe #5: Working with Asynchronous I/O

    Performing Asynchronous I/O using Tokio

    Performing Asynchronous I/O using async-std

    Recipe #6: Working with Channels and MPSC/SPSC Communication Patterns

    Using Channel Function to Create MPSC

    Using Channel Function to Create SPSC

    Recipe #7: Implementing Asynchronous Networking

    Asynchronous Networking with Tokio

    Asynchronous Networking with async-std

    Recipe #8: Integrate with Asynchronous Libraries

    Using tokio-sync to Integrate Asynchronous Tasks

    Using the futures crate to Coordinate Asynchronous Tasks


    Chapter 7: Developing REST and SOAP APIs


    Recipe#1: Creating SOAP APIs

    What are SOAP APIs?

    Creating SOAP API using xml-rs

    Recipe#2: Building RESTful APIs

    What are REST APIs?

    Building REST API using serde

    Recipe#3: Automating API Documentation

    Automating API Documentation using rustdoc

    Recipe#4: Managing API Orchestration

    Need of API Orchestration

    Managing API Orchestration using Ocelot

    Recipe #5: Adding Security to API

    Securing API using Actix

    Recipe #6: Monitoring API

    Using Prometheus

    Monitoring Errors in API

    Checking API Usage


    Chapter 8: Building Microservices & Architectures


    Recipe #1: Applying Fine-Grained SOA

    What is Fine-Grained SOA?

    Implementing Fine-Grained SOA

    Recipe #2: Layering APIs

    Exploring API Layering

    Implementing API Layering

    Recipe #3: Implementing Event-Driven Communication Pattern

    Event-Driven Communication Pattern

    Implementing Event-Driven Communication Pattern

    Recipe #4: Programming Middlewares

    Programming Middlewares for a Logging Service

    Stacking Multiple Middlewares

    Recipe #5: End-to-End API Testing

    Running End-to-End API Testing

    Recipe #6: Splitting Monoliths with Strangler Fig Pattern

    Strangler Fig Pattern

    Implementing Strangler Fig Pattern

    Recipe #7: Autoscaling Rust Programs

    Rust Libraries for Autoscaling Applications

    Autoscaling Rust Applications


    Chapter 9: Working around CI/CD


    Recipe #1: Setting up Version Control Repository

    Setting up a Git Repository

    Managing Branches

    Advanced Git Features

    Stashing Changes

    Reverting Changes


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