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Tales of Shivering Thriller
Tales of Shivering Thriller
Tales of Shivering Thriller
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Tales of Shivering Thriller

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About this ebook

"Tales of Shivering Thriller" is a collection of stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat, turning pages late into the night, as you journey into the darkest corners of the human mind and beyond.

Each story within this book is a carefully crafted piece of the vast tapestry of horror and suspense, woven with the threads of timeless fears and contemporary anxieties.

As a child, I was drawn to the eerie tales whispered around campfires, the ghost stories shared on stormy nights and the classic works of horror literature that left an indelible mark on my imagination. It is this sense of wonder and dread that I aim to capture and share with you through these stories.

These stories are not just about fear but about the human spirit's resilience. The characters you will meet are driven by love, curiosity, guilt, and a desperate need for redemption. Their struggles and triumphs, though steeped in the supernatural, echo the real-life battles we all face.

As you turn each page, allow yourself to be drawn into these worlds, to walk alongside the characters, and to feel their terror as if it were your own. But remember dear reader, these are only stories. The true horror lies in the unknown, in the dark corners of our minds where our deepest fears reside.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Tales of Shivering Thriller

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    Tales of Shivering Thriller - MD Shar


    In a world where reality often merges with the uncanny, Tales of Shivering Thriller brings together a collection of spine-chilling stories that delve into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Each tale is a journey into fear, suspense, and the supernatural, guaranteed to leave readers shivering.

    Welcome, dear reader, to a world where shadows whisper secrets, and the line between reality and nightmare blurs into a shivering haze of suspense. In your hands, you hold a collection of stories designed to captivate your imagination, quicken your pulse, and challenge your courage. This is Tales of Shivering Thriller, a compendium of chilling narratives that delve into the darkest recesses of the human psyche and the supernatural realms that lie just beyond our understanding.

    As the author of these tales, my intention is not only to entertain but to transport you into a dimension where fear reigns supreme and mystery lurks around every corner. Each story within this book is a carefully crafted piece of the vast tapestry of horror and suspense, woven with the threads of timeless fears and contemporary anxieties. From a phantom's love to the mysterious email, the sinister swap, the haunting sketch to the mysterious cry, these tales will take you on a journey through the macabre and the mysterious.

    The inspiration for Tales of Shivering Thriller stems from a lifelong fascination with the unknown and the unseen. As a child, I was drawn to the eerie tales whispered around campfires, the ghost stories shared on stormy nights and the classic works of horror literature that left an indelible mark on my imagination. It is this sense of wonder and dread that I aim to capture and share with you through these stories.

    Each tale in this collection is a testament to the power of storytelling. The characters you will meet are ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances, their lives upended by forces beyond their control. As they grapple with their fears and confront the unknown, their stories remind us of our vulnerabilities and the primal fears that reside within us all.

    Tales of Shivering Thriller ends with a reminder that fear often lurks in the most unexpected places, and sometimes, the most terrifying monsters are those within us. The stories, though varied in their settings and characters, share a common thread of suspense and the supernatural, leaving readers to ponder the thin veil between reality and the unknown.

    These stories are not just about fear but about the human spirit's resilience. The characters you will meet are driven by love, curiosity, guilt, and a desperate need for redemption. Their struggles and triumphs, though steeped in the supernatural, echo the real-life battles we all face.

    As you turn each page, allow yourself to be drawn into these worlds, to walk alongside the characters, and to feel their terror as if it were your own. But remember dear reader, these are only stories. The true horror lies in the unknown, in the dark corners of our minds where our deepest fears reside.

    Thank you for embarking on this journey through Tales of Shivering Thriller. May these tales keep you on the edge of your seat, your heart racing, and your mind questioning the shadows that dance just beyond your sight. Brace yourself for a chilling adventure, and enjoy the ride.


    1. Saturday Night Terror

    It was a cold and misty Saturday evening in the small town of Karnapur. The streets were deserted, and an eerie silence hung in the air. The weather had been unpredictable lately, with heavy rainfalls followed by chilling winds. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, promising another stormy night.

    Karnapur was a quaint town, known for its lush green parks and old colonial buildings. However, for the past few months, it had become infamous for something far more sinister. Every Saturday, a horror story was published in the local newspaper, the Khabardar Times. The stories, written by an anonymous author, were chilling and terrifying, filled with grotesque characters and haunting plots. But the real horror began at night when the characters from the stories came to life and terrorized the town.

    The editor of the Khabardar Times, Mr. Raman, was a middle-aged man with a stern face and thick glasses. He was known for his meticulous attention to detail and dedication to the newspaper. Raman had short, graying hair and always wore a neat suit. Despite his professional demeanor, he was deeply troubled by the recent events.

    That Saturday evening, as the latest edition of the Khabardar Times was being printed, the sky darkened further. The story for that week was titled The Haunting of the Black Manor. It featured a cursed mansion on the outskirts of Karnapur, inhabited by ghostly figures and a vengeful spirit named Lady Helena. Lady Helena was described as a tall, slender woman with long, flowing black hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore a tattered white gown stained with blood and had a haunting presence.

    As the clock struck midnight, the town was engulfed in an unnatural fog. The temperature dropped suddenly, and an icy wind howled through the streets. The townspeople knew what was coming and locked themselves indoors, praying for the night to pass quickly.

    At the center of the town, the ancient clock tower struck twelve times, its chimes echoing eerily through the night. From the shadows emerged Lady Helena, her ghostly form gliding silently through the mist. Her blue eyes glowed with an unholy light, and her blood-stained gown fluttered in the wind. She was accompanied by other characters from the story—twisted, malevolent figures that spread fear wherever they went.

    Inspector Rajiv, a tall and broad-shouldered man with a thick mustache and sharp eyes, was on night patrol. He had been trying to solve the mystery behind these Saturday night terrors for weeks but had found no clues. That night, he witnessed Lady Helena and her ghostly companions terrorizing the town. They broke windows, overturned cars, and left cryptic messages written in blood on the walls. Rajiv knew he had to do something before the situation escalated further.

    Rajiv hurried to the newspaper office where Mr. Raman was still working. Raman's office was cluttered with stacks of old newspapers and manuscripts. The air was thick with the smell of ink and paper. Raman looked up, his face pale with worry, as Rajiv barged in.

    Raman, this has to stop. Every week it's getting worse, Rajiv said, his voice filled with urgency.

    Raman sighed, rubbing his temples. I know, Rajiv. But we have tried everything. We have changed the printing schedule, altered the distribution routes, and even considered stopping the publication altogether. But the stories keep coming, and the terror continues.

    Rajiv leaned forward, his eyes intense. What if we stop the story from being published in the first place? Maybe that's the only way to end this nightmare.

    Raman looked thoughtful. You mean, find the author and stop them from writing these stories?

    Exactly, Rajiv replied. We need to track down the source of these horrors and put an end to it.

    The two men decided to work together. They began by going through the archives, searching for any clues about the anonymous author. They found that the first horror story was published six months ago, and since then, every Saturday, a new story has appeared. The stories were submitted via email from an untraceable address.

    As the night wore on, the terror in the town escalated. Lady Helena and her ghostly minions wreaked havoc, their sinister laughter echoing through the streets. The townspeople huddled in fear, praying for dawn.

    Meanwhile, Rajiv and Raman made a breakthrough. They discovered that the email address used to submit the stories was linked to an old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of Karnapur—the same mansion featured in the latest story. Without wasting any time, they decided to visit the mansion, hoping to find the mysterious author.

    The mansion was a decrepit structure, its walls covered in ivy and its windows broken. The air was thick with the smell of decay, and the wind howled through the empty hallways. As Rajiv and Raman approached, they felt a sense of dread, but they pressed on, determined to end the nightmare.

    Inside the mansion, they found a dusty old study filled with manuscripts and old newspapers. In the center of the room was a large, antique desk covered in cobwebs. On the desk lay a typewriter, its keys worn and faded. Next to it was a stack of manuscripts, each one a horror story that had been published in the Khabardar Times.

    As they examined the manuscripts, they heard a soft, eerie whisper. They turned to see a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. It was the ghostly form of Lady Helena, her blue eyes glowing with malevolence.

    Who are you? Rajiv demanded, his voice shaking.

    Lady Helena smiled a cold, sinister smile. I am the author of your nightmares, she said. And you have no power to stop me.

    Rajiv and Raman realized that Lady Helena was not just a character in the stories but the very source of the terror. She had been using the stories to channel her malevolent spirit into the real world.

    With no time to lose, Rajiv grabbed the manuscripts and threw them into the fireplace. The flames roared to life, consuming the papers. Lady Helena screamed in rage, her form flickering and fading. As the last manuscript turned to ash, she vanished, her ghostly presence dissipating into the night.

    The town of Karnapur awoke to a calm morning. The fog had lifted, and the sun shone brightly, dispelling the darkness. The townspeople emerged from their homes, relieved to find that the terror had finally ended.

    Raman and Rajiv returned to the newspaper office, exhausted but triumphant. They knew that they had put an end to the horror that had plagued their town. The Khabardar Times resumed its regular publications, this time with stories of hope and resilience.

    As the weeks passed, the memory of the terror faded, and the town of Karnapur returned to its peaceful existence. But the townspeople would always remember the dark days when the stories of the Khabardar Times came to life and how two brave men had put an end to the nightmare.

    In the end, it was not just the burning of the manuscripts that saved the town, but the courage and determination of those who refused to let fear control their lives. And so, the legend of the haunted newspaper became a story of bravery, resilience, and the triumph of light over darkness.

    2. The Full Moon Murders

    The village of Rakeshpur nestled deep in the forest, was a picturesque place with cobblestone streets and quaint cottages. The villagers lived a peaceful life, surrounded by towering trees and the sounds of nature. But their peace had been shattered by a series of gruesome murders that occurred on every full moon night.

    It all began one chilly autumn evening when the first victim was found. The weather had turned colder, and a thick fog blanketed the village. The sky was overcast, and a sense of unease filled the air. The victim, a middle-aged farmer named Raghu, was discovered in the woods, his body mutilated beyond recognition. The villagers were horrified and baffled by the brutality of the attack.

    As the full moon approached again, the tension in the village grew. Everyone was on edge, fearing another murder. True to their fears, another villager, Kamla, a kind-hearted woman in her fifties, was found dead under the same horrific circumstances. The villagers began to whisper about a curse, believing that some supernatural force was at work.

    The village headman, Rajesh, a wise and elderly man with a long white beard and kind eyes, called a meeting. We must stay vigilant, he said, his voice firm. We cannot let this continue. On the next full moon, we will stay awake and keep watch.

    The villagers agreed, determined to protect their home. They prepared for the next full moon, arming themselves with torches and makeshift weapons. The night was clear and cold, the full moon casting an eerie glow over the village. The atmosphere was tense, with the villagers nervously glancing around, listening for any unusual sounds.

    As midnight approached, a chilling howl echoed through the forest. The villagers froze, their hearts pounding

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