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What the recorder doesn't say
What the recorder doesn't say
What the recorder doesn't say
Ebook224 pages3 hours

What the recorder doesn't say

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About this ebook

Victoria had long dreamed of marrying a wealthy man, so she took her friend Elvira's advice to look for him in an elite fitness club. The tactic worked: very soon Vika became the wife of businessman Kirill Yastrebov. But only happiness and wealth she enjoyed not long. Elvira began to threaten that she would give the record of their conversation to Kirill, if Victoria does not pay her for her silence. Not knowing what to do, Vika turned to the bodyguard Eugenia Okhotnikova...

Release dateJun 10, 2024
What the recorder doesn't say


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    Book preview

    What the recorder doesn't say - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ

    Chapter 1

    The persistent ringing of the doorbell tore me away from watching another action movie. Having paused the film, I debated for several seconds whether to open it. I’m not a fan of spontaneous visits, bosom friends who could drop in without warning at any time of the day, I’ve never had one, this is not my lifestyle. My clients always warned about their visits by phone in advance, this was taken for granted. So, I chose the tactic of passive waiting, hoping that the uninvited visitor would go away. However, after another particularly long ringing, I trudged to the front door. I mentally went through the possible reasons for such a persistent desire to communicate with me. Maybe a pipe has burst in the bathroom or kitchen, or am I, unknowingly, causing some other inconvenience to the neighbors downstairs? Or from the side? Since my beloved Aunt Mila had gone to visit another friend who longed for her company, it was difficult for me to judge the legitimacy of such suspicions. I was indifferent to everyday issues and never felt any particular desire to resolve them.

    Doomedly opening the door, I prepared to listen to a whole series of impartial judgments addressed to myself. However, unfortunately or fortunately, my expectations were not met. A clearly frightened young woman stood on the threshold. At first glance, I was able to determine that the unknown visitor was probably not in poverty. The styling on the shiny chocolate-colored curls was clearly done by a first-class stylist, a cropped coat and trousers and, of course, leather ankle boots - the so-called very expensive things from the world's leading brands. Well-groomed hands with a perfect manicure frantically clutched a light gray python leather handbag. The stranger’s face could perhaps be called beautiful if it were not for the expression of extreme horror that distorted it.

    – Are you... Are you Evgenia Okhotnikova? "The girl’s voice sounded as if she had smoked at least two packs of cigarettes before finding herself on the threshold of my apartment. Hoarse, low, ready to break into a whistling whisper. I nodded and stepped aside, allowing the strange guest into the apartment without further ado. After all, I’m not a sadist to slam the door in the face of a person in such a state. Whatever brings this wealthy lady to me, I can offer her a glass of water and help her calm down. And then it will be seen. In addition, my unique instinct told me that the girl could very well turn out to be a potential client. Although there is an immutable rule about prior agreement by telephone, even the strictest rules have exceptions. And it looks like this is one of them.

    The girl walked into the living room without a word and sat down in the offered chair. I placed a glass of mineral water on the coffee table in front of her, and she almost drained it in one gulp, clearly feeling a little better. But only a little.

    - Maybe coffee? – I suggested.

    - No no! "The girl shook her head desperately, causing several dark brown strands to fall out of her hair. – I really need to talk to you! As soon as possible.

    I sat down in the chair opposite.

    -Tell me what happened to you. "I spoke in a neutral, benevolent tone, knowing from experience that such tactics work best. And indeed, the girl noticeably calmed down, and now it became clear that she had a rather pleasant face, despite the complete lack of makeup. Apparently, when getting ready to meet me, the last thing she cared about was makeup.

    I came to talk to you, she began in a completely normal, sonorous voice, because they are trying to blackmail me. Or rather, they tried. Now everything is even worse...

    The girl fell silent again, and I decided to come to her aid.

    So, they’re blackmailing you, I repeated complacently, as if we were talking about buying a ticket to a boarding house. – Do you know who exactly?

    The visitor nodded:

    – This is my friend, Elvira Taltseva. And someone else...

    Okay, I encouraged my interlocutor. – What exactly is your friend blackmailing you with?

    - By telling my husband about the circumstances of our acquaintance.

    - And detail? – I was a little surprised. Her own husband doesn't know how he met his wife?

    Oh yes, I didn’t introduce myself, my potential client realized. – My name is Victoria Yastrebova. A few months ago I married businessman Kirill Yastrebov. Maybe you know... He is the owner of the Lucky Sports chain of fitness clubs.

    I nodded. Indeed, in Tarasov there were several clubs with a similar name, and I had a chance to visit one of them. Nothing special, but you can practice.

    - Well, Elvira, one might say, helped me marry Kirill.

    – Did she know him? – I clarified.

    Victoria shook her head:

    - No. We had a conversation in that damned cafe. I was on edge then, screaming loudly to the whole hall, as I now understand. Everyone was indignant at how assholes all men were. Well, Elvira tried to calm me down.

    Without interrupting, I listened to this chaotic stream of revelations.

    "Then Elvira gave me practical advice on the easiest way to meet a rich man and drag him down the aisle. I didn’t take her advice seriously at first and didn’t really believe it would work. But then I thought, why not try, what do I have to lose? And imagine, it fired!

    Victoria looked at me almost triumphantly.

    – So you met Kirill Yastrebov thanks to Elvira’s advice? And what kind of advice was this?

    She offered to catch the rich Pinocchio in an expensive fitness club, Victoria explained. – Well, I signed up for training at Lucky Sports. Kirill drew attention to me; at that time I had no idea that he was the owner of the club. I just decided that since he comes here, it means he’s not poor. We started dating, he fell madly in love with me and proposed. Well, here we go.

    Victoria, spreading the fingers of her right hand, showed off a platinum engagement ring with an impressively sized diamond.

    And now Elvira threatens to tell your husband about this harmless ruse? – I asked.

    If only... Victoria answered vaguely, looking away, and suddenly hit her knee with her fist in frustration. - Well, who could have known that this rubbish would record our entire conversation! I was there screaming like crazy that all the Tarasov men are poor, and that I have a fiancé, and I’m sleeping with him! But I convinced Kirill that he was my first, and he believed me. Can you imagine?!

    Yeah... The twenty-first century is just around the corner. God forbid we come across such a specimen.

    And our wedding was simply luxurious, Victoria began to reminisce. This creature, of course, was a witness. And the next day we flew to the Cote d'Azur. This is just a fairy tale, you can’t even imagine!

    Well, why can’t I imagine? I also had the opportunity to visit the Cote d'Azur, and more than once.

    – I just mentioned that I would like to spend my honeymoon on the Cote d'Azur, and so we ended up there. Literally at the snap of your fingers.

    And when we returned, the fairy tale ended. "I decided to delicately speed up the protracted narrative. In addition, I did not fully understand what, in fact, prompted Victoria Yastrebova to turn to me. Judging by her story, the girl’s life was not in danger. But I’m a bodyguard, and clients come to me specifically for protection purposes. Although there are exceptions, they are very rare.

    Victoria nodded gloomily:

    "I barely had time to unpack my things when she showed up at our house with Kirill. He bought a cottage in Novoorlovskoye, ten kilometers from Tarasov. You probably know.

    Of course, I knew this village, which was chosen by the Tarasov nouveau riche several years ago.

    And she wasn’t too lazy to drive through the whole city, she didn’t even spare money on a taxi! – Victoria added with hatred in her voice.

    - And what happened? - I asked, however, having long guessed what exactly the insidious Elvira wanted from her suddenly rich friend.

    – At first I walked around the whole house, admiring: Oh, how cute! How wonderful you have settled down, advice and love! – Victoria grinned. And then she plopped down in a chair and said: well, friend, we need to share. He says, I don’t just throw out valuable advice. So I owe you a favor. And she played this recording for me. I just slid down the wall.

    I can imagine.

    - And how much did she demand from you?

    Ten thousand bucks in cash, Victoria answered in a colorless voice.

    - And you paid?

    - Yes.

    But that’s not very reasonable, I remarked. – You still had to understand that the blackmailer will never stop at the first payment.

    – Elvira stopped. Forever. – Victoria’s strange lifeless tone alarmed me.

    - What are you trying to say?

    Remember, at the very beginning I said that now everything has become even worse, Victoria said with emphasis. – So, what I have already told you is just flowers. The most interesting things are yet to come.

    Having seen her husband off after breakfast, Victoria returned to the living room and settled down on the spacious sofa. On the table next to her stood a tall glass of a light martini cocktail. Victoria did not have a particular penchant for strong drinks, but lately she needed a certain amount of doping to distract herself from heavy thoughts. Almost three days have passed since she handed Elvira the required amount, receiving in exchange that same ill-fated recording. Although Elvira assured that she had no duplicates and everything was fair, Victoria was still undermined by the insidious worm of doubt. Elvira assured in every possible way that ten thousand was enough for her, and they could be friends as before, even better. Yeah, keep your pocket, Victoria thought angrily.

    Well, you must agree, this is fair, Elvira persistently convinced her, hiding the coveted envelope in her purse. After all, if it weren’t for me, how would you have met your hubby? Your millionaires would have screwed you over and abandoned you. And you would have stayed with your beggar Maxim. Yes, and he would have sent you when he found out how you played tricks. He's a neat guy. Besides, this amount is mere pennies for your husband. And now just look at how beautiful it is! And it's all yours!

    Elvira made a sweeping gesture around the spacious hall where their confidential conversation was taking place. Before leaving, she assured Vika several more times that everything was fine now and they were still friends. She even tried to kiss Victoria goodbye, but she skillfully dodged it. At that moment she felt nothing but disgust and hatred for her friend.

    And now there was no word from Elvira. Victoria almost believed that her friend (ex) had not lied and would now leave her alone, and then suddenly the doorbell rang. This is Elvira! Victoria was practically convinced of this, heading across the hall to the front door on suddenly weak legs. She took just one sip of the martini; it was unlikely that such a dose would cause problems with moving in space. No, it's fear. An everlasting sticky fear that has recently become her constant companion. Oddly enough, it was this very fear that now gave her strength, turning into a destructive, all-consuming rage. Yes, now she will simply strangle this same Elvira and bury her in the yard. And with this, all her torment will finally end.

    The main thing is to bury it so that no one can see it. And then sit as quiet as the grass - I don’t know anything, I haven’t seen my friend for a hundred years and haven’t called her. I'm dizzy, there's so much trouble in a married life! Well, if they do find her, Kirill will help her, he will not abandon her, he will protect her. And to settle this matter - the same unfortunate ten thousand. This mercantile bitch is right - for him it’s mere pennies. He, Vika, will forgive her everything, except for that most monstrous deception. But he will never know about him, because now she will kill this vile creature that is standing behind the door, and this reptile will shut up. Forever, forever, forever!

    Victoria jerked the door open and literally rooted to the spot. An unfamiliar young man of about thirty stood on the threshold and looked at Victoria with mocking curiosity.

    – Yastrebova Victoria Leonidovna? – he asked, narrowing his light gray eyes. Vika, suddenly speechless, just nodded. The young man revealed his ID.

    Investigator for particularly important cases, Captain Skrynnikov, he introduced himself. -Will you allow it?

    Victoria silently stepped aside to let the investigator into the hall. She walked into the living room like a somnambulist on stiff legs. The rage that had given her strength suddenly dissipated. Once in the living room, Captain Skrynnikov glanced mockingly at the glass of unfinished cocktail. However, no matter what he thought, he preferred to keep his comments to himself. Sitting imposingly in a chair, the investigator turned to Victoria:

    – When was the last time you saw citizen Elvira Romanovna Taltseva?

    Three days ago, Victoria answered straight away, feeling a treacherous lump rising in her throat. - And what happened?

    What happened, the investigator began calmly, is that at about the same time, citizen Taltseva was killed. And it looks like you're the last person to see her alive.

    Victoria stared at the investigator, stunned, with her mouth slightly open.

    – Elvira was killed?!

    – Where were you on the sixth of September between eight and ten o’clock in the evening? – the investigator asked in an official tone, without taking his eyes off Victoria. The girl threw up her hands in confusion.

    - I do not remember exactly. Probably here, at home.

    – Who can confirm this?

    Victoria shrugged.

    – My husband, he usually arrives around half past nine, sometimes earlier.

    The investigator chuckled, shaking his head.

    You understand that the husband is not a witness in this case. Who else?

    Well... Victoria thought for a moment. - Also his bodyguard. In addition, there is a visiting housekeeper...

    It won’t work, the investigator resolutely objected. – These are all interested persons.

    – But I didn’t kill her! – Vika screamed, completely losing her composure. I didn’t even know she was killed until you came. And I also have no idea how she was killed!

    - Shot in the back of the head. Point blank," the investigator kindly said.

    - Well, you see! And I don't even know how to shoot! I actually have no idea how this is done. I’ve never even held a weapon in my hands! – Victoria perked up, confident that now this captain would leave her alone. Elvira was killed and got what she deserved. Maybe she blackmailed someone else, that's it.

    And this doesn’t require any special skill, the investigator said slowly, without taking his mocking gaze off Victoria. You just come up from behind and point a gun. And click!

    He made a movement with his hand, as if he had pulled an imaginary trigger.

    – By the way, does your husband have a weapon? – he suddenly asked.

    Victoria looked at him confused and shrugged:

    – I don’t know... He didn’t tell me about it.

    Okay, we’ll find out, Skrynnikov said. - Later. In the meantime... For now, I am forced to detain you, citizen Victoria Leonidovna Yastrebova, until the circumstances are clarified.

    - But for what?! – Vika grabbed the armrests of the chair, feeling a twinge of faintness. – I didn’t kill Elvira! I wasn’t in the city at all that day, I spend all my time here at home!

    Skrynnikov, squinting, watched Vika with a kind of sadistic, mocking smile.

    – And yet, at the moment, you are the main and only suspect. The evidence found in the apartment of the murdered woman points specifically to you.

    – What evidence? – Vika asked in a suddenly shrunken voice.

    Instead of answering, the investigator pulled out a smartphone from a small case.

    – You know, Maxim, of course, is good. He loves me and all that. But this is not my scale. Let him be in reserve, while I look for him. I have two or three years left, right? And it will be seen there.

    – Are you going to use Maxim?!

    - I After all, I’m sleeping with him, and that’s enough for him. So who is using whom is still a question.

    -Your morals are like those of a yard mongrel!

    - Look who's Talking!

    - Okay, okay, we're both good. It’s just that it’s somehow not humane with Maxim...

    - I don’t care about him!

    - Well, okay. You better tell me how you are going to search. Well, this hypothetical millionaire.

    Vika sat motionless, not taking her eyes wide with horror from the smartphone of the deceased Elvira. She claimed that she had no duplicates... Elvira gave her the flash drive with the recording. Vika checked, this is the same recording. This means that Elvira lied to her, she was going to continue to blackmail her with this recording. But someone stopped her. And now she, Vika, is in a trap, she will be accused of murder!

    There’s still a lot of interesting things here, the investigator said enthusiastically. – You remember this fateful conversation, don’t you?

    Since Victoria did not answer, Skrynnikov continued.

    – But that’s not all.

    He paused spectacularly for what seemed like an eternity to Victoria paralyzed by fear.

    – In addition

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