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Saint Therese's Blessing
Saint Therese's Blessing
Saint Therese's Blessing
Ebook45 pages23 minutes

Saint Therese's Blessing

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About this ebook

For Catholics devoted to St. Therese of Lisieux


This book contains a sermon given by Father Hubert Van Meer in 1947 on Saint Therese, the Little Flower. He talks about a powerful blessing, called Saint Therese's Blessing, and in this book are clear instructions on how you can obtain Saint Therese's blessing for yourself, and for anyone you wish. A beautiful devotion to Saint Therese, and a wonderful spiritual gift for anyone devoted to the Little Flower.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Saint Therese's Blessing

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    Book preview

    Saint Therese's Blessing - Father Hubert Van Meer

    St. Therese, Our Hope and Consolation

    There could be no sadder picture than the picture of our present time. The world from pole to pole is trembling, not by nature’s eruptions of volcanoes or upheavals of tidal waves, but by the unnatural thunders and lightnings produced by man’s vitiated brains and hearts polluted by unbelief and void of love for God and man. Science and ingenuity of production are all keyed up and taxed to the limit, not for construction, but for the destruction of human lives and property.

    Despair would well-nigh overcome us, if within our breasts there was not an unflagging faith in an Omnipotent God. Thanks be to God for having given us that undying faith. Thanks be to God for having given us Mary, His Own Mother, as our Mother. Mary today will again intercede, and Jesus, Who at Her plea anticipated His first wish, may—let us humbly hope—anticipate what the world is longing for: peace. In our tribute of thanks, we may well include the Saint of our times and for our times. Indeed, is St. Therese perhaps not the specially favored Saint to lead this world out of the mess in which it has condemned itself by running away from the love of God, and by snatching at the bursting soap bubbles of lust, greed, and vainglory.

    Age Old Battle of God vs. Satan

    D ethrone the God of the Bible and deify man. This has been the aim and purpose of Satan ever since the dawn of creation. Ever since the rebellious cry of Lucifer in Heaven: I will not serve, and ever since his sirenic lie on earth to Adam and Eve: You will be as Gods, this planet of ours has been a huge battlefield with two opposing camps, namely, the camp of God and

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