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Echoes of Destiny
Echoes of Destiny
Echoes of Destiny
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Echoes of Destiny

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**Echoes of Destiny**

In "Echoes of Destiny," Anna and SKII (sky) find themselves at a crossroads. Anna is struggling with the aftermath of a family betrayal, while SKII's music career is unravelling under the weight of huge scandal. Set against the vibrant, pulsating backdrops of Manchester and Elysion City, their journeys of self-discovery and redemption become deeply intertwined.Together, they forge a path forward in a world fraught with adversity, finding light in the darkest times and discovering that hope and redemption are within reach.

PublisherRoxann Steele
Release dateJun 10, 2024
Echoes of Destiny

Roxann Steele

Roxann Steele is a new author with a passion for storytelling. Growing up in Portmore Jamaica, they developed a love for reading and writing early on. Roxann holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Adolescent Development from The  University of Technology, Jamaica, which has helped shape their unique voice.

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    Echoes of Destiny - Roxann Steele

    Chapter 1:  It's been 3 years.

    JODI: hey Anna! over here.

    Anna: lol Girl. I could spot you from the next town over in that yellow dress.

    It’s been three years since I last saw Jodi. At my mother’s funeral.

    Jodi: Ha-ha, you like? 

    Anna: Ahhh, a little too bold for my taste.

    Jodi: That’s why I’m THE fashionable one 

    Anna: LOL oh what ever

    Jodi: Oh crap! The parking meter... hurry, we need to leave now!

    As usual, Jodi was always running towards something or someone. After all, that’s just how we met and became best friends. I was in the 7th grade, and the lunch bell had just rung. As I walked out of class, BANG! I got knocked straight to the floor. When I came to my senses, staring back at me was Jodi, dressed in the upper school uniform and large bright red framed glasses.

    Jodi: I’m so sorry .... I’m super late... Mr Johnson is going to kill me!

    Before I could say anything, she ran off to her next class, yelling.

    Jodi: I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

    It didn’t take very long for us to meet again. That same day, after unquestionably failing my math exam. I popped into my go-to burger place to unwind and come up with a plan for explaining my math grade to my mom. 

    Server: Order number 777! A double bacon cheeseburger, extra cheese, and fries, and a Cola

    Anna: Here!

    Jodi: Hey, did you know that the number 777 is believed to symbolise a divine connection? 

    Anna: what?

    I couldn’t believe it. She was right there in front of me, the girl who had bumped into me earlier. She must have been trailing me because I had no clue she existed until earlier, and now I’m seeing her twice in one day.

    Jodi: 777, your order number. It’s the number of divine connections.

    Anna: okay?

    Jodi: Hi! I’m Jordane, but you can call me Jodi.

    After travelling for three hours by train from Pax NeVale Harbour, my hometown, I reached Manchester, a small urban town outside of Elysion City, where I would live with Jodi. Being apart from all that I knew was a completely new experience.

    Jodi: Anna... sigh, are you going to stay silent for the entire 30-minute drive?

    Manchester was only about a half hour drive from Turning Point Train Station. 

    Anna: Oh sorry, I just zoned out for a bit. what were you saying about Liz?

    Jodi: forget it. I’ll tell you about that later.

    Anna: Jo-.

    Jodi: What were you even thinking about, anyway? I hope it's not about those people.

    Anna: which people?

    Jodi: Your Aunts, Agatha and whatever her name is.

    Anna: oh... No, I wasn't thinking about them; I was just -

    Jodi: Good, because I don't understand how family could say they love you one minute and then turn around and do that to you the next.

    Anna: yeah

    Jodi: I don’t mean to bring it up, but it pisses me off every time I think about it.

    Anna: Think about it - because of everything, we’re finally going to live together, just like we always dreamed.

    Jodi: Good point, but still-

    Anna: Jodi, don’t worry too much about it right now. Being far away from them, I’m about to live my childhood dream.

    Jodi: pfft, who said anything about being worried? 

    Jodi had always been like that, very protective of me. Actually, this move was her idea. Her plan is for me to spend the next six months with her as I figure out my life. Her way of protecting me, I guess.

    Jodi: How’s Alex doing, by the way?

    Anna: Well, he’s been living overseas, and with everything that’s happened back home, he’s a lot a happier knowing that I’m moving away.

    Jodi: As he should.

    Anna: well, I for one am glad he wasn’t there when everything happened. Visiting my little brother in prison is the last thing I need lol... Mom would for sure come back from the dead for both of us.

    Jodi: ha-ha I know your mom is rolling around in her grave now, knowing what your aunts did. 

    Anna: Well, like I always say, people will always be people.

    Jodi: Oh shoot! I almost forgot. We need to buy groceries. Did you need anything?

    Anna: No, I don’t think so.

    We made it to Manchester Mall. It was a massive place; unlike anything we had in Pax. Pax NeVale Harbour is a coastal town that caters to tourists seeking a tranquil getaway. Seafood restaurants, boutiques, beachfront villas, gift shops, hotels, and resorts litter the area, making it a stereotypical tourist spot. Manchester was the complete opposite. An energetic atmosphere buzzing with ambitious young creatives aiming to break into the entertainment and media space. Teaming with activity both day and night. No matter your style, there is always something for you to do in Manchester. But Elysion City, also known as El City, is on a whole other level. It is the country’s largest city, and home to some of the wealthiest and most influential people in the country. Many of the nation’s largest companies are also based there. I’m talking, all the local Tech, Automotive and Entertainment Giants are based in that one city. My mother would always joke that if lightning struck EL City, the entire country would fry. 

    Jodi: We should get something to eat before we go shopping. I’m starving.

    Anna: Me too. I haven’t eaten since boarding the train.

    Jodi: What are you feeling for? ... Wait, don't tell me .... A double bacon cheeseburger, extra cheese, and fries, and an ice-cold soda.

    Anna: Hahaha, you know me too well.

    Chapter 2: Unpacking in my new home

    WE FINALLY ARRIVED home, and I was exhausted, but I had one thing left to do. Unpack everything I had brought with me from Pax, the city of solace. Seems ironic, though, that everyone runs to find peace in a place of nightmares for me. 

    [Message Notification alert]

    Jodi: Anna, your phone. I think someone’s texting you!

    Anna: uhm. It’s probably Alex checking in on me...... I’ll look at it when I’m done.

    Although he is my younger brother, he was always the, be bold and take action kind a guy. I was more the quiet, reserved, and cautious type. Five years ago, he left Pax NeVale to join the army. My mother was so proud and happy the day he joined, because she always worried, he’d grow up to be, in her words, a troublemaker. Sadly, he was stationed abroad, preventing her from seeing her son again. Luckily, we had social media, and she would video call him whenever she could. She yearned to meet him once more, sit together, and listen to his military tales. Fate, however, had other plans. Two years after joining the army, our mother would die after a brief illness. The next time I would see my brother was at her funeral. 

    [Incoming call from Marie]

    Anna: mm hello?

    Marie: Anna?

    Anna: mm

    Marie: check your messages

    Anna: huh?

    Marie: check your messages! I’ve been texting you all day. It’s important.

    Anna: what-

    -click -

    It’s 12 am. Couldn't she have waited until sunrise to call me and tell me that? Marie is my older cousin. She’s one of the few people back in Pax that knows I don't plan on coming back home. To be safe, I didn’t disclose my whereabouts, in case she accidentally revealed it. 

    After my mother passed, she stayed with me briefly and witnessed the things my aunts did. While she attempted to prolong her stay, it eventually became too overwhelming for her. Because she stood by me, she also became a target of their wrath. She always kept in contact though, something I deeply appreciated because apart from Alex, Jodi and my father, no one else seemed to care about me and how I was dealing with everything.

    [Anna checks her messages]

    Marie 7:10 pm: Anna, they're asking for you!!!! 

    Marie 7:10 pm: I overheard my dad telling them you left. Please be careful.

    Marie 8:00 pm: What if they realise, you’re not coming back, and try to hire someone to find you?

    Reply to Marie 12:15 am: 🙄 I doubt they will. They’re probably pretending to be concerned so that they can look good in front of everyone. 

    reply to Marie 12:16 am: I’ve only been gone a day, anyway don’t worry too much. 

    Marie 12:18 am: okay... 😟

    Chapter 3: Welcome to Manchester

    JODI PREPARES TO LEAVE early in the morning to open her Bar & Grill.

    Jodi: I’m heading out now! ...

    Anna: okay

    Jodi: There’s breakfast cooking on the stove. Make sure you eat it.

    Anna: lol yes mom

    Jodi: anna I’m not kidding! Please eat.

    Anna: okay

    Jodi: I’ll be back in an hour or two

    Anna: okay

    Jodi is older than me by 2 years, but sometimes the way she treats me, you’d think we were 20 years apart. She’s gone out to her restaurant to get things set up for the week. Jodi has always been an independent and free-spirited type of girl.

    Ever since high school, everything I.T. has captivated her. There was even a rumour that she was so good that it made Mr Johnson (the school’s main I.T. teacher) jealous and he hated her for it. He would find any excuse to lower her grades. Saying she was too arrogant and needed to be brought down a notch. But if you asked her, she would just shrug her shoulders and say, people’s opinions of me have nothing to do with me.

    It seems like nothing ever bothered her. Jodi didn't care about things like grades or whether she went to the best colleges in the country. Her dream was whatever made her happy at that moment. At 12, she said she came to that resolve. She said her parents always told that her happiness must always come first, but she should never harm others in her pursuit of it. She’s lived by that ever since.

    After high school, Jodi earned her degree in computer science, and ended up working for a few major tech companies in Elysion City. but ultimately happiness led her to settle in the much quieter Manchester, running her own business. As much as she loved I. T, she hated working for people even more. She would get stressed to the point of becoming physically ill. One day she saw an ad about the stress relieving benefits of cooking. She tried it, fell in love and has never looked back. Of course, it helps if you own the place you work in, plus she gets to where all the bright colours she wants.

    [Josiah knocks on the door of Jodi’s apartment.]

    Josiah: Jodi, are you there?

    Josiah: Jo-

    Anna: Hi can I help you?

    Josiah: oh, I’m so sorry. You must be Anna, Jodi’s friend, right?

    Anna: ye-es?

    Josiah: I’m Josiah, a friend of hers from college... Is Jodi around?

    Anna: oh uh.. no, sorry you just missed her.

    He takes a look at his glaringly expensive watch then looks around, takes another glance at Anna and says,

    Josiah: Sigh I’m already late.... Okay, just tell her Josh came by.... Oh, and it was really nice to meet you, Anna.

    Anna: oh. umm ...ok too... bye

    Jodi: I’m back

    Anna: hey 

    Jodi: Gosh I hate Mondays

    Anna: lol everybody hates Mondays

    Jodi: There’s just way too much to do, prepping, checking ingredients, restocking.... and I have to wake up way too early.

    Anna: why don’t you do some of those things on a Sunday?

    Jodi: and give up my precious lazy Sundays. no thank you

    Anna: lol

    Jodi: Anyways, I did what I needed to do so now I can relax!

    I patiently waited for her to take her first gulp of iced Americano, before

    Anna: oh, by the way, your college sweetheart stopped by the house today.


    Anna: Your college sweetheart stopped by while you were out for work.

    Jodi: What college sweetheart?

    Anna: oh, you know this cute tall guy, wavy brown hair, hazel-green eyes.... came and almost broke down the door looking for you.

    Jodi: oh, you must mean Josh.

    Anna: ohhh, so you do have a college sweetheart, mmm?

    Jodi: Anna quit playing. He’s not my sweetheart, he’s just some guy I -

    Anna: Just some guy, huh?

    Jodi: I’m not doing this with you right now,

    Anna: doing what? I’m just wondering why ‘just some guy’-

    Jodi: Anna. What did he say?

    Anna: alright... alright he just said to tell you ....

    Jodi: tell me what?

    Anna: if he’s just some guy, why u so eager for his message

    Jodi: Anna!!!

    Anna: ha-ha okay, he said to tell you. And I quote ...Josh came by.

    Jodi: that’s it?

    Anna: yea, that’s it.... what? were you expecting something special from Mr just some guy? Ha-ha.

    Jodi: shut up.

    It’s always fun teasing Jodi when talking about boys. She literally starts glitching at the mention of a boy she likes. 

    Anna: So, who is this Josh guy, anyway?

    Jodi: nobody,

    Anna: nobody? ... oh, really now.... then why does nobody know my name and know where you live?

    Jodi: okay, fine, he’s just a guy that I met in college,

    Anna: oh, so he works in I.T. He doesn’t strike me as the I.T. type based on the tailored suit he had on.

    Jodi: no, he’s a lawyer, but a few of our classes overlapped and that's how we met.

    Anna: oh ok, that makes sense., judging by his clothes, you’d think he was some sort of business mogul. 

    Jodi: So that’s it? That's all you were curious about.

    Anna: yea

    Jodi: no annoying questions about a non-existing love story?

    Anna: nope ... he’s nobody remember.... Unless there’s something you’d like to share?

    Jodi: Ugh! You're so annoying!!

    Anna: hah-aha

    Anna: Anyway, whatever he had to say to you seemed pretty urgent, so maybe you should call him and see what's up.

    Jodi: yeah, I’ll call him later .... Speaking of which, we have to get ready now or we’ll be late

    Jodi takes Anna to a surprise welcome party she had planned at her restaurant, where Anna meets a very mysterious guest.

    I had never had the chance to see Jodi’s restaurant in person before. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see a perfect fusion of tropical and urban styles as I entered. Lush greenery, bamboo accent seating, and modern lighting created a tranquil yet trendy ambiance. The walls were lined with local artwork featuring

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