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Aisling: Changing Worlds: Aisling, #4
Aisling: Changing Worlds: Aisling, #4
Aisling: Changing Worlds: Aisling, #4
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Aisling: Changing Worlds: Aisling, #4

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In the gripping conclusion of the Aisling Series, Aisling O'Sullivan faces her most perilous adventure yet in Changing Worlds. Lured through a mystical portal by a sinister force, Aisling, her lover Riley, and her wise mentor Minnie find themselves in a world where dark forces are at play.

This new realm is dominated by malevolent vampires who have forged a dangerous alliance with a powerful witch as they search for more witches to unite in a common goal: to eradicate the werewolves. The air is thick with tension as ancient rivalries and modern treacheries collide, leaving chaos and bloodshed in their wake.

As Aisling and her companions navigate this treacherous landscape, they encounter benevolent werewolves and witches who have endured oppression and brutality for years. Determined to aid their newfound allies, Aisling taps into her formidable magical abilities, while Riley's fierce loyalty and Minnie's boundless wisdom become invaluable assets in their fight.

Kidnappings, betrayals, and heart-stopping confrontations test their resolve at every turn. The stakes have never been higher in the chaos of this war-torn world. Amidst the turmoil, a deeper bond forms between Aisling and Riley, one forged in the crucible of danger and sacrifice.

As the final battle looms, Aisling must harness every ounce of her strength and courage to protect those she loves and thwart the vampires' diabolical plans. The fate of the werewolves—and the balance of magical realms—rests on her shoulders. Will Aisling's love and determination be enough to overcome the darkness, or will the forces of evil prevail?

Changing Worlds is a heart-pounding blend of romance, suspense, and supernatural intrigue, offering a breathtaking conclusion to the series that will leave readers spellbound until the very last page.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Aisling: Changing Worlds: Aisling, #4

Eileen Sheehan

Eileen Sheehan is a best selling author who primarily writes hot, steamy romances (mostly New Adult) with a sexy male and strong female. A few are steamier than others (see their description). The majority of her novels are paranormal, but some are just plain novels about people in love (contemporary or historical with the author name of Ailene Frances). ALL of her stories have a bit of naughtiness, some excitement, a few thrills, and maybe a touch of mystery mixed in with sometimes naughty, sometimes sweet lovin'. She strives to write a novel length that will allow the busy woman to be able to sit down in an evening or two and be taken on a romantic journey without having a week go by before she gets to the end of the story. An incurable romantic, she has a love affair with at least one of her characters... one book at a time. She hopes the same thing happens to you. *** Eileen Sheehan started out as a freelance writer for periodical magazines and newspapers. From there, she tried her hand at writing screenplays. Her screenplay, "When East Meets West" was a finalist in the 2001 Independent International Film and Video Festival at Madison Square Gardens, NYC. Finally finding her niche, she lets her imagination loose with new adult/paranormal romance/thrillers (some are steamy and some are tame) with the author name of Eileen Sheehan. She creates steamy historical and contemporary romances with the author name of Ailene Frances. Seeing how far out of the box she could stretch, she crafted an alternative romance with the author name of E. F. Sheehan and has a few self-help books under her work name of Lena Sheehan. Her stories can be found in eBook, Paperback, and Audio formats. Some comments from readers about her novels: "I found this very well written the plot and story as well as the flow of events were perfect in this book I liked both main and second characters Casey and Geo I liked the suspense mystery action twist and turns it kept me on my toes and surprised the whole time I liked and enjoyed the end as well awesome work I recommend this to everyone." "I loved this book! The characters are engaging and have depth. This book draws you in and absorbs you in the story..." "I thought the book was very well written. Characters are well developed. The story moves at a decent pace very intriguing..." "This book was so good! From the first page I was hooked and it onl...

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    Aisling - Eileen Sheehan

    A person and person standing in the woods Description automatically generated


    Changing Worlds

    [Book 4]

    By Eileen Sheehan

    ©Copyright 2024  Eileen Sheehan

    Printed in The United States of America

    Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights

    Worldwide Print Rights


    Electronic Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except for brief excerpts for use in reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Notice** Portions of this story may prove too graphic, sexually explicit, verbally vulgar, or violent for sensitive or traumatized readers. Reader discretion is advised.
























































    About the author

    Other Books by Eileen Sheehan

    A Sneak Peek


    Now that you’ve seen justice done, how do you feel? Riley asked as he protectively placed his hand around my shoulder and guided me to my favorite chair on Minnie’s porch before seating himself in the one next to it.

    We’d just returned from witnessing the execution of Melissa and the mean girls who she’d commissioned to cast a spell on Toby.

    Surprisingly, I feel badly, I murmured as I eased myself down onto the firm wooden structure that was so worn that it hinted of our body shape.

    You’ve seen enough death, he mused as he planted himself onto the chair next to mine, and in far more gruesome forms than that. The drug that they were given to make them less aware was a merciful act that I’ve never seen before. It was actually a peaceful passing for them.

    It wasn’t watching them die, I replied. Although, I can’t say that I have ever enjoyed witnessing death. It was more the act itself. I question if it was warranted.

    You have a good heart, he observed with a voice that was filled with compassion.

    Not for Melissa, I hissed as I recalled all of the damage and deaths that had occurred as a result of her actions. Not to mention my own trauma with Toby. She deserved that, and more. It’s the mean girls from my past. I wanted retaliation, but I question if their actions warranted their deaths.

    It was because of that spell that they cast that Toby became the way he did, Riley reminded me.

    That’s true to some extent, I said with surety. From what Minnie told me, he would have become sexually obsessed after sleeping with me, anyway. The spell just amplified it all.

    It not only amplified his sexual obsessions, but it altered his thinking, Riley pointed out. Putting aside his treatment of you, Toby was a superior slayer. Yet, he behaved in such careless ways toward the end because of that spell. I truly believe it was the cause of his death.

    You and many others, I replied with a sigh.

    Not you? he asked with surprise.

    I gave a slight shrug.

    If their spell wasn’t the only cause, there is no denying that it played a role in things, I said. I just question if jail time wouldn’t have been more appropriate.

    That’s probably what would have happened on the human realm, he offered. In the short time that I’ve been here, I’ve noticed that things are done differently. In some instances, very differently.

    It’s hard to believe that we occupy the same planet, isn’t it? I said with mild emphasis.

    It took me ages to come to terms with the concept of earth having multiple dimensional realities, he admitted with a grin that sent my heart aflutter. A year ago, I wouldn’t have believed that this place could have existed. My time slaying vampires with Toby and then having you show up like you did is what convinced me.

    I get it, I thoughtfully replied. When I was sent here, I didn’t even have a full belief in magic, let alone dimensions and the like.

    That had to be a shocker, he offered with a tone that reeked of sympathy.

    Our Aisling is a rugged little thing and a very fast learner, Minnie proudly announced as she stepped from seemingly out of nowhere, after retreating from broom duty, back onto the porch. It was fortunate for her that she was born in this realm so the teleportation wasn’t too difficult.

    Like it was with me, Riley muttered with disappointment.

    I didn’t realize that it would have such an impact on you, I quickly said.  Then, I’m not really adept at teleporting. At least you don’t have to go back and forth like Toby did. Now that you’re here, you can just stay.

    Toby didn’t have issues with traveling between portals, Riley pointed out.

    No, but he was born to the task, Minnie said. You did well, considering.  Let’s hope that you don’t have to do it again. At least no time soon.

    Not ever, I worriedly emphasized.

    I hope that’s the case, my mentor hesitantly said. We have a bit of a road to travel before we can be sure.

    I don’t understand, I pouted.

    Minnie looked at both Riley and me long and hard before speaking.

    Although I summoned you back here, my dear Aisling, we still have matters to deal with on your behalf, she began while keeping her hands busy clearing out the dead leaves of the herb pots that lined the porch edge. You are a fairy-elfin mix living in the land of witches. Although most of the residents are fine with that, there are still a few jealous souls stirring the trouble pot.  I’ve made it clear that you are to be my successor and they are battling that idea with a ferocity that is surprising. There’s also the matter of you being the doppelganger to the elfin princess. As you know, the elves have a rule that doppelgangers can’t live on the same realm which was why Foxworthy sent you away to begin with.  Should Ethne discover our return and the battle for the throne is still going on between her and her father-who, might I remind you tried to substitute you for her, we will have our hands full.  Directing her words to Riley, she continued with, Then, there’s the matter of a werewolf from the human realm who is clearly the doppelganger of the deceased wolf king – or pack leader if you prefer- has returned with Aisling, who they despise.

    Riley gave me a look of both confusion and concern as he said, You never said that they hated you. You said that you were engaged to one of them. Their king, I believe.

    I was, I defensively said, but it wasn’t well accepted. After a super brief moment of silence, I continued with, Does that matter?

    He took a deep breath before reaching for my hand and assuring me with, Not to me.

    Not to me either, Minnie interjected as she turned away from the enormous rosemary plant to direct her full attention at Riley. Unfortunately, it would have been easier to integrate you into this world if Aisling was accepted and liked by the wolves. You come from an alternate reality, but you’re still a wolf. We must report your presence to them or risk the repercussions.

    You never reported my presence to the elves or the fairies, I argued.

    I didn’t realize your genetics, Minnie quickly replied. You were teleported from the human realm. I felt your magic but assumed that you were just a very powerful witch from that world who had yet to tap into her abilities. Riley, on the other hand, came to us as a werewolf. Had he come for a visit, it would not matter. However, he intends to make his home here, so his intentions must be made known.

    Will he have to live in the land of wolves? I worriedly asked.

    Minnie gave a slight shrug.

    I have the power to declare his right to reside in the land of witches, she said. I just want to make sure that by having him here, we aren’t bringing down the wrath of the wolves. We’ve had plenty to deal with where the vampires are concerned without adding the wolves to the mix.

    Do you think that they will accept me or reject me? Riley nervously asked. I didn’t think about that when I came. I only knew that I wasn’t ready to part with Aisling.

    It’s difficult to say how they will react, Minnie honestly replied. I would think that the simple fact that a wolf from the human realm who was skilled in vampire slaying would be a welcomed addition. The kink in the plan is the fact that not only are you connected to Aisling, but you are the spitting image of their beloved leader whose death she is blamed for.

    It wasn’t like I planned this, I emotionally emphasized. I loved Milo with all of my heart. I had no idea what Riley looked like while getting to know him. You were there to see how strongly the slayers felt about keeping their identities hidden. He never took that mask off until just before you called me back. By then, we’d fallen for each other.

    Truthfully, I didn’t realize that I was the look-alike of her deceased lover. I found her to be lovely from the moment I set eyes on her at my uncle’s farm, Riley explained. I just knew that she wasn’t all that receptive to me when we first met and she saw my face. So, while I was tending to her as she healed, I thought it best to keep my identity to myself.

    It would be a good idea for you to tell your tale to some of the village gossips, Minnie encouragingly said to me. Having the rumor that you found a Milo look alike to replace him nipped before it gets started would be a great help.

    Crap, Riley muttered as he ran his fingers through his raven-colored hair in a way that reminded me of Milo.

    It was at that moment that I sincerely wished that he didn’t look so much like my deceased fiancé. He held a place in my heart, of that I couldn’t deny. It was just that there were times when I looked at him and felt the pain of the loss of my first, and possibly, my one true love.  There was no denying that I loved Riley. I just didn’t know if I loved him the way that I had loved Milo. Then, I questioned if I’d ever find that kind of love again.


    As suggested by Minnie, the next day I immediately set out to see that the facts about how I met Riley and how we fell for each other before I realized that he looked identical to Milo were spread amongst the villagers. I emphasized the fact that he had no idea that he looked like Milo and I had no idea what he looked like at all while our love bloomed. It was my hope that our story would bridge the boundaries of the land of witches and make its way into the land of wolves. 

    Since Ida was the ideal witch for gossip spreading, I made it a point to casually run into her.

    Are you pleased to see justice done? Ida asked as she scoped my entire being with her beady black eyes.

    Being turned off by gossips, I’d never really given Ida much attention. Because of this, I’d missed the fact that she was incredibly unappealing to look at.  The beady black eyes that were set too close together over the bridge of a very pronounced and beak-like nose made me think of Melissa.  It wasn’t that they looked alike. It was more the fact that like Ida, Melissa had possessed a difficult face to appreciate.  If I had to utter the cold hard truth about it, she was damned ugly.

    Stifling a shudder from the uncomfortableness of being in the gossipy and very ugly witch’s company, I smiled and said, I am. As I’m sure Meredith is as well.

    Yes, Ida thoughtfully said. I wonder who they will send on mission with her now.

    She’s been without Toby for some time, you know, I offered. He was battling vampires when they cast that spell on him. It’s how he died. His mind was muddled and the vampires got the better of him.

    Yes. Yes, Ida eagerly said. I was so caught up in the actual execution that I forgot about how that poor boy met his demise.

    It’s been a difficult few years for loss to the vampires, I muttered in a sorrowful way as I laid the groundwork for my intended gossip. First we lost Kristen to the vampires, then Milo was killed by them, as was Toby.

    Her expression of eagerness to grasp any gossip that might come her way made me nauseous with resentment and disgust. It took a tremendous amount of effort to keep my true emotions disguised.

    Kristen was the girl who got pregnant by that vampire prince. They took her because of that baby. She was your friend, right?, she asked as her beady eyes expectantly devoured me. Didn’t you get captured by the vampires when you went to try to get her back?

    Realizing that the conversation was in danger of going onto the topic of my time as a captive at the hands of the vampires which was absolutely something I didn’t want anyone to focus on, I quickly did my best to steer it back to the subject of my losses by saying, Milo was killed trying to rescue me. They ripped off his head right in front of me.

    I could have sworn that I heard the cranking of her mind as she worked on formulating the story that she intended to spread on the subject.

    How tragic, she clucked with what I deduced was false sympathy.

    It’s why I went to the human realm to join Toby in the battle against the vampires.  Toby was of the frame of mind that, once we got things under control there, we’d have a better chance of beating them here. The idea was to rid the exterior population so that they’d have no help from relatives or whatever you want to call those in other dimensions when the true battle with the land of vampires came about, I continued. Unfortunately, our efforts to rid that world of the vampires were wasted. We discovered that it was a losing battle as the vampires that we killed were being replaced by vampires sent there by King Edmond. It was like trying to keep washed while wading through mud. Riley and I came back to deal with them on their home ground.  By focusing on their core, we can, hopefully, prevent the replenishing of them on the human realm and little by little reduce their numbers before the battle.

    Cocking her head to one side, she muttered, Riley?

    I believe he was introduced as Marko Whitehouse to everyone as that is his given name, I continued. His middle name is Riley. It’s the one he chose to use as a slayer. With a slow shake of my head, I gave a wry grin and said, You wouldn’t believe how secretive those slayers are about their identity.  Of course, I can’t blame them.  They knew that there was at least one spy amongst them informing the vampires of their activities and identities. Of course, we now know that the spy was Melissa. Because of this, they wore masks.  Imagine that? I was battling vampires alongside people whose faces I didn’t know and who I could walk past on the street and never realize it.  In fact, Riley was so careful about keeping this practice up that I’d gotten to know him and fallen in love with him without having a clue about what he looked like.

    That’s a bit romantic, she sighed.

    With a forceful giggle that I didn’t feel but felt was needed I said, I didn’t think so at the time. Now that I look back at it, I guess you’re right.

    Ida leaned close as she said in a low tone, I saw him from a distance. I could have sworn he was the image of the werewolf fiancé of yours. It was quite scary at first.

    Scary? I said with confusion.

    It’s no secret that there is a small group of witches doing dark spells. Every community has a few bad apples, don’t you know? Since I was aware of the fact that Milo dated a few witches before you came along, it wasn’t too far-fetched to think that some lovesick witch might have used dark magic to raise Milo from the dead, she confessed. Then, someone calmed me down by telling me who he really was.  Doppelgangers aren’t a common occurrence. What are the odds that you’d find Milo’s look alike and fall in love with him?

    Without realizing it, I emphasized.

    Yes. Yes, she thoughtfully said. Such a romantic story. Then, with more animation, she enthusiastically asked, Is he a slayer too? Is that what you said?

    Exactly, I said with a nod. He came back to help deal with the vampires at their core, in the land of vampires.  Minnie says that we have to inform the werewolves of his arrival.

    He’s a werewolf as well as a Milo look alike? she gasped.

    I’m hoping that they will accept him, I pouted.

    Why wouldn’t they? she asked with concern.

    It’s no secret that the land of wolves blames me for Milo’s death, I confessed. People can be so cruel. Between them hating me for the death of their king and then having my new boyfriend also be a wolf who- to add to it all- is Milo’s doppelganger... Well, Minnie’s afraid that they might not believe that I didn’t know what he looked like before we fell in love. She fears that they will suspect that I am up to something against them. Although, I can’t imagine what.

    Placing her boney hand with its long, gnarled fingers and pointy tipped nails on my shoulder with surprising force, she firmly stated, If anyone tries to speak to me of you and your man in a negative manner, I will certainly set them straight.


    Feeling satisfied that Ida would speedily spread my story to as many ears as would listen, I gave it no more thought.  I focused instead on the most effective method that would offer the least repercussions of introducing Riley to the land of wolves. If only they didn’t dislike me so.  It wasn’t just that I hated the idea of being disliked for myself, but it wasn’t fair that Riley’s association with me could mar his ability to blend in with his own kind in this dimension.

    There was also the fact that the land of wolves wasn’t as adamant to see the land of vampires cleared out. Many of them were in cahoots with the vampires for one reason or another. Introducing a Milo doppelganger who was in love with me and a slayer as well might be a difficult thing to get them to accept.

    What happens if the land of wolves rejects him? I asked as I helped Minnie collect some herbs from the forest edge.  Will he have to return to the human realm?

    Is that what he would want to do? she casually asked as she bent low, took a plant between her thumb and forefinger, and studied it closely.

    I know that he originally came because he wasn’t ready to part from me and I haven’t asked him outright, I admitted, but from what I can tell, he wants to stay here. Not just for me, but to deal with Edmond and his vampires at the source. Otherwise, it’s a losing battle for the humans.

    Does he plan on doing it alone? she asked.

    Surprised by what I considered a ridiculous question, I hesitantly replied with, I will be with him, of course.

    You and Riley against the vampires? she said as she released the plant and moved on to the next one.

    Not just us, I began. Then, with undisguised angst, I said, I don’t follow you. You sound like you disapprove of our intentions. Wasn’t it you who helped me teleport to the human dimension to battle alongside Toby? Why, all of the sudden, are you speaking as if you don’t feel confident in my slaying abilities?

    Seemingly unruffled by my obvious annoyance with her, she thoughtfully replied. It’s not that I don’t believe in your abilities, it’s that I don’t think that you and Riley thought this thing out very well. Bringing him here without investigating how things might go for him was rash.  The teleportation for a non-supernatural is far more risky. Had I been aware that he was coming, I would have made different arrangements. There is a way to bring those from the surface plane here in a far less risky way than the one you used. Then, there is the fact that he needs to be introduced to our supernatural world properly."

    He’s a werewolf, like Milo was, I protested. That makes him supernatural.

    Yes, she agreed. Technically it does but it’s a different level of supernatural. The difference between him and the others will be painfully obvious upon meeting them. Unless his vibration is enhanced in some way, they won’t perceive him as supernatural.  If anything, he’ll be a poor excuse for a werewolf copy.

    Truly? I gasped. I was aware that Riley didn’t seem as powerful as Milo had, but I didn’t think that the difference between them was that great. As with humans, we all have different strengths and weaknesses. I thought that a werewolf was a werewolf.

    They are, and they are not, she offered. When he turns, he’ll look just like them. A wolf. It’s just that his strength and energy flow is different. His is in accordance to the human realm, not here.  He will need time to adjust to the vibrations of this reality. In the beginning, he won’t be able to keep up with them with strength and speed. I’m sure that you noticed a difference in yourself after you teleported there.

    I thought for a moment.

    She was right. There had been a definite difference in the magnetic pull when I traveled to the human realm. It took me some time to discover what magic would and wouldn’t work for me until I was able to adjust the vibrational flow of my body accordingly.

    Is there something that we can do to help with this? I asked. It’s bad enough that he will have to deal with his association with me without having to put up with the jeers that I’m sure would come his way because of that.

    I’m searching for the correct herb now, she muttered as she studied yet another strange looking plant. "Wolfsbane is difficult to find in this realm. Most of it was destroyed by the wolves as a precaution.  Had I realized that I’d need it, I would have collected some when I visited you

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