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Beware The Ides of Justice
Beware The Ides of Justice
Beware The Ides of Justice
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Beware The Ides of Justice

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About this ebook

After his daughter is taken from him, Paul Johnson decides to do what the broken justice system will not do. And make criminals pay their debt.


Paul gains help from his brother-in-law and joins a group of people that have suffered similar to himself.

And finds an ally who feels just as he does.


This al

Release dateMay 5, 2023
Beware The Ides of Justice

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    Beware The Ides of Justice - S. P. Tomlinson


    In 44 BC a soothsayer warned Julius Caesar,

    'Beware The Ides of March'.

    Caesar ignored the warning.

    In the Roman calendar, 'The Ides' was a deadline to pay a debt and marked the middle of a month.

    And usually a full moon.

    Most months it was the 13th, but, March, May, July and October it was the 15th.

    A month after the warning, Julius Caesar was assassinated on the 15th of March.

    In Latin, 'Ides' can also mean divide.

    Paul Johnson has had one tragedy in his life as a lot of others have.

    He knew that one was coming, but he will have more.

    One will set him on a path that he would never even thought he would go on.

    That path could bring him closure, but also could bring on another tragedy.

    Lee Jones is what most would call a privileged man.

    Born into a wealthy family and married to a woman he has loved most of his life, until she had an affair with his best friend.

    He thought that would never go out of his mind but he was wrong.

    His following actions would over shadow anything he had experienced in his life.

    After drinking a full bottle of vodka he got into his car started driving around not really going anywhere and not sure why he was doing it.

    The alcohol started to really kick in, he dropped his head for a few seconds, when he recovered he had mounted the pavement and a young girl was right in front of him.

    He went to slam on the brakes but instead pressed down on the accelerator.

    Next thing he knew, was crashing on the other side of the road and then nothing except the image of the girls face.

    Chapter 1

    Paul Johnson, runs his own small cabinet making business, which is doing quite well.

    Sufficed to say it pays the bills and gives him and his daughter, a reasonable standard of living.

    He lives in a three bed semi, in quite a nice area of a typical English town on the outskirts of Nottingham. 

    Along with his Fifteen year old daughter Alison.

    Which he has raised alone, with some help from friends, After his wife, Jane, Alison's mother, passed away 10 years ago from cancer.

    He had paid off the mortgage of the house, from the life insurance of his wife and had a good amount of savings, for Alison’s future.

    Alison seems to be a happy young lady with her whole life to look forward to, and was very much like her mother.

    She was preparing for her last year at school, and planning to go to college and maybe university.

    After the passing of his wife.

    Paul had tried to live, what he considered a normal life, and raise Alison the best he could.

    Most would say, he's doing a pretty good job.

    He has a good but small circle of friends, who all consider him a good and honest man.

    But a day came, that would change his life forever.

    It should have been the same as any other day.

    Monday 10th January 2022.

    Just another normal start to the week, but it will be the last ever normal one.

    Alison finished her breakfast and grabbed her bag for school, Bye dad, see you later, she said.

    Paul was just coming down the stairs, bye see you later, and kisses her forehead.

    Love you, he said as Alison walked out the house.

    Love you too dad, Alison replied.

    She walked alone until meeting her friend Beth, who lived on her way.

    They were both studying for their mock exams later in the year and shared most lessons together.

    Paul tidied up the breakfast mess and then went to his workshop in his back garden to start working on a new project.

    After what was just another average day at school, Alison left her last lesson of the day at 3.30 with Beth, they got to the school gates where they saw another friend, Jenny, they talked for a minute or so and then said their goodbyes.

      And started the walk home chatting constantly as they went.

    Until they got to Beth's house, they finished talking and said see you tomorrow, Alison continued home.

    Paul, was having a productive day and was happy with the progress he had made.

    About 4.30, Paul realised the time, and thought, Alison should be home by now?

    As she would normal come to his workshop, when she got home to say hi, ask him how his day had gone and what was for dinner.

    Maybe she has gone to a friends?

    Which she sometimes did, but usually would let him know.

    He took his mobile phone out of his pocket and called her number, it went straight to voice mail. That’s strange, she never turns her phone off he thought, so he called her best friend Beth.

    After a few rings Beth answered, Hello.

    Hi Beth it's Paul, is Alison still with you?

    Hi Paul, no not now, we left school together and as always she carried on home at my house

    Oh ok. said Paul.

    Is she not back yet? Beth asked.

    No she isn't. Paul replied, Beth went on,

    Oh! maybe she bumped into another friend and started chatting, you know what she's like?

    Maybe? Ok thanks Beth, Paul said he ended the call.

    Paul tried to call again, still no answer, he waited for 30 minutes or so, it was close to 5.30 by now, he tried to called her again, still nothing.

        He was getting a bit worried now, so he called his friend, Jack, who's daughter, Jenny, was another friend of Alison's.

    Hi Jack, it's Paul, has Jenny seen Alison?

    Hi Paul, she probably saw her at school.

    Paul continued, I mean since school finished?

        Oh, ok I'll ask her, There was a few seconds pause, before Jack's voice returned, No Paul, she says she saw her and Beth at the school gates after school but not since, have you spoke to Beth? Jack asked.

    Yes Paul replied, but they parted at Beth's house as normal.

      I'm sure she will be home soon. Jack reassured him.

    Yes I'm sure she will too, ok thanks Jack, will speak soon.

    It was now about 6 o'clock. When there was a knock at his door. He opened the door to find two police officers. Can I help you officers? Paul enquired.

    The officer took a breath. Hello sir, I'm PC Colin, this is PC Pearson, are you Mr. Paul Johnson? He asked.

    I am, how can I help you? answered Paul.

      The officer went on, Alison Johnson's Father?

    Yes, has she been in some kind of trouble?

    Not exactly sir, may we come in? Replied PC Colin.

    Yes or course! Paul led the officers to the lounge, they all sat down.

    Mr. Johnson, the officer paused, There has been an accident, involving your daughter.

    Paul's heart sank,Is she ok?

    Paul could tell by the look on both officers faces, that his daughter was far from being ok.

    Before the officer answered he turned to his colleague, then turned back to Paul.

    Mr. Johnson, your daughter was hit by a car. He took another pause..... And...... I'm sorry to tell you she was instantly killed.

    Paul stayed silent in a state of shock, tears started welling in his eyes,

    Then he felt them just streaming down his face.

    His whole world had just been blown apart.

    We can't tell you anymore details at this time, but can we call someone to be with you?

    Paul didn't answer. Mr. Johnson!

    After a few seconds Paul replied. No, I don't need anyone here.

    Ok, well would you like us to stay with you for awhile? 

    No! Paul snapped, sorry, no thank you.

    Ok, well in your own time, we will need you to come and identify your daughters body.

    Paul said nothing.

    We will leave the details of where to go and what you need to do, I'm so sorry for your loss, we will let ourselves out, and again I'm so sorry to give you this sad news.

    The officers stood up and made their way out.

    Paul sat unable to move for awhile, then looked at the information the officers had left.

    Alison was at the general hospital, he needed to see his daughter.

    He called the hospital and arranged to go and be with his little girl.

    The hospital had to contact the police to let them know Paul was on his way.

    He arrived at the hospital an hour later and found the same two police officers there to escort him.

    They took him to a private room.

    A nurse stood next to a trolley bed in the middle of the room with a blue sheet, covering a body.

    Paul stood beside the bed as the nurse started to pull the sheet down.

    A Thought went through Paul's head.

    Maybe they have made a mistake, and this wasn't my daughter?

    As the sheet was removed, Paul almost collapsed, but just managed to hold himself together.

    After a few seconds, he said, Can I touch her?

    Yes of course, the nurse replied

    He stroked her hair and then put his hand on her cheek, and felt the cold and pale skin of the only thing that made his life worth living, but now she was gone, taken away from him in the blink of an eye.

    After a few minutes, one of the officers that were now standing behind him, asked.

    Sorry Mr. Johnson, but we need to ask, is this your daughter, Alison?

    A few seconds past, for Paul to answer, and in a shaky voice he said.

    Yes... This is my Alison.

    Paul stared at Alison's lifeless body for three, four maybe five minutes, without making a sound, as tears rolled down his cheek. He then looked up at the nurse, Can I stay with her for awhile?

    The nurse in a quiet voice answered.

    Yes of course you can, take as long as you want.

    The two officers and the nurse left the room.

    Paul lifted the side of the sheet, and took the hand of his little girl, again cold and pale.

    He stood holding her hand and didn't want to ever let go...

    After 30 minutes PC Colin came back into the room.

    Sorry Mr. Johnson, but we are going to have to go.

    Paul didn't acknowledge the officer, PC Colin carried on to say, The nurse may want to talk to you before you go.

    Paul still made no sound or any movement, PC Colin bowed his head and left.

    Another hour went by, Paul then gently laid Alison's hand down across her body, Put his hand on her hair and kissed her forehead, and walked to the door, before opening it he looked back.

    Goodbye my darling little girl. He walked out of the room, slowly and quietly closing the door behind him, just as if she was asleep in her bed at home and not wanting to wake her.

    He walked slowly passing a high counter, were the nurse from earlier was standing.

    Mr. Johnson? she called,

    I know it's not quite the right time now, but the Chaplin would like to talk to you sometime, I will give him your number and ask him to call you in the next few days.

    Paul glanced at her, not really hearing what she had just said, then stopped.

    Will you look after her for me? He asked.

    Yes of course I will. she assured him,

    What's your name? Paul asked.

    Penny. She answered.

    Thank you Penny. He said and then slowly  walking out of the hospital.....

    Chapter 2

    Tue/Wed 11/12th Jan

    The next few days, Paul sat in Alison's room.

    In a state of nothingness the only thing in his mind was his daughter.

    He felt like there was no point to his life anymore, the phone rang at least twice an hour, but he didn't answered it, the door bell rang quite a few times, but he couldn't bring himself to leave her room.

    He eventually lost track of time, it was dark outside, and as it was January, it could have been, early evening or early morning, he didn't really know or even care.

    He eventually got up and went downstairs, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, that had been sitting on the shelf for a few years, he took a few gulp’s straight from the bottle, then the thought came to him, to end it right now...

    He went to the cupboard where he kept plasters and tablets and other medical stuff,

    He took out a box of paracetamol and Ibuprofen. He emptied all the tablets on to the kitchen worktop, about twenty or more in total. Would that be enough? He thought.

    He swallowed the tablets one by one, taking a swig of whiskey after each one to swill them down. When all the tablets had gone, he took the bottle of whiskey which was by now half empty, upstairs back into Alison's room and sat back on the bed.

    It didn't take him very long to finish the rest of  whiskey.

    And laid down on the bed and after a while his eyes started to close as he felt the effects of the tablets and whiskey, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

    Thursday 13th Jan.

    The next thing Paul was aware of was the sound and the feeling of being hit over the head with a hammer.

    As he became more conscious, he realised, it was someone knocking hard at the front door.

    Paul managed to drag himself off the bed and made his way downstairs to the door, his head felt like it was about to explode.

    Who is it? he quietly asked.

    Mr. Johnson, it's PC Colin and a friend of yours.

    Paul it's Matt, open the door mate. another voice said.

    Ok just one minute. Paul answered as he looked for the key then remember it was still in the door.

    Paul tried to pull himself together, he unlocked the door and opened it.

    Paul, are you ok mate? Matt asked, Paul didn't reply.

    PC Colin asked Mr. Johnson, may we come in? Paul steps away from the door and allowed them to pass, Matt went to the kitchen saying, I'll put the kettle on.

    Paul and the officer walked into the lounge, and they both sat down.

    "Mr. Johnson, for legal reasons, we were unable to give you more details of Alison's accident before.

    But now I can." Paul said nothing and just sat and listened.

    The driver of the vehicle that hit Alison, was arrested at the scene, he was found to be 10 times over the drink-driving limit, and has been charged.

    Paul was instantly brought back to his senses, So, it wasn't just an accident? He asked.

    Well, yes and no! the officer replied.

    So what happens now?

    Ok, well, the man in question which I can't name at this time again, for legal reason's, has admitted to the chargers put to him, he will now be remanded in custody until the hearing.

    The hearing? Asked Paul surprisingly.

        PC Colin tried explained, "Well, yes, because he has admitted the chargers put to him, there is no need for a trial,

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