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British Society Study: Stone Age Exit Era
British Society Study: Stone Age Exit Era
British Society Study: Stone Age Exit Era
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British Society Study: Stone Age Exit Era

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"British Society Study: Stone Age - Exit Era" delves into the rich tapestry that makes up British history. Not wanting to simply stick to modern narrations, this book opts to capture Britain in various layers of time, starting from the intriguing prehistoric perio

Release dateJun 10, 2024
British Society Study: Stone Age Exit Era

Azhar ul Haque Sario

The author is an accomplished MBA graduate, ACCA (knowledge level), investor, and seasoned research analyst who has pursued part-time courses at Oxford and Cambridge.

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    British Society Study - Azhar ul Haque Sario


    British Society Study

    Stone Age - Exit Era

    Azhar Haque Sario

    Azhar Haque Sario

    Copyright © 2023 Azhar Haque Sario

    Copyright © 2023 by Azhar Haque Sario

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    Published by Azhar Haque Sario

    Cover design by Azhar Haque Sario

    This is your time, dear self. May you always stay determined and steadfast, and never give up on your dreams.


    Title Page



    Author’s Note

    Prehistoric Britain: A foundation for modern society

    The Stone Age and Human Advancement through Technological Developments

    The Bronze Age: Advancements in Metallurgy, Agriculture, and Warfare

    The Significance and Legacy of the Iron Age in Europe

    The Roman Invasion of Britain: A Profound Historical Event with Enduring Impact

    The Roman Empire's Impact on Britain: Infrastructural, Architectural, and Cultural Contributions

    The Roman Influence on British Society: Departure of an Empire, Arrival of a Legacy

    The Norman Conquest: Reshaping Britain's History and Culture

    Feudalism in Medieval Europe: Hierarchy, Obligations, and Impact on Governance and Economy

    The Impact of the Black Death on British Society: A Devastating Catastrophe That Shaped the Nation

    The Hundred Years' War: A Transformative Conflict That Shaped British History and Beyond

    The Influence of Industrialization on Society and the Natural World

    The First World War: A Devastating and Historical Event with Profound Global Impacts

    The Impact and Significance of World War II on the World

    The Impact of United Kingdom's Formation and Governmental System

    Celebrating the Richness of British Culture and Traditions

    The Establishment of Christianity in Britain: A Historical Overview

    The Magna Carta: A Cornerstone of Modern Democracy and the Rule of Law

    The Tudor Dynasty: Strong Rulers and Cultural Renaissance

    British Colonialism: Expansion, Dominance, and Consequences

    The Suffrage Movement: Women's Fight for Equality and Voting Rights in Britain

    The Beatles: British Music Legends Who Transformed Global Culture Forever

    The Role and Significance of the Monarchy in Modern Britain

    The Thatcher Era: Transformative Impact on British Politics, Society, and Economy

    Multiculturalism in Britain: A Rich and Diverse History Shaped by Different Cultures and Ethnicities

    Brexit: A Historic Event with Far-Reaching Consequences for the UK and the EU

    About the Author

    About the Publisher

    About The Author

    Author’s Note

    Dear Readers,

    I am pleased to present my latest work, British Society Study: Stone Age - Exit Era This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the rich and diverse history of Britain, from its prehistoric foundation to the modern day.

    Through chapters on topics such as the Roman invasion, feudalism, industrialization, and the suffrage movement, readers will gain insights into the key events, people, and cultural developments that have shaped British society.

    I have taken great care to ensure accuracy and depth of research while also presenting the information in a clear and accessible style. As the author, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion for history with you.

    Best regards,

    Azhar Haque Sario

    Prehistoric Britain: A foundation for modern society

    The prehistoric period in Great Britain refers to a time before written records existed, with three major periods identified as the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. During the Stone Age, people lived in small clans relying on hunting and gathering for survival. They created simple shelters using natural materials such as sticks, leaves, and animal skins. In time, the Bronze Age arrived. It relied on the use of metal tools and weapons, with bronze being created by combining copper and tin. The arrival of metalworking in Britain was a significant advancement, increasing the efficiency and productivity of society. People began to live in organized communities, developing various trades like farming and blacksmithing.

    The Iron Age was a period of significant change in Britain, marked by the arrival of iron and new tools. This era saw the development of more sophisticated technologies such as the plow and loom. Society became more complex, with people building hill forts and developing complex social hierarchies. The Celts were among the most notable tribes that roamed Britain during the Iron Age. They went on to have a significant impact on British culture and language. The prehistoric period in Britain covered over three thousand years and from an archaeological perspective, can be challenging to study because there are no written records.

    To study this era, we rely on archaeological evidence such as pottery, burial sites, and tools, which give insights into these early societies. Despite the patchy historical records, we can understand the prehistoric period's significance in shaping British history, laying the foundation for modern Britain. Studies show that its influence has shaped life throughout Britain and to the present day.

    The Stone Age period was characterized by nomadic living of small clans who relied on hunting and gathering, mainly for sustenance. People created rudimentary shelters from local resources like tree branches, leaves, and animal hides. There was little evidence

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