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P-King Word Prompts
P-King Word Prompts
P-King Word Prompts
Ebook85 pages22 minutes

P-King Word Prompts

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About this ebook

Prerogative to abstain; ignorance

Planchette to woo ; resilience

Plummet to whistle ; silence

Pragmatic to blame; braggart


Prerogative is an exclusive right or privilege.

Planchette is a plank or piece of paper to facilitate automatic writing.

Plummet is a deep dive fall.


PublisherPoets Choice
Release dateApr 17, 2024
P-King Word Prompts

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    Book preview

    P-King Word Prompts - MJ Liu

    All Rights Reserved

    Published by

    Poets Choice Publication

    First Edition May 2024

    A special thank you to:

    Catalina Acebal-Acevedo, MJ Liu, Derek Lantz, Rachel Hoffman, Grady Boris

    Cover Design by Koni Deraz, Germany

    Edited by Kaneez Zehra Razavi, India

    Book Design by Adil Ilyas, Pakistan

    Countries Connected : Cutting Borders :-

    Price: $ 30

    ISBN: 978-81-972256-5-9

    BCID: 074-17210192



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