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Demon Dreams: A Brothers Best Friend Fated Mates Paranormal Romance
Demon Dreams: A Brothers Best Friend Fated Mates Paranormal Romance
Demon Dreams: A Brothers Best Friend Fated Mates Paranormal Romance
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Demon Dreams: A Brothers Best Friend Fated Mates Paranormal Romance

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A monster secret, a forbidden romance and a stormy night that changes everything


Ditching my city job to follow my dream as an artist was the plan I'd been looking forward to. Until the storm. With no car and no way home, I'm all alone in the wilderness.

And then, Drake. Tall, brooding, and sinfully sexy, he isn't just my long-term crush, he's my brother's best friend and my new knight in drenched denim.

Sharing the night in an eerie farmhouse means a single bed together. Sharing the night means we're closer than ever. Sharing the night together means secrets find a way to reveal themselves.

Drake isn't just my brother's best friend. He's a demon banished here from another realm.

And he tells me I'm his fated mate.

PublisherLara Roth
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Demon Dreams: A Brothers Best Friend Fated Mates Paranormal Romance

Lara Roth

I hail from the rolling green hills of Ireland, and I've got a soft spot for sci-fi romance, fantasy romance and anything where the love interest is a little bit monstery - all with a hearty helping of some spicy romance of course! So, if you're on the hunt for steamy sci-fi romance novels, heart-pounding fantasy romance books, or tantalizing monster romance stories that take you to incredible new worlds, then you're in the right place! When I'm not busy dreaming up my next otherworldly romance, I'm likely binging the latest genre show, (trying to) good-naturedly accept defeat in a board game with my hubby, or engaged in a stare-off with my devilishly smart, adorable puppy (if you're on my newsletter you will hear all about his antics!). There's something about a rainy Irish day that just makes for the best writing weather. My love for sci-fi, fantasy, and monsters doesn't just fuel my pastime, it's the heartbeat behind every word I write. So, if you spot me daydreaming on a drizzly afternoon, it's a good bet I'm crafting a new romance tale and I can't wait to take you along on these thrilling, steamy and adventure-filled journeys.

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    Demon Dreams - Lara Roth



    5 years ago

    I’m banned from affection because I am a half-demon, but I can’t resist the opportunity to see a succubus orgy. Their nightly orgy is supposed to replenish their power. It’s forbidden for lesser demons like me to engage with succubi, but I want to witness the connections and affection I can’t have for myself. While I have a chance to see it for myself, I can’t deny the curiosity of my human side. The prospect of what I might see makes me lick my lips as my cock engorges.

    I glance back at the battle encampment, my heart racing as I scan the shadows for any sign of movement. Four bonfires blaze in the corners of the camp, and their flames illuminate the barriers and vegetation that form our fortifications. I can feel the heat of their embers on my skin, and the acrid smell of smoke stings my nose as I pass the bonfire furthest from General Azzadul’s tent. I slip into the trees. The flicker of the fires casts a dancing pattern of light and shadow over the leaves, animating the forest floor.

    In the distance, the raucous sounds of my supposed demon-kin feasting on celebratory roasted meat and hearty bread reverberate through the Cubare Forest. This is the last night before our war-band moves to the next location for General Azzadul’s war campaign. Our leader is Azzadul the Annihilator. The Demon Lord of Voidheim is relentless in his pursuit of power and conquest. He commands his armies of darkness with an iron fist; his name alone striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

    The sharp tang of cooking meat mixed with the earthy aroma of the forest makes my stomach growl, reminding me I’m supposed to be on latrine duty—again. Another punishment for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But really, it’s just because I’m at the bottom of the food chain in this hellscape. If you’re going to sneak out, Drake, it’s now or never.

    Running my hands over the rough texture of my leather armor, I adjust the straps and ensure everything is set. The Cubare Forest is a dangerous location, and I need to be ready for anything which may come my way. I draw my sword and examine the blade, the cool metal glinting in the dim light. I have sharpened it to a razor’s edge, ready to cleave through flesh and bone, but I don’t expect I’ll need to.

    My eyes flicker down to my pouch of supplies, the weight of it reassuring against my side. Inside, I have some rations to sustain me on my journey, as well as a vial of Void Venom—the only poison known to be deadly to the creatures born of the Void who created this realm. I got it through less than honorable means, stealing it from a seraphim mage during our last battle. I know I should have handed over all of my loot to Azzadul, but I prefer to stay as far away from him as possible, although he always seems to appear out of nowhere.

    As I step out into the darkness of the forest, I take a deep breath and steel myself for what lies ahead. The sounds of my demon-kin’s revelry fade into the distance. All around me, the trees loom tall and dark, their gnarled roots jutting up from the earth like the twisted fingers of long-dead giants. The rustling of leaves in the wind is the only constant sound, occasionally broken by the hoot of a Shadowing Owl, whose eyes seem to follow me from the darkness.

    The air grows cooler and damp as I move nearer to the succubi settlement. In the middle of the woodland, the fragrance of moss and decay is heavy in my nostrils, and a mist rises from the forest floor, obscuring my view. It’s now or never, I repeat to myself, my pulse pounding in my ears.

    I scurry through the muck, keeping my head down, hoping to stay hidden. I realize that, if I am discovered by anyone, it could mean serious consequences from Demon Lord Azzadul.

    A few steps more, and I catch sight of the succubi settlement. A tightness grips my stomach, and my palms grow clammy. The forbidden allure of their debauchery courses through me, sending a shiver down my back. Heat spreads through my body, rising to my cheeks, and my pulse quickens with each step.

    I imagine the rush of satisfaction, the overwhelming euphoria of being a voyeur to the surrender of their seductive ways. I imagine being held rather than beaten and experiencing a gentle caress instead of a brutal choke. The thought thrills me to the core. What must it be like to be enveloped in their embrace, to appreciate their soft skin against mine, to experience pleasure instead of pain?

    The thought of the succubi orgy has my mind reeling as I travel closer to their settlement. To witness such raw, unbridled passion firsthand is something that all demon-kin secretly crave. All demons of Voidheim are prohibited from experiencing any such warmth. They see emotions like love and attachment as a sign of weakness and believe that such feelings interfere with their duties and responsibilities, and as such, they are suppressed at all costs. But to see tenderness and love intermingled with lust, to witness the way the succubi allegedly care for and cherish one another in the throes of ecstasy, is something that all demon-kin are taught to avoid at any cost. Even as a half-demon, I am expected to remain detached and focused on my duties. But as a human, I long for the warmth and tenderness the succubi so effortlessly embody, creating a constant struggle within me.

    Finally, I arrive. The settlement is a collection of large, intricately designed tree houses and huts, adorned with exotic and sensual decor and surrounded by lush vegetation and glowing plants that provide an otherworldly aura to the place. As I step closer, I hear the quiet whispers of their voices and the rustling of their wings.

    My body tenses with anticipation, knowing that I am on the brink of experiencing the succubi’s fabled pleasures. And then, as if summoned by my thoughts, a succubus appears before me, her dark pink eyes smoldering with desire, and her wings unfurled in a show of dominance.

    What brings you here, half-demon? she purrs, her voice like velvet. The succubus tilts her head, studying me from top to bottom. I can sense her gaze lingering on my horns, my tail, and lack of wings.

    I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly dry. I came to witness your magic, I say, my voice trembling slightly. Not just the pleasures of the flesh, but the tenderness and affection that I have heard you are capable of. My heart beats faster as I admit my deepest desire, hoping that she will understand and grant me what I seek.

    The succubus smiles, her eyes glinting with amusement. A jolt of excitement shoots through me, and I can’t help but feel drawn to her.

    Then follow me. She beckons me with a flick of her wing.

    I hesitate, acutely aware of the repercussions if I am detected. Forgive me, I whisper. I shouldn’t have come. Please don’t report me to the Demon Lord.

    The succubus cocks her head, considering me for a moment. You’re not like the other demons of Voidheim, she says finally. There’s something different about you. I can sense it’s not just because you’re a half-breed. She pauses, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips. And I must admit, I find it intriguing.

    She leans closer to me, her breath hot against my skin. I’m feeling generous today, she murmurs. So I’ll let you stay. But be careful. My friends are not as open-minded as I am. If they catch you, you’ll regret it.

    With a wink and a swish of her hips, she sashays away, leaving me breathless and dizzy. I can’t believe she has given me permission to witness their magic firsthand. The thrill of anticipation is almost too much to bear.

    I sink deeper into the foliage, hiding in the shadows of the forest as I watch the orgy unfold. Six of them are caught up in a collective revelry, their naked bodies writhing in pleasure. The sight fills me with a deep longing, a yearning for something I will never have—the simple pleasures of love and belonging.

    The hushed conversations, occasional laughter, and soft music drifting from the succubi’s orgy intensifies my yearning to join them. The invitation beckons me, tempting me to shed my inhibitions and indulge in the pleasures before me. Yet the reality of my existence looms in my mind; I am only destined for a life of punishment and isolation. I scan my surroundings, remaining wary of any looming threat.

    Hiding behind the bushes, my mind races with a mixture of fear and excitement as I behold the succubi indulging in their pleasures. Envy and despair consume me as I long for a more human and authentic experience. I remain hidden, torn between my yearning and my need to remain in the shadows and watch.

    The succubi are entangled in a passionate embrace, their bodies intertwined in unrestrained pleasure as they explore each other with fervor. Their serpent tongues taste the air with each movement, flicking in and out of each other’s mouths like pink whips.

    I watch from the shadows as the succubi move in perfect synchronicity. Their hips and torsos undulate to an unheard rhythm, their pink eyes bright with desire. A gentle glow illuminates their dark pink scales, which shimmer and glisten in the low light.

    My breath catches in my throat as I take in the strange yet alluring sight. The succubi’s musky scent hangs heavy in the air, sending shivers down my spine and exciting my primal urges. My cheeks flush with heat as I imagine myself there with them.

    Their half-naked bodies writhe with seduction and temptation, their charms and wiles enticing me with an uncontrollable desire for their connection. The sweet, melodic sounds of joy fill the air, each moan and whisper a beautiful overture tempting me into the fray.

    My desire grows stronger as I long to run my hands over the succubi’s cool scales and feel the warmth of their skin. I lick my dry lips, unsure if this thirst is a result of their power or my longing.

    I’m so preoccupied with the vision before me, I am oblivious to the looming danger creeping up behind me. Suddenly, a voice cuts through the darkness like a blade.

    Well, well, well, if it isn’t the filthy half-breed, Drake. You’re a long way from home, boy.

    My breath catches in my throat as the hooded figure approaches, his footsteps thudding against the ground like the beat of a war drum. I try to back away, but my legs feel heavy, as if encased in lead. Demon Lord Azzadul’s piercing red eyes glow brighter and his smile more wicked as he moves closer, and a shiver runs down my spine as a wave of dark magic emanates from him.

    His towering figure looms over me, engulfing me in its massive shadow. I hear the rasp of his breath, feel the intense heat emanating from his scaled skin, and see the sharp tip of his spear glimmering in the dim light. The malice emanating from him is so pungent, I can almost taste it on my tongue.

    You dare to defy me? he roars, his voice echoing through the forest. You’re nothing but a lowly mongrel, and I’ll enjoy watching you writhe in agony as I punish you for your disobedience.

    Azzadul snarls, his visage twisting into a vicious mask as he moves closer within my line of sight. His hulking silhouette, draped in crude armor and wielding a brutal-looking mace, towers over me. As Demon Lord, his physical stature is impressive, even to demons. A muscled brute with the head of a bull and horns that spiral up and curl over his temples. A row of sharp teeth frames his snout, his fat lips flecked with spittle, and his skin is a sea of black scales that practically glitter in the moonlight. His thick muscles bulge with each movement he makes toward me.

    A fearsome chill creeps up my spine and prickles over my skin as a wicked web of dark magic tugs and pulls me like a marionette, paralyzing me with fear. The sight and sound of the debauched orgy fades into the background as a cold sweat engulfs me, my muscles locked in terror.

    I try to speak, to explain, to ask for mercy, but my tongue feels thick and useless in my mouth. I am trapped, helpless prey in the clutches of a predator, and I can only wait for the inevitable strike.

    "Please, I

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